An eight-minute promotional and marketing video about Flagler Palm Coast High School, produced by students, reflects the intense competition even public schools now face to stay relevant, and is catching the eye of economic development officials, who see it as a means of broadening the county’s story and potential to prospective residents and businesses.
Flagler Palm Coast High School
FPC Student Detained for Bringing Alcohol on a School Bus; 2 Arrested Over Stolen Gun
The 15-year-old student allegedly confessed to drinking alcohol at a bus stop, and bringing the drink on board the bus, which he then spilled when confronted. Kenneth James Kirsch Jr., 20, and Michael Shawn McRoberts Jr., 17, of Palm Coast, were arrested after a police raid on a Zoeller Court over a gun stolen in late September in the F Section.
Matanzas High School’s Surging SAT Scores Brighten Otherwise Dimmer District Results
In a tribute to the school’s SAT prep classes, Matanzas’ reading average of 502 on the SAT test exceeded state and national averages, and the school exceeded state averages on math and writing, but district-wide 2013 SAT and ACT scores remain below state and national averages, dragged down especially by math scores.
When an F Is an Automatic 50: In Defense Of Matanzas High School’s Grading Policy
Matanzas High School Principal Chris Pryor’s new policy of bottoming out all F’s at 50%–not zero–drew some grumbles, but teacher Jo Ann Nahirny explains why it’s a far more just policy than awarding zeros–and how the same policy may have changed her own life.
That Feared Flagler Schools Enrollment Drop And Loss of $1.8 Million? Didn’t Happen.
Last May, when the school board was campaigning for a new tax, it was projecting a loss of 283 students and $1.8 million. In fact, the district has added a handful of students two weeks into the new school year, ensuring that the state will keep sending that money to Flagler–and reducing pressure on the local district to think of closing some schools.
Laptop Policy FAQ For Flagler County Schools, Explaining Macbook Distribution
This year (2013-14) the district is giving every high school student a Macbook Air, unless students or parents opt out. So-called “deployment” nights are scheduled at FPC and Matanzas High later this month. The following is the district’s own Frequently Asked Questions about the initiative.
Three High School Students Held Up at Gunpoint For Their Laptops at a Bus Stop
Earlier this week, three high school students were robbed at gunpoint of their Macbook Air laptops at a bus stop in Ocoee, in Orange County. The computers had been issued to the students as part of a pilot program. A similar but much broader initiative is under way in Flagler County Schools, though security issues have not been addressed as broadly.
School Bell Schedule for Flagler County Schools, 2013-14
Clip and save: bell schedules for Flagler Palm Coast High School, Matanzas High School, Buddy Taylor and Indian Trails middle schools, and the district’s five elementary schools: Bunnell, Belle Terre, Rymfire, Wadsworth and Old Kings.
Most Flagler Schools’ Grades Drop, Following State Trend, As Tougher Standards Kick In
In Flagler County, not a single school saw its grade improve and five fell back a grade, though two maintained their A rating: Indian Trails Middle School and Belle Terre Elementary. Grades would have been worse had the state Board of Education not agreed to artificially prop them up, limiting grade drops to a maximum of one letter grade.
Flagler District Approves $3.2 Million Plan for Free Macbook or iPad in Every Student’s Hands
Within three weeks starting on Sept. 16, every student at Flagler Palm Coast High School and Matanzas High School will have the latest-generation Macbook Air, free, on what amounts to a permanent loan from the school district. The district also plans to have an iPad for every fifth and sixth grader this year and next, and have every student in the district possess a device by the 2017-18 school year.
Board Members Balk at 7:25 a.m. Middle School Start Time, But Approve New Bell Schedule
Buddy Taylor and Indian Trails middle school students will have to wake up even earlier than last year when school resumes on Aug. 19, with first-bell at 7:25 a.m. and dismissal at 1:25 p.m. Most other schools’ schedules are unchanged, with high schools starting at 8 a.m. and elementaries around 9 a.m.
Flagler County School Board July 18 Meeting Notice
The School Board of Flagler County, Florida, will hold a Budget Workshop on Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. on the 2013-14 budgets for Matanzas and Flagler Palm Coast High Schools’ budgets, and that of Indian Trails Middle School.
Flagler District Shelves School-Cop Posting in All Elementaries, Reverting to Previous Plan
Not expecting another case of a parent privately paying for a school cop, the Flagler County School Board Tuesday evening gave its approval to the district’s new contract with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office to provide six school resource deputies at high and middle schools only, and seven crossing guards, for the duration of the school year.
Flagler County Schools’ Problem Solvers Collect 5 Trophies at International Tourney
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s and Bunnell Elementary’s students combined for one first place award, two second place, and two third place awards at the annual international problem solvers’ competition, just concluded at Indiana University. Flagler County’s awards represented fully one third of all the awards collected by Florida schools.
District Throws In Towel on School Uniforms, Largely Relaxing Policy For Simplicity’s Sake
For high school students in Flagler schools, specific color restrictions will be gone, as long as students wear solid colors and sweatshirts and other “outerwear,” including all sorts of logos, will be allowed, making the policy look more like the pre-uniform dress code than not. Restrictions would still be in place for younger students.
Flagler Middle & High School Principals Plead With Voters: Give Us Back Those 45 Minutes
Flagler County’s four secondary-school principals say restoring 45 minutes to the school day, or the equivalent of a month’s worth education, is indispensable if the district’s students are to excel consistently.
FPC Graduates Are Urged: Don’t Just Show Up. Know the Why of Your Life’s Purpose.
For Flagler Palm Coast High School, a day that began with a bomb scare ended with the graduation of some 450 seniors at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach Thursday evening, with Katie Young delivering the Commencement Address and Lynettt Shott watching her first graduating class as FPC’s new principal.
11th Grader Admits to Bomb Threat at Flagler Palm Coast High School
An employee who’d been off Tuesday and Wednesday heard a phone message Thursday that referred to a bomb threat on the FPC campus, but the threat was for last Tuesday. The sheriff’s office recommended against evacuating the school and treated the matter as a “suspicious incident,” through the school was to be searched and a bomb squad called in.
Flagler’s African-American Mentor Program Celebrates Another Year Against Odds and Age
The Flagler County African-American Mentor Program graduated 10 of its 62 students in a ceremony Thursday evening, attended by 42 mentors and parents and grandparents as the program, started by Jim Guines and John Winston, celebrated its ninth year.
Closing Schools a Possibility With or Without Referendum as District Closes Budget Gap
The Flagler County School Board found the $1.8 million in cuts it needed to balance its books Thursday, but was also told that closing Indian Trails Middle, Wadsworth Elementary or Old Kings Elementary may become necessary by 2014-15 if enrollment declines persist.
Flagler Youth Orchestra’s 280 Musicians Take The Auditorium in Year-End Concert
The Flagler Youth Orchestra’s “Take a Bow” concert at the Flagler Auditorium Monday at 7 p.m. will feature all 280 musicians in different orchestras in the culmination of a year’s–and for many, several years’–work.
School District Missed and Ignored Long List of Serious Problems With Youth Center Employee
Flagler County Youth Center Assistant Director Shannon Diamond’s arrest Sunday on charges related to drunkenly behavior were the latest in a series of criminal and other issues, including some in the district, that Diamond has faced over the years, and that the district either ignored or found of no consequence.
Flagler School District Celebrates Silver Medals for Matanzas and FPC in U.S. News Rankings
Matanzas High School ranked 72nd in Florida, out of 777 schools. Matanzas was 1,523rd in the nation, out of 21,000 schools. Flagler Palm Coast High School ranked 87th in the state, and 2,242nd in the nation.
Flagler Youth Center’s Shannon Diamond Is Again Arrested on Drunk Charges
Shannon Diamond was arrested on a DUI charge last year but kept his employment, supervising students. He was arrested at McCharacter’s Sunday after allegedly refusing to pay his bill and trying to flee. He is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
Jackson Pollock in Bunnell: City Hydrates Its Centennial With Art
As part of the Bunnell Centennial celebration, the city turned over some 35 fire hydrants to be turned into art works by organizations and individuals, leading up to Saturday’s city clean-up and judging of the hydrants. The result is a treat to the eyes.
FPC’s Culinary Students Audition, Through Dishes of Brash, For Their Day on TV
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s team finished ninth out of 50 schools at the Pro Start Culinary Team Competition last month in Orlando, a testament to a program that numbers 133 students and almost as many ambitions to make it to the big time.
For Flagler County Students, a New Tech Academy Without Borders, or Traditional Walls
Instead, the academy will be on the Flagler Palm Coast High School campus and students will also be enrolled at the high school. Dual enrollment will also be offered, which offers students a chance to earn college credits at Daytona State College while in high school.
Youth Leadership Flagler Application Deadline Is March 15 for High School Sophomores
Modeled after Leadership Flagler, a program that develops aspiring leaders of Flagler County, the youth program will provide participating students with a better understanding of Flagler County for community-improvement purposes.
Minor Injuries to 4, Including a Student, as FPC School Bus Rear-Ends a Van on Belle Terre
A Flagler County school bus with 27 high school students on board rear-ended a Dodge minivan at the intersection of Pine Grove Parkway and Belle Terre Boulevard Monday morning, sending three people to the hospital with minor injuries. A fourth victim–a student–had minor injuries and declined medical attention.
School Security’s Buy-A-Cop Delusions
The Flagler County School board this week will debate adoption of a new security plan that includes adding armed cops in elementary schools. The approach would be costly, ineffective, and more emotional than intelligent. Smarter approaches–and far greater priorities–abound.
Flagler Schools Considering Public Color-Coded Emergency System to Signal Lockdowns
Before the Newtown massacre but after a close call with a student who threatened to attack a school last week, Flagler school and sheriff’s officials met to devise a system that would let people know in real time when a school, college or day care center was in lockdown.
Matanzas High School Is an A School Again, FPC Maintains B, Heritage Gets 3rd F in a Row
The much-anticipated high school grades are in, with Matanzas High School getting the second A in seven years, after three years as a B school, and FPC maintaining its B for the third straight year. Now-closed Heritage, a charter, got what would have been the third successive F.
SWAT Team and Fire Flight Deliver: 20-Year-Old Is Caught at 3:25 p.m. on John Anderson Hwy
Three unrelated wrecks at US1 and Palm Coast Parkway kept emergency authorities busy, while at 8:30 the county’s two high schools and Daytona State went on lockdown following comments on Facebook school authorities were concerned about.
Magnificent Minis Tangle with FPC Student Artists’ Work in New Flagler Art League Show
The exhibit of miniature art known as the Magnificent Minis is an anual event at the Flagler County Art League, as is the showcasing of Flagler Palm Coast High School’s rich trove of student art and design.
Flagler School District Cut from $30 Million Race-to-the-Top Grant; Rezoning Still Ahead
The $30 million federal grant–a third of the district’s annual budget–would have let the district turn all its middle and elementary schools into K-8 magnet schools of choice, with transportation. Nevertheless, the district still plans to adopt several reforms, including converting Indian Trails into a K-8 center, and countywide rezoning.
Astronaut Suni Williams Enthralls 1,000 Flagler Students in a Ham Radio Chat From ISS
Suni Williams, one of the most decorated American astronauts, was 210 miles above Florida as she fielded some 20 questions for 10 minutes from students before a packed audience of 1,000 at Indian Trails Middle School today, in a thrilling, old-fashioned hook up made possible by the Flagler Palm Coast Amateur Radio Club.
K-8 System, Choice, Rezoning: Flagler School District Bracing for Reforms Affecting All
Major changes are coming to Flagler County schools: Rezoning, reforming and rethinking the district’s physical and intellectual boundaries. By the time it’s done—or at least implemented—students, teachers and parents will have all felt the ground beneath their feet move a little, and in some cases a lot.
Flagler Schools’ Overall Enrollment Flat For 4th Straight Year as Charters Keep Growing
Flagler County’s three charter schools’ enrollment exceeds 1,000, or 8 percent of the district, which saw its traditional schools’ enrollment fall to the lowest level since the 2005-06 school year.
Flagler’s SAT Scores Tumble to Lowest Level in at Least 8 Years as Florida’s Improve
The declines some of them steep, took place in all categories–reading, math, writing–at both Flagler Palm Coast High School and Matanzas High School, with one exception in reading at Matanzas.
Mother Chases and Fights a Boy On a School Bus, Drawing Charges; Sheriff Releases Video
Felecia Phillips, 35, of Espanola, is accused of attacking a boy at a bus stop Wednesday morning, then chasing him onto the bus that was to take him to FPC. She was arrested on child abuse and trespassing charges.
What Six School Cops and $287,464 Buy: Mentor, Counselor, Law Enforcement Officer
A trio of school and sheriff’s officials described to the Palm Coast City Council the impact of six school deputies in Flagler County middle and high schools, but not without triggering questions about what “went wrong” to make the cops necessary on campus.
Flagler Students’ ACT Scores, Reflecting College Readiness, Fall for 4th Year in a Row
If Flagler County were a state, its composite score of 18.6 would rank at the very bottom of the table, below Mississippi’s 18.7, well below the national average of 21.1, and a universe away from the scores of students in New England and the Northeast.
Sheriff’s and School Bus Director’s Caution: “Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.”
With Flagler County schools resuming on Thursday, Aug. 15, the sheriff’s office and the school district’s transportation department–responsible for 85 bus routes traveling 8,000 miles a day–are reminding parents, students and all drivers to heighten their prudence. A list of bus routes and times is included.
Complaint Cites Broad, Harsh Discrimination Against Black Students in Flagler Schools
Flagler County schools are among five Florida districts cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center in complaints filed with the federal Office of Civil Rights, calling for federal investigations into discriminatory punishments that disproportionately target black students.
Uniform Policy Rules and Penalties Dress Up School District’s New Code of Conduct Edition
The Flagler County School Board Monday approved rules and penalties that apply to the district’s new uniform policy. But the Code of Conduct makes many allowances for students who cannot wear uniforms.
Two Flagler School Board Races Will be Decided Aug. 14: The Live Interviews
Three-term incumbents Sue Dickinson and Colleen Conklin are being challenged by Bill Corkran and Debbie Laury in two contests for the Flagler County School Board that will be decided Aug. 14. All registered voters may vote regardless of party affiliation or address.
Andy Dance: Why You Should Support Flagler Schools’ Renewal of the Half-Penny Sales Tax
Andy Dance, the school board member, explains why your vote approving the renewal of the half-penny sales tax in the Aug. 14 referendum is critical for Flagler County schools. All registered voters may cast a ballot regardless of party affiliation.
Lane Burnsed Is Laid to Rest to the Words of Job and a Community’s Grief
Lane Burnsed, 19, was laid to rest Wednesday as hundreds of friends and family members paid their respects to his father, Capt. Jamey Burnsed, and his wife Iola, whose roots in the community run broad and deep.
Back to School Jam Returns Saturday at FPC: Uniforms, Discounts, But No Free Backpacks
This year’s back to school jam for all flagler county students will feature discounted uniforms, $5 backpacks and many other supplies, at Flagler Palm Coast High School Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bill Corkran, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Bill Corkran is one of four candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 14 primary election, which will decide the winners: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.