Truckers like using box stores’ parking lots as rest stops. Store managers haven’t objected and nearby restaurants love it. But Palm Coast is cracking down on the practice at council member Bill Lewis’s urging, though another council member says it’s not been an issue.
Flagler, Palm Coast & Other Local News
Provencher and McGrew Win in Flagler Beach, Romney Trounces Gingrich in Flagler
Linda Provencher has beaten J. NeJame for Flagler Beach mayor, while Joy McGrew has beaten Sandra Mason for a city commission seat. Mitt Romney beating Newt Gingrich handily in Flagler and Florida.
Mediocre Results for Flagler Schools, Worse for Its Charters, in Controversial State Rankings
School-by-school rankings follow last week’s district rankings. Belle Terre Elementary and Indian Trails Middle ranked best, but still barely in the top quartile, while Flagler’s three charter schools scraped the bottom, in contrast with several top-performing charters elsewhere in the state.
Tranquility Settles on Palm Coast Standards for Children’s Memorial Garden
Last July’s controversy over what families could and could not say to memorialize children they’ve lost yielded to a calmer compromise as Palm Coast will oversee the Children’s Memorial Garden’s messages near Waterfront Park.
Who’s on Faust? “Damn Yankees” Damn Election Night at the Flagler Auditorium
“Damn Yankees” revives Eisenhower-era innocence by way of every misguided American’s fantasy: beating the New York Yankees. There may be no better way to counter the deviltry of Election Night.
Good News for Flagler Property Owners: Most Home Values Will Barely Fall; Some Will Rise
Flagler County Property Appraiser’s preliminary estimate sees a property value drop in “the low single-digits” at most, with taxable values rising in Grand Haven and Flagler Beach, among other spots, as the five-year collapse in values appears to draw to an end.
Perth Amboy’s Van Eckert Accepts Flagler’s Offer To Be Economic Development CEO
Helga Van Eckert has accepted Flagler County’s government’s offer to become its latest economic development CEO. She will start in late February with a salary of close to $110,000 a year. The future of Greg Rawls, the previous CEO still serving through the transition, is unclear.
25 Homes in P-Section Under Boil-Water Advisory After Water Main Break
Some 25 homes in Palm Coast’s P-Section lost their water connection for a few hours and remain under a boil-water advisory for the next 48 hours when workers serving a line today tapped into a water-main and split it
Canvassing Board Certifies 1,095 Absentee Ballots, County Commission Picks Alternate
The three-member Flagler County Canvassing Board met at noon Friday to certify the first batch of primary election ballots ahead of Tuesday’s vote. On Thursday, the county commission picked Milissa Holland as an alternate canvassing board member.
Debt, Divorce, Downsizing and Death: The Thriving State of Estate Sales in Palm Coast
Estate Sales have been the lifeblood of Diana Minotti’s business in Palm Coast in the last four years, underscoring the extent–and occasional upside–of a recession as people retrench and sell off luxuries from fine art to historic furniture.
Live-Blogging the GOP Jacksonville Debate, Reluctantly
Rather than on the GOP debate, everything suggests the television should be tuned to something more grabbing, whether its Nadal-Federer at the Australian Open or Your Home With Jill on QVC. But civic penance may have its virtues. So let’s give this a shot.
Flip-Flops OK, Tuck-In Not Required: District’s Uniform Policy Will Be Relatively Permissive
The Flagler school board met this morning to iron out the wording of its new “uniform dress code” policy, which merely tightens existing standards rather than imposes a rigid uniform standard.
When Even Hoboken Is Funny: Catholicism Optional in Flagler Playhouse’s “Nunsense”
What to do with four dead nuns in a freezer and no money for their burial? Why, throw a talent show and let the nun puns rip: the Flagler Playhouse’s production of “Nunsense,” running through Feb. 5, is worth an evening’s conversion. A review.
Flagler Beach Rotary Hosting Wing-Themed 5K Race on Feb. 11
The Flagler Beach Rotary’s 5K Race at the Flagler County Airport will include helicopters, flyovers, resident planes on display as well as a peek at innovative projects currently underway at the airport.
Flagler 911: Graffiti Slurs in the R Section, Men Attacking Cops and Bar Brawls
A violent few days as angry men are arrested for aggravated battery, including violence on (and biting) cops, a noise complaint leads to two arrests over an underage drinking party on Brooklyn Lane, and a rash of car windows are smashed around town, their contents stolen.
In Flagler Beach City Election, More Reruns Of Faces and Ideas Than Stark Choices
Two of the four candidates in the Flagler Beach municipal election on Jan. 31 have served on the commission before, a third has run for office many times, leaving just one rookie in the mix. Fresh ideas, too, were wanting in a recent forum where the candidates laid out their positions.
JoAnne King, Who Oversaw Florida Hospital Flagler’s Hospice Expansion, Is Elevated to VP
As administrative director JoAnne King oversaw Florida Hospital Flagler’s expansion into hospice care across county lines last year, a first for a Florida Hospital. She was promoted to vice president for ancillary services, overseeing a half dozen departments, including hospice.
Grenade in a Tree in Woodland Home’s Yard Turns Out to be a Dummy as Bomb Squad Is Called In
Updated Tuesday with latest:A section of the Woodlands in Palm Coast was shut down to traffic and cordoned off after 7 p.m. Monday evening when authorities responded to an incident involving a pineapple grenade in the yard of the house on Blare Drive.
Maintaining Low A, Flagler School District Is 29th in New Florida Ranking; St. Johns Is 1st
The new rankings by the state Department of Education are a first step in what will lead to school-by-school rankings in the near future. But those rankings are entirely based on FCAT scores, limiting their validity.
News-Journal Re-Opening Flagler Bureau, in St. Joe’s Center, as Newspaper War Intensifies
The News-Journal’s 2,400-square-foot office in the St. Joe’s Business Park is less than a quarter the size of its old bureau on SR100, closed three years ago, and a concession that it can no longer address its Flagler competition–including a weekly newspaper and three radio stations–long distance.
Flagler’s Unemployment Falls to 13.9%, But Labor Force Is Down 3.6% Over the Past Year
Flagler’s rate is the lowest in three years, suggesting sustained, if slow, improvement, but the workforce has shrunk by 1,200, raising concerns that the county is losing population or attraction as a place to work.
Flagler Beach Election: Candidate Forum 6 p.m. Tonight at Disabled American Veterans Hall
Tonight’s forum starts at 5 p.m. with a meet-and-greet and at 6 with actual questions at the DAV Hall on 6th Street. Flagler Beach elections are usually held in March. This election was moved up to coincide with the presidential primary election on Jan. 31, and to save the city money.
Palm Coast’s Business Assistance Center Offering Three Training Sessions in January
The training sessions, ranging in themes on how to start your business to managing cash flow to developing a marketing strategy, are priced between $15 and $35.
Chief Rick Look, Ailing, Will Not Return to Sheriff’s Office; Maj. O’Brien Likely Successor
Chief Rick Look joined the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office from FDLE in 2005. His retirement, while not yet official, had been known for some time. He’ll be drawing disability as Maj. David O’Brien, acting chief since last year, takes over.
Turner Talk Begins at Flagler’s Tourist Development Council; Several Grants Awarded
Georgia Turner, Flagler’s new tourism chief, had her debut before the Tourist Development Council Wednesday as the council approved grants totaling $170,000, including underwriting for two popular and growing local conferences that attract numerous out-of-towners.
Flagler School Board Adopts Uniforms on 3-2 Vote But Only Vaguely Defines What It Means
The Flagler County School Board’s 3-2 decision to institute uniforms in all schools Tuesday evening was only vaguely defined beyond what may be only a somewhat more stringent dress code than the one in effect now.
Downplaying Expectations, County Ratifies Offer to Jobs Council CEO, for $110,700
Don’t start looking for bottom-line job creation from the county’s new economic development department, commissioners are saying, even as the county’s tax-funded efforts will be judged overwhelmingly by net new jobs that can be attributed to their existence.
New Garbage Contract: Hazardous Waste Option and Lower Monthly Cost, to Around $19
Only very faint public objections were raised Tuesday to Palm Coast’s new 5-year contract with Waste Pro for garbage, which would add curbside hazardous waste pick-up and lower the overall cost, assuming fuel prices don’t rise.
The Live Poll: 53% Against Uniforms
Should the Flagler school board adopt a uniform policy? Out of more than 700 responses, the verdict is 53 percent against as the school board prepares to vote on the issue Tuesday evening.
Miranda Vows: Commissioner Milissa Holland and Undersheriff O’Brien Will Marry April 21
WNZF’s David Ayers exerted the confession about the upcoming wedding from David O’Brien, the undersheriff, who had done his best to keep the news of his wedding to Milissa Holland an open secret.
Hollingsworth Gallery Lets Its Members Rip in New Show; Art League Does The Open
Hollingsworth Gallery in Palm Coast opens its annual members show Saturday evening with new works that range from the overtly provocative to the contemplative. The Flagler County Art League opens with a humbler mix.
The Flagler Youth Orchestra in Concert Tonight at Palm Coast Methodist Church’s Festival
The annual youth festival features the 25-piece Harmony Chamber Orchestra, the Flagler Youth Orchestra’s top ensemble, in a free concert under the direction of Caren Umbarger, at 7 p.m. You can Tivo Tebow’s first three throws.
Palm Coast Observer Taking On News-Tribune As It Aims for Twice A Week By April
The Palm Coast Observer’s move would be a frontal assault on the Daytona Beach News-Journal’s diminishing hold on the Flagler market, where the paper has also been contending with competition from three new radio stations and online media.
Palm Coast Half-Marathon and 5K Run: Schedule and Road Closures
The second annual Palm Coast half-marathon and 5K run is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 15, starting at 8 a.m. at European Village. A summary schedule and road closures.
Bunnell’s Barbara Korn and FPC’s Sarah Poppe Win School District’s Top Honors for 2012
The 2012 Teachers and Employees of the Year at the Flagler Auditorium Thursday evening featured every school’s nominees and a cheer-leading crowd with shrieking lung capacities.
14-Year-old Shot on Belle Terre Near Point Pleasant; “No Random Shooting,” Sheriff Says
The 14-year-old was riding in a car with his cousin early Saturday morning when another car pulled up and someone fired five to seven shots, injuring the 14-year-old in the hand.
No Surprise: Waste Pro Will Be Palm Coast’s Trash Hauler for Another 5 Years & $38 Million
Residents may see a negligible difference in their roughly $20-a-month trash bill, if that, as the city council, convinced by Waste Pro’s low bid, complies with what the city administration had wanted all along.
Crediting FPC, 2 Manfres Develop Energy-Saving Product With Broad Applications
FPC graduate Alec Manfre is the COO of Bractlet, a start-up company that received $40,000 from the Chilean government to develop an energy-saving device he and colleagues invented at Georgia Tech. Manfre’s sister Catherine, also an FPC graduate, heads the company’s marketing.
In Bunnell, Scrapping for Police Chief’s Pay And a Taxpayer-Funded Christmas Party
Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez’s request for a $60,000 salary for the next police chief was batted down (to $50,000) while a proposal to pay for next year’s staff Christmas party with city scrap metal proceeds drew resistance.
Road Fatalities Rise Again in Flagler in 2011, to 24, As Pedestrian Kill Rate Exceeds Orlando’s
The more than 4 deaths per 100,000 population in Flagler means that the Palm Coast-Flagler County area was more dangerous for pedestrians than Orlando-Kissimmee, the most dangerous metropolitan region in the country.
Flagler Delegation Discovers Varieties of School Uniform Experiences in Osceola Visit
As the Flagler County School Board prepares for a vote on school uniforms next week, a dozen Flagler school officials visiting Osceola schools Tuesday found out that even there, uniforms are are merely dressed up dress code rather than the strict regulations usually associated with uniforms.
For 1,200 News-Journal Pensioners, a Bittersweet Victory in Appeals Court’s Overrule
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an Orlando district judge misread Florida law when he brushed aside a $26.5 million claim from the federal PBGC to cover present and future retirement payments for Daytona Beach News-Journal employees.
Superintendent Valentine Seeking to Close Failing Heritage Charter School By June
After two successive F’s from the state, Valentine informed Heritage Academy Principal Nicole Richards by letter that she’ll recommend the school board close the school, which has about 180 students, by year’s end. Heritage is likely to appeal.
FPC and Matanzas, Penalized By Lower At-Risk Graduation Numbers, Maintain B Rating
FPC and Matanzas had the numbers for an A, but were docked a letter grade because they graduated fewer at-risk students than the state requires.
Celico Way Is Dedicated On Late Deputy’s Birthday
King’s Way at Old King’s Road North was rededicated this morning as King’s Way Celico Way in honor of Frankie Celico, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Deputy felled by heart trouble on Sept. 9.
Col. Jack Howell, Teens-In-Flight Leader, Is Seriously Bloodied in Motorcycle Accident
Update 2, 5:17 p.m. Jack Howell is recovering at home, and AmVets raised over $1,600 for Teens-in-Flight at today’s fund-raiser. Update, 2:45 p.m.: Jack Howell checked out of Florida Hospital Flagler just before 3 p.m., with a broken finger, a lot of bumps, bruises and lacerations and a sprained ankle, but no more serious injuries. […]
Helga van Eckert Is Job Council’s Top Choice As a Council Member Sits Out the Decision
Flagler County’s newly formed jobs council voted to offer Helga van Eckert the top executive job at the county government’s economic development agency. Van Eckert beats out Chris Clifton, who came in second, and Bruce Register, who came in third.
Jobs Council Interviews 3 Vastly Different Candidates for Top Economic Development Job
None of the three candidates for the $100,000 job lacked in confidence, experience or enthusiasm, and each projecting enough qualities but sharply different temperaments to make a choice between them difficult. That choice may be made Friday.
Ex-Cops Begin Lineup To Challenge Sheriff Don Fleming, Who’s Declaring for a 3rd Term
Ray Stevens, an Ossining, N.Y. cop, and John Pollinger, a Jersey cop (like Fleming) before their retirements to Palm Coast, are the early filers in what promises to be a crowded field for the $120,000-a-year job.
Judge Sharon Atack Won’t Run Again This Year, Opening 2nd Flagler Judgeship in 2 Years
On the bench since 1995, Flagler County Judge Sharon Atack, 65, cited personal reasons for her retirement. November’s election to the seat will likely draw a large field of contenders and, Atack said, “at least one” woman.