Today at the Editor’s glance: Join Community Cats of Palm Coast to celebrate the official Grand Opening of its adoption center and thrift store from noon to 4 p.m. in the Alamo Business Center, 4500 N. Hwy US1, just north of Whiteview Pkwy. There will be food, music, games with prizes, raffles, tours of the adoption center and volunteer sign up. Admission is free. The event is outside of the facility. The opening of the adoption center is a milestone for the organization and for the homeless cats of Flagler County, so it’s a celebration. See also: “Community Cats Opens Bigger Thrift Store in Bunnell to Pay for New Adoption Facility.” Caution: it’s Biketoberfest in Daytona Beach and environs. Dictionary Day? Yes, today is “Dictionary Day,” in honor of the birth of Noah Webster, the lexicographer after whom the country’s most famous dictionary is named. But before you go celebrating with an acrostic or a taunt of the OED, keep in mind that Webster’s designs were not entirely innocent, and that he was not a champion of language, but rather its Mussolini: Webster, Bill Bryson reminds us in The Mother Tongue, “produced a sanitized version of the Bible in which Onan doesn’t spill his seed but simply frustrates his purpose,” in which men don’t have testicles but rather “peculiar members,” and in which women don’t have wombs (or evidently anything else with which to contribute to the reproductive process).” He had his good sides. He was opposed to standing armies–and made his opinions known during the debates on the Constitution before its adoption. But he was also among the white supremacists of his day: “An immediate abolition of slavery would bring ruin upon the whites, and misery upon the blacks, in the southern states,” he wrote.
The University of Florida is conducting an on-line survey on behalf of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to learn more about the use of disposable plastic bags, auxiliary materials and wrappings by Florida residents. The study’s principal investigator is Dr. Tim Townsend from UF and the Sustainable Materials Management Research Laboratory. The survey will be administered on-line using Qualtrics from mid-September 2021 until October 31st, 2021. If you are able to participate in this very important, please visit this link below. Survey link: https://faculty.eng.ufl.edu/timothy-townsend/survey/ … This survey is available to all Florida residents and if you have any questions, please contact Ms. Ashley Ricketts via e-mail at [email protected].
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
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“Garbed in a crushed tweed suit, fingering the ragged end of a tie that might have already done a year’s service about his waist, Swann de Lisle uttered a convivial obscenity in the four hundred cubic feet of air they euphemistically called my office. I had not seen him for some years: he is the kind of person who is often, for no reason one can deduce, out of the country. In passing, one may assume that his lengthy absences are due in some way to the element of disaster that features so commandingly in his make-up.”
-—William Trevor, from the story, “The Day We Got Drunk on Cake” (1967).
James M. Mejuto says
Isn’t it wonderful how our school education has forgiven the facts but yet, accept fiction.
One of the problems is that many school teachers don’t know the history of our country. It’s pathetic
they go into class and teach the same ole’ garbage.
Who wouda thunk that Webster was that piece of shit !