Flagler County Democrats have been rending the Hargrove Grade location since 2007, for $334 a month, but between disorganization and lack of interest, have been unable to raise the money to pay the rent for months.
Flagler, Palm Coast & Other Local News
Ex-Bunnell Cops John and Lisa Murray Plead Out, Avoiding Jail Time
John and Lisa Murray pleaded no contest to reduced charges stemming from their arrest and firing on felony counts in 2010. Neither can be a police officer again.
William Merrill Charged With Manslaughter for Killing His Wife With AK-47; 20 Guns at Home
Stefanie Merrill had been giving a bath to her 3-year-old daughter when her husband, William, pointed an AK-47 assault and its laser light at her chest and accidentally pulled the trigger. He was jailed on $200,000 bail.
Pizza Delivery Leads to SWAT Swarm and Arrest of Man Wanted for Serial Burglaries
Jacquez Roland, 34. of 11 Service Tree Place in Palm Coast is in jail today, on $429,000 bail, in connection with a series of armed and violent burglaries, including the Microtel and Sharps Liquor burglaries in October, where workers in both cases were cuffed at gunpoint and robbed.
Flagler County’s Republicans at War With Each Other as Lawsuit Slams Prizer and REC
The rift between tea party Republicans and old guard Republicans boiled over Thursday as insurgents denied membership in the Flagler County Republican Executive Committee filed suit against Committee Chairman Nancy Prizer and the Florida Republican Club.
As Investigation Into Fatal Shooting Continues, Disturbing Details from a Prior Domestic Fight
William Merrill, who fatally shot his wife on Tuesday while inspecting a rifle, was arrested in 2006 for head-butting her and throwing her on a bed during a heated argument. Charges were not pursued in that case.
Ex-Bunnell Cop John Murray, On Trial, Takes Stand and Denies Wrongdoing
John Murray was fired in 2010 and faces four felony charges, including cocaine possession and tampering with evidence. The trial Flagler County Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano is expected to take all day.
I-95 Crash Sends 2 to Hospitals; Witnesses Cite Cell-Phone Distraction
The two-vehicle crash on I-95 just north of Palm Coast Parkway this morning sent two people to hospitals, one of them with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.
He’s Back: Sensing a Weakened Don Fleming, Jim Manfre Is Running for Sheriff a 4th Time
Jim Manfre was Flagler County sheriff from 2001 to 2005, and lost to Sheriff Fleming in 2008 by a thin margin. The recent controversy over Fleming’s handling of a fatal road accident spurred Manfre to become the fourth candidate against the incumbent.
Suspicious Shooting: Husband Kills 30-Year-Old Wife on Covington Lane in Palm Coast
William Merrill, 32, was inspecting a rifle at his home at 94 Covington Lane in Palm Coast when his weapon went off. His 30-year-old wife Stefanie was struck in the chest and killed.
Flagler School Board Balks Over New Teacher Contract; Union President Calls It “Bad Faith”
After a closed-door meeting, the Flagler school board ratified a new contract with its teacher union minus a crucial portion defining teacher evaluations, causing a breach with the union just as the two sides are planning next school year.
Flagler 911: More Pitbull Attacks, Fraud Alert and Facebook Trouble
Two more reports of pitbull attacks–dog-on-dog, and dog-on-disabled-man, but the latter without injuries; Facebook suspicions trigger a fight; an altercation at the courthouse; smashed windows at Imagine Chool, and too many lesser incidents to count.
Visits Decline 26% in 2 Years at Flagler County Public Library; E-Books Beginning Oct. 1
Patrons will be able to borrow the books through their digital devices. The library’s plans for a cafe continue despite a setback, and it has no plans for scaling back its physical presence: to the contrary. Expansion plans are afoot for the main branch library in Palm Coast.
Peterson Draws Commission Challenge From Ericksen, the Man He Introduced to Politics
Four years ago Alan Peterson encouraged Charlie Ericksen to apply to finish the term of Peterson’s seat on the Palm Coast City Council, when Peterson decided to run for the Flagler County Commission. Now the two Republicans will face each other in the Aug. 14 primary for that commission seat.
Flagler County Jail Bookings, Feb. 17-25
Flagler County jail daily bookings for the week of Feb. 17-25, 2012, with a look back at the Comayagua prison fire in Honduras that killed 300 inmates on Feb. 14.
Flagler School District Mobilizing Against 18 Job Cuts and Lost Services to Disabled Adults
Flagler County is in danger of losing several programs that train and help the disabled find self-sustaining jobs as the Florida Senate ends funding for those programs. The cuts would affect 248 adult in the county, including 36 students in the transition program for 18 to 22 year olds.
A Year On, Tibet’s Jigme Norbu’s Death In Flagler Is Remembered With Incense and Hope
Jigme Norbu, the nephew of the Dalai Lama, was killed in Flagler County on the first day of a 300-mile walk for peace. Two dozen people gathered at the crash site in the Hammock this afternoon to commemorate the one-year mark of Norbu’s death.
Sahmi Green Charged With Animal Cruelty in Wake of Fatal Stabbing of Female Pit Bull
The arrest warrant states that Sahmi Green walked a friend’s female pit bull behind a house and stabbed it seven times. He initially claimed the dog had been in a fight.
Flagler Tea Party Frets As Numbers Dwindle And Excitement Appears Elusive
Flagler tea party meetings once reliably drew 200 to 300 people. Thursday’s drew 86, and provoked soul-searching from members wondering how to revive the excitement in an election year they considers crucial.
European Village Beating of 60-Year-Old: Ken Peters Now Faces Attempted Murder Charge
Conviction for attempted murder can mean a sentence of up to 30 years in prison. Kenneth Peters had gone to the victim’s house to obtain Oxycodone, the pain-relieving narcotic, when the encounter deteriorated. Both men involved have previous records.
Women’s Wrestling as Inspiration: “Miracle Worker” at FPC’s Black Box Theatre Tonight
The story of Hellen Keller and Annie Sullivan, with FPC junior Agata Sokolska and senior Leana Gardella in the title roles, is director Kelly Nelson’s valentine to inspiration. The play will be staged Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
In Field Trip Across Western Flagler, Jobs Council Learns of Unheralded Ag Power
Flagler County’s jobs council went on a field trip today—the latest in a series designed to educate its members about the county’s economy—through western Flagler, for a first-hand look at the second-largest economic engine locally: agriculture.
Sheriff’s Office Plays Up Minor Pot-Growing Bust at a Home in Palm Coast’s P Section
The house at 20 Princeton Lane in Palm Coast had 24 young marijuana plants. Florida is still among the states with the harshest anti-pot laws in the county, though some 20 states have either decriminalized pot possession or legalized its medical uses.
Conflicted Incubator: A Divided Palm Coast Council May Relax Home-Based Bakeries
The issue, prompted by a couple looking to start a home bakery, illustrates two contradicting strains in Palm Coast’s idea of itself–the quiet residential town as opposed to the depressed and unemployed city looking for rejuvenation summed up in its economic-development slogan, “Prosperity 2021.”
Flagler 911: Alcohol and Gummy Bears at Indian Trails Middle, a Dog Stabbing, a Deer Shooting
A police chase on Belle Terre is suspended for safety’s sake–but the suspect is arrested anyway after he crashes his car, a female pit bull is fatally stabbed, a deer crashes into the Sub Base shop window, a middle school student brings tequila in a Tupperware to school.
Amelia Earhart, Gandhi, Einstein and Betsy Ross All Rise Again in Wadsworth’s History Day
Wadsworth Elementary’s “Who’s Who in History” day Tuesday drew on school staffers and community “celebrities” to perform dozens of historical figures, alive and dead, in a culmination of school-wide biography projects focused on the figures.
Pursuit of 33-Year-Old Woman on I-95 Ends In 9-Car Smash-Up on Palm Coast Parkway
A vehicle pursuit that started just south of St. Augustine ended as the woman driving a Dodge Charger smashed into cars that had all but stopped at the Cypress Point light on Palm Coast Parkway. Despite severe damage, there were few serious injuries.
Sheriff Fleming Suggests Pill-Mill Crackdown Is Shooting Up Heroin Trade as 3 Are Arrested
Heroin problems in Palm Coast: Three heroin arrests in 36 hours have Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming warning that the crackdown on pill mills may be provoking a rise in heroin use and trafficking.
School Prayer Bill Clears House Hurdle as Florida Legislature Appears Poised to Bow
Local school boards would be responsible for enabling prayer measures. Should it become law, the bill would make Florida an outlier state with regard to school-prayer permissiveness and almost certainly trigger court action.
Flagler County Jail Bookings, Feb. 10-17
Flagler County jail daily bookings for the week of Feb. 10-17, 2012, with cameos by Nabokov, Tom Wolfe and the photography of Ian Carroll.
Flagler 911: Turning a Palm Coast House Into a Shooting Range; Hydrocodone Bust
Palm Coast and Flagler County blotter report: a man on Slowdrift Lane threatens to shoot a dog and fires his rifle at a wall much used to the treatment. He ends up in jail. A traffic stop turns into a Hydrocodone bust. And more.
The Late Bernie Axelrod Leaves Flagler Education Foundation $200,000 Endowment
Bernie Axelrod never finished high school, but rose through the ranks of union print shops in new York City, founded a travel agency, and was a pioneer in donating technology to schools. He joined the Flagler Education Foundation in the 1990s.
Christgate: With an Eye to Political Gambitry, Kimberle Weeks Demands an Apology
County Commissioner Alan Peterson was speaking by phone to a supervisor of elections office staffer about his reelection petitions when he allegedly used god’s name in vain after he was told that 10 percent of the petitions were invalid, according to Kimberle Weeks, prompting the demand for an apology.
New Power Lines Drawn as Flagler Beach Commission Bids Baker and Feind Farewell
With Joy McGrew seated as a commissioner and Linda Provencher as mayor, Jane Mealy was elected chairman for the second time in her tenure on the commission, beating back a challenge from Steve Settle, who was picked as vice-chairman.
Look Out, Pixar: Painter and Future Animator Kelly Kryspin, 18, Opens at Ocean Publishing
“Ocean Pop,” opening Friday at 6 p.m., featuring two dozen nature and pop culture paintings by Kelly Kryspin, is the young artist’s first solo show, and another one in a series of art shows at Ocean Publishing in Flagler Beach.
Wrongful Death Case Against Jamesine Fischer: Insurer Settles for $1.25 Million
Jamesine Fischer, the 55-year-old wife of Flagler County School Board member John Fischer, was served with a wrongful death lawsuit on Jan. 27 after striking Francoise Pecqueur with her PT Cruiser in November, and not immediately reporting the accident. Pecqueur died two days later.
Flagler Schools Will Start Earlier, On Aug. 16, End June 8, As District Sets 2012-13 Calendar
Thanksgiving will still be a full week off, but Christmas break will entail two broken weeks at either ends, so students can come back on Jan. 2 and have more time to prepare for the new FCAT: end-of-course exams. Printable calendar included.
Indian Trails Video Wins $70,000 in National Contest–But Needs Your Vote To Win More
Indian Trails Middle School was one of 25 schools selected out of 1,500 in the first round of a national technology contest, and made the cut to the final 12. Now it has a chance at $100,000 in prizes, but you must vote to help make it happen.
In Quiet Coda to Controversy, School Board Unanimously Approves Uniform Policy Details
The new uniform policy makes broad allowances for color, types of clothing and shoes, but makes the wearing of IDs compulsory in all middle and high schools. The policy goes in effect next fall.
Big Opportunities, and Potential Losses, for Flagler Power in State and Federal Redistricting
Between redistricting and term limits, Flagler County for the first time in years could have its biggest chances at direct representation in Tallahassee and Washington–depending on who runs. Some big names are counting themselves out.
Palm Coast Council Rejects Latest Cypress Knoll Development Proposal
The proposal, rejected 4-2 by the Planning Board, is part of a settlement of a long-running dispute between developer ICI and Palm Coast, would have allowed up to 60 homes west of East Hampton and south of Eric Drive.
Flagler County Jail Daily Bookings: Feb. 3-10
Flagler County jail daily bookings for the week of Feb. 3-10, 2012. With links to inmate search functions, visitation rules and correspondence requirements.
Warning of Brain Drain, Flagler Government Signals a Return of Employee Raises in 2012
County employees, including firefighters and sheriff’s deputies, haven’t had a raise in three years, and have seen their take-home pay severely erode through inflation, health care and retirement costs. County officials are now worried about losing employees to better-paid jobs.
Flagler 911: Child Abuse, Aggravated Assault, and a Target Shoplifting Spree
A man is jailed for allegedly beating up his wife and bruising his 10-year-old daughter, a pair of alleged shoplifters from Port Orange are caught in the act at the Palm Coast Target, and innumerable lesser incidents.
Flagler Youth Orchestra Leader Umbarger Wins Florida Book Award for 1st Novel
Caren Umbarger, the Flagler Youth Orchestra’s artistic director, won a bronze medal for “Coming To,” her first novel, about a woman struggling for liberation from an imperious husband in Depression-era Iowa.
Extensive Water Damage After Accidental Sprinkler Drench Evacuates Holiday Inn
Palm Coast’s Holiday Inn Express, a three-story, 81-room hotel, was evacuated this afternoon when sprinklers went off on the second floor. Guests were invited to register at the nearby Hampton Inn.
In Bunnell Police Chief Battle, a Popular Choice Against City Manager’s Unpopular Criteria
Lt. Randy Burke wants to be Bunnell police chief and has been at the department for almost 20 years. Some 200 people signed a petition favoring his appointment. But Burk has no BA–a new job requirement that outgoing chief Arthur Jones never had to meet, and that Burke says was put there to keep him out.
Details Emerge in Strathmore Deli Collapse as Landlord and Lender Sue
The reality of the closure of the popular Palm Coast deli is more complicated than its owners let on as a lender just sued the owners over a loan default and the landlord sued them in December over $20,000 in back rent.
Sheriff on the Look-Out for Assailant in Brutal European Village Attack on 60-Year-Old Man
A 60-year-old man has been in the hospital for the past two days, recovering from a brutal attack at European Village Tuesday afternoon that left him needing 50 staples and more stitches to his head and face.
Enthusiasm Curbed as GOP Primary Turnout In Flagler and Florida Plummets From 2008
Just 10,825 Flagler Republicans turned out to vote in Tuesday’s primary, for a 43 percent turnout, compared to a 53 percent turnout in 2008. The drop across the state was steeper, adding to Republican anxieties about having the numbers to take back the White House in November.