The disease is rare but has severe consequences, and the department’s “sentinel” chickens have shown an increase in symptoms of the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus.
Flagler, Palm Coast & Other Local News
Bunnell Will Ask Sheriff to Bid for Law Enforcement Services in the City
A severe budget crunch, but also a severe State Attorney’s report on the city’s police department, bring back an old idea.
The Money Race: Five Flagler School Board Candidates Raise a Combined $32,900
District 5 candidate Raven Sword is the fund-raising leader when candidates’ own money is excluded. She also drew the largest number of contributors by far, with 130.
Scoring 7, FPC’s Rowan Littlefield Didn’t Just Conquer the World. He Conquered Pigdom.
Littlefield’s perfect 7 in his IB biology exam, scored on a global standard, marks the first 7 for any Flagler County student in any of the IB’s science disciplines.
The Live Q&A: School Board Candidates In Their Own Words (and Occasional Evasions)
The FlaglerLive Q&A was designed to draw candidates away from campaign generalities and cliches and to compel clearly stated positions on a dozen relevant issues.
Raven Sword, School Board District 5 Candidate: The Live Interview
Raven Sword, an attorney, is running from District 5 with the backing of former school board member Jim Guines.
Peter Peligian, School Board District 5 Candidate: The Live Interview
Peter Peligian, running from District 5, a retailer, cagey on two serious, previous issues, remained cagey in his interview.
John Fischer, School Board District 5 Candidate: The Live Interview (2010)
John Fischer, running from District 5, is a Knights of Columbus field agent whom Evie Schellenberger defeated when he challenger her four years ago.
Bill Delbrugge in Egypt: Beyond the Camel, A Discovery of Challenges and Serenity
In his first interview since leaving Flagler County in July, former Superintendent Bill Delbrugge describes his new old world in Egypt–the challenges, the revelations, the peace of it all.
Palm Coast Liquors Up on Hypocrisy Ahead of ABC Store’s Opening (and 10 New Jobs)
The November opening of Flagler County’s first ABC liquor store, a 10,000-square-foot facility, is drawing flack for its location despite its promise of 10 new jobs, choice booze and discounts.
Florida’s High School Students Near Bottom in College Readiness; Flagler’s Do Worse
The college readiness scores, trending downward for the state and for Flagler, undermine the state’s contention that it is improving education on a nationally competitive level.
More Trouble for Flynt: Sheriff Ends Tow Ties Permanently; Bank Sues for $50,000
Legal troubles aside, the sheriff’s decision worsens the Bunnell city commissioner’s financial straits–as does a law suit over a $50,00 debt.
In Split Vote, Tourism Council Approves Raising Bed Tax to 4% For More Marketing
The additional 1 percent would raise an extra $275,000 to $300,000, which the council wants to spend on more advertising for Flagler. Several council members objected, setting up a possible battle at the County Commission.
Palm Coast Firefighters Unionize, Citing Unbalanced Treatment of Employees
Some 75 percent of the Palm Coast Fire Department’s 60 rank-and-file employees voted to form a union. Higher pay or better benefits aren’t on the agenda. Job security is.
Sheriff Knocks Commissioner Flynt’s Towing Company Out of Wrecking Rotation Indefinitely
Saxon’s Wrecker, owned by Bunnell City Commissioner Jimmy Flynt, is at the center of a withering investigative report showing Flynt benefited from chronic favoritism at other towers’ expense.
Innovative Garden Hose Start-Up Swells Flagler Hopes for Economic Revival at the Airport
MH Operations proposes to manufacture an expanding and retracting hose few will resist, and do so from a county airport, where it would create 125 jobs.
State Report Details Disturbing Patterns at Bunnell PD and Favors For Comm. Jimmy Flynt
A 35-page State Attorney’s report puts Bunnell City Commissioner Jimmy Flynt at the center of a pattern of favoritism involving the long-troubled Bunnell Police Department.
Cakes Across America Dumps Airport Building County Built For It; Taxpayer Bill: $300,000+
In another example of economic development subsidized at taxpayers’ expense, the cake company leaves taxpayers holding the bag for a promise of jobs never fulfilled.
Flagler Beach Developer John Boback Arrested on $410,000 Theft Charge
Boback took the money from a Marco Island investor to build what was going to be a professional complex on A1A. The complex never went up.
Harmonic Shock Meets Art at Hollingsworth Gallery’s “Music Is the Muse”
The latest show at City Walk’s Hollingsworth Gallery features works by 18 artists inspired by particular songs or pieces of music, which will also be playing–through Sept. 28.
A Suicide Attempt Near the 13th Hole at Cypress Knoll Golf Course
An 18-year-old man stabbed himself in his arms on a golf cart path along the golf course, in view of nearby neighbors, in the middle of the afternoon on Thursday.
Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon’s Compensation Package: $218,296 a Year
Jim Landon’s base salary of $168,878 is higher than the total compensation package of the school superintendent, who manages five times as many employees and is responsible for 13,000 students.
Flagler Beach Commissioners Pick 12 to Interview for Manager (Updated)
Two charts show how each commissioner and the mayor drew up a short list of candidates for Flagler Beach city manager.
Weekly Crime Reports: Aug. 2-8, 2010
A child burned by a grill, a larceny at a cyber cafe, cars broken into at Palm Harbor Parkway, and more.
450 Vehicles for 350 Palm Coast City Employees? Council Bridles at “Urban Legend”
Palm Coast’s city government owns a total of 285 vehicles, including dozens of off-road mowers, utility vehicles and firetrucks, though it also has a well-endowed vehicle fund.
Cool Project, Cooler Reception: Palm Coast’s Desalination Aims Leaves Others Unmoved
Slower than before, but still expensively, Palm Coast continues to push desalination as its only alternative water source in the future.
From 140, Flagler Beach Short-Lists 35 Applicants for Manager Ahead of Thursday Cut
Two local favorites appear at the top of the list, which Flagler Beach city commissioners on Aug. 10 will pare down to about 10 applicants who’ll be invited for interviews. See the chart.
Council Slams Enterprise Flagler’s Camouflage, Casting Doubt on “Development” Tax
The economic development agency that devours taxpayer dollars year after year hasn’t produced a report in years showing what it’s accomplished. Elected officials are tiring of the mystery.
County Cuts Carver Gym Budget 25%, Eyeing Future Reductions–and More Talk
The 3-2 vote formalizes the county’s first significant move away from the gym, though at least three commissioners are leery of turning operations over to Bunnell.
Commission Increases County Employees’ Health Costs Against Steep Opposition
County employees’ health insurance premiums are rising steeply, but they remain less expensive than for employees in other government agencies in the area.
Crunch Time for Carver Gym: County Will Keep It Open, But Debates How
The County Commission has backed off a proposal to close the gym, but is still wrangling over how to keep it open, paid for, and properly run with children’s programming.
Judge Them Before One of Them Judges You: The Race For Kim C. Hammond’s Seat
Six lawyers, including Bunnell’s Marc Dwyer and Sid Nowell, are vying to replace Circuit Judge Judge Kim C. Hammond, who’s retiring after 32 years.
“Back 2 School Jam”‘s Free Backpacks, Supplies and Shots Draws Thousands at FPC
In addition to free school supplies, the annual jam provided free bike helmets to those hardy students willing to sit through immunization shots.
Supervisor of Elections Scans Boards Through Emergency Meeting and 11th Hour Theatrics
An emergency meeting of the Flagler County Commission and some silly jockeying prefaced the certification of the county’s voting equipment.
Flagler District Scores an A for 3rd Year in a Row as 3 Schools Maintain A, 3 Drop Back
Belle Terre Elementary, Buddy Taylor and Indian Trails middle repeat their A rating. High School scores will be released in late fall.
Word on the Street: Palm Coast Data Adding 100+ Jobs
The Flagler Chamber of Commerce is hoping that the job announcement will buttress arguments for an “economic development” tax, though the connection is tenuous.
A More Settled Flagler Beach Commission Makes Up and Nearly Kisses Over Fracture
The dispute between commissioners Jane Mealy and Steve Settle was channeled into a more constructive discussion of the limits of commissioners’ administrative meddling.
Scammed Into a Lease and Facing Eviction While the Accused Realtor Lives Nearby
A renter faces her fourth foreclosure-driven eviction in a year as local Realtors are struck with what appears to be a rogue Realtor’s rental scam in Palm Coast’s R Section.
It’s Raining Taxes: Despite Rising Revenue, County Considers Increase in Bed Tax to 4%
The increase to 4 percent would fuel the backlash against other local tax proposals and increases.
Laying Off Employees, Palm Coast Is Set to Pay at Least $83,000 for One School Deputy
The school deputy Palm Coast is paying for is a way to get four other extra deputies on Palm Coast’s streets for large portions of the year–at the schools’ expense.
In a Shift, Andy Dance Joins Unanimous Vote for School Tax Referendum in November
Andy Dance’s switch improves the school district’s case for a tax proposal while hurting that of an “economic development” levy.
United Healthcare Pledges 75-Day Extension for Flagler Clients Despite Hospital Dispute
United Healthcare’s pledge lessens thousands of Flagler residents’ anxiety over getting care at Florida Hospital Flagler, but only temporarily.
Merchants of Greed: How Florida Hospital and United Healthcare Bargain Over Your Body
On Aug. 15, half a million central Floridians, and thousands in Flagler County covered by United Healthcare, including children on medicaid, will be denied insured coverage at Florida Hospital’s facilities, including Florida Hospital Flagler.
This Year: 5 School Deputies for $300,000; Four Years Ago: 9 Deputies for $222,000
The sheriff has virtually eliminated his department’s share of the cost of keeping deputies in schools, forcing the district to pick up most of the costs.
Bankruptcy Boys: County Commission Candidates Claim “Fiscal Responsibility” Despite Dismal Finances
Both county commission incumbent Bob Abbott and challenger Nate McLaughlin have bankruptcies and foreclosures in their recent past even though they’re running on fiscal sanity.
Bunnell City Administration Will Occupy County Offices Rent-Free Through 2012
Bunnell will continue occupying a suite of county offices valued at $3,000 a month even though the old city hall is livable.
Free Backpacks and School Supplies, Free Immunization and Bike Helmets. Jam It Up Aug. 7.
The annual Back to School Jam offers 2,600 free backpacks and school supplies to children who need them, at Flagler Palm Coast High School on Saturday, Aug. 7., beginning at 10 a.m.
Weekly Crime Reports, July 19-25, 2010
Hit-and-run sprees against mailboxes, a deputy draws a gun on a suspect, a boyfriend allegedly threatens to put out a cigarette in a woman’s eye, a deputy hits a pole, and more.
How Palm Coast Got Tagged in the Jessi Slaughter Cyberbullying Affair
A Florida girls tries out for fame and becomes a poster-child of cyberbullying instead. If her story were a flag on Iwo Jima, it’d be all red.
Mia Bella’s Dancers: From Non-Existent to National Champions in Seven Months
Brie Valenti opened her Mia Bella dance studio last January at City Walk, and returned from a competition in Tennessee with two national trophies this week for her students and her choreography.