Today at the Editor’s glance: In Court: Circuit Court Judge Terence Perkins hears a plea from Joey Renn, the 22-year-old man facing a charge of vehicular homicide in the death of 14-year-old Logan Goodman, a student at Indian Trails Middle School, in the Woodlands last year. Goodman was riding the motorcycle Renn was speeding on when Renn lost control and struck a utility pole on Jan. 23, 2020 on Blare Castle Drive. The case had been headed for trial. Renn is represented by Jeffrey Higgins. Perkins later in the morning will hold Drug Court.
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Free For All Fridays With Host David Ayres on WNZF
Friday Blue Forum
Flagler Outreach Brings Social Service Providers to Cattleman’s Hall
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Coffee With Flagler Beach Commission Chair Scott Spradley
Flagler Beach Farmers Market
Democratic Women’s Club
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Random Acts of Insanity’s Roundup of Standups from Around Central Florida
For the full calendar, go here.

“My father despises cats. He believes them to be Democrats. He considers them to be little mean hillary clintons covered all over with feminist legfur. Cats would have abortions, if given half a chance. Cats would have abortions for fun. Consequently our own soft sinner, a soulful snowshoe named Alice, will stay shut in the bedroom upstairs, padding back and forth on cashmere paws, campaigning for equal pay, educating me about my reproductive options, and generally plotting the downfall of all men.”
–Patricia Lockwood, from “Priestdaddy” (2017).
The Geode says
STILL with the “Trump” rhetoric? How about we try to figure out what the current President and his administration are doing instead of finding ways to invoke the past President? This country is WORSE than it was a couple of years ago. We can’t afford gas or food, inflation is gutting us, the border is out of control, the supply chain is chaotic, certain neighborhoods practice genocide on a daily basis (which is going to change because it’s no longer contained “inside the box”), crime is through the stratosphere, and political correctness is “over-corrected”. But yeah, …let’s talk about a guy who ain’t got nothin’ to do with nothin’…
LetsBeReal says
What is really funny is they don’t like offending Joe Biden flags/signs, Trump’s mean tweets and name calling, but call us cult members, ignorant, brainwashed by Fox News, floriduh Republicans, fugitives from mental health, subjugated intellect, zombie cult members. Talking about hypocrites and bigots.
On a side note Joe Biden once again referred to Kamala Harris as President during a graduation speech at South Carolina State University.
Ray W. says
LetsBeReal, I am reminded by a portion of your comment of a discussion I had with a neuropsychologist who had evaluated an elderly client who had difficulty remembering what exactly had happened at the time she shot her husband. As a layperson in the field of the inner workings of the brain, I strongly suspected some form of dementia. The neuropsychologist opined that my client did not present with valid symptoms of dementia. As we talked further about the evaluation, the neuropsychologist suggested a very simple explanation: “Ray, she had a 76-year-old brain. It isn’t an 18-year-old brain.”
After that discussion, every time I heard a blurb about Trump stumbling over words or mispronouncing words or slurring words, or misstating facts, I thought about Dr. Cannon’s simple explanation. I suggest you do so, too. After all, you utilize the pseudonym of LetsBeReal. I know you can do better than you do in this comment. I expect better of you in the future.
As an aside, I learned a long time ago that the ordinary juror has an average attention span of about 90 seconds, after which thoughts begin to wander. An appropriately placed mispronunciation of a name or the removal of my glasses for effect during closing argument would snap all the jurors back into attention whenever I wanted to make an important point. And I also learned long ago that when an attorney starts off strong in his closing argument, the jurors expect the attorney to stay strong throughout the entire closing. I would intentionally stumble and wander until I was ready to hit the strongest points. Then, my voice would change in pitch and tenor. Those 90 seconds were important to me. Finally, I also knew that I could get ahead of myself and stumble over words during a long closing argument, so I began focusing on the pauses, not on the words. I accepted the idea that I already knew how to pronounce the words as I had said each of them thousands of times over a lifetime. When I started focusing on the pauses, I stopped stumbling over words. Mr. Tristam has watched me in action a number of times over the years. I suspect he spotted certain of my techniques during those arguments.
Again, I expect better of you in the future. You know better. Live up to your pseudonym.
LetsBeReal says
Ray you may hate Trump, but the truth is Joe Biden has cognitive issues. Everybody sees it. Maybe because of his age or two brain aneurysms in the past. Joe Biden is way worst when it comes to mispronouncing words or slurring words, or misstating facts. You know it and the world knows it.
The naming calling above is direct words (quotes) from commentators on FlaglerLive. I would expect better from those commentators, but that’s not going to happen because they double down with comments like if the shoe fits.
Ray W. says
LetsBeReal, you miss the point entirely.
I used the example of an elderly client who clearly, at least to me, presented with what I considered dementia-related cognitive issues. I watched video of her interrogations. I read her letters written to various people from jail that were intercepted and given to the State. I reviewed the discovery materials. I repeatedly personally interviewed her. After three decades of experience with representing and prosecuting people who appeared to have organic brain dysfunction of one type or another, I originally believed my client had similar issues. The neuropsychologist set me straight.
You answered my comment by insisting yet again that President Biden presents with cognitive issues. You have yet to point to any cognitive testing results that are appropriate for a person of President Biden’s age for a neuropsychologist to interpret as proof of cognitive issues. Until you have that type of proof, you are no better than any other partisan observer in deducing organic brain disorders from afar and, perhaps, you are far less qualified than me in this area and I just don’t see what you claim to see, but only because from what little I know about you, it appears that I have been educated by people far more experienced in the field of cognitive disorders than you ever will be. I accept that I might be wrong on this limited point and await the proof.
I can tell from some of your other comments that you are better than you present in this exchange, which is why I expect better from you.
I referenced three different coping mechanisms that I use in different speaking situations that might be interpreted by laypeople such as you as signs that I have cognitive issues, such as stumbling over words, misspeaking, mispronouncing names, etc.
As far as Trump goes, I have never claimed he suffered from a particular cognitive issue, other than the obvious one based on the fact that he is old, too. Indeed, the old joke about CRS disease might be apropos at this point of my reply. Of course, CRS disease is applicable to me, too, as I am almost 65. Instead, I have repeatedly asserted that much of what Trump did or is currently doing is centered on persuading the gullible to give him money and power. Dismantling a democracy is nothing more than an externality to the main thrust of his calculations. A repetitive theme of many of my comments is that our founding fathers hoped that our experiment in a liberal democratic Constitutional republic would foster men (and women) of virtue, but our founding fathers also greatly feared mob rule, which is why they insisted on putting checks and balances on every power delegated to anyone who, in the future, would present as willing to swear an oath to exercise either executive, legislative or judicial powers. I have repeatedly pointed to a letter written by Melancton Smith, an anti-federalist who railed against passage of the proposed Constitution. Smith opined that the common working man did not form associations as easily as did individuals who belong to one or more of four elite classes of individuals: the military class, political class, mercantile class, or the wealthy landowning class. Smith asserted that members of those four classes more easily form associations that would aid in their efforts to gain control of a government formed by the proposed Constitution. Smith also warned that some of the language in the proposed Constitution was likely to permit the rise to power of a person belonging to one of the four elite classes, a person who could appeal to members of the working class. He warned that such a person, most likely from the wealthiest classes, would likely be a demagogue who would say anything to bind the working class together behind him. Such a prescient thing to write over 230 years ago.
As an aside, have you factored into your belief system the 0ld articles that established that President Biden, as a child, presented to his teachers with a speech impediment, stuttering? Many young people develop coping mechanisms to deal with the effects of such speech impediments, some more successfully so than others, but stuttering can be a life-long condition. If you already knew of this childhood condition and you continue to think stumbling over words and other stuttering-related gaffs is evidence of cognitive issues without appropriate and relevant proof, shame on you. But, as you write in your answer, maybe my efforts are wasted on you because you will double down on your claims, no matter what.
I did not comment on The Geode’s post because I do not expect better of him. You present as a different kind of person. I will continue to expect better of you until you prove me wrong. Maybe I am the only commenter who sees that potential in you. Then again, maybe I am the only one who is right on this issue.
LetsBeReal says
Joe Biden refuses to get a cognitive test so how am I or anybody going to prove it. I had a mother with dementia and seen the signs of dementia. I also had a friend in Georgia with dementia. They know that if they gave him a cognitive test that he would have failed miserably, and then they would have had to explain that away somehow. Trump submitted to a cognitive test in 2018, and passed it, after a “relentless push” by people on the left to address his mental capabilities. Even some Democrats are questioning his mental capability. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see Joe Biden has mental issues.
We all know about Joe Biden’s speech impediment, stuttering. But, this is beyond stuttering. You can look at videos of Biden speeches from years past and there is a considerable difference. He is strong, articulate, well-spoken, eloquent, forceful, etc. It is like night and day.
Pogo says
@Ray W.
Have you considered the possibility that you are dealing with, in this case, plain and ordinary bad faith and double talk?
Anyway, happy holidays.
If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.
— C. S. Lewis
Sherry says
Only wear the shoe if it fits. . . . . . If it does, then some serious self examination would be of great benefit to you, and to our entire Democracy and society. Find those better angels. Let “honesty’, “ethics”, “integrity”, “kindness”, “compassion”, “literacy”, “equality”, “The Golden Rule”, etc. guide your every day life. Otherwise, be prepared to be called out for the subjugation of your intellect, and for your fear and hate. It really is that simple.
Happiest of Holidays Everyone!