Citing Raven Sword’s clear vision and analytical abilities, Evie Shellenberger said Sword was preferable to John Fischer’s poor grasp of issues and misunderstanding of a school board member’s role.
Flagler, Palm Coast & Other Local News
Small Recovery Victories for Nate Truelove, the 7-Year-Old in Brutal Old Kings Road Wreck
Sixteen days after the accident that sheared in half the car he was riding in, Nate is still in critical condition but now breathing on his own and giving his family more reasons to hope.
Leery of Landowners and Litigation, Palm Coast Council Kills Latest Stormwater Proposal
Property owners of large and vacant lands objected to paying a stormwater drainage fee in exchange for no discernible benefit. The two-year old attempt to rewrite the ordinance continues.
Bill Proctor and Doug Courtney Struggle To Out-No Each Other In Florida House Race
In the race for the Florida Legislature seat closest to Flagler residents, Republican incumbent Bill Proctor of St. Augustine is facing perennial candidate and Democrat Doug Courtney of Palm Coast.
Sued by Its Architect Over Unpaid Bills, Flagler School Board Says Resolution is Near
Close to $300,000 was in contention by Paul Stressing Associates, but the school district has agreed to pay most of that, leaving the two sides haggling over about $75,000.
“They Don’t Give a Damn”: Flagler Beach Wants Pier Restaurant Owners Who Do
A consultant’s report was as if tailor-made for Raymond Barshay, owner of River Grille on the Tomoka in Ormond Beach, to take over and remake the dilapidated Flagler Beach Pier Restaurant.
Bunnell Nights: “Smidge” Spearmon’s Two Crank 911 Calls and Two Stints in Jail
Spearmon, a 21-year-old Bunnell resident with no arrest history, called 911, pretended to be shot, and asked the dispatcher out on a date before hanging up. He was later arrested.
Flagler Harvests Poverty Warriors To Stalk Rising Hunger and Its Stigmas
Jacksonville’s Second Harvest and a local coalition of social and business agencies want to reach thousands of Flagler residents who need help but aren’t seeking it for various reasons.
Defeated Without a Vote, Economic Tax Talk Shifts Back Uncertainly to the County
A sales tax increase to fund economic development may still be discussed, but its chances of being enacted any time soon are slim to none. Governments want to talk.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter, Sept. 26-29, 2010
A rash of stolen laptops all over the place, a rash of smashed up car windows and stolen purses left in those cars, an assault and battery, a suspiciously acting private investigator, and, unfortunately, more.
Palm Coast Hispanic Festival Ramps It Up From Puerto Rican Power to Colombian Folklore
The fourth annual Hispanic festival, held at Town Center over three days, aimed to exceed last year’s attendance of 10,000 despite an eventful weekend in Flagler County.
Flagler Beach’s Great Bed Race: The Nuttiness, The Bed-Hopping, The Photo Gallery
Flagler Beach’s second annual Great Bed Race featured 14 contesting beds with five contestants each, and plenty of bed hopping. The full photo gallery.
All Maya All the Time: How the Government Building in Bunnell Became Archeology Central
The four-day Maya at the Playa Conference at the county and school building gathered the leading experts in Maya archeology and history from nine countries and 29 states, drawing some 160 participants.
Remember: 3 pm Today, The Great Bed Race in Flagler Beach
The bed race will be preceded by a parade of the beds, all part of Flagler Beach’s fall celebration. The event raises money for Flagler County’s neediest children.
Sitter Who Ran “Chrissy’s Cottage” in Palm Coast’s P Section Is Charged With Child Abuse
The 1-year-old child left in Cinelli-McFall’s care spent a month in a Jacksonville hospital following injuries he sustained on July 16.
“Economic Development” Tax Dies: Enterprise Flagler Wants It Removed from the Ballot
Enterprise Flagler will ask the county commission to ensure that the voting on the troubled tax not be counted. Plan B: a sales tax proposal.
Caryn Miller Appointed Flagler Beach’s Acting Manager As Commission Flirts With Stalemate
Caryn Miller’s appointment was a compromise to enable the commission to have an acting manager without being locked into making a more consequential decision involving Bruce Campbell.
Bernie Murphy’s 1,500 Days: With Few Regrets, Flagler Beach ‘Interim’ Manager Exits
Bernie Murphy was hired as interim city manager of Flagler Beach. That was more than 1,500 days ago. Tonight’s meeting could be his last, though one never knows with that commission.
Census: Flagler’s Population Stalls at 91,600; 28% of Housing Units Vacant; Poverty Rising
The 2009 population figures mean that Flagler will almost certainly not cross into six-figure territory when decennial census figures are announced. Figures on housing, income, poverty and insurance were also released.
From Beirut to Bulldog Drive: Palm Coast’s Uncivil War Over Gus Ajram’s Property Rights
From escaping Lebanon’s civil war to building automotive businesses in New York and Edgewater, Gus Ajram never expected his biggest battle to be over his property rights in Palm Coast.
Flagler Beach Reloads As 3 Candidates Are Re-Interviewed for City Manager
The commission interviewed two out-of-towners and one hometown candidate, who turned the afternoon into the Bruce Campbell hour.
Palm Coast Consistently Beating Florida As Taxable Sales Indicators Continue to Improve
Tourism and retail sales, and fewer people traveling elsewhere to buy goods, are keeping Palm Coast’s taxable sales among the most-improved in the state, compared with 2009.
Palm Coast Redraws Its Stormwater Tax, Benefiting Some Big Landowners
Vacant properties of 25 acres or more will pay less than considerably less than the $8 a month stormwater tax assessed on the typical residential property in Palm Coast.
Beyond the Wounds: Purple Heart Monument Dedication at Heroes Park Tuesday Morning
Tuesday morning’s Heroes Park dedication of a monument dedicated to Purple Heart recipients was to feature veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam and both Gulf wars.
Daytona Postmark Vanishing, Postal Service Says Palm Coast Deliveries Won’t Slow
To save $5.7 million and cut 109 jobs, the USPS is planning to close the Daytona Beach mail processing facility, where most of Palm Coast and Flagler’s mail goes, and merge it with Lake Mary, doubling the distance the mail will travel.
Three Palm Coast Boys, 16 and 17, Arrested Over a 10-Car Thieving Spree Sunday
The boys allegedly stole GPS devices, music CDs, phone chargers and a camera–about $2,000 worth–before being picked up in the Pet Smart parking lot early Sunday morning.
Defending “Eroticism,” Cheaters’ Suit Against Ormond Disputes City’s Capricious Annexation
Beyond matters of sex and sensibility, a federal lawsuit by Cheaters against Ormond Beach raises serious issues of a city’s arbitrary and capricious powers of annexation over businesses it doesn’t like.
Fine Arts Auction at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Oct. 16
Admission is $20 a person, auction prices begin at $65. The auction is a fund-raiser for the private Catholic K-8 school on Belle Terre Blvd.
How A Panther Broadened City Beauty Board’s Mission to Include Riches & Perils of Public Art
Paul Baliker’s “Panther” sculpture, looking for a home at Linear Park, forged a discussion that’s leading Palm Coast into a world of public art possibilities led by local artists’ visions.
Past Tea Party Bluster, Commissioners Eulogize Budget Season and Put Wailers On Notice
The tea party’s local version of budget oversight proved more noise than substance as county commissioners concluded a nearly half-year-long budget season with cautious positioning ahead of next year’s.
Vote Early, Vote Often: Make Your Voice Heard for Art Programs and FPC’s Junia Louis-Pierre
Junia Louis-Pierre’s graffiti drawing of foreclosure and eviction is in the running for a $5,000 award for FPC’s art department and a $1,000 scholarship for Junia. But you must vote.
Inaccurately and Incoherently, Fischer Opposes School Tax Measure; Sword Favors It
The two school board candidates differ sharply in their awareness and understanding of a proposed school tax referendum on the November 2 ballot, with Fischer calling himself “confused” about it.
The Other Tax Referendum: School District Battles Misperceptions to Preserve Levy
What looks like a new school tax on the Nov. 2 ballot is, in fact, the continuation of a tax property owners have been paying all along. The school district still has a battle on its hand to convince voters.
Enterprise Flagler’s Tax-and-Build Plan Bombs as Tea Party Wags a Big No
Not unexpectedly, a tea party crowd of about 250 clearly rejected the proposal, appearing on November’s ballot, to raise taxes to build industrial structures in hopes of getting new jobs.
Palm Coast Will Condemn Private Properties, Muscling Through Bulldog Drive Beautification
Invoking eminent domain is Palm Coast’s latest plan of attack against an immigrant business owner who refuses to sell his parcels at the city’s price.
City OKs Hospital Growth—and Exceptions to Height, Density But Not Sign Rules
In risky allowances by the Palm Coast City Council, Florida Hospital Flagler got almost everything it asked for, opening the way for other businesses to demand the same sort of land-use exceptions.
Austin McElroy, JT’s Seafood Shack Employee for 4 Years, Killed Biking on A1A Saturday Night
The 61-year-old dishwasher and prep cook had worked at the restaurant for some 4 years. He didn’t own a car and lived in a small, nearby place.
Evidence of Violent Child Porn Lands Flagler Beach Man in Jail on $500,000 Bail
Virtually every image or video allegedly found on the suspect’s computer involve pre-pubescent boys and girls in acts indistinguishable from child rape.
Latest Crime Reports
A fight at Ralph Carter Park, Oxycodone fraud, charging an innocent man for $800 worth of Direct TV bills, larcenies, burglaries and DUIs and more.
Joining Palm Coast, County Administration Disputes Arts Foundation’s Conference Center
The tourism council recommends spending up to $50,000 on a marketing study for the center. The county administration disagrees. It’ll be up to county commissioners to decide Monday evening.
7-Year-Old Boy Critical After Crash on Old Kings Road Shears Car in Half
The boy was flown to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach in critical condition. The woman who was driving the car was in stable condition. The wreck took place south of Old Kings Elementary.
Harley Motorcyclist Killed on I-95, Possibly in Hit and Run
Gary W. Audette, 55, was traveling south on his Harley when he lost control late the evening of Sept. 18, veering onto the median of the interstate and flipping several times.
Blaming Poor Sales, Sea Ray Lays Off 170 From Palm Coast Plant; Future Uncertain
The The Brunswick Corp.-owned boat manufacturer is one of the largest and best-paying private employer in Flagler County, and the beneficiary of generous local government subsidies and incentives.
Its Initiative in Flames, Enterprise Flagler Hands Tax-and-Build Plan’s Fate to Tea Party
The Flagler County Tea Party Group will hold a straw ballot on Enterprise Flagler’s tax-and-build “economic development” initiative on Sept. 21. Enterprise Flagler may then ask the county commission to pull the measure from the ballot.
Hometown Idol vs. Proven Manager: Flagler Beach Commission Splits Over Its Next Pick
After a series of wrangling votes rich in political maneuvering, the commission will re-interview three candidates for city manager–Bruce Campbell, Gary Word and Edward Sealover.
15 Palm Coast Residents Arrested in Oxycodone Bust; State System to Tackle Abuse Is On Hold
All 15 men and women arrested in the prescription-drug bust are from Palm Coast. Three are still at large. A system designed to reduce prescription-drug abuse is on hold.
Janke Offers to Withdraw from Flagler Beach Manager’s Job Amid New X-Rated Allegations
Janke had initially withdrawn from consideration, but reversed course and said he’d leave it up to the commission to determine whether his candidacy was too much of an embarrassment.
Proposed Coral Farm at Matanzas High School Raises Tentacles of Possibilities–and Questions
In an untested, risky arrangement, the proposal would have the school district lease land to a private company that would, in exchange, share some of its profits with the district.
Preliminary SAT Results Show Higher Scores for Flagler’s Class of 2010
In all but math at FPC, students at the county’s two high schools improved when compared with last year’s seniors. Some 1.6 million students took the test in the last round.
Grumpily, Tourist Council Extends Aging Grant for Princess Place Preserve 1 More Year
The $35,000 matching grant from the council was awarded in 2006 to improve the preserve’s museum. It’s been poorly handled since, though the preserve’s value is indisputable.