Edward La Troy, a 34-year-old resident of Miami, had been ticketed for speeding less than three hours earlier by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper when the Flagler County Sheriff’s Carmine Celico stopped him and summoned a K9 that sniffed out the drugs.
Warned Of Animal Filth Months Ago, a Mondex Woman Is Jailed on Child Neglect Charges
The house where four young children lived was strewn with dog waste and infested with roaches. Deputies had first investigated the scene in late July.
Christmas Shopping With a Cop: Children and Deputies on Target Thursday
Thanks to generous donations, some 40 Flagler County children will be holiday shopping with Sheriff’s deputies the evening of Dec, 15 at the Target store on State Road 100, where children will be arriving with cop cars blaring sirens and whirling their lights.
Supreme Court’s Ruling on Immigrants Will Redefine Policing and State Powers
The Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s law is due by the end of June, at the same time as its ruling on Obama’s health care reform law, making this court term one of the most consequential in years, and with big reverberations in Florida.
Another Road Fatality as Hurt Motorcyclist Flagging Help on CR302 Is Struck and Killed
Gary Skelton, 67, of Bunnell, a motorcyclist, is the seventh road fatality in four weeks in Flagler. This wreck appears to have been the result of a tragic set of circumstances in the pitch darkness of County Road 302 on a rainy night.
Two Men Caught in Bunnell After Smashing Their Speeding Car and Fleeing Cops
Two men driving east at a recklessly dangerous speed on SR100 this morning smashed their car then triggered a foot and air chase before being caught by Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies.
Cop Escapee Michael Testa Turns Himself In
Michael Testa, 21, who escaped from a cop car where he’d been held after being stopped on suspicions of dealing in stolen property, had just finished writing a statement and was complaining that his bond amount would keep him in jail forever.
A Suicide in Walmart’s Parking Lot; Victim, 28, Was Connected to Tuesday’s Cop Escapee
Mike Saunders, 28, was found dead in his car in the Walmart parking lot Wednesday, of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning. He had been at the wheel of the same car, with Mochael Testa, when Testa was arrested near Marvin’s Gardens the day before–and escaped from a cop car.
Flagler County Jury Finds Quritus Lowe Guilty of Murdering Retired School Teacher
Myrtle McKinney, a 58-year-old retired schoolteacher, was found bludgeoned to death, gagged and blindfolded on Christmas Day 2007. Quritus Lowe II, one of four people charged in the murder, was convicted of first-degree murder in Flagler Monday, where the trial was moved because of publicity in Palatka. He may face the death penalty.
Domestic Fight Over a Truck in P Section Turns Into a 4-Hour Ordeal of Violence, and a Jailing
Richard Lorusso, 44, of Pine Crest Lane in Palm Coast, is accused of torturing his wife for four hours–beating her, cutting her, spitting on her and keeping her prisoner–before he fled the scene and turned himself in to authorities two hours later.
Head-On Crash Hurts 3 and Closes Belle Terre South of SR100; Driver Likely Drunk
Karen Dempsey of Palm Coast was injured in a head-on crash on Belle Terre Boulevard south of 100 Friday evening. Kenneth Fuller, the driver of the Corolla in the crash, likely drunk, ran from the scene and was caught by a deputy and a K-9. Richard Deacon, a passenger in the Corolla, was severely injured.
Charges Dropped: European Village Store Owner Was Falsely Accused of Gun Assault
Dan Ferrena, owner of Palm Coast Gold Buyers at European Village, was falsely accused of threatening a customer and his children with a gun. Ferrena now faces a long road to expunge his record.
Charles Canady and Ricky Polston, Florida Supreme Court’s Scalia-Thomas Duo
The Florida Supreme Court in recent months has split by a 5-2 margin on a series of cases, with Chief Justice Charles Canady and Justice Ricky Polston siding together and offering conservative — and sometimes-stinging — dissents.
Distracted Driver Kills Josefina Reid, 54, As She Jogs; 6th Road Fatality in 20 Days
Driver Antonio Castanheira, 35, was looking back at two children in the backseat of the car he was driving when he struck Josefina Reid as she jogged in broad daylight on Sesame Boulevard in the Seminole Woods section of Palm Coast Wednesday afternoon.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter
It’s not even spring: juvenile fights at Epic Theater and Ralph Carter Park, a Volkswagen stolen from the Target parking lot crashes soon afterward, plus the usual larcenies, burglaries and drunk drivers.
In Boon to Palm Coast, Appeals Court Rules Traffic Spy-Cams Legal Even Without State Law
South Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals, in a divided ruling, declares red-light cameras legal under cities’ home rule powers. A dissent calls the majority ruling at odds with state law. The decision may influence a proposal to revisit traffic cameras at the Legislature in the coming session.
Palm Coast Opts to Keep Red-Light Cameras On Despite Legal Cautions and Dearth of Evidence
Despite little money generated from red-light cameras, potential legal challenges and no hard evidence that the cameras improve safety, the Palm Coast City Council decided to stick with its 10 spy-and-snap cameras for now.
School Bus Ruled Out in Alex Taylor’s Fatal Hit-and-Run; Finding Culprit Unlikely
A surveillance video on the grounds of the Flagler County Courthouse helped authorities rule out Flagler school buses and detect a large rig that passed by the scene two minutes before the buses did.
Florida Universities Respond to Rick Scott’s Inquisition With a Massive Document Dump
Public university leaders, through thousands of pages of answers that include backup academic studies and appendixes, have replied to Gov. Rick Scott’s request to outline what the schools are doing to ensure graduates meet the need of Florida employers.
Theresa Woodfin, 28, Is Killed in 3-Vehicle Crash on SR100 as Logging Truck Rams Her
Theresa Woodfin, 28, was killed in a fiery three-vehicle crash that shut down SR100 10 miles west of Bunnell Friday afternoon. A fully-loaded logging truck involved in the crash was on its flank, its cargo spread across the highway.
Appeals Court Lets Lawsuit Over School Funding Proceed, Florida Supreme Court Next
An 8-7 ruling by the First District Court of Appeals overturned the state’s effort to stop the lawsuit and may lead to a momentous decision by the Florida Supreme Court interpreting the state’s responsibility to adequately pay for education under the Florida Constitution.
Feed Flagler Raises $25,000 as Don Fleming Reminds Suzanne Johnston Who’s Sheriff
The $25,000 raised largely on the strength of the sheriff and the tax collector’s efforts is $10,000 more than last year, and means that $14,000 of it will be split between two Flagler County food pantries. The rest pays for today’s 4,000 free Thanksgiving meals across the county.
Flagler’s Firefighters and Paramedics Sweep Another Competition, This Time in Nebraska
Flagler County’s firefighters-paramedics took first, third and fourth-place honors in an annual competition in advanced life support in Omaha, Neb., and second place in the basic life support category.
Carnage Continues: 3rd Fatality in 2 Days as a Woman Is Killed in Head-On Crash on SR100
A woman was killed and two men injured this morning when the woman lost control of her pick-up and slammed it head-on into another pick-up on State Road 100, just past the overpass over U.S. 1 and approaching Bimini.
Second Fatality in Third Wreck, On I-95, Caps a Violent Day on Flagler Roads
David Anthony Adorante of Flagler Beach was speeding in his Nissan south on I-95 when he rear-ended a semi carrying a shipping container. The car flipped several times and was mangled beyond recognition, killing the driver.
Flagler Wrecks: 2 Crashes, 3 Cars, 3 Hospitalized, 1 Dead in 7 Hours on US1 and I-95
Victoria Jordan, 21, of Palm Coast, a 2008 graduate of FPC, was a passenger when she was ejected and killed in a single-car wreck on US1 early Wednesday morning. A two-car wreck on I-95 north of the weigh station sent two to the hospital seven hours later.
Court Hearing Arguments in a Case That May Determine Legality of Sweepstakes Gambling
Allied Veterans is asking the 1st District Court of Appeal to let the lawsuit move forward, as the non-profit organization seeks a declaration that it offers legal sweepstakes games at the cafes — and not illegal gambling, as critics allege.
Françoise Pecqueur, Struck By School Board Member’s Wife, Dies 2 Days Short of 77
Françoise Pecqueur was walking her dog in Palm Coast’s C-section the evening of Nov. 10 when she was struck by a a car driven by Jamesine Fischer, wife of John Fischer, the Flagler County School Board member. The incident is now a homicide investigation.
76-Year-Old Walker in Critical Condition After Car Strikes Her and Drives On in Palm Harbor
The car that struck Francoise Pecqueur, 76, was driven by Jamesine Fischer, 55, the wife of John Fischer, the Flagler County school board member. The car was impounded and the case is under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol.
Angela Wray, a Cop’s Wife, Jailed Over Embezzling $59,000 from Celico Auto
Angela Wray worked as Celico Auto Body’s bookkeeper and secretary from January 2007 to December 2010, committing 127 individual acts of thefts, according to the FDLE, and cashing checks or paying personal bills at various banks or financial institutions.
Flashgate: Internal Investigation Clears Bunnell Cop, Citing Another for “Honest Mistake”
Cpl. Sergio Pina was exonerated of acting improperly when he deleted files off the flash drive of a former Bunnell cop that had been turned into the department. Lt. Randy Burke was cited for “improper procedure” without malice.
Young Father in Jail Over Severe Head, Eye and Leg Injuries to His 17-Week-Old Child
Edward Parker, 18, of the Mondex, was preparing for a run when his son began crying. The child was taken to the hospital with a brain hemorrhage, a contusion to the eye and a fractured femur.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter
A car stolen at Florida Hospital Flagler (and recovered), an arrest at McCharacter’s turns violent, a fight at Finn’s turns violent, too, horny Halloween teen shoplifters, and more.
Flagler County Jail Daily Bookings: Oct. 29-Nov. 4, 2011
Flagler County jail daily bookings for the week of Oct. 28-Nov. 4, 2011. With links to inmate search functions, visitation rules and correspondence requirements.
49-Year-Old Arrested on I-95 for Lewd and Lascivious Acts on 14-Year-Old Runaway
Todd Blanchard of Jacksonville was stopped just north of the Palm Coast Parkway Wednesday morning as he drove shirtless and allegedly masturbating a 14-year-old Orlando runaway in the passenger seat.
4 Life Terms as Jury Finds Bloods Gang Leader Brandon Washington Guilty on All Charges
Brandon Elshawon Washington was found guilty of second degree murder, racketeering, armed burglary and attempted home invasion by a jury that deliberated just two hours after an eight-day trial. He was sentenced to four life terms.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter
Squatters arrested on Milwaukee Ave., chasing an undocumented alien in Holland Park, midnight obscenities in the Mondex, a probation violation on speed, and the usual thefts from unlocked cars.
Proposed Amendment to End Ban on Government Funding of Religion is Challenged
Proposed Amendment 7 on the 2012 ballot deletes a provision in the Florida constitution that bars government funding of religious institutions, replacing it with a prohibition against denying funds to anyone based on religious identity or belief.
Nuisance Bust in Palm Coast’s R Section Has Neighbors Cheering as 5 Are Arrested
The house at 20 Rockne Lane is in foreclosure and severely damaged inside, and was allegedly used for minor drug activity. Five people were arrested there.
Red-Light Cameras Draw Class-Action Lawsuit Citing Constitutional Violations
If successful, the lawsuit would have far-reaching consequences as it seeks reimbursements for all ticket fines, which in Palm Coast exceed $1.35 million since 2008.
68-Year-Old Driver Jailed in Flagler After Eluding 5 Cop Agencies and Ramming a Cruiser
Ronald Pinkerton, 68, was chased by Port Orange, Holly Hill, Ormond Beach, Volusia and Flagler cops early Thursday before finally be stopped by Flagler deputies and taken to jail, his face lacerated and bloodied.
Visitor in Critical Condition After Car Strikes Him Near the Flagler Beach Pier
Antonio Branca was walking back to his car near the pier in Flagler Beach was struck by a Cadillac Thursday afternoon and taken to Halifax hospital in critical condition.
DCF Warning About People Impersonating Child Protection Agency’s Investigators
Impersonators of DCF investigators have the Sheriff’s offices in Santa Rosa and Bay counties on the look-out, and the Florida Department of Children and Families warning parents against engaging with individuals lacking proper credentials from DCF.
Florida Lawmaker Proposes Broader GPS Tracking of Juvenile Offenders
Florida’s Juvenile Justice system eliminated its ankle-monitoring system in 2004. GPS tracking would be cheaper, but also possibly more pervasive, and paid for out of local dollars set aside for various court initiatives.
Federal Judge Calls Florida’s Drug-Testing Of Welfare Recipients Unconstitutional
Judge Mary Scriven called Florida’s requirement that welfare recipients be drug-tested a violation of 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches, and dismissed claims that the law would save money.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter
A son allegedly beats up his elderly mother just back from visiting her husband at the hospital, a pit bull bites a 10-year-old boy, trespassers aplenty, and again with people who don;t lock their cars then call the cops to complain about stolen GPS devices.
Flagler County Jail Daily Bookings: Oct. 21-28, 2011
Flagler County jail daily bookings for the week of Oct. 21-28, 2011. With links to inmate search functions, visitation rules and correspondence requirements.
Class-Action Lawsuit Calls Florida’s In-State College Tuition Restrictions Unconstitutional
American citizens who’ve lived in Florida for years and have all the documents to prove it are denied in-state tuition rights the moment they can’t prove that their parents are lawful Florida residents–an unconstitutional form of discrimination against citizens, the Southern Poverty Law Center charges in the lawsuit.
Bunnell’s James Hayes, 22, Arrested for Carjacking an 81-Year-Old Woman
James Hayes had been jailed a dozen times in Flagler, on petty charges, until the Oct. 6 carjacking outside a Burger King on U.S. 1 and Grenada Blvd. in Volusia. The car was found Monday in Bunnell.
Night Clerk at Microtel on Old Kings Road Tied and Robbed at Gunpoint
The armed robbery at Microtel a little after 3 a.m. Monday is the second armed robbery in a 1-mile radius in six days. Last week, a resident of the Woodlands was robbed at gunpoint while walking nearby.