Marketing Flagler County: Sisco Deen tells the story of the DuPont Land Co.’s — and other development companies’ — marketing schemes to get northerners to buy in Flagler County, long before ITT industrialized the process.
Flagler, Palm Coast & Other Local News
Flagler Lays Off Sex as Births Fall For First Time in 16 Years; Deaths Also Dip
Flagler County’s old norms keep dying. Used to be that property values never fell. And for more than two decades, they didn’t. They only increased. That changed in 2008, when they fell 8.5 percent, and kept falling more steeply the next two years. Values are set to fall again next year, if the last six […]
Christmas Eve Shooting Update: Victim, With Long Rap Sheet, Had Just Posted Bond
Christian Grasso, the 28-year-old victim of a shooting on a Flagler Beach street on Christmas eve, has been in and out of jail almost a dozen times in Flagler and Volusia counties since 2005.
Fire Demolishes Half a House on Forsythe; Oxygen Mask for 10-Year-Old Cat
The fire at 104 Forsythe Ln. off of Old Kings Road in North Palm Coast was called in by a neighbor. Neither owner was home. But two dogs and a cat were.
Shooting Shatters Christmas Eve Calm in Flagler Beach; Suspect Still at Large
One man was shot at 8:50 p.m. Friday, leaving a pool of blood in the middle of the street on South Central Avenue between 20th and 21st Streets. Police had no information regarding motives. The shooter got away.
Christmas Rescue: Flagler Beach Firemen Save Knocked-Out Veteran From Blazing Home
The Flagler Beach Fire Department’s Scott Jackson and Alex Wilhite pulled unconscious 44-year-old Roy Davis out of his burning home at The Village apartments Thursday morning. Includes photo gallery.
Negotiations Over New Pier Restaurant Lease Crawl Between Nods and Deal-Breakers
A marathon negotiating session over a new Pier Restaurant lease between the Flagler Beach City Commission and restaurateur Raymond Barshay left several issues unsettled.
Open Field: Ron Vath and Joy McGrew Will Not Run Again for Flagler Beach Commission
Between them Vath and McGrew had 15 years’ experience on the city commission. McGrew was also the commission’s most influential swing voter. Their departure will likely invite a large field of candidates.
Greasy Spoon No More? Flagler Beach Ready to Negotiate New Lease for Pier Restaurant
A year of indecision later, Flagler Beach city commissioners will discuss a 31-year lease with Ormond Beach restaurant owner Raymond Barshay at a special meeting of the commission on Dec. 22.
Ready for Prime Time: Back Home at FPC, IB Conquerors Claim Their Diplomas
A majority of Flagler Palm Coast High School’s IB class of 2010–32 students, all of them now in college–returned on Monday afternoon for their diploma ceremony, an occasion small in numbers but oversize in achievements.
Messy Proposal: Scenic A1A Group’s $15,000 Beach-Cleanup Request Turned Down Again
Friends of Scenic A1A are seeking the $15,000 to conduct monthly cleanups of beaches along Flagler. The Tourist Development Council has been unimpressed with the proposal’s lack of clarity and accountability.
Flagler Unemployment Spikes Back Up to 16.6% and Florida’s Back Up to 12%
Just as Congress sent an $801 billion tax cut package that includes $57 billion in extended unemployment benefits, Florida’s and Flagler’s unemployment rates resume their climb. That climb should be brief, however.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter, Dec. 10-14, 2010
Must be Christmas: a slew of shoplifting–wine and cheese at Publix, shoes at Bealls, beer at target, some toy at Walmart–plus an angry dog, an unlucky jailbird, and more.
A.J. Neste and Hollingsworth Gallery Frame Young Photographers’ Voices in 1-Night Show
The 15 photographers in the Florida Endowment Foundation’s “Voice” program learned to frame, shoot and market their work all the way to Palm Coast’s premier gallery, where they had a brush with the feel of an art show opening.
Break-In at Leah’s Jewelry and Pawn Shop on Old Kings Road
The robber was still at the shop when deputies arrived. He fled, jumping a chain link fence, and disappeared into the woods. A search with K-9 units and a helicopter did not locate him.
Bunnell Bull Run: Which Is Better, The North or the South? Answer: a Stabbing
Four men were riding in a car around Palm Coast and Bunnell. Two of them started arguing about the North and the South. It escalated. One of them then stabbed the other.
Half of Flagler’s Legislative Delegation Listens to Local Pleas Without Quite Hearing Them
Sen. John Thrasher and State Rep. Fred Costello listened to 90 minutes of pleas and policy suggestions from Flagler County officials Wednesday in Bunnell. Whether they heard anything is debatable. And two of Flagler’s legislators didn’t show up.
Palm Coast’s Population Drops to 69,000 in Latest Census Estimate, Flagler’s to 85,600
While those aren’t yet the final 2010 Census figures, the 5-year community survey numbers are the next-most precise set of data, with startling results for Flagler County, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and Bunnell.
Trial May Settle Ginn-County Dispute Over Towering Condo at Hammock Dunes
Neighbors and the county strenuously objected to Ginn-Lubert-Adler’s proposal to build a massive, 561-unit condo-hotel on the beach at the end of 16th Road, even after the developer scaled back the proposal to 289 units.
More Trouble for Palm Coast Marathon Promoter Dean Reinke: Sued in Federal Court
A Missouri city last week filed a motion for an injunction against Dean Reinke of Reinke Sports Group, who faces a copyright-infringement suit in Indiana and a string of setbacks in other cities where he staged half-marathons.
End of the Trail for New Palm Coast Parks As Money and Visionary Plans Dry Up
Despite a deficit of park acreage in the city, Palm Coast doesn’t plan to build another park for several years. In a concession to homebuilders, nor doesn’t it plan to change the fees levied on new construction to ensure more robust park financing in future.
Palm Coast’s Chrysler Dealership Burglarized, Jacksonville Thieves Descend on the City
The burglar at the Chrysler dealership on S.R. 100 tried but fail to drive a car out of the service department. Deputies in unrelated incidents arrested three alleged retail thieves in Palm Coast, all of them from Jacksonville.
Palm Coast Data Parent’s Headaches: Diving Revenue and $22.5 Million Loan Due
At Palm Coast Data, revenue declined $10.9 million in the six months ending Oct. 31, a 22 percent decline from the same period last year. Palm Coast Data parent AMREP Corp.’s Southwest subsidiary owes a $22.5 million loan to be repaid on Dec. 16.
A Man and a Boy Are Injured as Their Truck Smashes Into a Canal in The Mondex
Billy Dunson, a resident of the Mondex in his late 20s or early 30s, and 10-year-old Kyle, were taken to Halifax Hospital after the crash just before 9 p.m. Sunday evening.
Video: Christmas Parade in Town Center
What was once a modest affair that took place in various spots around town this time drew some 85 floats and other entrants along a parade route in Palm Coast’s Town Center.
Robert Hodoba, 85-Year-Old Involved in Dec. 7 Wreck at SR100, Dies from His Injuries
Robert Hodoba was a long-time resident of Flagler Beach. He was involved in a two-vehicle crash under the I-95 bridge on SR100.
Encore: Flagler County Artist of the Year Edson Beckett at Hollingsworth Gallery
Edson Beckett, a ceramics, photography and graphic design teacher at Flagler Palm Coast High School for 22 years, is the Gargiulo Art Foundation’s 11th Artist of the Year since the award’s inaugural in 2000.
Flagler Sheriff’s 34-Year-Old Son Arrested on Xanax Possession
Sheriff Don Fleming’s son’s arrest is taking place on the heels of the sheriff’s continuing campaign to toughen local ordinances in an effort to prevent the proliferation of so-called pill mills that are ravaging South Florida.
Despite Evidence, Palm Coast Hooks Up With Marathon Promoter With Troubled History
Dean Reinke’s Reinke Sports Group has left a trail of severed relationships, disillusioned local officials and one law suit in several cities where Reinke has promoted his half marathons. Palm Coast is now embracing him.
Daytona North Fire Starts in a Trailer and Burns 8.8 Acres; No One Hurt
Particularly dry conditions helped the afternoon fire in the Mondex run through brush. Some 15 firefighting units from various agencies, and Flagler County’s Fireflight, helped suppress the fire.
The Week’s Highlights: FlaglerLive’s Video Recap, Dec. 2-8, 2010
On Point With Charlotte Martens reviews the week’s main events, including Flagler teachers’ new deal, the county commission’s new chairman, a string of wrecks, the Auditorium’s Holiday Extravaganza, and more.
Youth Orchestra’s “Gift of Music” Concert Kicks Off Auditorium’s Holiday Extravaganza Tonight
Close to 300 students in the Flagler Youth Orchestra take to the stage at the Flagler Auditorium for their 16th major concert in six years, their second under the direction of Caren Umbarger.
That Grand Theft Auto Had Plenty of Chasing and a Crash, But Was No Game
Palm Coast’s specialty for weird crimes carries on. The latest involves 18-year-old William Phillips, who saw an idling car, seized it, took off, and crashed into a garage before being arrested.
Impasse Over: Teacher and Service Unions Win Salary Concessions from Flagler School District
Five days earlier the unions had declared an impasse. The deal will cost the school district an extra $1.2 million this year and $2.4 million a year beginning next year.
FPC Improves from D to B, Matanzas High School Maintains a B, Heritage is an F
The Flagler County school district as a whole was tentatively awarded an A last year, pending today’s results. Heritage’s F is not expected top affect that overall grade.
SR100 Collision Under I-95 Bridge Hurts 3, One With Life-Threatening Injuries
The 11 a.m. wreck involved two Chevrolet SUVs registered in Flagler County–one driven by an elderly man. Both occupants of the other SUV were also taken for Florida Hospital Flagler.
Bunnell Police Inquiry: In Videos, Chief Jones Strains to Keep the Focus on John Murray
Three video clips illustrate some of the background of the inquiry that led to the arrest of two Bunnell cops, but also continue raising more questions than have been answered since.
Ex-Bunnell Cops Lisa and John Murray, Facing 6 Felonies, Angle for 6 Trials–and Pleas
The defense’s tactic is an attempt to dilute the force of the felony charges the Murrays face. While it may backfire, the cases are unlikely to go to trial as both sides are talking of a resolution.
Burglar Unplugs Christmas Lights To Charge His Cell Phone. Breaks In. Gets Knocked Out.
Either Robert Thomas Combs is trying to win himself a mention on David Letterman’s weird news segment or his sense of criminal proportion—make that alleged criminal proportion—is as lousy as his timing.
State DOT Unveils Its Priority List for Flagler, Riling Commissoners Over Matanzas Overpass
Long-sought dollars to help build the Matanzas interchange at I-95 made the list, at Number 2, but not before 2014, and only for the design phase of the project–which would be done by then, the county argues.
Five Adults Are Killed As a Ford Expedition Carrying 9 Flips on I-95 North of Palm Coast
Most of the nine people in the SUV were from Eustis. They were traveling south after 11 p.m Sunday. The rear driver’s side tire apparently shredded, sending the Ford Expedition veering uncontrollably into the treeline.
In a Victory for Palm Coast Firefighters’ Union, City’s Attempt to Split Bargaining Units Fails
The Palm Coast city administration objected to lieutenants’ inclusion with rank-and-file firefighters in the collective bargaining unit. The state dismissed that objection, clearing the way for the unit’s formation.
It’s On: FPC Will Stage To Kill a Mockingbird At the Flagler Auditorium Feb. 24-26
FPC Principal Jacob Oliva and Drama Director Ed Koczergo finalized plans for staging Mockingbird over four performances as part of Black History Month, with many innovative stage elements to be incorporated into the production.
Flagler’s School Employee Unions Declare Impasse After 7 Months of Salary Negotiations
Teacher and support employee unions were looking for a restoration of the annual salary increases they were due since 2008. The district was ready to offer a $600 bonus and return to the table in January or February.
Music, Dance, Art: Auditorium’s 5-Day Holiday Extravaganza Will Boost Art in Education
With arts funding in free fall in Florida, the Flagler Auditorium’s series of concerts, performances, art showings and auctions Dec. 8-12, half of them free, will raise money to help art programs in Flagler schools.
Former School Board Candidate Raven Sword Joins Livingston & Wolverton Law Firm
In her first political campaign, Sword lost to John Fischer. By joining Jay Livingston and Jim Wolverton, the trio is now one of the larger law firms on Flagler County.
Your Papers Please: Arizona-Style Immigrant-Profiling Law Introduced in Florida
It’s already routine in Flagler: cops ask passengers in a car for their papers even if the vehicle isn’t involved in a crime. A proposed law would formalize the process and slap $100 fines on immigrants without papers.
Fake Robberies, Fake Guns, Fake Threats Over Real Pizza, Gas and Cigarette Money
Palm Coast’s James Linskey may not have much of a career as a pizza delivery man after the bogus crime stories he concocted to Flagler deputies. He’s not likely to have a better career as a fiction writer.
Deceptive Calm: Flagler and Florida Spared 3rd-Busiest Hurricane Season on Record
The calm is deceptive: Florida has done nothing to reduce its colossal property-insurance exposure. To the contrary. Builders are increasingly encouraged to build anywhere to reverse the effects of the real estate crash.
Flagler’s Poverty Gap: Boosting Food Stamps Enrollment–and More Accurate Numbers
While the Mobile Benefits Program is well-meaning and necessary–a few million dollars in food assistance are going unclaimed in Flagler–the inaccurate numbers backing up the initiative undermine the program’s credibility.