After a Flagler Beach woman was allegedly raped on June 14, the Children’s Advocacy Center in Daytona Beach was responsible for providing a certified nurse to conduct an exam and gather evidence in a private setting. It failed on all counts. A FlaglerLive investigation reveals the extent of a failure that local police have been contending with since the center opted to cut its ties with the provider who’d ensured a functioning system for many years.
Rape Crisis Failure:
Supreme Court Denies Gregory’s Death-Penalty Appeal for 2007 Murders in Flagler Beach
William Gregory, now 30, was sentenced to death in 2011, for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Skyler Dawn Meekins, then 17, and her boyfriend Daniel Arthur Dyer, then 22, as they slept, and Skyler’s 1-year-old daughter was in a nearby room.
For Self-Insured, Higher Premiums Ahead But Better Coverage and Lower Out of Pocket Costs
Whether individuals will be better or worse off under those rules depends on their age, health status, where they live – and perhaps most important, whether they end up needing substantial medical care in the coming year. Generally speaking, those who are younger and healthier may pay more than they would have, while older and sicker people are likely to be better off.
Tristan Kaphan, Inspiration to a World, Earns His “Angel Wings” Days After 1st Birthday
Tristan Brayden Kaphan, the Palm Coast boy born with half a heart a little over a year ago, and who had since developed a world of a following as his parents eloquently documented his struggles and triumphs on Facebook, including a heart transplant when he was three and a half months old, died today.
Second Home Invasion Involving an Older Victim in 2 Days Leads to Arrest of 2 Suspects
Two men are at the Flagler County jail this morning in connection with a home invasion that took place before 2 a.m. on North Anderson Street Saturday. It’s not clear if the suspects have a connection to the home invasion in Bunnell the previous night.
Assailants Beat Disabled Man and Rob Him of Four Firearms in Espanola Home Invasion
Richard Allen Pettit, a 60-year-old resident of 164 Espanola Road in Bunnell, says that as he was watching television Thursday night, four men entered his house, pulled him out of his wheelchair, threw him to the ground, beat him and robbed him of four firearms and cash.
Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Geico Auto Insurer in Unusual Victory for Consumers
In a blow to the insurance industry, the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday ruled 5-2 that Geico could not require a woman to give a statement under oath as a condition of receiving injury benefits after an auto accident.
Wreck on Palm Harbor Parkway Sends 5 to Hospital, Including 3 Children and 83-Year-Old
Just as authorities were alerted to a wreck and chlorine spill at Old Kings Road and SR 100, a violent wreck involving two cars took place at the opposite end of town, along Palm Harbor Parkway, closing a segment of that road. The wreck sent five people to Florida Hospital Flagler, including three children and an 83-year-old man. None of the injuries were life-threatening.
Emergency Lawsuit Charges Law Fast-Tracking Death Row Inmates Is Unconstitutional
The suit alleges that the law, which goes in effect July 1, would violate the separation of powers by imposing obligations on lawyers that conflict with judicially-determined rules, and that it would alter the court’s authority to govern capital post-conviction litigation and would violate due process and equal protection.
Florida GOP Rallies Around Marriage Inequality as LGBT Community Mobilizes
Though Floridians rejected gay marriage in a 2008 vote, Florida LGBT activists, fired up by Wednesday’s Supreme Court rulings favoring same-sex unions, said they have no intention of leaving matters as they stand.
3 Wrecks That Left 2 Dead and 1 Severely Hurt Result in Light Fines, Stunning Survivors
Cyclist Frederick Martinez and driver Eduardo Luis Pacheco were both killed in separate wrecks on State Road 100 this year, and cyclist Terrance Conley was severely injured on palm Coast Parkway. The men responsible, including a Flagler sheriff’s deputy, were sentenced today to $500 fines in two cases, and a $1,000 fine in the deputy’s case, but they face no community service hours or suspension of driving privileges.
Palm Coast Sours on Traffic Cameras, Calling Fines “Outrageous,” “Overkill” and “Unfriendly”
In a surprising and radical shift, Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon used harsh words to describe the city’s red-light camera program, saying that while the system makes intersections safer, its harsh punishments are out of proportion with the crime, and Palm Coast’s drivers–and the city’s image–are suffering as a result. But he is less clear on how to improve the system, which he does not want dismantled.
Big Sugar Goes to Work for Scott as Reelection Team Hauls $700K While Governor Does Paris
The “Let’s Get to Work” political committee posted $695,447 in contributions from 91 sources during the time Scott was highlighting the state to foreign aviation interests as part of Enterprise Florida’s June 14 to June 21 trade mission to the Paris Air Show.
Christopher Munson Accused of Strong-Arm Robbery at Flagler Beach 7-Eleven
The 7-11 store clerk rushed Christopher Munson when Munson pulled out a gun that turned out to be plastic. The two men fought and the clerk held Munson down in the parking lot until police arrived. The incident took place early Tuesday morning.
Voting Rights Act Sapped as Fractured Supreme Court Defies Near-Unanimous Congress
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, declared key parts of the Voting Rights Act invalid even though the U.S. Senate had passed the act unanimously in 2006, and the House of Representatives had passed it 390-33.
U.S. Supreme Court Will Decide Legality of Bunnell’s Government Prayers, Via Greece
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case from Greece, N.Y., where government meetings are started with distinctly Christian prayers, as they are at Bunnell City Commission meetings. The case is being taken to the court by Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
Covington Lane Homicide Victim Identified as Dennie Cayton, 60; He Was Stabbed
60-year-old Dennie Keith Cayton’s badly decomposed body was found on Jan. 11 in marshes behind the house at 16 Covington Lane in Palm Coast. He had been stabbed to death. While police suspected his identity early on, his body was not positively identified until after a bone examination at the University of Florida.
Homelessness in Flagler Persists, But Minor Conflicts Cloud Accomplishments and Services
It’s not that there isn’t a homelessness problem in Flagler and Bunnell, but while numerous and at times generous services are being provided, minor conflicts targeting some homeless people in Bunnell are disproportionately affecting the debate, and draining attention from what’s being done to help.
Paula Deen’s South Begs a Question: What’s Wrong With Us?
The issue is not only whether Paula Deen has sincerely evolved in her attitudes, but also whether the country has, writes Steve Robinson, who is willing to cut Deen more slack here than he would give those rallying to her defense.
Selective Memory Surveillance: Obama, the NSA and September 11
Those making the argument that the NSA’s domestic spying program would have stopped the 9/11 attacks had it been in place have ignored a key aspect of historical record, including the fact that USA intelligence already knew the identity of a hijacker long before the attack and could have found him.
With Opposing Gun Lobbies Taking Aim at Him, Gov. Scott Mulls Over Firearm Sales Bill
Gov. Rick Scott is being flooded with calls and emails about a bill that would stop some gun sales, and whichever course he chooses could be risky as he runs for re-election.
In Suspected Flagler Beach Rape, New Details Point to 2 Attacks and Disturbing Aftermath
The woman involved in the suspected rape case that’s shaken Flagler Beach since Friday alleges she was attacked twice by James McDevitt in the space of two blocks, the first time in front of a friend of McDevitt’s who urged him to stop. After the incident, the Flagler Beach police was denied a certified nurse for the incident analysis by the agency contracted to provide such nurses.
Flagler Unemployment Ticks Up to 9.5% and Florida Sees Net Loss of 6,200 Jobs
Flagler County’s and Florida’s jobs picture in May reflected the nation’s as the economy appears to sputter more than to gain momentum, though longer-term trends remain encouraging, including a 2 percent jump in Flagler’s labor force over the month.
Flagler Beach Plans to Eliminate Fire and Police Chief Posts, But Both Departments Survive
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell wants to replace the fire and police chiefs with captains, and see them working the streets when necessary. The change, tentatively approved by the city commission, would eliminate high salaries but with proposed raises for the ranks, would only slightly lower payroll costs in the fire department, and raise them in the police department.
Without Owner’s Consent, Code Enforcement Cleans Up a Property at Taxpayers’ Expense
It was a costly, day-long project involving personnel from four city departments, including police, on a house already facing a $50,000 lien, but officials defended forcibly cleaning up the property on Deen Road at taxpayers’ expense, saying it was a matter of maintaining property values. The case shows the extent–and limits–of code enforcement’s growing authority.
How Horses Help Patients Cope With Cancer and Other Ailments, Even When Insurers Won’t
It’s not a prescription that a doctor can write. It’s not something insurance will usually pay for. But more patients are finding out how horseback riding, or even just being around the animals, can help them feel better.
Days After Tax Defeat, a Divided Flagler School Board Recoils at a Pair of Expensive Contracts
A pair of 3-2 votes approved one vendor contract for $107,700 and rejected another for $534,000 as board members looked to be more like budget hawks in light of the failed tax referendum. Neither item had been part of the budget-cut discussions before the vote.
Flagler County’s Rescuers Take Flight in Tactical Operations Training Over Intracoastal
Ten members of Flagler County Fire Rescue and five Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies jumped out of Fire Flight up to five times each today in a rescue training operation at Bings Landing and over the Intracoastal that will vastly enhance water-rescue capabilities in offshore emergencies.
Hillary Clinton Would Easily Beat Rubio and Bush in Florida as Even Hispanics Rally Behind Her
In the latest Quinnipiac poll, Jeb Bush would beat Joe Biden in Florida, by a close margin. Marco Rubio would beat Biden by an even closer margin. But Hillary Clinton would beat both Rubio or Bush quite easily: 50 to 43 percent against Bush, 53 to 41 percent against Rubio, whose Hispanic heritage would not help him overcome the deficit.
Fearing Another School Grade Collapse Across Florida, Education Board Looks for a Plan
With preliminary calculations showing a possible collapse in the grades for schools across the state, the State Board of Education is asking the Education Commissioner to appoint a task force to examine the test scores used to calculate the grades and avoid another botched rollout.
A Belatedly Apologetic Paul Miller, 66, Is Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole
Paul Miller was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the March 2012 murder of his neighbor Dana Mulhall, ending a 15-month saga that had stunned Flagler Beach and Flagler County for the brazenness of the murder and Miller’s demeanor since.
James McDevitt, 21, Accused of Raping a Woman in Flagler Beach, 2 Blocs from a Cop
James McDevitt, 21, of Palm Coast, is at the Flagler County jail on $101,000 bond following the Friday morning allegation. A Flagler Beach police officer was addressing a situation involving McDevitt’s friend, and saw McDevitt and the alleged victim walk on shortly before the alleged incident. Because the cop was working the night shift alone, MccDevitt and the woman were not stopped, and walked on.
Scott Makes Up Some Ground Against Crist and Improves Favorability to Still-Low 40%
Some 40 percent of respondents now view Scott favorably, up from 33 percent last March, with 42 percent seeing him negatively. But his best showing since becoming governor is still well below what he needs to overcome deficits against either Charlie Crist or Bill nelson in gubernatorial matchups, while only 35 percent of Floridians overall say Scott deserve a second term.
Flagler Approves $150,000 in Incentives for LED Company That Would Bring 300 Jobs
The secret company to which Flagler County agreed to offer the $150,000 incentive for 300 jobs over three years appears to be Aveo Engineering, a registered business in Palm Coast under the ownership of Navy veteran Christian Nielsen.
Flagler’s Firefighting and Helicopter Costs Expose County Tensions Over Wants and Needs
Looking at the near certainty of a tax increase, Flagler County Commissioners Monday continued to wrestle with a budget submitted by their administration that is adding to their costs rather than making it easier to fill a budget gap, or keep taxes from increasing. But the administration argues there’s no room for going cheap short of eliminating services.
For Second Time in 6 Weeks, Flagler Estates Area Is Site of Dead Person’s Dumping
The body of a victim was found incinerated in the trunk of a car discovered, still smoldering, early Friday in a remote area near Flagler Estates, on the St. Johns County side of the county line. Foul play is suspected.
Federal Government Approves Florida’s Medicaid Overhaul, Shifting Millions to HMOs
The announcement was a victory for Gov. Rick Scott and Republican lawmakers who approved the proposal to move to statewide Medicaid managed care in 2011, amid controversy about whether the changes would best serve the needs of low-income Floridians.
Shanghaied Water Rates: What Palm Coast Has in Common With China’s Largest City
A seemingly outlandish comparison between the two cities turns out to be much less so–and much more instructive–when comparing the similarities of the two cities’ utility challenges, and the limited ways they can go about addressing them without, in the end, making the rate-payer pay.
Democrats, Presuming Victory at Annual Gala, “Almost Don’t Care” Who Takes on Scott
Florida Democrats gathering for their annual fundraising dinner at the Westin Diplomat Resort on Saturday were certain of one thing: They will defeat Republican Gov. Rick Scott in a little more than a year.
How Bank of America Regularly Lied to Homeowners and Rewarded Foreclosures
Bank of America employees regularly lied to homeowners seeking loan modifications, denied their applications for made-up reasons, and were rewarded for sending homeowners to foreclosure, according to sworn statements by former bank employees.
Scott Signs Fast-Track Execution Bill, Making 13 Death Row Inmates Immediately Eligible
In signing the so-called “Timely Justice Act,” Scott went against the tide of calls, letters and emails urging him to veto it. As of Thursday, his office had received 447 phone calls, with 438 opposed to the bill; 14 letters, with 13 opposed; and 14,571 emails, with 14,565 opposed.
Memo to the NSA: You Have One of 725 Domestic Steve Robinsons Spooked
Our own Steve Robinson discovers not only that there are 724 other Steve Robinsons in the country, but that with the NSA tapping into every Tom, Dick and Harry’s computer histories, the pasts of shadier Robinsons, if not his own pot-luck history, could short-circuit his own.
“That’s Crap,” McGrew Tells Fuego Del Mar Owner After Accusation of Business Unfriendliness in Flagler Beach
When Fuego Del Mar Restaurant owner Nicolas Kimball accused the city of wanting businesses to be successful only up to a point, Flagler Beach Commissioner Joy McGrew shot back, sharply and unapologetically, setting down a marker against repeated accusations of business unfriendliness.
Flagler Film Festival Broadens Palm Coast’s Cultural Frame–and Seeks Local Filmmakers
The first annual Flagler Film Festival will be held Jan. 10-12 at Palm Coast’s Hilton Garden Inn, and will include shorts and feature films, totaling about 24 hours worth of reels, from filmmakers around the world and the States, but organizers are pressing for Flagler County entrants.
Biker Evacuated by Air in Critical Condition After Wrecking on U.S. 1
A 42-year-old biker from Palatka was evacuated by air with severe injuries Thursday afternoon after he lost control of his motorcycle, sending it tumbling through the median on U.S. 1.
ACLU to School Board: Sending 8th Grade Boy Home for Wearing Make-Up Is Not Lawful
Chris Martin, a 14-year-old 8th grader in Pinellas County, was sent home last week for wearing eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick even though girls at his school wear make-up, and the student code of conduct does not prohibit boys from doing so. Nor could it, the ACLU wrote the superintendent, saying the principal’s action was illegal. The case triggered a petition and is garnering international attention.
Gov. Scott Leads 80-Member Delegation to Paris Air Show in Latest Large-Scale Junket
The weeklong mission, the ninth international trade delegation fronted by Scott, is expected to focus on Florida’s aviation and aerospace industries, with some lawmakers questioning such trade missions, saying they lacked “empirical data” to directly link the economic benefits of the trips with any moves to Florida by a private foreign firm.
Van Poyck, Third Florida Inmate Executed This Year, Leaves Stark Word Trail Behind
William van Poyck had spent nearly 26 years on death row after his conviction in 1987 in the murder of a prison guard. He spent many of those years writing books and maintaining a public blog, which chronicled in the last weeks his last days on death row. Excerpts are included.
Sniping Over for Now, County and Palm Coast Appear to Move on Matanzas Woods Exchange
Palm Coast has the money to acquire properties affected by the Palm Harbor extension, but the city doesn’t yet have the money to build the extension toward the planned Matanzas Woods Parkway interchange at I-95. That hinges on the county making good on a series of promises.
Lawmakers Object As Florida Fish and Wildlife Prepares to Ban All Deer and Elk Imports
But lawmakers are joining some of Florida’s deer farmers in expressing concern that a growing industry will be harmed if a measure goes in effect imposing a blanket prohibition on the importation of live deer and elk to reduce the chance that potentially fatal Chronic Wasting Disease.