Gambling regulations, state dollars for Flagler’s roads, warnings against the unintended consequences of state budget cuts and numerous more local concerns busied the nearly two-hour meeting between Flagler’s state lawmakers and local politicians, organizations and citizens.
Gov. Scott Proposes Corporate Tax Cuts Even As Florida Faces a Deficit of Up to $2 Billion
Gov. Rick Scott wants to double the corporate income tax exemption to $50,000 and eliminate the tangible tax for half of the state’s 300,000 businesses that now pay it. It’s part of his plan to eliminate all corporate taxes ins even years.
Quiet Woodlands Evening Shaken by an Armed Robbery; Sheriff Looking for Leads
A 32-year-old resident of Palm Coast’s Woodlands was robbed of his cash and cigarettes at gunpoint at Oak Trails Boulevard and Blare Drive, just off of Old Kings Road, just before sunset Tuesday evening.
Animal Kingdom Moves Into Flagler County Art League’s Gallery for the Month
The Animal Kingdom is the Flagler County Art League’s newest show, a rich (and uneven) menagerie of some 66 works in a half dozen mediums, on exhibit at the league’s gallery through October.
Hans Tanzler III is Scaled Back St. Johns Water Management District’s New Director
Hans Tanzler’s tenure will dovetail with Gov. Rick Scott’s directive to make the district a friend rather than a regulator of big water users and applicants, such as utilities, developers and large landowners.
Universities Defend Against Rick Scott’s Primitive War on Anthropologists
Not wanting tax dollars spent educating anthropologists, Rick Scott appeared unaware that the science is among the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and math) he himself is emphasizing to add jobs in Florida.
Bunnell Manager Wants His Gun Back–as a Reserve Officer for Sheriff or Flagler Beach
Even though it’s a personal matter to the manager, the Bunnell City Commission agreed to use its city attorney, at $145 an hour, to seek out a state Attorney General’s opinion on whether Manager Armando Martinez may serve as a reserve cop elsewhere.
Bleak and Bleaker: State Revenue to Fall Another $2.5 Billion Over the Next 2 Years
The Legislature’s revenue estimating economists today announced a shortfall of about $1 billion for the coming year and $1.5 billion the following year. Rick Scott continues to rule out tax increases.
Flirting With the Bizarre and the Unconstitutional, Bunnell Retains 4 Lawyers
A Bunnell city commissioner opened Monday’s commission meeting with a hard-core Christian prayer as seven lawyers, including the city attorney, looked on–and took the fifth on the matter, as most were angling for a contract with the city.
Penny Wise, Light Foolish: Palm Coast in the Dark In Reclamation of Ralph Carter Park
League organizers and parents are calling Palm Coast’s plan to charge youth leagues for field and light use at city parks short-sighted and counter-productive, given the leagues’ stabilizing effect on once-troubled parks such as Ralph Carter Park.
Rubio’s Rig: Florida’s Answer to Obama Health Law Leaving Small Businesses Cold
Florida’s Marco Rubio-created insurance exchanges aren’t open to individuals, provide no subsidies or tax credits, and no essential health benefits, as federal plans do. The exchanges have not been popular.
Tasers and the Flagler County School Board: Feeble Surrender to an Instrument of Torture
The re-introduction of Tasers on campus is disturbing on many levels, not least because the Flagler school board had no evidence they were needed. Nor did it consider the barbaric implications of Tasers in school settings.
Florida Is No. 1–In Costs and Effects of Hunger
In the past 3 years, costs related to hunger rose 62 percent in Florida. In 2010, the state’s hunger bill was $11.7 billion, or six times more than the $1.75 billion in budget cuts Gov. Rick Scott proposed for public schools.
In Praise of Steve Jobs
Lionel Rolfe, the writer and journalist, chronicles Steve Jobs’s influence on capitalism, cybernetics, typography, Rolfe’s own work and, to some extent, his life.
Occupy Jacksonville: Video and Reports of Saturday’s Occupy Wall Street-Inspired Protest
Occupy Jacksonville at hemming Plaza Saturday drew between 200 and 300 people, including participants from Palm Coast and Flagler County. Video of the protest, updates and pictures.
Dares From the Familiar From 7 Photographers at Hollingsworth Gallery’s Latest Show
Hollingsworth Gallery’s first all-photography exhibits features provocative, unsettling and arresting work by Steven Benson, Daniel Biferie, Jennifer Kaczmarek, A.J. Neste, Mark Townsend, Mercedes McCartney and Nik Clements.
Acting Time May Be Over in Flagler Beach As Commission Takes Up Manager’s Fate
It’s been nine months since Bruce Campbell started as actingcity manager, making it the longest job interview in memory for any local government executive. The wait appears to be over as two commissioners who’ve opposed his permanent appointment so far face a reckoning next Thursday.
Saturday’s Great Bed Race in Flagler Beach Postponed Until Dec. 3
Weather is causing the postponement of the third annual Great Bed Race, which means that there’s two more months to enter the contest, which has already drawn a record 17 beds.
Palm Coast’s First Business-to-Business Expo: How-To For Recession-Defying Entrepreneurs
Some 60 businesses and agencies turned up for the day-long business-to-business expo organized by Palm Coast’s Business Assistance Center to focus on local, small and emerging businesses.
A Shade Less Than Dire, Unemployment Holds Again at 9.1% as 103,000 Jobs Are Added
July and August figures were revised upward for a net addition of 287,000 jobs over the last three month, still far short of what the economy needs to be healthy, or to bring the unemployment rate down.
Gambling Florida: Court Says Legislature May Expand Slot Machines Around the State
In a ruling that may open the way for gambling in Florida resorts, the first District Court of Appeal said it’s up to lawmakers to decide where they allow casinos. Companies are pushing hard for the expansion of slot-machine resorts.
Obama’s Job Creation Record: Millions Created or Saved, Still Too Few to Overcome Crisis
While the $825 billion stimulus raised employment from at least 1 million to 3.3 million people and significantly softened the recession, subsequent cutbacks at all level of governments reversed the gains and prevented a sustained recovery.
Recoiling Over Park Fees, Little Leagues Shine a Light on Palm Coast’s Increasing Insularity
A debate over new lighting fees at Palm Coast’s athletic fields reveals a city out of touch with its community organizations and contradicting its own claims about being kid- and sports-tournament friendly.
Blessing of the Animals: At St. Thomas Episcopal, a Fall Ritual for Creatures’ Sake
The annual Feast of St. Francis is an occasion, at Palm Coast’s St. Thomas Episcopal, to celebrate the bond and love between people and their pets as each animal is blessed in a moving and modest ceremony.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Spreading to Florida–Jacksonville, Gainesville and Ocala
Occupy Wall Street, the tea party’s growing flip-side movement, is organizing a series of protests across the nation and in a half dozen cities in Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami to Tampa.
School Board Votes 4-1 To Allow Tasers Back on Campuses, With Vague Conditions
School Board member Andy Dance wants the superintendent to develop a school-centered policy with the sheriff on using Tasers, but the sheriff’s office is resistant to mixing school policies with its own.
Bogus Students, Fake Curriculums, Ghost Schools: Florida’s Voucher Fraud Is Probed
Florida House members grilled a Department of Education official Tuesday over reports of rampant fraud and lax oversight of private schools that receive state funds through a voucher program for students with disabilities.
Man With Prior Record, Believed to Be Target of Monday’s Burglary, Is Arrested
Brooklyn-born Brian J. Epshteyn, 25, was jailed three times since January, and a fourth on Tuesday as detectives believe his drugs were the target of three men’s assault on a Brunswick Lane home Monday.
All-Business Snub: Flagler County Can’t Fill Its Own Economic Development Council Seats
Only four people have applied for the county commission’s eight-member economic development council, an embarrassing result for the government that dissolved Enterprise Flagler, claiming it could do the job better.
“My Boyfriend Shot Him”: Sheriff’s Office Releases 911 Call on Brunswick Lane Invasion
The Flagler Sheriff’s Office released an edited version of the 911 call from the Brunswick Lane home three men invaded Monday, resulting in the shooting of one of them and the arrest of all three after a manhunt.
School Construction Money Slashed By $267 Million; Charters and Universities Affected
Traditional public schools in Flagler County no longer receive Public Education Capital Outlay dollars, which now go to charter schools, including Imagine School at Town Center. Imagine is again applying for PECO dollars.
Animal Refuge Regulations: Advocates Call Them Overbearing; Flagler Holds Off, For Now
Conceding that it overreacted, the Flagler County Commission tabled a proposal that would have imposed stringent rules on animal shelters and sanctuaries, pending more inclusive public meetings with animal advocates.
Report Shows How Far Florida and Other States Are Scuttling Voting Rights and Turnout
Reductions in early voting days, ending voting-day address changes for registered voters, clamping down on registration drives and other new rules could make it harder for 5 million people to vote in 2012, which may be just what GOP-led legislatures passing those laws aimed for.
A Suspect Is Shot and 3 Held After Drug-Related Home Invasion on Brunswick La.
Three suspects invaded a home on Brunswick Lane in Palm Coast Monday morning in a drug-related incident. One suspect was shot in the head by a resident in the home, and flown to Halifax, two others caught later.
Trying Tests: Baby Dies, SWAT Team Caught in Exploding Meth Lab–10 Times in a Row
Not to worry: the mayhem was all part of Flagler County Fire Rescue’s second annual paramedic competition, featuring 10 Florida teams and 10 scenarios over two days designed to test EMS skills in extreme situations.
Of Course It’s Class Warfare. And the Rich Are Winning in a Rout.
Republicans are accusing President Obama of waging class warfare, which, Donald Kaul argues, is a little like the Japanese complaining about the time Pearl Harbor attacked them in 1941.
Florida’s Plan to Privatize 29 Prisons Halted As Judge Rules Process Unconstitutional
Leon County Curcuit Judge Jackie Fulford ruled that lawmakers violated the Florida Constitution by approving prison privatization in the fine print of the state budget rather than by changing the law explicitly.
At European Village Jewelry Store, Two Unspeakable Words, One Charge, Then Jail
Dan and Edith Ferrena have run Palm Coast Gold Buyers at European Village for more than two years. At noon Friday, their world unraveled in a brief confrontation with a man who threw a supreme insult at Edith and accused Dan of pointing a gun at him.
Bunnell Man Charged With Rape and Kidnapping as Child Pleads for Mom’s Safety
Louis Donald Jackson is accused of raping a woman at his Bunnell house while the woman’s son allegedly pleaded with him not to hurt his mother and heard the ordeal unfold from the other side of a locked door.
Guns, Teen Abortions, Sexting and Bestial Misdemeanors: 29 New Florida Laws Kick In
A slew of new laws go in effect Saturday, including the NRA-inspired restriction on local governments’ gun regulations, making it a crime to have sex with animals, reducing credit card fraud and reducing teens’ abortion rights.
Superintendent Will Recommend Tasers In Schools; Majority of Board Signals Agreement
Three school board members favor allowing school deputies to carry Tasers, some of them with reservations, as the board prepares for a decision as early as next Tuesday. The initiative is part of the fallout from a student’s fight with a deputy at Matanzas High School.
Memorial and Memories of Alex Taylor, “Gentle Servant” Killed in Tuesday Hit and Run
Alex Taylor, 54, was a regular visitor, helper and worshiper at Bunnell’s First United Methodist Church, where Rev. Beth Gardner and Gwen Barath came to know him–and remember him. Gardner will lead a memorial for Taylor Sunday, Oct. 2, at 2 p.m.
Florida Aiming for Jan. 31 Presidential Primary, Setting Up State vs. National GOP Clash
State Republicans seemed headed for a showdown with the national party over the date for Florida’s GOP presidential preference primary, which breaks the Republican National Committee’s calendar rules by more than a month.
Two Crashes a Day on Flagler Roads: DMV’s Annual Report Adds Up Grim Miles
In Flagler, there were 716 crashes in 2010, about two crashes a day, 11 percent of them involving alcohol. There were a total of 23 fatalities on Flagler roads, up from 16 in 2009 and 2007. A complete report of local and state crashes.
SR100 Hit-and-Run Fatality: Investigators Focusing on Three Flagler School Buses
Three Flagler school district buses, with protruding mirrors, passed by the scene of the hit-and-run within 15 minutes of the time when Alex Taylor is believed to have been killed Tuesday morning while riding his bike.
Rickey Clint Green Struck and Killed on I-95 By Semi; 3rd Flagler Road Fatality in 3 Days
An Ontario-based 18-wheel truck struck Rickey Green, who was on foot, on I-95 southbound, at mile marker 280, at 3 p.m. today, killing Green, who was reportedly standing in the roadway when he was struck.
Palm Coast Civic Association to the Rescue: O’Donnell Crafts Creekside Compromise
The compromise gives the chamber of commerce a face-saving bail-out and allows all political candidates for Palm Coast City Council to meet Creekside visitors under the Flagler Palm Coast Civic Association’s tent.
Town Simmer: City Retreats From Four-Laning Bulldog Drive or Condemning Ajram Property
Lack of money and traffic and the threat of a lawsuit forced Palm Coast to keep Bulldog Drive a two-lane road for now, beautifying it, but also dropping its long-running condemnation threat against property owner Gus Ajram.
Hard Questions–and a Few, Targeted Softballs–at NAACP’s Candidate Forum
The four remaining candidates for the Palm Coast City Council faced off before more than 120 people at the NAACP’s forum at the African American Cultural Society Tuesday evening.
Hidden Pay Cut: Health Premiums Soar Again, Hitting Families Hardest, as Earnings Stagnate
Health insurance premium costs rose 9 percent for families in 2011, reversing four years of slower premium increases and again raising questions about long-term health costs.