The rush for demand has all but sapped funding for worker training training from a Flagler County agency this fiscal year, even as Flagler continues to have Florida’s leading unemployment rate. It was 11.2 percent in December.
Jobs & Unemployment
Gov. Scott Facing Mounting Questions From His Own Party Over Jobs Agenda, and Expenses
Gov. Rick Scott’s aggressive economic development effort is getting more legislative pushback as budget committees in both chambers questioned the direction, expense and oversight of the governor’s “jobs, jobs, jobs” agenda.
Integrity Report Critical of Enterprise Florida as an Obstacle to Job Creation Is Itself Tainted
Questionable bonuses, conflicts of interest and a ‘pay to play’ mentality is hampering taxpayer driven economic development efforts, according to a study conducted by Integrity Florida and paid for by Americans for Prosperity/Florida, a conservative advocacy group funded in large part by the Koch brothers.
Coastal Cloud, a Next-Generation Computing Management Firm, Unveils Plan for 100 Jobs
Coastal Cloud is a newly-formed subsidiary of Graphene LLC, a computing consultancy, that will provide cloud-based data management services while hiring locally some 100 jobs over three years, at an average wage of $46,500, the company announced to the county’s economic development council today.
As Flagler Beach Sees a Fortune From Parking Fees, Locals See Only Alienated Tourists
Flagler Beach government could make up to $3 million over 5 years by turning its streets into revenue-generating parking slots, but the city manager’s proposal faces stiff-but not unanimous–opposition from local residents and businesses, who fear jeopardizing the city’s charms and its appeal to tourists.
U.S. Economy Adds 600,000 Jobs in 3 Months, But Unemployment Edges Up to 7.9%
The nation’s economy added 157,000 jobs in January, and revisions to November and December figures added 127,000 jobs to previous calculations, for a total of 600,000 new jobs in the last three months. Still, the unemployment rate went up a fraction, to 7.9 percent: job growth hasn’t been robust enough to go beyond the natural growth in the workforce.
Economic Growth Contracts By 0.1 Percent In Worst Showing Since 2009, With Asterisks
It is a sharp and unexpected decline from the previous quarter’s 3.1 percent growth rate, but may be due top one-time shocks, including a 22 percent decline in military spending and Hurricane Sandy. Several indicators, including personal spending and saving and residential investment, are encouraging.
Union-Busting’s Tasteless Florida Flavors
Labor union membership has been in precipitous decline since 1980, along with with a decline in job security, workers’ wages and benefits, and Americans’ standard of living. It’s not a coincidence, though the vilification of labor unions continues.
Union Membership in 2012: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Union membership in 2012 data by state, gender and other characteristics, including median salary earnings and other historical data, as released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The Thanks and Reverence We Owe Undocumented Immigrants
We’ve admitted that these immigrants aren’t going away. Let’s admit our co-dependence, let’s restore their dignity, and America’s, and admit that illegal immigration is as American as apple pie, if not as American as empanadas.
Unemployment Rates in Flagler and Florida Improve Even as 15,300 Fewer Have Jobs
Unemployment in December fell to 8 percent in Florida and 11.2 percent in Flagler County, lowest in four years, yet Florida lost more than 15,000 jobs, and Flagler lost 76, as the weak recovery combines with harsher rules discouraging workers from seeking unemployment benefits or staying in the labor force.
In Latest Obstacle to Jobless Benefits, Florida Moves to Computer-Only System
Between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31, nearly 140,000 Floridians were denied benefits, more than double the rate of the same period a year earlier as eligibility requirements have been tightened and obstacles to get unemployment have multiplied.
Economy Unimpressively Adds 155,000 Jobs in Holiday Month as Unemployment Rises to 7.8%
The American economy cannot shake its anemia, adding 155,000 jobs in December–not quite good enough to keep up with normal growth in the labor force, as unemployment edged back up to 7.8 percent.
Florida’s Minimum Wage Rising by 12 Cents, to $7.79/hr, on Jan. 1
Florida’s minimum wage on Jan. 1 will increase 12 cents to $7.79 an hour for the estimated 210,000 minimum wage workers across the state, in line with a 2004 constitutional amendment requiring the annual adjustment.
Florida’s Own Fiscal Cliff: Gov. Scott Pleads With Obama to Help Avert a Strike at Seaports
Barring an agreement between longshoremen and shippers, Gov. Rick Scott and executives of Florida’s largest ports urged President Barack Obama to use his authority to keep containerized cargo moving while talks continue, saying any interruption would have a ripple effect throughout Florida and across the country.
Florida Unemployment Falls Sharply to 8.1%, But Flagler’s Edges Back Up to 11.4%
Florida’s unemployment rate dropped sharply in November, to 8.1 percent, from 8.5 percent last month–and 10.1 percent a year ago–but Flagler County’s unemployment rate rose a decimal point, to 11.4 percent.
Conflict Over Hammock Vacation Rentals Dominates Legislative Meeting, To Little End
Florida House freshman Travis Hutson and John Thrasher, both Republicans and the sum total of Flagler County’s legislative delegation, listened to almost two hours of direct lobbying and appeal from local leaders and residents Tuesday evening in Bunnell, but distanced themselves from the evening’s most contentious issue: vacation rentals.
Carrabba’s Opens In Palm Coast, Edging the City’s Economic Center of Gravity a Little North
Palm Coast’s Carrabba’s, the Italian restaurant, will add some local 82 jobs and further solidify economic growth along Cypress Edge Drive, while Town Center continues to wait for its equivalent day in the sun.
Despite Sandy, Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.7%, Best Since December 2008
Despite Hurricane Sandy and economists’ predictions of a poor jobs report, the economy added 146,000 jobs in November, for a combined 416,000 jobs in the last three months. But the numbers are still lower than what they should be for a robust recovery.
Doug Baxter, Flagler Chamber President Since 2007, Resigns Unexpectedly; DeLorenzo Leads
Doug Baxter was president since 2007. Rebecca DeLorenzo is taking over for now. The chamber was facing some financial issues, and the resignation was not internally as surprising as it appears from beyond the chamber walls.
Unemployment Drops Sharply in Flagler, to 11.3%, as State and U.S. Trends Also Improve
Flagler County’s unemployment rate in September dropped sharply to 11.3 percent, from a revised 12 percent in August, as improving economies statewide and in the country continue to to trickle down. Flagler’s 11.3 percent rate is the lowest in four years: it was last at 11.3 in November 2008.
U.S. Economy Adds 171,000 Jobs in October, Topping Half a Million in Last 3 Months
The economy added 171,000 jobs in October, exceeding economists’ expectation of 135,000, and figures for August and September were revised upward, adding 84,000 to previous tallies, for a total of 511,000 jobs in the last three months.
Flagler’s Unemployment Rate Falls to 11.9%, Its Lowest Level Since December 2008
Flagler County may have a little something to cheer about: its unemployment rate in September fell to 11.9 percent, from 12.3 percent the month before. That’s the lowest unemployment rate in the county since December 2008, when it was 11.8 percent.
Another Major Blow to Palm Coast Data as Newsweek, a Major Account, Ends Print
Newsweek, with 1.5 million subscribers, is one of Palm Coast Data’s largest accounts. The company landed it less than two years ago, helping it stanch the loss of other titles. Newsweek will end its print publication in December, a move that will again hurt Palm Coast Data’s bottom line.
Crucial Jobs Report Gives Obama a Boost as Unemployment Falls to 7.8%, Lowest in 4 Years
The national unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in September, its lowest level since President Obama’s inauguration in January 2009, as the economy added 114,000 jobs in September, and revised figures for the previous two months boosted those totals by 86,000 jobs. In the last three months, the economy has added 434,000 jobs.
In Recession’s Depth, 2,362 Millionaires Got Unemployment Benefits
Brace yourselves: in 2009, no fewer than 2,362 millionaires got unemployment benefits. The year before, 2,840 did, raising questions about whether unemployment insurance should be means-tested. Five such proposals are pending in Congress.
As Expected, Flagler County Suspends $1,707-a-Home Building Tax for 2 Years
The county’s moratorium is relatively small, but Flagler’s chamber of commerce and its home builders association hope to get the school board to approve a moratorium next, then move to Palm Coast, where impact fees add up to $15,270.
Floridians’ Consumer Confidence at Highest Level Since 2007
All five of the five components that make up consumer confidence increased, including expectations about personal finance, national economic conditions, and buying confidence, according to the latest analysis by the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
Florida Unemployment Unchanged at 8.8%, Flagler’s Dips Slightly, to 12.4% in August
Florida’s unemployment rate was unchanged in August, at 8.8 percent, as the state added just 23,200 jobs–for a total of just 77,800 in the past 12 months–while Flagler County’s rate dipped to 12.4 percent. Flagler’s rate has been in the 12 percent range since February.
In Flagler and Across Florida, More Perky Housing Sales Point to Encouraging Trends
Sales of single family homes in Flagler were up 9.5 percent in August over a year ago, 10.8 percent across Florida, while pending sales have skyrocketed in further signs of health for the battered housing sector, even as prices still stagnate.
Mitt Romney’s 47 Percent Problem
In 2008 John McCain’s big challenge was to control Sarah Palin’s mouth. In 2012, Mitt Romney’s biggest challenge is to control Mitt Romney’s mouth. His characterization of 47 percent of Americans as victims and dependents, besides being demonstrably false, unravels the cynicism at the core of Romney’s campaign.
Palm Coast Data’s Latest Revenue Down 18.6% Over the Year But Ticks Up in 2012
Palm Coast Data revenue fell to $13.6 million in the quarter ending July 31, compared to $16.5 million a year ago, and $32 million in 2008. Parent-company Amrep Corp. posted its 12th loss of the last 16 quarters.
Feed Flagler Launches 4th Year as Big Cuts in Food Stamps Loom and Pantries Empty Out
Again led by County Commissioner Milissa Holland, Feed Flagler aims to exceed last year’s fund-raising of $28,000 and 60,000-pound food-drive by Thanksgiving, but federal legislation cutting food stamp benefits would prove a setback for Flagler’s efforts against hunger.
The Sheltering Tree, Flagler’s Homeless Shelter, Holds Fundraiser for Center Sunday
Flagler County’s Sheltering Tree, the county’s only homeless shelter, holds its “Steps to Success” Fundraiser at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 at the Hammock Community Center, 79 Malacompra Road, off State Road A1A in Palm Coast. Tickets are $25.
No Bounce: Economy Adds Only 96,000 Jobs in August as Unemployment Drops to 8.1%
The national economy added a meager 96,000 jobs in August, and the previous two months’ total was revised downward by 41,000 jobs. Nevertheless the unemployment rate edged down to 8.1 percent, from 8.3 percent, as the employment picture continues to zigzag between hope and anemia.
The Downside of Tourism Jobs, and What North Carolina Can Teach Florida
Florida is adding jobs, but mostly in tourism and service industry, low-skilled work that has involuntarily forced people into part-time employment. North Carolina has seen more employment grow in the information technology and research sectors. These jobs tend to offer higher pay and more stability.
Greg Rawls, Long-Time Face of Economic Development in Flagler, Opts For a New Tribe
Greg Rawls had been Enterprise Flagler’s executive director since 2007 before Palm Coast and Flagler County killed that economic development partnership, and Flagler formed its own, where Rawls worked as a manager. He’ll be working for Creek Indian Enterprises in Alabama.
A Few Florida Facts for Republican National Convention Delegates
Florida under the leadership of Republican icons like Bush, Scott and Rubio, and supported by proud and unthinking GOP legislatures for the last 15 years, has happily served as the grow house for Republican policies. The results are stunning, writes former lawmaker Dan Gelber.
Farm to Flag: One Commissioner’s Idea to Cultivate Flagler’s Agricultural Powers
Ideally, Farm to Flag would provide fresh foods to public nutrition programs while revitalizing the area’s major agricultural industries, creating more jobs and boosting the local economy through one of its traditional mainstays. But the program is rife with obstacles.
Skirting Landon’s Flogging of Cline Construction, Palm Coast Awards New Contract
The Palm Coast City Council awarded S.E. Cline Construction a $208,000 contract to build a water-control structure a week after City Manager Jim Landon argued to the council, harshly and publicly, that Cline was falling down on the job.
For $50,000, Flagler County Hires Marketing Firm to Buff Up Economic Development
The Flagler County Commission this evening approved a $50,000 contract with Orlando-based Solodev, a marketing and web-design firm that pledges to launch the county’s revamped economic development website by January 2013.
Unemployment Rises Again, to 8.8% in Florida And 12.7% in Flagler, Clouding Recovery
After falling steadily by 2.1 percentage points over the past year and holding steady at 8.6 percent in June, Florida’s unemployment rate ticked back up to 8.8 percent in July, and there was a net job loss of 3,300 in the state.
Palm Coast Data Revenue Down Another 20% in Latest Quarter as Parent Company Posts Loss
Palm Coast Data’s entire revenue for 2012 was less than half its revenue for just two quarters barely four years ago, when it signed a job-incentive deal with Palm Coast government and the state of Florida. The promised jobs have not materialized.
Florida Revenue May Grow by $2.6 Billion as Recovery Solidifies, Contradicting Romney
President Obama and Gov. Rick Scott will be competing t take credit for Florida’s continuing economic improvements as the state turned in a relatively healthy $407 million surplus in the fiscal year that ended June 30.
Economy Adds a Healthier 163,000 Jobs, But Unemployment Rises Back to 8.3%
Last Updated: 9:08 a.m. The U.S. economy added 163,000 jobs in July, better than expected, but the unemployment rate rose back to at 8.3 percent, because job creation hasn’t been robust enough to do more than merely keep up with the natural growth of the work force. Some 12.8 million people remain unemployed, roughly the […]
Florida Consumer Confidence Up in July
Consumer confidence was up slightly in July 2012 over June, and dramatically higher than it was a year ago, a new report from the University of Florida finds.
Florida Tourism Lull Predicted, Slowing Local Growth, as Euro Zone Economies Suffer
Economic woes in Europe will trickle across the Atlantic over the next few years as potential international guests stay home or see their native currency buy less once they arrive, a panel of economists estimates.
Flagler Chamber and County’s Jobs Council Hosting $25-a-Plate “Unity” Lunch Aug. 17
Dale Brill, president of the Florida Chamber Foundation, is the guest speaker for what the local chamber and the county are calling a “unity in the community” lunch at Palm Coast’s Hilton Garden Inn.
Unemployment Rises Again in Flagler, To 12.3%, Stalls at 8.6% in Florida
June unemployment numbers were discouraging in Florida as well as in Flagler and Volusia counties–stalling in the state at 8.6 percent, with just 9,000 jobs created last month, while the unemployment rate jumped again in Flagler to 12.3 percent, and to 9.1 percent in Volusia.
Florida Hospital Flagler’s Parkway Medical Plaza Will See You Now
The $15 million facility on Cypress Edge Drive opened ceremoniously Tuesday. It has several physicians’ offices, a walk-in clinic, a rehab and a woman’s center. Some of the services were shifted from the main hospital campus.