Today at the Editor’s glance: Weather: Partly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers in the morning. Highs in the mid 70s. East winds 10 to 15 mph. Wednesday Night: Partly cloudy. Areas of fog after midnight. Lows in the upper 50s. East winds 5 mph.
The Palm Coast Planning and Land Development Board meets at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. Take 5 Car Washh is requesting a special exception to locate a franchise in the General Commercial (COM-2) zoning district at 5055 State Highway 100 E. The car wash is proposed to be located between the existing Culvers restaurant and the Taco Bell in the SE quadrant of Belle Terre Boulevard and State Road 100. The board will also hear a site plan application for the King’s Crossing self-storage facility on 36 acres at 125 Old Kings Road North, which is located on the west side of Old Kings Road about 1.4 miles north of Palm Coast Parkway. The project’s Technical Site Plan shows it to be comprised of one-story Building A with 10,011 sq. ft. and two-story Building B with 59,730 sq. ft. totaling 69,741 square feet. There will be a total of 838 individual internal storage spaces that will be available to the public. See the full planning board agenda here.
The Flagler County school district’s Dress Code Committee holds a pair of Community Town Halls to collect public comment. The first of these meetings is Wednesday, February 16th at Buddy Taylor Middle School. The second meeting is Thursday, February 17th at Indian Trails Middle School. Both meetings begin at 6 p.m. and will be LiveStreamed on the Flagler Schools Website. See details.
Flagler Tiger Bay Club February Meeting with Kevin Doyle, Consumer Energy Alliance VP State Affairs. $35 for members and $40 for guests. 11:30 a.m. at Channel Side, 1 Yacht Club Drive, Palm Coast.
Notably: George F. Kennan, one of the ablest and far-seeing diplomats in American history, was born on this day in 1904. He was the author of the so-called X telegram that, to his lifelong dismay, set in motion the Truman Administration’s cold war policy of containment through military and economic means. He disliked cars, reactionaries and sex for sex’s sake. “Stripped of its ennobling part in human intimacies,” he wrote in his memoir, Around the Cragged Hill, which lacked neither for crags nor lyrical eloquence, “the sexual urge is one of the most tedious, monotonous, at times ridiculous, and least interesting of human proclivities.” He was 101 when he died in 2005.
Nick Klufas special: Global Electric Car Sales Doubled in 2021, From Statista’s Daily Infographics: “China in particular had a breakout year in 2021, almost tripling electric car sales from 1.2 to 3.4 million. Europe remains the second largest market for electric cars, with new registrations increasing by almost 70 percent to 2.3 million, roughly half of which were plug-in hybrids. In the United States, sales surpassed half a million for the first time, but the overall market share of electric vehicles remains far below that of China and many European markets. According to the IEA, China, Europe and the United States account for roughly 90 percent of global electric car sales, illustrating that e-mobility isn’t advancing at the same pace globally.”
Now this:
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Flagler Beach Farmers Market
Coffee With Flagler Beach Commission Chair Scott Spradley
Democratic Women’s Club
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Random Acts of Insanity’s Roundup of Standups from Around Central Florida
ESL Bible Studies for Intermediate and Advanced Students
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Al-Anon Family Groups
For the full calendar, go here.

“One of the oldest and perhaps the noblest of human aspirations has been the abolition of poverty. By poverty I mean the grinding by undernourishment, cold, and ignorance, and fear of old age of those who have the will to work. We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land. The poorhouse is vanishing from among us. We have not yet reached the goal, but, given a chance to go forward with the policies of the last 8 years, we shall soon with the help of God be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this Nation. There is no guarantee against poverty equal to a job for every man. That is the primary purpose of the economic policies we advocate.”
–From Herbert Hoover’s 1928 Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention.
Lev Goodman says
What’s happening in Canada over The Jab has critical implications for The Our Democracy