Flagler Beach City Commissioner Marshall Shupe questioned fellow-Commissioner Kim Carney’s honesty over talks with county officials on a potential fire department merger after Commissioner Joy McGrew proposed handing the matter to voters next March in a citywide referendum.
Palm Coast Man Jailed After Feared Child Abduction at Bunnell Day Care Center
George Fredericks, a 63-year-old resident of Ridley Lane in Palm Coast, was charged with battery after witnesses said he shook a child’s arm at A Little Preschool House, a day care center in Bunnell, Thursday afternoon.
Jaquez Roland, Found Guilty on All Charges In Sharps Liquor Robbery, Faces 30 Years
Jaquez Roland, who’d served 10 years in prison for armed burglary, will serve at least another 30 as he was found guilty Thursday of three charges, including armed robbery and false imprisonment, stemming from the Sharps Liquor robbery in Palm Coast in October 2011, one of three robberies implicating Roland. His victim cried with relief as the verdict was read.
Defense Rests in Miller Murder Trial After Laying Down Further Markers of Self-Defense
Paul Miller’s defense team rested its case just past noon today, but closing arguments will take place Friday morning. Only then will the jury deliberate. A verdict is likely sometime Friday.
Taking Stand in His Defense in Murder Trial, Miller Projects More Surliness Than Sympathy
If it was sympathy that Paul Miller was trying to elicit from the jury Wednesday afternoon, his nearly two-hour performance was not a model. He may have hurt his case more than he helped it when he elected to take the stand in his defense in his trial for the killing of Dana Mulhall in March 2012.
Miller Trial Turns to 5 Bullets’ Paths, Mulhall’s Last Moments–and Blood-Alcohol (0.188)
Paul Miller, accused of murdering Dana Mulhall, looked away or closed his eyes for the first time in the now-three-day-old trial as images of the bloodied and shot Dana Mulhall were placed on an easel for the jury to see and the prosecution to analyze with witnesses Wednesday morning. The defense takes up its case in the afternoon.
Miller Trial: As Shooter’s Shows of Affection Are Restricted, Prosecution Draws Victim’s Portrait
The prosecution concluded its first full day in the murder trial of Paul Miller Tuesday by painting a portrait of Dana Mulhall, the victim in the March 2012 shooting in Flagler Beach, as a non-confrontational creature of habit who liked his Miller Lites, his friends and his lottery tickets. The defense laid low.
Report of Incident Involving 11-Year-old and a Possible Sex Offender Has R Section on Edge
An incident took place Sunday afternoon in Palm Coast’s R-Section that rattled a boy and his mother, and has since rippled beyond the R-Section into an alert throughout local schools about a potential sex offender. But evidence is based on a single report.
Miller Killed Mulhall “With Depraved Indifference, With Ill Will, Hate, Spite,” Prosecution Argues
In the second day of Paul Miller’s trial (Monday was devoted to jury selection) the prosecution was piecing together a picture of a shooting no witness actually saw, but that several witnesses described in sounds and sights before, during and after the shots that claimed the life of Dana Mulhall on March 14, 2012 in Flagler Beach.
Sheriff Manfre Declares in Favor of June 7 School Tax Referendum
Citing the benefits of a longer school day and deputies in elementary schools, Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre issued a statement Monday afternoon in support of the June 7 tax referendum proposing to increase property taxes to support programs in the school district.
As Jury Is Seated in Paul Miller Murder Trial, Questions About Guns Weed Out Prospects
The most anticipated trial of the year—of Paul Miller, the 66-year-old Flagler Beach man accused of murdering his neighbor Dana Mulhall last year during an argument over Miller’s barking dogs—began Monday with jury selection, which by day’s end had seated an all-white jury of three men and three women, plus three alternates (a woman and two men, one of them black).
Matanzas High Student Allen Brown Tasered After Allegedly Punching Student and Deputy
Matanzas High student Allen Brown, 18, was Tasered by a Flagler sheriff’s deputy Monday after being involved in a fight with a 15-year-old student and allegedly punching the deputy, in the first use of a Taser on a Flagler school campus in six years.
Will Gerald Hofer, Feared School Attacker in December, Is Sentenced to Probation
Will Gerald Hofer, the 20-year-old who led police on a daylong chase in December over fears that he might attack a local school, was sentenced to three years’ probation Monday morning, with possibility of early probation termination. He was freed after spending five months in jail.
Joseph Drenner, 50, Is Killed in Early Morning Wreck on U.S. 1; Companion Survives
Joseph Drenner, 50, was killed when he was ejected from a Toyota SUV his companion, Christina Laming, 41, was driving north on U.S. 1 in Palm Coast early Saturday morning. Charges are pending against Laming, who refused to have her blood tested at the scene for impairment.
Fleming Farewell: Flagler Crime Rate Falls to Lowest Level in 12 Years in Ex-Sheriff’s Last
In Flagler, crime declined in every major category except robberies (up by one), including overall domestic violence, though domestic aggravated assaults account for half the county’s total. The crime in Florida hit a 42-year low, with falling crime continuing despite the bad economy.
Blacks Charge Cop Harassment and Bullying As County Cancels Block Party in Bunnell
When Bunnell police alerted the county of a large block party for South Bunnell’s black community the county had previously permitted–as a “picnic/party”–to take place on county land near Carver Gym, the county cancelled it. Monday evening, several members of Bunnell’s black community complained to the city commission of chronic harassment and bullying by Bunnell police.
Juvenile Detention Cost-Shifting Arguments in Appeals Court, With Implications for Counties
Counties argue they currently pick up 75 percent of some juvenile detention costs, but should be paying less. The state claims in in court filings that the Legislature actually intended for the counties to cover 89 percent of the costs.Either way, local governments are groaning under the burden.
Paul Bouler, 49, Found Dead of Self-Inflicted Gunshot at Varn Park After an Argument
Paul Pete Bouler Jr., a 49-year-old lawyer, was found dead in his car at Varn Park Saturday night in an apparent suicide by firearm, about an hour and a half after he’d left his Palm Coast home after an argument with his wife.
Burglarized Palm Coast Homeowner Briefly Sets Chase; Suspects Later Caught in Volusia
Though Sheriff Jim Manfre doesn’t recommend it, a burglarized homeowner in Palm Coast’s E Section chased two suspected burglars Friday and got key descriptions of their car and clothes, helping to lead to further chases and the two individuals’ arrest in Volusia County Friday afternoon.
Flagler Beach Police Seeking Help Identifying ATM Robber in Planet-of-the-Apes Mask
A potential victim of an ATM robbery at the Flagler Beach Sun Trust on Thursday was startled when the assailant was a robber in a monkey suit. The victim punched the assailant, possibly hurting him. Flagler Beach police is seeking help identifying the man in the monkey suit.
Sheriff Opens Palm Coast Precinct at City Market Place, Halving Cost, Not Space Needs
On Friday, the Sherif’s Office office opened its newest Palm Coast precinct, at City Market Place, a two-storefront 2,600-square foot space at $2,.000 a month that’ll add new life to the struggling shopping center in the heart of town, and a few doors down from the Palm Coast city offices.
Flagler Beach Bats Down Fire Department Consolidation, Agreeing Only to Ask Questions
Flagler Beach Commissioner Kim Carney’s proposal to formally ask the county for information on possible consolidation got no support but was replaced by a watered-down agreement to “ask questions” and have them answered by City Manager Bruce Campbell, through meetings with the county if necessary.
“In the Line of Duty”: Fallen Officers Are Remembered in Annual Ceremony
“What is the meaning of ‘In the line of duty?’,” Rick Staly, Flagler County’s undersheriff, said during his brief remarks at the annual commemoration of fallen law enforcement officers at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office this morning, before describing the meaning of ultimate sacrifice.
Palm Coast Man, Apparently Drunk, Drives His Car Into Publix Retention Pond on Belle Terre
A Honda belonging to Joshua Hilton of Palm Coast was spotted partly submerged in the retention pond in front of the Town Center Publix Wednesday morning. Hilton himself had been found drunk nearby several hours before, and taken home by police.
A Mondex Woman, 27, Is Attacked by 5 Pit Bulls as She Protects Her 6-Year-Old
Brandy Bookamer, 27, was attacked Sunday evening (May 5) by what were reported to be five pit bulls as she and her six-year old daughter walked near their home on Holly Lane in Daytona North, also known as the Mondex.
Stop Sign Blown on Lakeview Blvd. Wrecks 2 Cars, Sends One Victim to Hospital
A wreck just before 9 p.m. on Lakeview Boulevard–the road that continues north from Belle Terre Parkway, past Matanzas Woods Parkway–sent one person to the hospital and closed Lakeview between London Drive and Laramie Drive.
Flagler Beach’s Opposition to Fire Department Consolidation Costing Taxpayers $200K a Year
Consolidating the Flagler Beach Fire Department with the county’s would save $200,000 and vastly improve fire and rescue services in the city, argues Rick Belhumeur, yet the Flagler Beach City Commission has consistently scuttled debate on the issue while pretending to invite residents to offer cost-saving ideas.
Yet Another Flagler School Bus Rear-Ended–on Pine Lakes Near Belle Terre
Less than 24 hours after a Flagler County School bus was rear-ended on State Road 100, another school bus was rear-ended by a pick-up truck on Pine Lakes Parkway in Palm Coast at 4 p.m. Friday afternoon, sending a teacher’s aide to a local clinic. No students were on the bus.
Judge Rejects Teachers’ Challenge to Law Tying Pay and Evaluations to Student Performance
A group of teachers, backed by the Florida Education Association, contended in the challenge that the law violated constitutionally guaranteed collective-bargaining rights and that lawmakers had given too much decision-making authority to the state Board of Education.
Texting While Driving Ban Passes Florida Legislature, But Scott Hasn’t Said He’ll Sign It
The Senate voted 39-1 in favor of a bill (SB 52) that makes it illegal to read or type texts or emails while actually driving, though it would remain legal to do it while stopped, such as at a red light. Drivers can;t be stopped for texting, however. They can only be cited if stopped for another offense.
Pick-Up Rams Stopped School Bus on S.R. 100; Student Aboard Is Uninjured
A GMC Sierra pick-up truck rear-ended a Flagler County school bus at 5 p.m. today (May 2) in the eastbound lanes of State Road 100, slightly injuring the pick-up truck driver. An 18-year-old girl on the bus and the bus driver were uninjured.
Human Remains Found in Flagler Estates Confirmed to Be Those of Barbara Parchem
The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, following a preliminary autopsy by the medical examiner, has confirmed that the remains found ion the Flagler County side of Flagler Estates Tuesday morning are those of Barbara Parchem, the 67-year-old woman who went missing from her Vermont Heights home on April 5.
Paul Miller’s Stand-Your-Ground Trial Over Dana Mulhall Killing Set for May 20
Paul Miller’s trial will be the first Stand Your Ground case in Flagler County since the controversial law was enacted in 2005. The trial before Circuit Court Judge J. David Walsh may take two weeks.
Stop-and-Frisk in Bunnell Turns Into Brawl With Officers, and Threats of a “Hit”
Theodore Moore, 25, was observed by a Bunnell cop allegedly trespassing–near Moore’s home. The cop briefly pursued Moore and handcuffed him, finding a gun and contraceptive pills on him as Moore resisted his arrest and dared cops to Tase him as a crowd gathered in South Bunnell.
Fat Firefighters Need Not Worry: Body Mass Index Not an Issue in Florida
The Florida House rejected an amendment that would have required all firefighters to keep their Body Mass Index at 25 or under. Above that number, an individual is considered overweight.
Angela Wray Collapses as She Is Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison Over Defrauding Celico of $60K
Angela Wray was sentenced to three years in state prison and 15 years’ probation Monday afternoon, and required to repay the nearly $60,000 she embezzled from Celico Auto Body shop in Bunnell during the years she worked for Carlo Celico, a crime she maintained she never committed, blaming Celico instead.
Bizarre Story Aside, Aaron Kinney, Gas Station Robber, Is Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison
Aaaron Kinney of Palm Coast was sentenced to nine years in prison for the three gas-station robberies he committed in Palm Coast last July, supposedly because a man he owed money to made him do it while threatening to do harm to Kinney and his mother. Judge J. David Walsh did not believe Kinney’s story.
Flagler Beach Snuffs Out Discussion of Combining Fire Department With County
Flagler Beach City Commissioner had placed a discussion of consolidating fire departments on the agenda of Thursday’s meeting, only to have City Manager Bruce Campbell pull the item. Carney put the commission on notice that she wasn’t done.
Ahead of National Police Week, A Sheriff Remembers That Knock at the Door
Commemorating National Police Week in May, Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre remembers his first memory of law enforcement, when he was 7 years old and a police officer knocked at the family home’s door to report his father’s accident with a drunk driver.
County Is Negotiating Acquisition of Old Hospital in Bunnell for New Sheriff’s HQ
Memorial Hospital Flagler’s dead years may be over if its current owners, who are politically well connected locally, can agree on a sales deal to Flagler County. The property is listed for sale at $1.75 million. It was acquired in 2006 for $750,000.
Furniture-Filled 30-Ft. Moving Truck Overturns at I-95 On-Ramp off State Road 100
A 30-foot moving truck owned by the “Two Men and a Truck” company overturned and slammed on its side, blocking the on-ramp to I-95 southbound at State Road 100 in Palm Coast Thursday evening.
19-Year-Old Accused of Burglarizing Then Running Over a 65-Year-Old in the Hammock
Kenneth Stancil, a 19-year-old resident of 12 Portland Place in Palm Coast, is accused of burglarizing 65-year-old Sandra Laden’s car then running her over with a Ford before fleeing a park in the Hammock Wednesday.
Orlando Man Leads Cops Through 5-County Chase Before Flagler Deputies Stop Him
Thomas J. Loncala, 47, of Orlando, was arrested late Wednesday on drug-possession, assault and fleeing and eluding charges after leading police on a chase through five counties, including Flagler. He was finally stopped in St. Johns County.
Mondex Woman Shoots at Repo Men Preparing to Tow Her Mustang
Victoria Higgins was not in the mood to have her black 2005 Ford Mustang repossessed. So she allegedly shot at the two repo men who went to her Mohogany Boulevard home in the Mondex Tuesday, forcing them to flee. She was jailed on aggravated assault charges.
School District Missed and Ignored Long List of Serious Problems With Youth Center Employee
Flagler County Youth Center Assistant Director Shannon Diamond’s arrest Sunday on charges related to drunkenly behavior were the latest in a series of criminal and other issues, including some in the district, that Diamond has faced over the years, and that the district either ignored or found of no consequence.
Flagler Youth Center’s Shannon Diamond Is Again Arrested on Drunk Charges
Shannon Diamond was arrested on a DUI charge last year but kept his employment, supervising students. He was arrested at McCharacter’s Sunday after allegedly refusing to pay his bill and trying to flee. He is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
Hazmat Emergency at Bunnell’s Budget Motel Over: Suspicious Powder Was Cocaine
A suspicious package the size of a shoebox was delivered to the Budget Motel in Bunnell, behind the State Street Diner, this morning, triggering an environmental emergency. Bunnell Fire Chief Derek Fraser ordered the motel grounds sealed and summoned a hazardous materials team from St. Johns County, which authorities are awaiting.
Police Drones Are Banned from Florida Skies Absent a Warrant or Other Exceptions
The bill (SB 92) prevents law enforcement use of drones unless a judge has issued a warrant, or in cases where there is a “high risk of terrorist attack,” or a case of imminent danger, such as in a missing person case where the person is thought to be in immediate danger.
From Truancy to Criminal Charge: Flagler Schools Take Parent to Court Over Child’s Absences
When Andre Darby failed to enroll his son at Rymfire Elementary or show proof that he was being homeschooled, the Flagler school district turned the case over to the state attorney for prosecution, an extreme example of cases when parents violate Florida’s truancy laws. Darby faces a second-degree misdemeanor charge, which may end in a plea before Circuit Judge J. David Walsh Thursday.
76-Year-Old Cyclist Critically Injured By SUV at Cypress Pt. and Belle Terre
A 76-year-old cyclist riding up Belle Terre was struck by an SUV and pinned under the car until paramedics were able to lift the car, tend to him and evacuate him by air. The cyclist had traumatic injuries, but was alive when he was taken away from the scene.