Bill McBride, a powerful lawyer who unsuccessfully tried to unseat then-Gov. Jeb Bush in 2002 and later watched his wife, Alex Sink, also run for governor, has died. He was 67.
When Flagler’s Firefighters Are A Lot More Than First Responders
When the author’s father died at an assisted living facility in Palm Coast two years ago, paramedics had to be called in to take care of his aunt’s panic attack. What followed illustrates our first responders’ routine and largely unheralded heroism.
Bogus Democracy: How Dark Money Helped Republicans Hold the House and Hurt Voters
A million more Americans voted for Democrats seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives than Republicans. That advantage did not result in control of the chamber. Redistricting and secret money were key to the disparity.
Time to Get Serious About
Mental Health in Florida
Florida ranks near dead last nationally in the level of expenditures for front-end community-based mental health services. Let’s not be penny wise and pound foolish when so many precious lives are at risk, argues Paula Dockery.
Flagler Schools Considering Public Color-Coded Emergency System to Signal Lockdowns
Before the Newtown massacre but after a close call with a student who threatened to attack a school last week, Flagler school and sheriff’s officials met to devise a system that would let people know in real time when a school, college or day care center was in lockdown.
Matanzas High School Is an A School Again, FPC Maintains B, Heritage Gets 3rd F in a Row
The much-anticipated high school grades are in, with Matanzas High School getting the second A in seven years, after three years as a B school, and FPC maintaining its B for the third straight year. Now-closed Heritage, a charter, got what would have been the third successive F.
Florida Unemployment Falls Sharply to 8.1%, But Flagler’s Edges Back Up to 11.4%
Florida’s unemployment rate dropped sharply in November, to 8.1 percent, from 8.5 percent last month–and 10.1 percent a year ago–but Flagler County’s unemployment rate rose a decimal point, to 11.4 percent.
When the End of the World Is Art’s Excuse to Remake It in Rapture’s Image
“I Decided Not to End the World,” an exhibit that opens at Hollingsworth Gallery Friday, marks the alleged end of the world (according to the Maya calendar) by remaking it anew with the art work of children, adults and students, curated by JJ Graham.
Polls: Scott Tanks, Gay Marriage Gains, Pot Wilts, Alternate College Costs Rejected
Even a majority of Republicans want an alternative to Rick Scott in 2014. Overwhelming majorities reject charging lower college tuition for science majors, and gay marriage makes a 10-point gain in latest Quinnipiac polls.
A Rare, 26-Foot Right Whale Is Discovered Dead Just South of Varn Park
A 26-foot right whale that had been dead more than a day was discovered south of Varn Park Wednesday morning. Federal and state authorities will conduct a necropsy before attempting to bury the whale in place.
Palm Coast Approves Surtax Tool as It Looks To Recoup Old Kings Road Widening Costs
The Palm Coast City Council, still looking to repay the $6.2 million it cost to widen Old Kings Road, laid out plans to create a special taxing district next year that would levy a property surtax on property owners long the southern portion of Old Kings.
Three Blazes in 2 Days Prompt Flagler-Palm Coast Fire Chiefs to Highlight Holiday Safety
Firefighters battled three residential fires in two days this weekend—two in Palm Coast, one in Flagler Beach—though in every case firefighters got to the scene fast enough to limit the damage. The county’s three fire chiefs spoke of the need for heightened safety vigilance around the holidays.
Flagler Humane Society Lands Big Grant to Offer Free Sterilization for Pit Bulls and Mixes
The Flagler Humane Society has landed an $83,000 grant through PetSmart Charities that will enable the society to offer free spay and neutering, microchips and rabies vaccination to 850 pit bull and pit bull mix dogs belonging to any Flagler County residents.
The Soft-Core Terrorism
Of Florida’s Gun Worship
Florida’s gun-worship is part of a lethal, juvenile romance for guns and a national disease that doesn’t hesitate to lock and load the words “gun” and “hobby” in the same chamber while vilifying those who’d imply a connection with the consequences.
Deputy Shoots and Kills 32-Year-Old Wielding Machete in One Hand and Bible in the Other
A Flagler County Sheriff’s Deputy shot and killed a young man on Brownstone Lane in Palm Coast around 4:45 this afternoon as the man was wielding a Bible in one hand and a machete in the other, and had become violent toward his family.
Florida’s New Gay Lawmakers: Pride For LGBT Community, Perspective in Tallahassee
With the election of Resp. Joel Saunders of Orlando and David Richardson of Miami, Florida was one of seven states to break the straight barrier in legislatures. Nationwide, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender candidates were elected to the U.S. Senate and House, and dozens to state legislatures.
Sheriff Fleming Restores to Full Rank Deputy Accused of Skimming Time, as Others Dissent
An internal investigation of Sgt. Jamie Roster, based on testimonies from men he supervised, had found him to have falsified time sheets for more than $8,000. The settlement between Fleming and the PBA means Roster will serve a one-day suspension without pay and be returned to full Sergeant duty in charge of the men who’d reported on him.
Palm Coast City Truck Collides With Faith Driving School Car on Red Mill, Injuring One
A Palm Coast pick-up truck belonging to the city’s public works department collided with a Toyota Corolla belonging to Faith Driving School on Red Mill Drive in Palm Coast, injuring at least one person, who was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler.
As Flagler Beach Asks for Hand-Outs, A Commissioner Asks for Employee Raises
Flagler Beach City Commissioner Marshall Shupe proposed a mid-year raise or a $500 bonus for employees. Three commissioners rejected the idea, citing process and timing, including the recent lay-off of some employees. They could have also cited Flagler Beach’s hat-in-hand requests for money from the county'[s tourism council and from Palm Coast.
First in Firearms: One Million Concealed Gun Permits in Florida, Doubling Since 2007
The number of concealed weapons license holders will top 5 percent of Florida’s 19.1 million residents in a state that is number one nationally in licenses issued.
BOLO: Christmas With a Deputy Will Light Up Target With 100 Children Friday Evening
Don’t panic: more than 60 cop cars with lights flashing and sirens blaring will take 100 children, with $150 gift certificate each, to Target at Town Center Friday, starting at 6:30 p.m.
15 Flagler County Rotarians Receive President’s Service Award, Highest Volunteer Honor
The Rotary Club of Flagler County is not exactly Obama country, but 15 of its 70 members (all past presidents) were surprised Wednesday evening when they received the presidential award, presented to those who’ve logged more than 4,000 volunteer hours in their community.
Tony Bennett, Friend of School Vouchers, Foe of Unions, is Florida’s New Education Chief
Before losing a reelection bid as Indiana’s superintendent of public instruction, Tony Bennett was boasting of introducing a voucher program and limiting collective bargaining to pay and benefits. Bennett also favors national common core standards, which are coming to Florida.
SWAT Team and Fire Flight Deliver: 20-Year-Old Is Caught at 3:25 p.m. on John Anderson Hwy
Three unrelated wrecks at US1 and Palm Coast Parkway kept emergency authorities busy, while at 8:30 the county’s two high schools and Daytona State went on lockdown following comments on Facebook school authorities were concerned about.
Conflict Over Hammock Vacation Rentals Dominates Legislative Meeting, To Little End
Florida House freshman Travis Hutson and John Thrasher, both Republicans and the sum total of Flagler County’s legislative delegation, listened to almost two hours of direct lobbying and appeal from local leaders and residents Tuesday evening in Bunnell, but distanced themselves from the evening’s most contentious issue: vacation rentals.
Palm Coast Approves 46% Stormwater Fee Increase, But Permanent Solution Still Elusive
The Palm Coast City Council is looking for ways to pay for a $7.5 million a year stormwater infrastructure. Residents’ stormwater fee will go up from $8 to $11.65 a month, while the council has until February to find a permanent solution that may push some fees even higher.
Calling It “Grinching,” 3 Palm Coast Teens Vandalize Through F Section Ornaments
Zachary Jacobs, Matthew Leslie Smith and James Joseph Rumph (the fourth), all 17, now facing felony charges for allegedly rampaging through Palm Coast’s F Section early Sunday morning, stealing Christmas ornaments, damaging mailboxes and smashing one car’s rear window.
Obamacare or Bust: U.S. Tells Florida to Either Expand Medicaid or Lose Out on Billions
Under Obamacare the federal government would pay 100 percent of the cost of the expanded eligibility from 2014 through 2016. Florida and other states questioned whether the federal government also would cover the full costs for a partial Medicaid expansion. The Obama administration said no.
Carrabba’s Opens In Palm Coast, Edging the City’s Economic Center of Gravity a Little North
Palm Coast’s Carrabba’s, the Italian restaurant, will add some local 82 jobs and further solidify economic growth along Cypress Edge Drive, while Town Center continues to wait for its equivalent day in the sun.
Florida Hospital Flagler CEO David Ottati in Awe of EMS Response at Trauma Wreck Scene
Florida Hospital Flagler CEO David Ottati witnessed the wreck of motorcyclist Brian Davis on john Anderson Highway Friday night, called 911, assisted the victim, then was in awe of Flagler County Fire Rescue’s paramedics at work as he’d never seen them beyond the hospital.
From Washington Oaks Gardens to Flagler Beach, a Drenching of Grayish Christmas Cheer
Flagler Beach’s parade packed A1A and ran for 75 minutes, while Washington Oaks Gardens’ Holiday in the Gardens drew more than 1,000 people who donated food and toys for the needy.
New York Tenors Bring Tri-Ethnic Flavors of the City, and Attitude, to Flagler Auditorium
Andy Cooney, Daniel Rodriguez and Michael Amante bring their Irish, Puerto Rican, and Italian-flavored voices and songs to the stage by way of a Christmas show, mixing favorites with that inimitable New York attitude.
Charlie Crist’s Evolution Is Complete. He’s a Democrat. Now What?
Crist’s move to the Democratic Party heightens talk of a run against Gov. Rick Scott in 2014. No clear Democratic front-runner has emerged, though Alex Sink, could run again.
Magnificent Minis Tangle with FPC Student Artists’ Work in New Flagler Art League Show
The exhibit of miniature art known as the Magnificent Minis is an anual event at the Flagler County Art League, as is the showcasing of Flagler Palm Coast High School’s rich trove of student art and design.
14-Year-Old Boy Critically Hurt in Wreck on Palm Coast Parkway and Old Kings Road
Matthew Yarborough, 14, was critically injured and a 12-year-old boy had minor injuries following a two-vehicle crash on Palm Coast Parkway and Old Kings Road at 7:40 this evening (Dec. 7). Two adults involved in the crash–both drivers–were not injured.
Lumpkins Cousins and D’Corius Hill Arrested in R-Section Burglary Ring
D’Corius Hill, Cousins Raymond Lumpkins and Ebony Lumpkins lived together at Wellshire Lane in Palm Coast and were involved, with Jeremiah Harris, in burglaries in the R Section, including the incident that led to a police chase Monday.
Palm Coast’s Plan to Install Red-Light Spy Cameras on SR100 Faces New Obstacle
Flagler County runs the lights’ infrastructure, and must give its permission to Palm Coast to plug in its spy-camera system. The county, which opposes cameras on SR100, won’t grant permission.
Bill Filed to Ban Police from Using Drones To Gather Evidence Anywhere in Florida
Miami Police were the first civilian police agency in the nation to use unmanned drones, but police anywhere in Florida would be prohibited from using un-manned drones to gather evidence or other information, under a bill filed Thursday by Senate Republican Joe Negron.
Bullish on 2013: Palm Coast and Flagler Housing Markets in Full Recovery
Have we returned to a normal market? No yet, writes Toby Tobin, but in a bullish analysis of Palm Coast’s and Flagler County’s current housing markets, he expects momentum to build into 2013, with all segments of the market are rising.
Despite Sandy, Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.7%, Best Since December 2008
Despite Hurricane Sandy and economists’ predictions of a poor jobs report, the economy added 146,000 jobs in November, for a combined 416,000 jobs in the last three months. But the numbers are still lower than what they should be for a robust recovery.
Tumor Gone, Staples Removed, Humor and Grit Intact: A Teacher Returns to Matanzas
On medical leave for cancer treatment since September, Jo Ann Nahirny describes in harrowing and moving detail her final medical hurdles and clearances before deciding to return to her classroom almost a month early, on Dec. 10.
Devin Kolb Is 3rd Charged in Fregenti Money-Laundering Scheme Involving $3.22 Million
Devin Kolb on Tuesday was charged on one count of money laundering more than $100,000, a first degree felony, joining Anthony Fregenti and Michael Stevens in what the State Attorney’s office says involved a scheme to launder $3.22 million in five months between the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010.
Florida Now Has a $437 Million Budget Surplus, But 3% Pension Decision Looms
A decision in the case challenging a 2011 law that required employees to contribute 3 percent of their income to their retirement funds could cost the state around $2 billion if the Supreme Court strikes down the law.
Sheriff Fleming “Conflicting” Under Oath, But Cleared of Wrongdoing in Fischer Case
Sheriff Fleming made conflicting and inaccurate statements under oath regarding his phone calls with John Fischer following Fischer’s wife’s involvement in a fatal hit-and-run last year, a state attorney’s report concludes, but there’s no evidence of “improper or illegal contact” between the two men, the report states.
Paul Miller, Accused Flagler Beach
Murderer, Scheduled for Trial Feb. 25
Paul Miller, who faces a second-degree murder charge in the shooting death of Dana Mulhall during an argument in March, will go on trial on Feb. 25, or that week, after an appearance in court today.
As New Commission Chairman, Nate McLaughlin Quickly Flexes Unyielding Muscle
In a tense few minutes at this week’s Flagler County Commission meeting, McLaughlin refused to yield to Barbara Revels’s repeated request to hold on to her membership on the Public Safety Coordinating Council, which McLaughlin took over, as he did that of the powerful Tourist Development Council.
Two Damaging Chases, 2 Arrests, Innumerable Charges. But Should She Be in Jail?
Deborah Brinkman, 60, took Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies on two car chases through Palm Coast in seven days, damaging three police cruisers, and was jailed again Monday on several charges, including battery on a cop, but her behavior raises questions about the county’s ability to respond beyond jail to individuals with mental health issues.
Bill Filed to Guarantee In-State Tuition to Florida Children of Undocumented Immigrants
Unlike the federal Dream Act, which covers children brought to the country illegally, the Florida bill filed Tuesday only deals with children who are American citizens by virtue of being born in the United States.
David Brown, 55, of Palm Coast, Killed in Motorcycle Wreck on Deadly Stretch of U.S. 1
A 55-year-old Palm Coast resident was killed at 10 p.m. Monday when he lost control of his motorcycle on a notoriously deadly curve on U.S. 1, just south of the intersection with Belle Terre Boulevard and north of County Road 304.
The Lives and Nuns of Danny Goggin, Creator of Tonight’s “Nunset Boulevard” at Auditorium
Danny Goggin, profiled in this piece, is the writer and director of what’s become a half-billion dollar “Nunsense” franchise, whose latest installment–“Nunset Boulevard: The Nunsense Hollywood Bowl Show”–takes the Flagler Auditorium stage tonight.