Today: Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 80s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Tonight: Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 60s. South winds 5 to 10 mph. See the latest National Weather Service-Jacksonville Briefing here.
Today’s document from the National Archives and the Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Today’s National Commemorations.
Today’s tides: at the beaches, at the Intracoastal Waterway.
Drought Index: 183
Global Warming: The daily carbon count.
A.Word.A.Day from Wordsmith.org. Today’s word: interdigitate.
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- First Light
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Flagler Jail Bookings and Last 24 Hours of Incident Reports
- In State Government
- Statista’s Chart of the Day
- Announcements
- In Coming Days in Flagler, Palm Coast and Beyond
- Fact-Checking the Knaves
- Palm Coast Construction and Development
Husband: “You’re fifty times more attractive than when I married you.”
Wife: “I wish your other investments had appreciated at the same rate. Unfortunately my charms won’t pay the butcher.”
–From Edith Wharton’s “The Twilight of the Gods.”
Marriage Survivor | Sir’s rudeness | Missing information | Executions | Something to live for | Worrying about Jesus | Violence against truth | Memory | Nothingness | Ann Eliza Bunner | Hansen’s E Pluribus | False objectivity | Safe spot | Chinese immigrants | Sully on stuttering | French rudeness | Deplorables | The human race | Courage | Modern compliment | In a border prison | Facts | Hashish | Patriotism as chauvinism | Smell of Christmas | The novel | Defeating Trump | Jefferson’s ideals| Norilsk
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
Vacation rentals: The Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee will take up a proposal (SB 1128), filed by Sen. Manny Diaz Jr., R-Hialeah, that seeks to prevent local regulation of vacation rental properties. 10 a.m., 110 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.
The Flagler County Affordable Housing Committee meets at 8:30 a.m., Emergency Operations Center, Room A, 1769 E. Moody Blvd. Building 3, Bunnell. The County Commission established the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee/ Housing Task Force, under Section 16-77 of the Flagler County Code, to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding specific initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing in Flagler County. Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of each month. Staff Liaison is Ralston Reodica, 386-313-4037. See the committee bylaws here, and committee agendas here, though they’re posted only spottily.
Flagler’s Community Traffic Safety Team meets at 9 a.m. at Flagler Technical Institute, 5400 E. Hwy 100, just west of Flagler Palm Coast High School. The meeting is open to all who have a concern with road safety. From Chairman Andy Dance: “We will include items forwarded to the CTST plus review the agenda action items from prior meetings and updating their status. I am sending out an early reminder so that we can review and discuss the recent fatalities in Flagler County:
- Motorcycle fatality on Blare Castle Drive
- Multiple fatalities on I-95 at the PC Parkway interchange.
2. Repainting worn out stop bar at SR100/Landing Blvd right turn lane.
3. Citizen request for a stop light or Ped Signal at Yacht Harbor Dr/SR A1A due to heavy traffic on A1A while trying to exit or cross A1A.
4. Citizen complaint about traffic hazard in the mornings from traffic backing up onto Palm Coast Pkwy SW from Dunkin Donuts.
5. Eastbound traffic backing up at Hwy 100 and Seminole Woods Parkway (See similar complaint from Flagler Schools transportation in prior email)
A resident requested we look at the 90 degree corners on Rae Drive. The concern is during student pickup in the morning, vehicles rounding the corners don’t see students waiting at the bus stops. See map:
Flagler bus transportation is inquiring about the need for a right turn lane from Hwy 100, turning south onto Seminole Woods. Finally, we will discuss the site analysis performed on 1/29/20 at Bulldog Drive and the driveway access to FPCHS.”
The Palm Coast City Council meets in workshop at 9 a.m. at City Hall in Town Center… Note: this meeting has been cancelled.
The Flagler Beach Library Book Club meets at 5 p.m. at the Flagler Beach Library, 315 S Seventh Street, Flagler Beach.
The Flagler County Planning and Development Board meets at 6 p.m. in Board Chambers at the Government Services Building, 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2, first floor, Bunnell. See full agendas here.
Superintendent Search Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting: The committee meets at 6 p.m. in Room 3 on the third floor of the Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell. The meeting is open to the public and its participants must abide by the Sunshine Law. Committee members will cull through 29 applications for superintendent and provide a list of candidates to the school board by February 19, from which the board will choose candidates to interview. The advisory board’s work and suggestions are non-binding. In other words, school board members may choose to add their own choices to interview, whether the candidate appears on the advisory board’s list or not. Each school board member appointed four individuals to the committee, though the individuals appointed by Colleen Conklin have been excluded since she applied to be superintendent.
Navy Bombing in the Ocala National Forest: Navy training schedules indicate that inert and live bombing will take place at the Pinecastle Range Complex located in the Ocala National Forest this week. Bombings at times can be heard in Flagler-Palm Coast. The bombings are scheduled as follows:
Tuesday: 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. – LIVE/Inert
Wednesday: 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. – LIVE/Inert
During bombing periods wildlife may be temporarily displaced. Use extra caution when driving through the Ocala National forest and surrounding areas. Secure any items around your residence that could attract wildlife. Always be mindful of larger animals including black bears and practice bearwise measures. The telephone number for noise complaints is 1-800-874-5059, Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Jacksonville, Fla. For additional information, call (904) 542-5588.
Blood Donations: The Big Red Bus will be at the following locations this week (schedule your donation by
going to the website and entering a Palm Coast zip code, then locating one of the venues below):
- Sunday: Walmart, 174 Cypress Point Parkway, Palm Coast, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Jail Bookings and Last 24 Hours' Incidents in Flagler, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Bunnell
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Jail Bookings, June 19-22 Sheriff's night shift incident reports, June 21 Sheriff's day shift incident reports, June 21 Flagler Beach's night shift incident reports, June 21 Flagler Beach's day shift incident reports, June 21 Bunnell police's night shift incident reports, June 21 Bunnell police's day shift incident reports, June 21 |
In Florida and in State Government:
Note: Some proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel. Most legislative proceedings can be followed through the Senate or House websites.
TAX CUTS ON TABLE: The House Ways & Means Committee will hold a workshop about possible tax relief. (Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., Morris Hall, House Office Building, the Capitol.)
SCHOOL SAFETY EFFORTS BOLSTERED: The House Appropriations Committee will take up a proposal (HB 7065), filed by Rep. Ralph Massullo, R-Lecanto, that would take a series of steps to try to bolster school security. The bill comes after recommendations from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, which was created by the state after the 2018 mass shooting at the Parkland school. (Tuesday, 4 p.m., 212 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
CITRUS FORECAST RELEASED: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is scheduled to release an updated forecast for the 2019-2020 citrus growing season. (Tuesday, noon. Call-in number: 1-855-384-4184. Code: 6486013.)
–Compiled by the News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
Bloomberg Overtakes Trump in Campaign Spend on Digital Ads: “Bloomberg spent heavily in January. The billionaire and former New York City mayor upped his total spend to $58.4 million in record time – he only joined the race in November. In third place is another billionaire, Tom Steyer, who spent more than $26 million – highlighting the advantages of self-funded campaigning.”
Flagler Beach Citizens’ Academy: Eight consecutive Wednesdays beginning on March 4, 2020, running through April 22, 2020, from 2:00—5:00 PM. Learn all there is to know about the history of your city, how your government works and is financed, and the responsibilities of staff and elected officials. Tour your city’s recreational, first responder, library, and public works facilities. Discover plans for the city’s future and opportunities for resident involvement. These sessions are open to anyone residing within the City of Flagler Beach. There will be a limit of 20 participants. Registration applications are available at City Hall, Building Department, Library, Police Department, Fire Department and on our City’s website (www.cityofflaglerbeach.com). All applications must be received by February 21, 2020.
Jane Mealy, Commissioner
City of Flagler Beach
PO Box 70
Flagler Beach, FL 32136
You will then receive a detailed schedule of the sessions and where each will be held. If you have any questions, contact Jane Mealy at: 439-4811 or
[email protected]
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Cheerleaders are hosting a Cheer Clinic for those who want to learn to cheer, jump, do stunts and dances, from 9 a.m. to noon, February 15, at the FPC 800 Gym in back of the school, by the FTI entrance off State Road 100. It’s for ages 5-17, with a performance for parents and guardians at noon. Registration is $25 per participant with pre-registration, or $30 for walk-ins. You can register easily online here and contact [email protected] with any questions. Wear shorts, t-shirts and athletic shoes.
Through April 4, Palm Coast Mayor’s 90/90 Challenge: Get outdoors and get active – join us for the Mayor’s 90/90 Challenge! The challenge is to move at least a mile a day for the 90 days from Jan. 6 to April 4. You can choose your own form of exercise. Log in to Palm Coast Connect and record your progress throughout the month. Everyone who completes the Challenge will receive a prize. Share your progress along the way on social media using #Mayors9090 and #ConnectToFitness. More info: www.palmcoastconnect.com and 386-986-2323.
The Live Calendar is Flagler County’s and Palm Coast’s most complete, detailed and searchable community calendar of events, including culture, the performing arts, theater, government, the courts and justice system and a lot more. If you’re not listed here, you’re not getting the visibility you deserve. To include your event, please fill out this form. Any other issues, email the editor.
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Keep Up with Donald Trump’s attacks on the press through the ACLU’s running tab here.
Keep Up with mass shootings in a running database here.
Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
Here’s a summary of the latest city developments as of Dec. 16 2019:
Click to access development.pdf
See the full Week in Review here.