Today at the Editor’s glance: The Flagler Beach Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the City Commission to study the feasibility of continuing July 4 fireworks, and the event’s effect on local businesses, meets at 9 a.m. at City Hall. Palm Coast’s quarterly animal control hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. at City Hall. 160 Lake Avenue, Palm Coast. The hearing usually features dozens of animal control cases. The Flagler County School Board meets at 3 p.m. in workshop to go over the items on its upcoming school board meeting two weeks hence. The board meets in the training room on the third floor of the Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell. The board will discuss adoption of its strategic plan, which became controversial when the administration, with the board’s backing, dropped the word “equity” from the plan. Now, a school board member who had gone along with the change wants to revisit the issue. The developer of Eagle Lakes, a more-than-600 acre projected development on Old Kings Road south of Bulow Plantation is hosting a neighborhood meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn in Palm Coast at 6 p.m. to outline the development’s scope. The developer can now develop 725 housing units but [plans an expansion to 1,193, in two areas, the north area being market-driven housing, the southern area being age-restricted housing on smaller lots. Part of the proposal requires a rezoning and a land-use change. Part of it is already platted for around 115 homes. The proposal is by Venture 8, represented by attorney Michael Chiumento. It is set to go through Flagler County government’s regulatory steps, is drawing opposition from a group called Neighborhoods United, which has circulated some inaccurate information: “Three years ago, the developer withdrew the plans after they were unable to put together the necessary Town Hall meeting to address the opposition as required by Flagler County code,” the group said. In fact, the neighborhood meeting is not required by county regulation. Only Palm Coast requires such neighborhood meetings. The Palm Coast City Council meets at 6 p.m. at City Hall. “All Things Christmas” Sale at Santa Maria Del Mar Catholic Church, 915 N Central Ave, Flagler Beach, continues today through Wednesday. All proceeds will support the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Santa Maria del Mar Conference, with charitable activities helping support the needy in Flagler County.
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Flagler County Commission Workshop
Palm Coast City Council Workshop
Community Traffic Safety Team Meeting
Women’s Palm Coast Open, a USTA Pro Circuit Event
St. Johns River Water Management District Meeting
Flagler County School Board Workshop: Agenda Items
Flagler County’s Cold-Weather Shelter Opens
Flagler Beach Library Book Club
Flagler County Planning Board Meeting
Random Acts of Insanity Standup Comedy
Contractor Review Board Meeting
Flagler County’s Technical Review Committee Meeting
Tourist Development Council Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
For the full calendar, go here.
“I appreciate my friend from Texas making the distinction between football and futball. I was not casting any aspersions on anybody’s pronunciation. But in the resolution it is spelled f-o-o-t, football, and I think it is important that for all of those young people out there, who some day hope to play real football, where you throw it and kick it and run with it and put it in your hands, a distinction should be made that football is democratic, capitalism, whereas soccer is a European socialist-I am going to have to revise and extend my remarks. I do not think I want to leave this on the RECORD. I get a kick out of the comments of the gentleman from Texas. I do not think you have to worry that the U.S. Government is going to force the International Association to hold the World Cup in this country. With all due respect, there is competition.”
–U.S. Rep. Jack Kemp, speaking on the House floor, May 3, 1983. See the full debate as recorded in the Congressional Record.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Concerning the cartoon,
Just as religion was hijacked by politicians, so has science.
Nothing new under the sun…