Robert O’Conner of Palm Coast was traveling north on US1 when an 88-year-old driver misjudged the distance between his Dodge and the Harley, and crossed US1 at Matanzas. The biker smashed into the Dodge.
Flagler 911: Taser vs. Suspect in Custody, and a Rip from Steve Emmett’s Boating Trip
A suspect in custody at the Flagler County jail is Tased when he refuses to cooperate with deputies; ex-Beverly Beach mayor Steve Emmett, now enjoying his days off fishing and boating, runs into the Bait and Tackle Shop at Bings Landing.
“Exceptional Bravery and Courage”: How Teens Saved 2 Lives in Harrowing Palm Coast Wreck
Cody Decker and Luke Vaughn, both 17 and vacationing in Palm Coast from DeWitt, Mich., recounted in a moving ceremony hosted by Sheriff Fleming today how they saved Carlos Adams and Tracy Lopez out of their burning Jaguar Tuesday morning.
Fear Factor: Concealed Weapons Approaching 1 Million in Florida as NRA Gains Ground
The number of concealed weapons permits has risen dramatically in recent years as new laws making it easier to obtain them have been placed on the books by lawmakers, spurred on by the National Rifle Association, one of the most effective lobbying forces in the capital city.
Two Teens on Spring Break Pull Victims Out of Fiery Jaguar Crash on Palm Coast Parkway
Cody Decker, 17, and Luke Vaughn, also 17, on Spring Break from Dewitt, Mich., pulled Carlos Adams, 42, and Tracy Lopez, 44, out of their burning Jaguar on Palm Coast Parkway early Tuesday morning.
Literal Landing Blvd. for Fire Flight Helicopter and Paralyzed Car Crash Patient
Fire Flight, the county’s helicopter, was called in to take a 50-year-old man to Halifax after a minor rear-ending complicated spinal surgery the man had undergone in September. The rear-ending left him paralyzed from the waist down.
Cop Chase Through F Section Nets Arrest of a Chronic Injunction Violator
Barry Gallagher was jailed several times on drunk driving and domestic violence charge when, on Sunday, he broke his injunction, sought out his wife’s car and led police on a chase that finally ended near Freneau Lane.
FPC’s Preston Hagens Is Seriously Injured in SR100 Crash; FHP Seeking Witnesses
A T-bone crash closed SR100’s west lanes for two hours Saturday and sent three people to hospitals when a Ford Mustang lost control and crossed into the westbound lanes. FHP is looking for witnesses.
Flagler Clerk Gail Wadsworth Tries a Hail Mary As Courts Take Yet Another Budget Hit
The $31 million statewide budget cut in clerks of court’s budgets translates to a loss of $90,000 to Flagler County’s court system, and up to three jobs, adding to successive cuts going back to 2008 that Clerk Gail Wadsworth calls unsustainable.
Post-Trayvon, Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law Won’t Be Repealed But May Be Revised
As the 2005 Stand Your Ground law has come under intense scrutiny in the wake of the shooting of the unarmed Trayvon Martin, veteran lawmakers haven’t been able to agree even on what the measure allows but point to a need for clarification.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Loses as U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Take Appeals of Florida Cases
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. was forced to pay tens of millions of dollars to the families of dead smokers, part of a flood of tobacco litigation moving through Florida’s courts, and the first of their kind to reach the U.S. Supreme Court.
Stonehenge Justices: The U.S. Supreme Court’s Stuffy Ban on TV Cameras and Live Audio
The U.S. Supreme Court’s ban on television cameras or live audio feed for its arguments, including this week’s on the health law, is absurd. The justices opposition to cameras rests on shabby reasoning and stuffed up conceits.
Murder as Self-Defense: Florida’s Gun Zealots on a Rampage
Florida’s Stand Your Ground law was touted as protection for the innocent. It has instead led to killings during heated arguments and cases of mistaken identity, argues Susan Clary, with George Zimmerman’s shooting and killing of Trayvon Martin the latest example.
Fernando Chavez, Biker Hurt March 16 in A1A Crash in Flagler Beach, Dies
In the fifth Bike Week accident on Flagler roads, a biker speeding south on A1A in Flagler Beach struck a car this afternoon and was evacuated by air in critical condition.
Palm Coast Code Enforcement Officer Tries Beating DUI Charge By Citing Ex-Cop Status
Stephen Tilley, a Palm Coast Code Enforcement officer, pleaded with a Florida Highway Patrol trooper about his ex-cop status to get out of a DUI charge, but failed when he was arrested in Pinellas County after driving while drinking from a bottle of Jim Beam.
Amid Fury Over Trayvon Martin’s Killing and Stand Your Ground Law, Police Chief Resigns
Unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin’s killing in Sanford by a crime watch volunteer who hasn’t been charged led to the “temporary” resignation of Sanford police chief Bill Lee Jr. today and calls to Gov. Rick Scott to appoint an independent prosecutor.
Honoring Philip Cardillo, Slain in 1972, Retired Officers Form New FOP Lodge in Flagler
A group of retired police officers in Palm Coast and Flagler County from various departments across the country gathered to form Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #171 in Flagler. They named the new lodge in honor of Philip Cardillo, killed on duty in new York in 1972.
Fischer (Fatal Hit-and-Run) and Merrill (Wife-Shooting) Plead Not Guilty in Absentia
Jamesine Fischer pleaded not guilty to a 1st degree felony charge of hit-and-run with a death, while William Merrill pleaded not guilty to manslaughter in the killing of his wife with an AK-47 last month. Both wrote in their pleas.
State Attorney Files Kidnapping-With-Intent-to-Terrorize Charges Against Cary Hudson
Cary Hudson is in jail on $90,000 bond, facing charges of kidnapping and aggravated battery after allegedly beating a 51-year-old woman bloody and forcing her into his car–after she’d moved to Palm Coast to get away from him.
In 911 Call, Paul Miller Calmly Tells Dispatcher of Shooting Mulhall, Then Hangs Up on Her
Paul Miller is calm, collected and seemingly unshaken by the gravity of the situation as he tells a 911 dispatcher to send an ambulance because he’d just shot his neighbor, Dana Mulhall. The 911 recording.
Sixth Serious Bike Week Wreck, on A1A, Sends 2 to Hospital After BMW Cuts Off Motorcyclists
A man in a BWM cut off a married couple from Jacksonville on their Harley Davidson as the man was making an illegal turn into a JT Seafood Shack parking lot. The couple sustained serious but not life-threatening injuries.
Grim Details Emerge: 5 Bullets Struck Dana Mulhall, 4 as He Fled, 2 in His Back
Paul Miller’s arrest report openly casts doubt on suggestions that Miller was acting in self defense when he shot and killed Dana Mulhall, describing instead a moment of anger that escalated and did not stop even as Mulhall was, literally, running for his life.
Spectacular Crash on Colbert Lane, Better Result: No Injuries, But a DUI Arrest
A spectacular crash closed Palm Coast’s Colbert Lane south of Blare Drive for almost two hours Thursday night as an Oldsmobile overturned and blocked most of the road after colliding with a BMW that ended up on the road’s shoulder. Despite the violence of the crash, no one was injured.
Flagler Beach’s Paul Miller Is Jailed On 2nd Degree Murder Charge
Paul Miller, the 66-year-old resident of South Flagler Avenue who shot and killed his neighbor over an argument about a dog Wednesday evening, was booked into the Flagler County jail this evening on a second degree murder charge.
One Bike, One Victim Left Critical in Latest Bike Week Crash, By Weigh Station On I-95
Ronnie Reynolds, 54, of Richlands, Va., was evacuated by air in critical condition to Halifax Hospital after brakes malfunctioned and sent him and the bike tumbling five or six times.
Citing Fleming-Larizza Conflicts of Interest, Gov. Scott Orders Fischer Case Out of Flagler
Scott issued the order after State Attorney R.J. Larizza voluntarily withdrew from prosecuting the case, “to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest or impropriety” with Sheriff Don Fleming, now a witness in the Jamesine Fischer case–and vulnerable politically.
Paul Miller, Who Shot and Killed Dana Mulhall in Flagler Beach Wednesday, Is Set Free
Paul Miller, who’s arguing self-defense, was released from Flagler Beach police custody about a half dozen hours after he shot and killed Dana Mulhall Wednesday evening. No weapon was found near Mulhall.
A Man Is Dead, Another in Custody in Flagler Beach Shooting Following Neighbors’ Dispute
A man is dead, another is in custody, arrested by Flagler Beach police, after a shooting described as methodical and deliberate shattered the calm of South Flagler Avenue this evening, just after 6 p.m.
Diana Sallee Dies from Injuries in Monday’s Bike Crash on A1A; First Bike Week Fatality In Flagler
Billy and Diana Sallee were vacationing for the first time in 12 years, to Bike Week, when their bike rear-ended an SUV on A1A Monday. Diana, 39, died of her injuries Tuesday evening at Halifax in Daytona Beach.
Woman’s Arm Severed in 3rd Bike Week Wreck in 5 Days on Flagler Roads
A single-bike wreck on State Road 11 south of Cody’s Corner left a woman with a severed left arm and her fiancee, who was piloting the bike, with various fractures Tuesday afternoon.
Shannon Diamond, Flagler County Youth Center’s Assistant Director, Arrested on DUI
Shannon Diamond, a full-time employee of the school district, is a role model to the 80-some students who use the Youth Center daily, his employers say. A decision on his status hadn’t been reached Tuesday. He was due at work.
62-Year-Old Zip-Tied and Robbed on Lancaster Lane; 2 Girls Charged With Burglaries
In a pair of unrelated events, a 62-year-old was robbed of guns, cash and jewelry on Palm Coast’s Lancaster Lane Sunday evening while two girls, 16 and 17, were charged with a half dozen car burglaries they called “car shopping.”
Bike Week Claims First Flagler County Victims As 3 Are Hospitalized After U.S. 1 Wreck
The wreck took place at 3:15 p.m. and sent a woman and two men to hospitals, two of them by air, in trauma alerts. All three are expected to survive.
Accused of Abuse, Palm Coast Man Uses His 2-Year-Old Son as a Shield Against Deputies
When the deputy made contact with David Romero, 35, he was holding the boy in a headlock and standing in the doorway of the lanai, next to the swimming pool. He’d threatened to throw the boy into the swimming pool if his wife didn’t come out of the house.
Palm Coast At Its Worst: Felled on Old Kings Road, and for 20 Minutes, Nobody Stops
Inna Hardison’s 20-year-old son was traveling on his motorcycle on Old Kings Road the evening of March 3rd when he struck a boar and was thrown from the bike and injured. It was 20 minutes before anyone bothered to stop and help.
R-Section Argument Escalates, Girlfriend Hits Boyfriend With a Car, and Faces Charges
A 24-year-old man was air-lifted with traumatic injuries from Palm Coast’s R-Section this evening after an argument on Rylin Lane between him and his girlfriend went out of control.
Florida Highway Patrol’s Move-Over Enforcement Nets 1,200 Citations in 29 Days
Troopers also issued more than 69,000 traffic citations and made 620 arrests for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs. They also cited nearly 24,000 drivers for speeding in the 29-day campaign.
Fire Flight and Ground Crews Contain Black Point Road Wildfire in 2 Hours
Fire Flight and Division of Forestry bulldozers are being deployed around the fire, in a dry, thickly wooded area about half a mile from Deen Road.
Flagler Forest Division Chief Warns of Fire Season “Possibly as Severe as 1998”
Persistent dryness, long-term weather patterns and dried-up swamps are combining for a dangerous fire season ahead for Flagler County, Mike Kuypers, district manager for the Florida Division of Forestry, told the county commission this morning.
Evening Fire in a Home on Palm Coast’s Federal Lane Is Contained to a Bedroom
One resident was taken to the hospital with smoke inhalation. The fire broke out at about 9:10 and was out about 15 minutes later as the Palm Coast Fire Department made it to the scene within moments of a 911 call.
Sheriff Fleming, Under Oath, Contradicts His Own Records in Hit-and-Run Case
Sheriff Fleming followed his under-oath interview with the Florida Highway Patrol with a written statement the next day that changed his story for a fourth time regarding his phone calls to and from John Fischer, the school board member and husband of the woman charged in a hit-and-run fatality on Nov. 10.
In a Response, Jim Manfre Recasts Sheriff Fleming’s 8 Years in Harsh Terms
Responding to Sheriff Don Fleming’s earlier criticism, Jim Manfre, a candidate for sheriff, calls Fleming a liar while assailing him over employment lawsuits, issues at the jail and other matters.
Hit-and-Run: More Doubt Than Urgency in Fischers’ Call to Sheriff’s Non-Emergency Line
As John and Jamesine Fischer’s call to the sheriff’s office is released, they’re are heard casting doubt on the nature of the collision that eventually killed Francoise Pecqueur. The call, and a private investigator’s report, raise more questions.
Wife-Shooter William Merrill’s Arrest Record Dates Back to Felony and DUI in Tennessee
William Merrill was arrested repeatedly in 1999 by the Nashville Police Department and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, when he was 20 years old, and convicted on felony and misdemeanor drug possession and reduced reckless driving charges.
Maj. David O’Brien Replaces Chief Look as Sheriff Fleming’s 2nd in Command
Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming appointed Maj. David O’Brien, a 29-year-veteran of the department, his chief deputy, replacing Rick Look, who left the agency he’d served since 2005 late last year.
Cassimiro Tavares Faces 7 Felony Charges Over Bilking A&T Auto Repair Shop Owner
Cassimiro Tavares, who worked as the office manager at A&T Auto Repair in Bunnell for three years, is accused of diverting close to $25,000 to his own uses, creating a shell company and threatening Andrzej Tyminski, the Polish shop, owner with deportation to keep him quiet.
State Attorney Files 1st Degree Felony Charge Against Fischer in Hit-and-Run Case
Jamesine Fischer, the wife of Flagler County School Board member John Fischer, faces 30 years in prison if convicted of the felony charge involving the death of Francoise Pecqueur, the 76-year-old woman struck by Fischer’s PT Cruiser on Columbia Lane in Palm Coast in November.
Finding Her Palm Coast, Nancy Grace Takes On Wife-Shooting Tonight, With FlaglerLive
FlaglerLive’s Pierre Tristam is among the guests on tonight’s Nancy Grace show, whose opening segment focuses on the William Merrill shooting of his wife in Palm Coast last Tuesday. The news value is limited.
Flagler County Jail Bookings, Feb. 24-March 2
Flagler County jail daily bookings for the week of Feb. 24-March 2, 2012, with an excerpt on Zen and the art of meditating with prisoners at Sing Sing in Ossining, N.Y.
Arrest Report Details Fischer Trying to “Mislead Medical Personnel and Bystanders”
Three times at the scene, where 76-year-old Francoise Pecqueur lay bleeding, and again when she called 911, Jamesine Fischer said she’d seen Pecqueur fall, that she’d noticed her lying in the grass, and that she herself had hit a dog, but not Pecqueur, Fischer’s arrest report states.