Today at the editor’s glance: Palm Coast can use a day off from its self-inflicted blares and circuses. Tour de France: Stage 14, from Carcassonne to Quillan, a hilly 184 km through awe-inspiring country, including the Col de Montsegur, as close as a French rock formation comes to Wyoming’s Devils Tower. The tour then goes through Montsegur itself, famous for its Cathar past: the French genocide of the Cathars is one of the grimmest parts of French history–of Catholic history, and Catholic massacres–the Cathars having been an esoteric, if more enlightened, derivation of Christianity, and Catholics being then as for most of their history in thrall to bloodletting. As the Tour’s site describes it: “The Cathar religion crystallized in the 11th century around a desire to return to the Christian sources. Detached from the goods of this world, the Cathars followed the model of the apostles and rejected the Roman Church, its appetite for power and holy war. Their ideas found a resounding echo and by the end of the 12th century had spread to all the Occitan counties. In 1208, the Pope launched a crusade against those heretics who dared to challenge Rome. The south-west was put to fire and blood. The tragedy culminated in Montsegur in 1243. A large crusading army surrounded the fortified village, where 500 heretics stood up to an army of 6,000 men. Despite cold and hunger, deadly battles and betrayals, the besieged held out for almost a year. At the end of their strength, they surrendered in March 1244: 225 Cathars, around their bishops, refused to recant their faith and were burnt alive at the foot of the fortress. In 1321-1330, the last Cathars were exterminated and the greater Occitania region was annexed by the kingdom of France. It was the end of an epic that had lasted three centuries.”
Vaccinations: Appointments for the Pfizer-only clinic at the health department are preferred, but walk-ins will be accepted. Please call 386-437-7350 ext. 0 for scheduling or questions. June 25, 2021. Eighteen pharmacies in Flagler County offer COVID-19 vaccinations, and 12 of these offer Pfizer, which is approved for individuals ages 12 and over. The health department will offer COVID-19 testing on Friday, July 2 between 2:30 and 3:30PM at its main office, 301 Dr. Carter Blvd.in Bunnell. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination and testing efforts, please visit https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/.
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
March 2025
Free For All Fridays With Host David Ayres on WNZF
Friday Blue Forum
‘Violet’ at City Repertory Theatre
Flagler Beach Farmers Market
Coffee With Flagler Beach Commission Chair Scott Spradley
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
Flagler Wellness Expo
Warbirds Over Flagler Fly-In
Gamble Jam at Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area
‘Violet’ at City Repertory Theatre
ESL Bible Studies for Intermediate and Advanced Students
Warbirds Over Flagler Fly-In
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village
Al-Anon Family Groups
For the full calendar, go here.

“My father always said that he’d never wanted to be a physician at an insane asylum, because if one commits to working with the insane, one ends up surely becoming it. It’s all the same. The more we worry about imbeciles, the more danger of becoming one oneself.” (“Mon père répétait toujours qu’il n’aurait jamais voulu être médecin d’un hospital de fous, parce que si l’on travaille sérieusement la folie, on finit parfaitement bien par la gagner. Il en est de meme de tout cela. À force de nous inquiéter des imbéciles, il y a danger de le devenir sois-même.”)
–Flaubert, in a letter to Louise Colet, June 28, 2853.
AndSoItGoes says
Some of us have extreme allergies to the ingredients in Moderna and Pfizer and can’t take J&J or AZ because of a platelet issue. If I were to take any of the available vaccines my chances of dying are the same as contracting covid. I have to wait for Novavax. It should be coming in late Q3 or early Q4. Other people I know with compromised immune systems received zero antibodies from Moderna and Pfizer (yes, under doctor advice they had their antibodies checked, and when one didn’t produce any, their doctor told them to take the other and had the same issue). They are now taking the J&J and crossing their fingers for some antibodies. They have little confidence it’ll produce any because of the autoimmune issue they have.
I know this cartoon is about vaccine refusal but there are many of us that have health issues that cannot take the current vaccines and need to wait for a specific vaccine. They are safe, for most people, but for some they produce no antibody response or can do more harm. And no, I will not take a vaccine to make anyone else happy if my chance of dying from it is greater than 50%. I’m not leaving my house. When I do for appointments, I’m double masked, and I use this nano nasal stuff and nano hand sanitizer-both proven to disrupt all the covid variants.
The constant screaming, “Get vaccinated,” is all well and good and believe me, I want to, I do very much but my body, my conditions, I have to wait for the right vaccine. It’s been this way my entire life with vaccinations. I get what I can and do my best. Novavax will arrive soon and when it does, I’ll be first in line.
Pogo says
@Today’s quote immediately reminded me of many others — including:
“That’s some catch, that Catch-22,’ he observed.
‘It’s the best there is,’ Doc Daneeka agreed.
Yossarian saw it clearly in all its spinning reasonableness. There was an elliptical precision about its perfect pairs of parts that was graceful and shocking, like good modern art, and at times Yossarian wasn’t quite sure that he saw it at all, just the way he was never quite sure about good modern art…”
― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
And so it has always gone.
Local says
I find the cartoon extremely offensive …
Just because we don’t volunteer to be lab rats has nothing to do with liberals…why are they trying so hard to get everyone to take it? They have even started a lottery for new people being vaccinated . 1 MIL per week for 5 weeks to entice people to get the jab….forget which state.