Today at the editor’s glance: The Flagler County Commission has a double-header today: a 9 a.m. meeting and a 1 p.m. workshop. The meeting includes a discussion of the relationship between the county and the East Flagler Mosquito Control District, and the county’s hope to see the district expand its boundaries. Commissioners are expected to approve an agreement with Whispering Meadows Ranch, relocating it to land adjacent to the county fairgrounds. Commissioners will set the maximum preliminary property tax rate, meaning the rate beyond which they may not go once they set the actual rate in September. The meeting includes a recognition of those who took part in the battle against Covid. One of the items on the consent agenda is the approval of a bidding process for a landfill disposal site, an issue that usually draws considerable public interest. The workshop will focus on impact fees, the one-time levy on new construction designed to defray the cost of development. The commission is studying a new fee schedule. Farewell to Bill Baxley: The Bunnell City Commission meets this evening at 7. It will be the last meeting for commissioner Bill Baxley after an eight-year run. Baxley, at 82 the oldest elected official in Flagler, is retiring to New Hampshire, to be close to his daughter, weeks after the death of his wife. Commissioners may also discuss whether, and how, to fill his seat until the next election, which is not until March. See: “In Bunnell, One Commissioner Resigns, Another Is Ailing and Absent, Leaving 2 Seats Vacant for Budget Season.” Tour de France: It’s a day of rest.
Vaccinations: Appointments for the Pfizer-only clinic at the health department are preferred, but walk-ins will be accepted. Please call 386-437-7350 ext. 0 for scheduling or questions. June 25, 2021. Eighteen pharmacies in Flagler County offer COVID-19 vaccinations, and 12 of these offer Pfizer, which is approved for individuals ages 12 and over. The health department will offer COVID-19 testing on Friday, July 2 between 2:30 and 3:30PM at its main office, 301 Dr. Carter Blvd.in Bunnell. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination and testing efforts, please visit https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/.
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
March 2025
River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
Tyrese Patterson Sentencing
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library
Flagler County Drug Court Convenes
Model Yacht Club Races at the Pond in Palm Coast’s Town Center
Palm Coast Beautification and Environmental Advisory Committee
Flagler Beach City Commission Meeting
Town of Marineland Commission Meeting
For the full calendar, go here.

“The day I left war-torn Lebanon on a rickety boat, in June 1976, all the dreams of the Levant in which I had been born were dead or dying. The paradise my mother had known had been razed to the ground, while that of my father was a shadow of its former self. The Arabs were trapped by their defeats, the Israelis by their victories, and neither could wrest themselves free. Needless to say, I could not know how contagious the tragedies of my native land would prove, nor how brutally its moral and political decline would spread across the globe. But I was not entirely surprised by what happened. Having been born on the fault line, I did not need some exceptional gift of foresight to realize that we were fast approaching the abyss. I had only to keep my eyes open, and listen for the rending sound of the quake.”
–Amin Maalouf, from “The World Adrift: How the World Lost Its Way,” originally published in 2019 as “Le naufrage des civilisations,” translated from the French by Frank Wynne.
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