As the jury may begin deliberating Friday in George Zimmerman’s murder trial of Trayvon Martin, state and local law enforcement agencies, including Flagler’s police forces, have been coordinating a response to potentially violent reactions to the verdict.
Flagler County Sheriff
Sheriff Swears In 6 New Deputies, Among them Lashbrook of Flagler Beach and Hristakopoulos of Bunnell
George Hristakopoulos in Bunnell and Dennis Lashbrook in Flagler Beach built long records patrolling the two cities’ streets. The six new deputies don’t increase the total number of deputies working at the sheriff’s office.
Flagler District Shelves School-Cop Posting in All Elementaries, Reverting to Previous Plan
Not expecting another case of a parent privately paying for a school cop, the Flagler County School Board Tuesday evening gave its approval to the district’s new contract with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office to provide six school resource deputies at high and middle schools only, and seven crossing guards, for the duration of the school year.
Sheriff Says Conversation With Flagler Beach Manager on Key Police Changes “Never Happened”
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell told his city commission last week that Sheriff Manfre and Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez had no problems with Campbell’s proposal to eliminate the police and fire chiefs’ positions. Martinez and Manfre dispute that, with Manfre sternly saying that he never had a conversation about the changes with Campbell.
Flagler County’s Rescuers Take Flight in Tactical Operations Training Over Intracoastal
Ten members of Flagler County Fire Rescue and five Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies jumped out of Fire Flight up to five times each today in a rescue training operation at Bings Landing and over the Intracoastal that will vastly enhance water-rescue capabilities in offshore emergencies.
Planning for Flagler’s Future, County Talks Library Repairs, New Fire Station and Jail
Expanding an overcrowded county jail, building a modern new sheriff’s operations center, upgrading an inadequate drainage system as urbanization changes the rural character of Flagler and improving fire and emergency medical response west of U.S. 1 were featured in the first of four strategic-planning sessions by the county commission Thursday.
Sheriff Manfre Declares in Favor of June 7 School Tax Referendum
Citing the benefits of a longer school day and deputies in elementary schools, Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre issued a statement Monday afternoon in support of the June 7 tax referendum proposing to increase property taxes to support programs in the school district.
Fleming Farewell: Flagler Crime Rate Falls to Lowest Level in 12 Years in Ex-Sheriff’s Last
In Flagler, crime declined in every major category except robberies (up by one), including overall domestic violence, though domestic aggravated assaults account for half the county’s total. The crime in Florida hit a 42-year low, with falling crime continuing despite the bad economy.
Sheriff Opens Palm Coast Precinct at City Market Place, Halving Cost, Not Space Needs
On Friday, the Sherif’s Office office opened its newest Palm Coast precinct, at City Market Place, a two-storefront 2,600-square foot space at $2,.000 a month that’ll add new life to the struggling shopping center in the heart of town, and a few doors down from the Palm Coast city offices.
“In the Line of Duty”: Fallen Officers Are Remembered in Annual Ceremony
“What is the meaning of ‘In the line of duty?’,” Rick Staly, Flagler County’s undersheriff, said during his brief remarks at the annual commemoration of fallen law enforcement officers at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office this morning, before describing the meaning of ultimate sacrifice.
Ahead of National Police Week, A Sheriff Remembers That Knock at the Door
Commemorating National Police Week in May, Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre remembers his first memory of law enforcement, when he was 7 years old and a police officer knocked at the family home’s door to report his father’s accident with a drunk driver.
County Is Negotiating Acquisition of Old Hospital in Bunnell for New Sheriff’s HQ
Memorial Hospital Flagler’s dead years may be over if its current owners, who are politically well connected locally, can agree on a sales deal to Flagler County. The property is listed for sale at $1.75 million. It was acquired in 2006 for $750,000.
When Deputies Shoot Animals: An Explanation from the Flagler Sheriff’s Office
Responding to a citizen’s concerns, Commander Paul Bovino of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office explains why deputies sometimes shoot animals that are reported sick or injured, and why they don’t take them away in their patrol cruisers.
Dear Sheriff Manfre: Why Are Deputies So Quick to Shoot Animals–and Leave Them?
A sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a raccoon found to be sickly in Palm Coast’s R-Section this morning, leaving it in a lot, triggering a letter of concern from a resident to Sheriff Manfre about a routine practice among local law enforcement in the disposition of ailing animals.
Murders, Errant Planes, Firings, Crashing Deputies: Sheriff Eulogizes 78-Day Mark
Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre hasn’t closed out his first 100 days on the job. In appearances before local groups, he’s explained his department’s new direction, spoken of the murders on his watch, and taken a candid stance on gun control.
Flagler Sheriff’s Corrections Deputy Deemed At Fault in T-Bone Crash on US1 and SR100
Sandy Gay, a corrections deputy with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, was on her way to work Thursday morning when, according to police and a witness at the scene, she blew a red light at the intersection of State Road 100 and U.S. 1 and slammed into a two-door Ford driven by Paul Salvador, a local wrecker company’s employee. Gay and Salvador were taken to Florida Hospital Flagler.
No Drones Over Flagler, Sheriff Pledges, as He Details 16 Arrests from Latest Drug Sweep
Sheriff Jim Manfre said he won’t seek to arm the Flagler Sheriff’s Office with surveillance drones, remarks he made in the context of a sweep of drug-dealing suspects arrested Tuesday following a two-month investigation based on surveillance and residents’ tips.
“Rising Star” Paul Bovino Is Appointed Commander of Flagler Sheriff’s Patrol Division
Paul Bovino was appointed permanent commander of the Neighborhood Services Division, formerly known as the patrol division, in place of David O’Brien, who was given the choice of either being fired or retiring in the messy culmination of a re-organization that had initially cast O’Brien among the management team.
Ronn Rauber, 20-Year Flagler Sheriff’s Veteran, Arrested on Domestic Battery Charge
Ron Rauber, 42, was arrested by a fellow-deputy Sunday evening after his ex-wife Amanda Kaznocha said he’d pinned her to the wall during an argument in front of the couple’s three young children.
Responding to ACLU, Manfre Restores His Own More Permissive Jail Mail Policy
Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre has rescinded a policy that for the last two years, under Sheriff Don Fleming, prohibited inmates at the county jail from receiving letters at all, or writing letters longer than two pages.
Back from a Limb, Ray Stevens “Distances” Himself from November’s Manfre Endorsement
Republican Ray Stevens says he would not have endorsed Democrat Jim Manfre in November had he known that firings were on the way. Manfre himself defended his actions as necessary, while thanking Stevens for his opinions.
Sheriff’s Ex-PIO Files Sex Discrimination Grievance Over 35% Pay Cut and Demotion
Sheriff Manfre had hired Debra Johnson as his public information officer in 2001, only to demote her to assistant PIO and cut her pay in January, triggering one in a series of grievances in a mounting backlash against the new sheriff’s aggressive remaking of the agency.
Sheriff Manfre Fires David O’Brien 2 Months After Short-Listing Him for Undersheriff
The latest of numerous shocks to roil the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office in the last two months was also a stunning turnaround for O’Brien, 49, who was appointed Manfre’s chief deputy during Manfre’s first tenure as Flagler County Sheriff a decade ago.
ACLU Sues Sheriff Manfre Over Jail Policy Restricting Incoming Mail to Postcards
Beginning in January 2011 under Sheriff Don Fleming, inmates at the Flagler County jail have been forbidden from receiving mail other than small postcards, or from writing letters longer than two pages. Judges have generally not endorsed the restrictions, which also apply to inmates awaiting trial, who are presumed innocent.
Flagler School Board Approves Posting Cops at All Elementary Schools Through Year’s End
The doubling of cops to cover all of Flagler County’s 11 public schools would bring the total school-cop program cost to between $1 million and $1.2 million. The district’s share would be less than half, but would still require dipping into savings–or cutting programs–because the district has no money budgeted for additional security.
School Security’s Buy-A-Cop Delusions
The Flagler County School board this week will debate adoption of a new security plan that includes adding armed cops in elementary schools. The approach would be costly, ineffective, and more emotional than intelligent. Smarter approaches–and far greater priorities–abound.
Lt. Steve Cole Will Be Sheriff’s Point Man On Growing School Cops and Victims’ Beats
Cole’s appointment might have been routine in any other year. But the use of school resource officers is the leading issue for the Flagler County School Board in the wake of the Newtwon school shooting, and ahead of a Feb. 5 meeting on the school district’s revamped security plans.
Deadly Force Averted as Deputies Confront Another Troubled, Knife-Wielding Man
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies drew their guns, then their Tasers, but ended up firing neither as Erik Flores, a 32-year-old resident of Lindsay Drive in Palm Coast, was wrestled to the ground and arrested in the latest confrontation between a potentially violent, mentally ill man and police, just five weeks after another 32-year-old man was shot and killed for wielding a machete at Flagler deputies.
Flagler Sheriff’s Employee Arrested Over Leak to Her Son, Who Was Being Investigated
Elizabeth Cretella faces a third-degree felony charge that she leaked information of an active investigation of sex crime allegations to her son–Robert Allen–before he was to be questioned in connection with the allegations.
Flagler Sheriff Deputies Will Respond to Many Medical Calls in Policy Shift Triggered By Death
The change, the first significant and visible policy change of Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre’s new administration, is a direct result of the hit-and-run death of Françoise Pécqueur in Palm Coast’s C-Section in November 2011, when medical and fire units were dispatched, but cops didn’t get to the scene until six hours after the incident.
With Stern Words on Process, Flagler School Board Ratifies Private Hire of Cop at Old Kings
Board members Sue Dickinson and Colleen Conklin raised issues with the preferential message the private-pay guard at Old Kings Elementary may send to other schools, and the way the decision was made without the board’s knowledge. Three board members had no issue with the process. All five welcomed the check.
Parent at Old Kings Elementary Hires Full-Time Armed Guard at Her $12,000 Expense
Laura Lauria put up $12,000 just for the first two months’ cost of a full-time sheriff’s deputy at Old Kings, an arrangement carried out without the school board’s knowledge and outside normal policy and legal oversight, though school and sheriff’s officials welcome it–with caveats.
Hit-and-Run Fischer Case Set for March 25 Trial in Flagler, With Upwards of 60 Witnesses
The more than 60 witnesses on the trial list suggest the defense will undermine claims of a first-degree felony hit-and-run charge against Jamesine Fischer by focusing on her character and inconsistencies in witness statements, contrasted with the statements of expert witnesses.
Quoting—and Misquoting—Jefferson, Sheriff Vows Agency Will Breathe Air of Integrity
Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre’s swearing-in featured a large-tent invitation and sharp contrasts of style and intentions with the eight years of Don Fleming, but also a reminder from Manfre that imperfection is universal.
New Sheriff In Town: Jim Manfre Wastes No Time Firing, Demoting and Reorganizing
Even before he was to be sworn in at noon Tuesday, Sheriff Jim Manfre had radically reorganized the sheriff’s office in a manner bound to stir a mixture of resentment and approval, signaling an aggressively ambitious agenda.
Flagler Schools Considering Public Color-Coded Emergency System to Signal Lockdowns
Before the Newtown massacre but after a close call with a student who threatened to attack a school last week, Flagler school and sheriff’s officials met to devise a system that would let people know in real time when a school, college or day care center was in lockdown.
Details Emerge in Saturday’s Shooting Death As Gordon’s Family Disputes Police Version
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office released a report detailing the events that led to a deputy’s shooting death of Troy Gordon on Brownstone Lane Sunday evening, but Gordon’s grandmother is disputing earlier reports that Gordon had been threatening to her, or damaging her house.
Sheriff Fleming Restores to Full Rank Deputy Accused of Skimming Time, as Others Dissent
An internal investigation of Sgt. Jamie Roster, based on testimonies from men he supervised, had found him to have falsified time sheets for more than $8,000. The settlement between Fleming and the PBA means Roster will serve a one-day suspension without pay and be returned to full Sergeant duty in charge of the men who’d reported on him.
BOLO: Christmas With a Deputy Will Light Up Target With 100 Children Friday Evening
Don’t panic: more than 60 cop cars with lights flashing and sirens blaring will take 100 children, with $150 gift certificate each, to Target at Town Center Friday, starting at 6:30 p.m.
Case Closed: Sheriff Fleming Will Pay $500 Fine to Settle Hammock Club Ethics Violation
the Florida Commission on Ethics is expected to approve the settlement agreement at its meeting next month, two weeks after Fleming will have left office after eight years as Flagler County Sheriff.
Sheriff Fleming “Conflicting” Under Oath, But Cleared of Wrongdoing in Fischer Case
Sheriff Fleming made conflicting and inaccurate statements under oath regarding his phone calls with John Fischer following Fischer’s wife’s involvement in a fatal hit-and-run last year, a state attorney’s report concludes, but there’s no evidence of “improper or illegal contact” between the two men, the report states.
Manfre Picks Rick Staly as Undersheriff, Passing Over O’Brien, Who’ll Be Chief Deputy
Incoming Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre’s appointment of Rick Staly as undersheriff signals Manfre’s intent to shake up the internal workings of the agency while maintaining some continuity with O’Brien, who’d risen to chief deputy during Manfre’s first tenure between 2001 and 2004.
Growth Industry: Cops Bust Third Palm Coast Pot Grow House in 9 Months, on Wheatfield
Authorities arrested Jorge Rodriguez, 61, and charged him with marijuana cultivation at 15 Wheatfield Drive in Palm Coast, where some 48 plants with a potential street value of $86,000 were discovered Monday.
Crime in Flagler County Declines Again, Adding Another Wrinkle to Sheriff’s Race
Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming was quick to tout the 6.2 percent crime rate decline in the first six months of 2012 as vindication of his policies, while his opponent, Jim Manfre, a former sheriff, pointed out that crime was lower during his tenure.
State Ethics Commission Finds Sheriff Fleming in Violation Over Hammock Gift Membership
The Florida Commission on Ethics today found probable cause that Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming violated the state code of ethics when he accepted a free, gift membership to the Hammock Beach Resort since 2005, a finding that may seriously damage Fleming’s chances of re-election in less than three weeks.
Two Flagler Jail Inmates Earn Food Handling Certifications, Readying Them for Jobs
After spending some time in the Flagler County jail, two inmates will be ready to work in an area restaurant thanks to a new educational program at the Flagler County jail. The jail is run by Director Becky Quintieri.
Purity, Schmurity: GOP’s Ray Stevens Picks Democrat Jim Manfre, Jolting Sheriff’s Race
Ray Stevens spent much of his primary battle discrediting John Pollinger’s GOP credentials. General election rules are different, he says, explaining his endorsement of Jim Manfre, and drawing charges of opportunism from Pollinger and Fleming. Yet the endorsement potentially upends the race in Manfre’s favor.
Flagler Beach Fire Takes 1st Place in 5th Annual Flagler County Fire/EMS Competition
Twelve teams competed in 24-hour, round-the clock scenarios this weekend in an event hosted by Flagler County Fire Rescue. The Flagler Beach Fire Department won the basic life support division. Boca Raton Fire Rescue won the advanced life support division.
Holland-Hutson Money Race Still Lopsided; Manfre Doubles Take, Closing Fleming Gap
The last two weeks of September saw Travis Hutson add almost as much money to his treasure chest–$13,000–as Milissa Holland raised in the entire election cycle ($15,502). Sheriff Candidate Jim Manfre has raised $19,000 to incumbent Don Fleming’s $24,000.
Snubbing Voters, Lame-Duck County Enacts 20-Year Sales Tax While Slashing Cities’ Shares
Many questions remained unanswered about the use of the money and the size of the proposed jail it’s supposed to pay for as the Flagler County Commission voted 4-1 to enact a sales tax it feared the public would not have approved at the ballot box this November.