The Flagler County Public Library on Palm Coast Parkway will be open for five fewer hours starting April 3, as weekly total hours will fall from 57 to 52, with a more simplified schedule.
Flagler County Commission
Varn Park Will Close for 3 Months as It Turns Into Latest Dune-Rebuilding Staging Area
Varn Park will be closed beginning March 27 for about three months as Flagler County undertakes two emergency sand operations – the first in Painters Hill and Beverly Beach, and the second north through the park into the Hammock Dunes Homeowners Association property.
Battle Over Vacation Rentals Resumes as Flagler Resists Lesser Regulation for 9th Year
For nine years, vacation-rental regulations in Flagler County have survived unscathed even as the short-term rental industry continues to grow in popularity and clout. Each year, local officials fear that era of local control may be over, as lawmakers attempt to pass de-regulation bills. This year is no different.
Commissioners Blame ‘Bad Planning’ as Cost to Replace Jail Security System Triples in Months
The Flagler County jail’s surveillance system, including 149 cameras, is not yet seven years old. It’s failing. The Flagler County Commission–the jail’s landlord–is having to replace it for $1.6 million, just months after the county administration told commissioners that it would cost only $500,000.
Stony Silence as Commission Proclaims Flagler Reads Together and Book-Banning Title
A rather joyless Flagler County Commission designated March as “Flagler Reads Together” month as the Friends of the Library chose Celeste Ng’s “Our Missing Hearts,” a novel of a dystopian America that bans books and represses minorities, as its chosen title.
Flagler County’s Emergency Management Team Makes Its Mark at State Association
Flagler County’s Emergency Management team made its mark last week at the Florida Emergency Preparedness Association’s (FEPA) Annual Meeting.
‘Absolutely No Excuse’: County Blasts Old Dixie Motel Owners and Will Again Seek Demolition
After trying for six years to have the derelict motel on Old Dixie Highway rehabilitated, Flagler County officials today again said they will seek to demolish the property as the latest owners have failed to live up to an agreement with the local government.
After Demise of Bull Creek Camp’s Restaurant, Commission’s Pennington Calls for Replacement Amenity
Saying Flagler County’s west side is losing its amenities, Flagler County Commissioner Leann Pennington implored her colleagues and the administration to focus on getting some form of replacement, even if not a restaurant, at Bull Creek Fishcamp, where the county will demolish the existing restaurant.
Lawyers to the Rescue: County Ratifies Agreement Clearing Historic Dunes Project in Flagler Beach
The Flagler County Commission this morning ratified the final agreement clearing the way for a historic dune-rebuilding project on 2.6 miles of shoreline in Flagler Beach, starting in April 2024–almost a quarter century after the federal government started considering the stretch for long-term safeguarding from erosion and rising seas.
County Commissioner Donald O’Brien Declares Run for Renner’s Seat, Tom Leek for Hutson’s
Flagler County Commissioner Donald O’Brien, who in the last four years became Joe Mullins’s staunchest ally, will run for Paul Renner’s House seat, and Tom Leek, the House member from Ormond Beach, will run for Travis Hutson’s.
In Major Shift, Flagler Beach Residents Appear to Favor Sea Walls, But Misconceptions Abound
A majority of Flagler Beach residents now appear to favor so-called secant sea walls, according to 58 responses gathered by FDOT and obtained by FlaglerLive. But that support rests on a fundamental misconception–that sea walls would not only protect State Road A1A behind them, but the beaches in front of them as well.
‘We Have a Deal’: Dune Hold-Out in Flagler Beach Concedes, Clearing Path to Renourishment
A property owner’s three-year stand-off with Flagler County that has delayed a long-promised beach renourishment in Flagler Beach is over. Cynthia d’Angiolini through her lawyer today agreed to sign a pair of easements, clearing the way for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ dune-rebuilding project–and ensuring that the south side of the city will finally get a major new protective buffer against rising seas.
Visitor Center Location Shifting from A1A to SR100; Flagler Tourism Posts Strong Year
After two and a half years of hunting for a visitor center location on State Road A1A in Flagler Beach, Flagler County’s tourism bureau is shifting its focus for an eventual visitor center to State Road 100, on county land near the new pedestrian bridge.
David Alfin ‘Staying Put’ As Palm Coast Mayor Rather than Run for Renner’s House Seat
Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin said today he is “staying put.” After over a month’s thought, he has decided to forego a run for Rep. Paul Renner’s House seat.
Bull Creek Fish Camp Will Be Torn Down Against Lease-Holder’s Wishes, With No Plans for Rebuild
To the dismay of the current lease holder, County Administrator Heidi Petito said the 2,500 square foot restaurant building at Bull Creek Fish Camp will be torn down next month, after suffering what the county describes as irreparable damage from hurricane-related floods.
Sea Walls, Granite, Dunes: FDOT Options to Strengthen A1A Are Nothing Flagler Hasn’t Seen Before
Some 150 people, including numerous Flagler Beach and county officials, turned out to see the state Department of Transportation’s four options to more permanently strengthen State Road A1A, with sea walls taking precedence over dune rebuilding. But a combination of the four options is likely ahead.
$3.67 Million Dune Reconstruction Begins Wednesday From Malacompra Park North
Flagler County’s contractor for $3.67 million Hurricane Dorian dunes restoration project from south MalaCompra Park to north Washington Oaks Gardens State Park mobilized on Monday and construction will begin on Wednesday.
Flagler County Nets $17 Million in State Aid for Dune Reconstruction, with Far More Needed
The money is a “drop in the bucket,” compared to the county’s needs, according to a county official: it is a fraction of what would be needed, considering the county’s devastated shoreline. But it will still enable the county to repair several miles of dunes with temporary renourishment, giving those repaired dunes perhaps two to four years against continuing erosion.
Cramped and Neglected Flagler Health Department Tells County Commission: ‘We Need Your Help’
The Flagler County Health Department is pleading with county commissioners for more money to improve an ageing facility and expand services that touch the lives of a third of the county’s population. The department hopes to open a facility in Palm Coast. While commissioners are not indifferent, finding a source of money will be a challenge.
Army Corps Must Redesign Entire Flagler Beach Dunes Project, ‘Substantially’ Delaying It Again
Because of years of delays and further erosion, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must redesign the entire project to rebuild 2.6 miles of dunes on the critically eroded shoreline south of the Flagler Beach pier, now that the current design is out of date. That will further delay for at least a year or more a project 20 years in the works. Meanwhile, the coast continues to erode, threatening or damaging A1A.
Flagler County Approves Latest ‘Band-Aid’ in $14 Million-Worth of Emergency Dune Repairs
The county will rebuild only six miles of Flagler County’s dune-less 18-mile shoreline. The millions of dollars will rebuild the same kind of narrow, emergency dunes that the county rebuilt in the aftermath of Hurricanes Matthew and Irma, in 2018–sands that, by last year, had entirely washed away. The county engineer says it’s still all just a “band aid” approach.
DOT Will Seek Public Input on More Permanent Protection for A1A, But Options Are Limited
After two months of closed-door sessions involving state, federal and local officials on how to more permanently secure State Road A1A in Flagler and Volusia counties from storm damage and rising seas, the Florida Department of Transportation will seek public input in two sessions later this month–one in Flagler Beach, one in Volusia County, and present a half dozen options or so.
Yes, There May Be Hope in Breakthrough Over Dune Hold-Out, Attorney Seeks to Reassure County
Scott Spradley, the attorney Flagler County retained in a bankruptcy case against Cynthia d’Angiolini, the lone hold-out against a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project to rebuild dunes in the city, sought to reassure county officials that she now has “incentive” to sign the necessary easements.
Sheriff’s Office’s Ultra-Modern Operations Center Is Dedicated, Ending 4 1/2 Years of Nomadic Existence
Sheriff Rick Staly dedicated the $20 million, 51,600 square foot Sheriff’s Operations Center off Commerce Boulevard before hundreds today, ending four and a half years of borrowing space from the courthouse, among other locations, and closing an unhappy chapter in the county’s history.
Flagler County Sues Cynthia d’Angiolini, Lone Dunes Hold-Out, And Her Attorney Wants Off Bankruptcy Case
Flagler County government today filed a federal suit against Cynthia d’Angiolini, the lone remaining obstacle to a dune-rebuilding project intended to protest 2.6 miles of shore and State Road A1A in Flagler Beach, asking the court to revoke the discharge from bankruptcy d’Angiolini secured only a few weeks ago. The move occurs as other steps are severely complicating–and darkening–d’Angiolini’s posture against the county, including a motion today by her bankruptcy attorney to stop representing her.
Florida Senate Approves $100 Million in Beach Erosion Aid, Part of $750 Million Disaster Relief Bill
The bill includes $100 million for beach-erosion recovery, an amount certain to help boost Flagler County’s prospects for tapping many of those millions as it faces vast challenges on 18 miles of its eroded coast.
County Commissioner Dave Sullivan Is Recovering from a Stroke, Hoping to Be Home By Christmas
Days after suffering a smaller episode, Flagler County Commissioner Dave Sullivan on Dec. 7 suffered a stroke that numbed his left side and required his hospitalization since, first in Palm Coast, now in AdventHealth’s rehab facility in Ormond Beach.
Palm Coast and County Launch Joint $200,000 Plan to Map Out Parks and Rec Blueprint for Future
Palm Coast government and the county are starting a nearly $200,000, eight-month process to determine how the city’s parks should grow, what they should offer and how they should be marketed to users, including city and county residents and beyond. The city is looking to add to the broader regional appeal of park facilities like the Indian Trails Sports Complex and–assuming it can recover some of its broken amenities–Holland Park.
Flagler County Accuses Dune Hold-Out of ‘Bad Faith’ and ‘Abomination,’ and Wants Property Seized
Flagler County government is accusing the lone hold-out in a planned dune-rebuilding project along State Road A1A in Flagler Beach of “bad faith,” “fraud” and deception, and is asking a federal court to revoke her discharge from bankruptcy and enable the government to seize all but her homesteaded assets. Cynthia d’Angiolini, the 71-year-old property owner, today countered that “Flagler County is not a creditor in this case and has no standing.”
Flagler County’s Julie Murphy Earns Distinctive PR Designation
Julie Murphy has successfully completed the process that awards the professional designation of “Public Information Officer” (PIO). The Commission on Professional Credentialing met on December 5, 2022, to confer the designation. Julie Murphy becomes one of only 17 PIOs worldwide.
18 Years in the Works, Commerce Parkway Connection from SR100 to US1 Is Finally a Go
The $15 million two-lane road (utilities included) will connect State Road 100 to U.S. 1 around Bunnell’s east side, with construction expected to start next summer. The County Commission cleared the project on Monday.
Flagler County Gets $5 Million for Emergency Sand, But It’ll Rebuild Barely 2 Miles of Skinny Dunes
Flagler County government secured $5 million in state dollars for emergency sand to rebuild shoreline eviscerated by recent storms. The money will only allow for about 2 miles of thin, not very durable dune reconstruction, but an additional $5 million is expected in federal funds for thicker dunes, but on a much shorter stretch of shore.
In Stunning Revelation, Dune Hold-Out Had Filed for Bankruptcy–and Not Disclosed Parcels’ Value; County Now Has Leverage
Cynthia d’Angiolini, the only property owner holding out from signing an easement to allow a dune rebuilding project in Flagler Beach, had failed to disclose the value of the two parcels in question in a federal bankruptcy proceeding. That now gives the county great leverage to win her signature, since she now may have to pay creditors a five-figure sum, which she does not have, enabling the county to bail her out–and get her signature.
Flagler County’s Scott Simon Achieves Highest Code Enforcement Certification Level in Florida
Flagler County Code Enforcement Officer Scott Simon achieved the highest certification level in the State of Florida. The certification is provided through the Florida Association of Code Enforcement (FACE).
Pennington and Hansen Are Sworn-In Today as County Commission Bids Joe Mullins Beggarly Farewell
After her trouncing victories over ex-Commissioner Joe Mullins and Independent Jane Gentile-Youd, Leann Pennington today will become only the third woman ever to serve on the Flagler County Commission, and the first Republican woman to do so. Some of the commissioners gave Mullins a send-off more triumphal than the public’s.
Mosquito-Spraying Boundaries Expand to West Palm Coast and Plantation Bay, Adding New Tax on Bills
Thousands of Flagler County residents and businesses will be paying a new tax to combat mosquitos starting next October. The Flagler County Commission Monday evening unanimously approved the expansion of the East Flagler Mosquito Control District to all of Plantation Bay at the south end of the county and to a 5,000-acre sliver running north-south, west of U.S. 1, mostly in Palm Coast, including the rapidly-growing Sawmill Creek subdivision.
What About Flagler Beach’s One Hold-Out Against Dune Fix? County Says December Deadline Will Be Met.
Almost three years after Flagler County sought property owners’ permission to start a dune rebuilding project on 2.6 miles of beach in Flagler Beach, and despite more recent ravages to the shore, one property owner is still holding out, but County Attorney Al Hadeed stresses that her permission will be secured by December 31 and the Corps project will be on by June.
FireFlight’s Chief Dana Morris, Flagler County’s Legend of the Air, Is Retiring After 12,500 Flight Hours
After 20 years flying Flagler County FireFlight, the emergency helicopter, and more than 12,500 flight hours later, Dana Morris will power down the rotorcraft one last time as its pilot on November 13, five days before his official retirement after 43 years of flying.
State Transportation Department to Flagler Beach: Simply Rebuilding A1A Again Won’t Do
John Tyler, the Florida Department of Transportation’s District 5 secretary, told a special meeting of the Flagler Beach City Commission this evening that simply rebuilding A1A until the next storm won’t achieve a different result: it’ll be demolished again. DOT is creating a task force to devise a more durable solution, with all options on the table, including sea walls and moving A1A.
Nicole’s Damage to A1A ‘Much Worse’ Than Matthew, Over Longer Stretch; Parts of Flagler Beach Flood
An assessment of Tropical Storm Nicole’s damage of the shoreline from the north end of the county to South 25th Street in Flagler Beach left county officials disheartened at the flooding and the recurring destruction of State Road A1A, which is severe in many places and may require the road to be closed for weeks or months at least in one direction.
Leann Pennington, Theresa Pontieri, Will Furry and Cathy Heighter Win, Half-Cent Tax Passes, Amendments Fail
For Flagler County and Palm Coast, it is an election of new faces: four races, four newcomers to elected office: Leann Pennington won a seat on the County Commission, Theresa Pontieri and Cathy Heighter won seats to the Palm Coast City Council, and Will Furry won a Flagler County School Board seat.
After nearly 6,000 Flights, County Hails Dana Morris, FireFlight’s Chief Pilot, on Eve of His Retirement
After nearly 6,000 flights and 4,300 flight hours, FireFlight Chief Pilot Dana Morris’s career in Flagler is ending. His co-pilot Todd Whaley gifted him a replica of FireFlight today as the County Commission recognized his 20-yuear career in Flagler.
Leann Pennington, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Leann Pennington is a Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 4, facing Independent Jane Gentile-Youd in the Nov. 8 general election. Pennington defeated first-term incumbent Commissioner Joe Mullins in the Aug. 23 primary with 69 percent of the vote.
Jane Gentile-Youd, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Jane Gentile-Youd is an independent, or no-party affiliation, candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 4, in the general election on Nov. 8. She faces Leann Pennington. All registered Flagler County voters may cast a ballot in the race, regardless of party affiliation or residency location.
Flagler Commission Approves 56-Home Subdivision on Barrier Island Despite Deep Drainage Concerns
The Flagler County Commission late Monday evening approved Scenic Cove, a 56-home subdivision on the barrier island, some 1,000 feet south of Marineland’s town limits. There was sharp opposition to Scenic Cove’s drainage and environmental plan, but after a 70-minute hearing, the commission approved the project, with pointed conditions, 5-0.
Flagler Cares and Paramedics Launch Innovative Overdose Response Force as Part of $1.3 Million Grant
Flagler County’s fire services and Flagler Cares are launching a medically assisted drug-addiction treatment program that will involve community paramedics providing immediate care where the addicts are and laying the groundwork for a follow-up system that aims to keep addicts from falling back into using.
In DeSantis Talks of Damage to Flagler’s Shore During Visit, 2 Words Spell Relief: Paul Renner
During a 60-minute stop in Flagler County this morning Gov. Ron DeSantis and Emergency management Director Kevin Guthrie took in the extent of damage to the pier and Flagler’s nearly-erased dunes, and the governor repeatedly spoke of Rep. Paul Renner, the incoming Speaker of the House, as an opportunity for Flagler to score big in funding help.
Hyped by Joe Mullins in July, Sale of Ex-Sheriff’s Building for Drug-Treatment Facility Collapses
The in-patient drug-treatment facility that Commissioner Joe Mullins–to considerable skepticism at the time–said was soon to be housed in the former Sheriff’s Operations Center in Bunnell will not become reality as the sale of the building fell through.
Hurricane Debris Removal Continues in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach, Starts in Flagler on Tuesday
Hurricane Ian debris removal is continuing in Flagler County’s cities or about to begin in unincorporated Flagler, and is expected to take several more days, with patience at a premium.
Tiger Bay Election Forum, Live Now from the Palm Coast Community Center
FlaglerLive is live-streaming this evening’s Flagler Tiger Bay candidate forum from the Palm Coast Community Center, starting at 6 p.m.