Today at the Editor’s glance: The NAACP and African-American Cultural Society are hosting a candidate forum in the Palm Coast mayoral election, where all six candidates will participate. It’s at 6 p.m. at the George Washington Carver Community Center, 201 E Drain Street, Bunnell. The forum will be broadcast via Zoom. The event is open to the public. The Flagler Beach City Commission holds a joint workshop with its planning board at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall to hear an initial draft presentation of the city’s Land Development Code review, a matter of special interest to builders and residents interested in growth issues. In Circuit Court, a hearing is scheduled in the wrongful death case of the late Shauntiana Stafford against Flagler County Schools. Stafford’s estate is suing. Stafford, 17, killed herself in January 2019. Her mother is suing the school district for wrongful death, claiming her daughter was bullied and the district did not protect her. The district denies the charge. Rembrandt at 415: It’s the great painter’s birthday. Take a break and go Dutch for lunch. Tour de France: Stage 18 is yet another mountain trek, 130 km from Pau, birthplace of the great Henry IV (“Paris is worth a mass”), to Luz Ardiden, a resort that boasts of snow and having once been one of Victor Hugo’s visiting places.
Vaccinations: Appointments for the Pfizer-only clinic at the health department are preferred, but walk-ins will be accepted. Please call 386-437-7350 ext. 0 for scheduling or questions. June 25, 2021. Eighteen pharmacies in Flagler County offer COVID-19 vaccinations, and 12 of these offer Pfizer, which is approved for individuals ages 12 and over. The health department will offer COVID-19 testing on Friday, July 2 between 2:30 and 3:30PM at its main office, 301 Dr. Carter Blvd.in Bunnell. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination and testing efforts, please visit https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/.
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library
Joint Workshop of Local Governments
Flagler County Drug Court Convenes
Palm Coast Democratic Club Meetings
Model Yacht Club Races at the Pond in Palm Coast’s Town Center
Flagler Beach City Commission Meeting
Reserve at Haw Creek Joint Workshop
Evenings at Whitney Lecture Series
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
For the full calendar, go here.

“I believe that one of the few things that stands between us and an accelerated descent into darkness is the set of values inherited inherited from the eighteenth-century Enlightenment. This is not a fashionable view at this moment, when the Enlightenment can be dismissed as anything from superficial and intellectually naive to a conspiracy of dead white men in periwigs to provide the intellectual foundation for Western imperialism. It may or may not be all that, but it is also the only foundation for all the aspirations to build societies fit for all human beings to live in anywhere on this Earth, and for the assertion and defense of their human rights as persons.”
–Eric Hobsbawm, “Barbarism: a User’s Guide,” from “On History” (1998).
Informed says
Cartoon is offensive! Not all Republicans are Trump supporters. New voting laws do not suppress voting as reported. The laws make it more accountable. Every dem keeps saying suppression but none state facts on how it’s suppressive. Any legal voter has the same voting rights. If you don’t know where to vote you probably shouldn’t be voting. If it doesn’t pass then we can go to every precinct and cast votes at as many precincts we can get to in one day. I’d must be required and we should vote at our own precincts. If people move then they can easily go to the courthouse and re-register and get their new precint address. Millions of people do it every year. Why should it not apply to democrats? Also Barack Obama said himself that mail in voting encourages voting fraud.
Sherry says
Please stop with the “disinformation” and send a link for your “credible” source regarding President Obama saying voting by mail encourages fraud. There are many articles regarding his encouraging voting by mail. . . take a look at the “FACTS”: