The three crews logged eight hours on their first afternoon on the job Wednesday, putting their 780-gallon water buckets to work against the Espanola fire. They’re here on an open-ended mission.
Sprawl-Fighting State Oversight Agency Is Dissolved, To the Delight of Local Developers
The Florida Department of Community Affairs, created in 1969 to manager growth, is being diluted into other agencies, leaving local governments much freer to develop as they choose.
“I Saw The Fires As I Was Flying In.” Rick Scott’s Embarrassing Lay-Over in Flagler
Rick Scott spent four and a half hours today hobnobbing with businessmen and chamber of commerce pals in Orlando, but couldn’t spare a moment for firemen on the line during his lightning visit to Flagler County.
“Saturate Us With Resources,” Fire Commanders Tell Rick Scott in Flagler County
Gov. Rick Scott’s drive-by visit through Flagler County Tuesday afternoon entailed a short briefing and a short press conference, but no visit to an actual fire, and no plans of one.
Number of Fires Up to 22 As Flagler,
Drenched in Smoke, Awaits Governor
Lightning started seven new fires in Flagler in the last two days, one of them in Bunnell’s Grand Reserve area, just west of Palm Coast. Fire officials are concerned about a “fluid” situation and uncooperative weather.
Gov. Scott Touring Flagler Fires at 4 p.m. After Declaring Emergency and Activating Guard
The long-awaited declaration of a state of emergency places state, regional and local resources under the authority of state emergency management and the Division of Forestry.
Black Bear, Brown Pelican and 14 Other Species Off Threatened List in Florida
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted unanimously to delist the animals following a review began four years ago. The snowy egret was also removed.
In a Victory for Flagler Boaters, FWC Rejects Its Staff’s Proposed Manatee Speed Zones
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission asked its staff to draw up a new compromise favoring Flagler County’s position on manatee speed zones on the Intracoastal, a significant defeat for manatee advocates.
Coquina Defund: Palm Coast’s Desalination Hopes Dry Up As Last Partners Drop Out
The Coquina Coast Seawater Desalination project unveiled 14 general sites where the plant might be located in Palm Coast, but it may be a moot discussion as the city’s financial partners are quitting, and Palm Coast can’t afford it on its own.
No Lawsuit Against the State Yet, But Flagler School Board Warms Up to Actionable Anger
Ronald Meyer, the attorney who’s been challenging imbalances in Florida’s educational system for years, told the Flagler school board Tuesday that building a case will take more time, analysis–and public awareness.
Florida Board Of Medicine Clears Dr. Mark Seldes, a Convicted Rapist, to Practice Again
Mark Seldes of Tampa was an Air Force major and flight surgeon in South Korea when he raped a civilian coworker after she’d taken a sleeping pill. The Florida Board of Medicine voted 7-3 to let him practice again.
Florida Wants Privatized Camping and RV Sites at 56 State Parks, Including Washington Oaks
The privatization quietly developed plan would bid out the 56 parks to companies that would build and operate the camping and RV sites as a way to generate money and ostensibly help keep the parks running.
Scott Signs Development Bill That Virtually Eliminates State Oversight of Local Planning
Local governments will get to decide how and where to grwo with little or no interference from the state growth-management regulators, whose role is now severely limited.
ACLU Sues Rick Scott As Drug Testing of Public Employees and Welfare Recipients Begins
The US Supreme Court makes drug-testing exceptions for public safety and similar jobs. Broader intrusions have been struck down. This suit is the first in what’s expected to be a series of suits triggered by Rick Scott initiatives.
Palm Coast Looking to Other Cities for Guidance on Storefront Gambling Regulations
The Palm Coast City Council is all for stopping new storefront casino-type “internet cafes” for six months, but is less clear on whether, and how, to regulate them beyond that.
Florida’s Juvenile Justice Eliminating 1,200 Jobs and Closing 3 Youth Prisons
The budget Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last week reduces juvenile justice’s budget 11 percent, and eliminates 700 jobs in addition to 500 vacant positions that will be abolished. The Legislature singled out youth prisons for closure.
Calling PBS a “Special Interest,” Rick Scott Vetoes $4.8 Million in Public Broadcasting Aid
The veto means that each one of Florida’s 13 public radio stations, including WMFE in Orlando and WJCT in Jacksonville, both of which can be heard in Flagler County, is losing $61,715. Every TV station is losing $307,447.
Good Riddance: How the Shuttle and the Space Station Crippled America’s Space Program
Between the space shuttle and the International Space Station, America’s space program’s addiction to manned flights has been held hostage to an unimaginative low-orbit. It’s long-past time to scrap both and push the limits of unmanned exploration.
Killing Bounce: Obama Back in Favor in Florida; Sen. Nelson Heading for Re-Election
Obama’s approval is at 51 percent, against 44 percent disapproval, a reversal from April 7, when he was disapproved by 52 percent of the electorate and approved by just 44 percent.
Poll Dumps Rick Scott Approval to 29%, Worst of Any Governor Quinnipiac Tracks
Gov. Rick Scott’s disapproval rating continues to rise, to 57 percent at last count, up almost 10 points in six weeks. Even Republicans have curbed their enthusiasm.
Gut Choke: State Eliminates 780 Jobs at Department of Children and Families
DCF Secretary David Wilkins claims front-line workers won’t be affected, but the cut represents a serious set-back in an agency responsible for children’s welfare and oversight.
How School-Voucher Lobbyist John Kirtley Buys Florida Lawmakers’ Votes
John Kirtley successfully lobbied in 2001 to get the corporate tax credit scholarship program approved, and has since, with generous contributions, shifted numerous lawmakers to his crusade.
GOP Alarm Bells Over Democrat Alvin Brown’s Historic Victory in Conservative Jacksonville
With a presidential election in little more than a year, the first Democratic win in Jacksonville in 20 years quickly stirred questions about whether the reliably red county might be taking on a more purple hue.
Flagler Unemployment at 13.8%, Lowest Since 2008; Florida’s Improves to 10.8%
Flagler County’s labor force has shrunk by 2.5 over the past 12 months, a significant drop, while the number of employed residents has fallen by 1.5 percent, suggesting that job creation isn’t yet as evident as out-migration.
Flagler Ranks Low in Latest Florida Forever Priorities, But Money Is Elusive Anyway
Only one project–the 4,200-acre Flagler County Blueway–made the list of the state Florida Forever priorities for preservation this year, and at a low ranking–with little to no money in the state fund anyway.
Ethics Commission Round-Up: Rick Scott Cleared, Nate McLaughlin Pending
Gov. Rick Scott’s investments show no conflicts of interest under circumstances and facts presented to the Florida Ethics Commission. Flagler County Commissioner Nate McLaughlin’s case is still pending. A full round-up of the ethics commission’s May findings across the state.
Flagler Whacks Proposed Speed Zones on Intracoastal as Manatee Advocates Protest
Tuesday’s public hearing was the latest step in months of wrangles between Flagler County and the Fish and Wildlife Commission over manatee-protecting speed zones on about a third of Flagler’s 18 miles of Intracoastal.
Texbooks in All Florida School Districts Required to Go Digital By 2015-16
The new law requires Florida public schools to adopt digital-only textbooks by the 2015-16 school year, and spend at least 50 percent of their textbook budget on digital materials by that time.
Conklin: Time to End the Legislature’s
Betrayal of Florida’s Promise to Our Children
Describing relentless attacks on education and a state of fear in Tallahassee that cost her her own job recently, Flagler County School Board member Colleen Conklin explains why local school boards must take a stand against the state’s erosion of public education.
Gov. Rick Scott’s Ex HCA Suing Florida Over $757,000 in Unpaid Interest on Late Taxes
Hospital giant HCA is suing the Florida Department of Revenue in a tax dispute that stems from the turbulent era when Gov. Rick Scott ran the company.
Hurricane Tallahassee: Environmentalists Survey Wreckage of 2011 Legislative Session
Developers gained more power in environmental disputes, state regulation of development was scaled back, the Department of Community Affairs is all but history as the Florida Legislature diminished the state’s growth management role in favor of development.
Foreclosures Down 59 Percent in April, But Don’t Celebrate Yet, Florida
Longer processing times and the backlash against banks’ speed-dialed foreclosures have more to do with the brighter number than an actual recovery in the housing market.
Florida Home Sales Rise in 1Q, Home Values Tumble Again
Florida home sales rose 13 percent in the 1st quarter, led by a glut of bank-owned homes on the market, but housing prices continued to fall, dampening hopes that property values have bottomed out.
From Nursing Homes to Medicaid to Pill Mills, Florida Re-Writes Austere Health Rules
Health care reform opt-out, broad abortion restrictions, managed care for 2.8 million Floridians, less care for patients in nursing homes, Healthy Start slashed: Florida redrew the state’s health care map in the 2011 legislative session.
Per-Student Funding Dropping $572, or 8%; Flagler District Poised for Severe Cuts
As state lawmakers cut school budgets by $1.3 billion, the Flagler school district already has plans to cut its budget by 3.5 percent through teacher layoffs and other means. It’ll make up the difference by using more than a third of its $9 million reserves.
2011 Session Under GOP Supermajority: Stingier, Looser, More Preferential Florida
The 2011 Session revamped Medicaid, teacher pay and pill-mill regulations, cut the budget and brooked favors with insurers, but culminated in corrosive revolts among Republicans as anti-union and anti-immigration bills failed.
Lawmakers Quietly and Hurriedly Approve $10 Million Statewide Boarding Charter School
The charter school, vehemently opposed by Ormond Beach Sen. Evelyn Lynn, who cited other education priorities, would focus on troubled youth but be paid for with public funds and run by a private concern.
Class-Size Limits Lifted on Numerous Courses As Lawmakers Redefine Meaning of “Core”
Foreign language classes, Advanced Placement courses, and certain social studies courses would be exempt from constitutionally required class-size limits, while caps in other classes could be exceeded by three to five students.
Last-Minute Budget Deal Reduces Districts’ Dollars and Oversight of Charter Schools
Charter schools that have received an “A” or “B” rating in the last three years would be given the ability to expand enrollment or add new grades without having to wait for approval from the school district.
Splitting Florida Lawmakers, Arizona-Inspired Immigration-Law Rewrites Won’t Make It
The Florida House proposal would have turned cops into immigration officers and increased penalties on businesses. The Senate proposal would have been less harsh. The two sides couldn’t agree on a joint proposal.
College Drop-Outs: Florida Lawmakers Cutting Bright Futures Scholarships a Further 20%
Once a scholarship that covered almost 100 percent of a student’s tuition and fees and half the cost of books, students entering UF next year will see their Bright Futures scholarship covering less than 50 percent of those costs.
Property Tax Overhaul Passes House: Breaks For New Home Buyers, Business, Snowbirds
First-time home buyers would get a 50 percent property tax break on the value of their home. Voters would decide whether to cap property tax assessment increases for commercial properties at 5 percent.
Corporate Tax Cut Out, Privatizing Prisons and 3% Public Pension Contributions In
As the Legislature’s 2011 session veers uncertainly toward its final days, lawmakers struck deals Saturday on privatizing prisons and compromising over public employees’ pension contributions, but no deal yet on health care and education cuts.
Florida Legislature Redrawing Abortion Rules, Targeting Women, Physicians and US Law
The House approved a slew of bills that would force women to submit to ultrasounds before an abortion, broaden parental notification when minors are seeking an abortion, and require physicians to own abortion clinics, among other bills.
School Districts Will Have to Vastly Expand Virtual Education; Charters to Click In
At least one virtual class would be mandatory for graduation, kindergarten students could take online courses, and charter schools could offer full or part-time classes in what’s almost certain to become law.
Gun-Toting Bills, Supplanting Doctors and Local Governments, Poised to Become Law
One bill would penalize local governments with stricter gun restrictions than the state. Another would muzzle doctors’ abilities to ask their patients about gun ownership.
Growth-Management 2.0: Local Government Whims Sprawl Over State Oversight
Republicans have complained for years that growth management rules slow growth in the state. A glut of empty homes suggests otherwise. Local governments will be empowered to take advantage of far more lax growth rules.
Bail Bondsmen Would Cash In at Taxpayers’ Expense As Pre-Trial Release Is Scaled Back
A bill written to boost bail bondsmen’s business would force inmates to post bond to get out of jail rather than rely on county-run pre-trial release programs. Taxpayers are likely to pay the price as fewer inmates can afford bond and jail populations soar.
Criminal Backgrounds of Health Providers: Florida’s Licensing System Is All Cavities
Dentists, doctors and pharmacists can still practice in Florida even after committing crimes, while the Department of Health passes over criminal backgrounds in a lax and self-reported licensing procedure.
Property Tax Reform: 50% Exemptions, Breaks for Investors, Losses for Local Governments
Supporters of the overhaul say it’ll fill up empty homes. Critics say it’ll also slash local government revenue and further shift the tax burden to current residents, exacerbating inequities.