People leaving medicare Advantage for traditional Medicare are have higher levels of significant health problems, fueling concerns that the private plans cater to more profitable, healthy beneficiaries but don’t provide the most attractive care for the very ill.
Minor Injuries to 4, Including a Student, as FPC School Bus Rear-Ends a Van on Belle Terre
A Flagler County school bus with 27 high school students on board rear-ended a Dodge minivan at the intersection of Pine Grove Parkway and Belle Terre Boulevard Monday morning, sending three people to the hospital with minor injuries. A fourth victim–a student–had minor injuries and declined medical attention.
School Security’s Buy-A-Cop Delusions
The Flagler County School board this week will debate adoption of a new security plan that includes adding armed cops in elementary schools. The approach would be costly, ineffective, and more emotional than intelligent. Smarter approaches–and far greater priorities–abound.
For Children’s Advocates, Scott’s “Florida Families First” Budget Blurs Reactions
Backers of early childhood education and an expansion of Medicaid were disappointed, educators were guardedly happy about raises, and others applauded more money for prevention services to keep youths out of the juvenile justice system, plus $145,360 for juvenile health and mental health.
As Flagler Beach Sees a Fortune From Parking Fees, Locals See Only Alienated Tourists
Flagler Beach government could make up to $3 million over 5 years by turning its streets into revenue-generating parking slots, but the city manager’s proposal faces stiff-but not unanimous–opposition from local residents and businesses, who fear jeopardizing the city’s charms and its appeal to tourists.
M. Louis, Palm Coast’s Oldest Salon, Defies Economy With a Spa Expansion
M. Louis’s Beauty Factor Spa, holding an open house Sunday (Feb. 3) at the salon’s new location, is an indication that small businesses in Palm Coast can still find ways to expand and broaden their reach despite the slow economy.
Florida Taxpayers Asked to Subsidize Pro Soccer on Top of NFL, NBA and Other Sports
Up to two Major League Soccer franchises would be eligible for subsidies given to other pro sports teams in Florida under a bill filed in the Legislature, a nod to Orlando’s bid to bring an MLS team to the area.
U.S. Economy Adds 600,000 Jobs in 3 Months, But Unemployment Edges Up to 7.9%
The nation’s economy added 157,000 jobs in January, and revisions to November and December figures added 127,000 jobs to previous calculations, for a total of 600,000 new jobs in the last three months. Still, the unemployment rate went up a fraction, to 7.9 percent: job growth hasn’t been robust enough to go beyond the natural growth in the workforce.
Three-Vehicle Wreck Hurts 3 and Closes Florida Park Dr. at Fawn Lane Almost 3 Hours
A three-vehicle crash shut down Florida Park Drive in Palm Coast between Fawn Lane and Fayette Lane shortly after 2 p.m. Thursday afternoon. Three people were hurt, none with life-threatening injuries.
A Shooting in Woodlands Leads to Arrest, 2nd Shooting at Madison Green Does Not
Flagler County sheriff’s deputies and paramedics were busy Wednesday night with two shootings in Palm Coast. One, in the Woodlands, was related to a domestic fight between a married couple, and led to the husband’s arrest. The other took place at Madison Green Apartments, injuring a man. The shooter, in that case, is still at […]
Gov. Scott Floats $1.2 Billion Boost to Education, Including $480 Million for Teachers
Scott’s $2,500-a-year raise for Florida teachers, costing $480 million, would be included in the $1.2 billion increase for K-12 education, which would add to last year’s $1 billion increase, yet the total, if approved, would still be off the all-time high for per-student education funding.
Lt. Steve Cole Will Be Sheriff’s Point Man On Growing School Cops and Victims’ Beats
Cole’s appointment might have been routine in any other year. But the use of school resource officers is the leading issue for the Flagler County School Board in the wake of the Newtwon school shooting, and ahead of a Feb. 5 meeting on the school district’s revamped security plans.
Flagler’s Tourism Council Would Relax Rules Governing Subsidies for Special Events
The changes, affecting $100,000 in bed-tax dollars county government, through the tourism council, awards organizations that put on special events, would dispense with the requirement that organizations spend the money advertising their event, and would allow them to spend it on incidental expenses that may be more difficult to track.
With Gimmicky Interpretations, Gov. Scott Says 23 Colleges Meet $10K Challenge
Shedding light on the gimmickry, one college said it had met Scott’s challenge – as far as students are concerned. The cost of a degree at the school is about $13,700, but is less than $10,000 only when financial aid is taken into account.
As if Flu Wasn’t Enough: Flagler on Alert For New Strain of “Winter Vomiting Disease”
It’s not here yet. But it’s spreading fast: a new, virulent strain of norovirus, an intestinal and very contagious virus that causes projectile vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, and that has the Flagler County Health Department cautioning schools, hospitals, nursing homes and other such places to beware.
“Don’t Miss the Signs”: In Florida, Campaign and Means to Report Child Abuse Broaden
Last year, the Florida Legislature passed the nation’s most protective child abuse reporting law. The state’s abuse hotline will accept reports of abuse committed by people other than parents and primary caregivers, such as a coach, teacher or neighbor.
Deadly Force Averted as Deputies Confront Another Troubled, Knife-Wielding Man
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies drew their guns, then their Tasers, but ended up firing neither as Erik Flores, a 32-year-old resident of Lindsay Drive in Palm Coast, was wrestled to the ground and arrested in the latest confrontation between a potentially violent, mentally ill man and police, just five weeks after another 32-year-old man was shot and killed for wielding a machete at Flagler deputies.
Dennis Cross, Dauntless Palm Coast City Council Candidate in 2011, Is Dead at 78
Dennis Cross made his name as he fought his disqualification by redistricting and won that battle to be a candidate for the Palm Coast City Council in 2011, only to lose to Jason DeLorenzo by 36 votes, the narrowest margin in any Palm Coast election.
What an Ode to Farting, Drug-Dealing’s Benefits and the FCAT Have in Common
A Matanzas High School student who wrote a humorous essay on the health benefits of drug-dealing was threatened with a referral, though his teacher gave him a near-top grade: Jo Ann Nahirny explains how FCAT rewards dull, stupid and bad writing at the expense of creativity.
Union-Busting’s Tasteless Florida Flavors
Labor union membership has been in precipitous decline since 1980, along with with a decline in job security, workers’ wages and benefits, and Americans’ standard of living. It’s not a coincidence, though the vilification of labor unions continues.
Transparency 101: Rick Scott’s Pay Raise Ploy
Florida’s “education” governor wants to give teachers a $2,500 across-the-board raise. Translation: He wants to get re-elected in 2014. He’s not popular. So he’s trying to win votes by any means necessary, argues Rhonda Swan.
Flagler Sheriff’s Employee Arrested Over Leak to Her Son, Who Was Being Investigated
Elizabeth Cretella faces a third-degree felony charge that she leaked information of an active investigation of sex crime allegations to her son–Robert Allen–before he was to be questioned in connection with the allegations.
Flagler Beach City Government Wants to Take Over July 4 Events, But Unsure How
Flagler Beach government, eager to replicate Palm Coast’s method of making money from special events, would take over July 4 festivities run until now by the chamber of commerce, but city commissioners are uncomfortable with a complete take-over.
Would-Be Convenience Store Robber Arrested; A 15-Year-Old Faces Felony Arson Charge
William Cory Hall, Woodbury Drive in Palm Coast was arrested on a robbery charge resulting from a December incident at a Palm Coast Parkway convenience store, while 15-year-old Aatif Mims of Webb Place was arrested on an arson charge after firefighters responded to four fires in the W-Section Thursday night.
Bad News for Counties: Juvenile Detention Costs Would More Heavily Burden Locals
Florida’s Juvenile Justice Department, in a case involving 14 local governments and the Florida Association of Counties, filed an order rejecting arguments that its interpretation of the law has improperly shifted extra costs to counties.
Daniel Biles, Former Bunnell Teacher’s Aide, Sentenced to 7 Years on Child Porn Charges
Daniel Biles, a former teacher’s aide at Bunnell Elementary school and a long-time employee of the district, pleaded no contest to 20 charges of possessing child pornography, and will serve seven years in state prison and five years on sex-offender probation.
FRS RIP: Public Employees Hired After 2013 Would Be Shifted to 401(k)-Like Plan
A Florida House committee unveiled a proposal Thursday that would shift all future state employees to a defined contribution, 401(k)-style retirement plan that would gradually spell the end of the Florida Retirement System.
Flagler Sheriff Deputies Will Respond to Many Medical Calls in Policy Shift Triggered By Death
The change, the first significant and visible policy change of Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre’s new administration, is a direct result of the hit-and-run death of Françoise Pécqueur in Palm Coast’s C-Section in November 2011, when medical and fire units were dispatched, but cops didn’t get to the scene until six hours after the incident.
As Gov. Scott Calls for $2,500 Teacher Raise, Reactions Are More Skeptical Than Jubilant
Even in Flagler County, teachers and the school board chairman reacted to Gov. Rick Scott’s proposal with a mixture of skepticism and guarded optimism, as questions about math, political motives and local control abound.
To Combat Bullying, Middle School Student Wants Gay-Straight Alliance, But Officials Balk
As Flagler County schools continues to grapple with bullying through various forums, middle school student Bayli Silberstein in Leesburg sees a Gay-Straight-Alliance club at her school as one measure against bullying–but school officials have so far resisted, in sharp contrast with their admission of other clubs, such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Tax on Guns and Ammo Would Pay for Florida’s “Safe Schools Trust Fund”
Tax collected on the sale of ammunition and guns would go into a “Safe Schools Trust Fund,” to pay for additional guidance services and school safety measures under legislation filed in the House.
Lowe Family Brings Rain of Children and All-But-Kitchen-Sink Music to Flagler Auditorium
The Lowe Family’s six children and accompanists, at the Flagler Auditorium Thursday evening, make it a point to dare every musical genre, every instrument, every move, all wrapped in feel-good flags.
With Stern Words on Process, Flagler School Board Ratifies Private Hire of Cop at Old Kings
Board members Sue Dickinson and Colleen Conklin raised issues with the preferential message the private-pay guard at Old Kings Elementary may send to other schools, and the way the decision was made without the board’s knowledge. Three board members had no issue with the process. All five welcomed the check.
Red-Light Cameras on Palm Coast Parkway Used to Arrest Hit-and-Run Suspect
The arrest is the latest indication of the sheriff’s office stepped-up use of Palm Coast’s traffic cameras, which are increasing from 10 to more than 50, and blanketing all the city’s major and medium intersections.
Palm Coast Cited Among Florida Cities Most Vulnerable to Climate Change in Latest Review
The federal National Climate Assessment just released names Palm Coast among four Florida cities vulnerable to sea level rises and other vulnerabilities to climate change. Flagler County has no comprehensive initiative locally to frame long-term climate-change policy collectively.
Obama II
Far from a dud, as these second inaugurals tend to be, Obama’s today was bracing in its realism, and hopeful, ironically, for having finally shed the imagery of hope for hope’s sake, replacing it with an agenda for equality, little heard of since the days of the New Deal and the Great Society.
Parent at Old Kings Elementary Hires Full-Time Armed Guard at Her $12,000 Expense
Laura Lauria put up $12,000 just for the first two months’ cost of a full-time sheriff’s deputy at Old Kings, an arrangement carried out without the school board’s knowledge and outside normal policy and legal oversight, though school and sheriff’s officials welcome it–with caveats.
The Thanks and Reverence We Owe Undocumented Immigrants
We’ve admitted that these immigrants aren’t going away. Let’s admit our co-dependence, let’s restore their dignity, and America’s, and admit that illegal immigration is as American as apple pie, if not as American as empanadas.
Car and Semi Tangle on I-95 and Dive Down 30-Foot Ravine in Sunday Morning Wreck
I-95 just north of the Old Dixie Highway exit was the scene of a spectacular crash at dawn Sunday, as a semi truck and a Lincoln Town Car collided, then jointly swerved off the highway and down a 30-foot ravine, into a retention pond, seriously injuring the truck driver.
57 Republicans Who Voted for Bush’s Katrina Aid Voted Against Obama’s Sandy Aid
When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Congress passed two relief bills almost unanimously. But when it comes to Hurricane Sandy,179 Republicans and one Democrat opposed aid. Signal differences are the occupant in the White House and the states getting help.
Stephen Sondheim Sidles Up to Palm Coast in “Side by Side” at City Repertory Theatre
“Side By Side By Sondheim,” a revue opening at Palm Coast’s City Repertory Theatre Friday, is a clever reinvention of Stephen Sondheim’s lyrical genius by way of his classics, from “West Side Story” to “Sweeney Todd.”
After Abuse at Girls’ Lock-Up, Promises of More Oversight from Florida’s Juvenile Justice
In the wake of allegations of abuse by staffers at a girls’ lockup in Milton, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice is tightening its oversight of private residential facilities – adding interviews with youths and a partnership with the non-profit Annie E. Casey Foundation to its monitoring procedures.
Preliminary Report on Plane Crash Adds Little New as Homeowner’s Trauma Endures
The federal investigation into the plane crash that killed 3 and demolished a house in Seminole Woods revealed that the plane’s oil pressure was zero just before the crash. Susan Crockett, the home owner, said Friday that she had no plans to return to that neighborhood, and described her traumas since the crash.
Oceanside Co-Owner Lulgjuraj Joins Mealy And Settle in Flagler Beach Commission Race
Flagler Beach City Commission incumbents Jane Mealy and Steve Settle are being challenged by John Lulgjuraj, owner of Flagler Beach’s Oceanside Grill, in the March 5 election. Two of the three candidates will win.
In a Calculated Shift, Gov. Scott Wants Early Voting Days Decided by Local Supervisors
Gov. Rick Scott two years ago signed a law restricting early voting days to eight. His shift back to allow up to 14 days would give local supervisors more choice, but could also be an unfunded mandate: if supervisors don’t have the money to expand voting days, they’ll take the political blame for not doing so.
Unemployment Rates in Flagler and Florida Improve Even as 15,300 Fewer Have Jobs
Unemployment in December fell to 8 percent in Florida and 11.2 percent in Flagler County, lowest in four years, yet Florida lost more than 15,000 jobs, and Flagler lost 76, as the weak recovery combines with harsher rules discouraging workers from seeking unemployment benefits or staying in the labor force.
Colleen Newman of Belle Terre Elementary And Sue McVeigh Are School District Champs
First-grade teacher Colleen Newman of Belle Terre Elementary is the Teacher of the Year, Sue McVeigh, a parent specialist in the district’s Exceptional Student Education administration, is the employee of the year.
Public Employees Lose as Florida Supreme Court Upholds 3% Pension Dip
Last Updated: 12:55 p.m. The Florida Supreme Court, in a much-anticipated but very divided 4-3 ruling, today sided with the Legislature, and against public employees, by upholding a 2011 law that requires all public employees to contribute 3 percent of their pay to the Florida Retirement System, a pension fund. In a majority opinion by […]
Trayvon Martin’s Mother Calls for Repeal Of Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law
Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, said the Stand Your Ground law protected her son’s killer, George Zimmerman, who pursued Martin before a violent confrontation when Zimmerman shot the 17-year-old boy.
Bunnell Mayor Robinson Coasting to Re-Election Unopposed; 3 Vie for 2 Other Seats
As in 2010, Mayor Catherine Robinson is facing no opposition, with Friday’s qualifying deadline fast approaching. Commission incumbents Elbert Tucker and Daisy Henry have qualified, with just one additional candidate, Bill Baxley, in the mix.