Mired in disarray, economic development’s future in Flagler County is mobilizing around two competing plans–the county’s and enterprise Flagler’s–with Enterprise Flagler asking for a vote and Palm Coast still sitting it all out.
Local Business
Florida Hospital Flagler’s David Ottati Is Among Northeast’s Ultimate CEO Award Winners
The Jacksonville Business Journal’s fifth annual Ultimate CEO Award drew some 40 nominations from northeast Florida. Ottati, Florida Hospital Flagler’s CEO for the past five years, was among 13 winners.
Palm Coast Data CEO John Meneough Resigns After 15 Years As Company Struggles
John Meneough, 62, had been with Palm Coast Data in its various incarnations since 1996. A successor has not been named. Meneough’s resignation is part of broader changes at Palm Coast Data parent Amrep Corp.
With or Without Palm Coast, County Would Lead New Economic Development Council
The county’s proposal would mean the end of Enterprise Flagler and the creation of a 9-member council chaired by the county, with cities and private-sector membership overseeing a $410,000 budget. Palm Coast’s buy in is a question mark.
Slow-Cooked Success: Palm Coast’s Woody’s Bar•B•Q Marks 13th Year
Owned by Flagler County natives, Woody’s BarBQ on State Road 100 in Palm Coast has, like any business, weathered its share of difficulties in the past three years. “We’re not going anywhere,” its owner says.
Florida Hospital Flagler One of Just 3 Hospitals in the State to Achieve IT Milestone
Florida Hospital Flagler won HIMSS Analytics’s Stage 6 designation, on a scale of eight IT-related stages, signaling advantages over competitors for patient safety, clinician support, clinician recruitment and competitive marketing.
Palm Coast Data Revenue Drops 20% in 2011; Parent Company Posts $7.6 Million Loss
Revenue at Palm Coast’s largest private-sector employer declined to $73.6 million, from $92 million the previous year. The company’s revenue has dropped 40 percent in four years.
Is Flagler County’s Real Estate Industry Finally Brightening? Depends Whom You Ask.
Sales are increasing somewhat by volume but more than half the transactions are for cash, prices keep falling, foreclosures are increasing, and the overall economy shows little sign of improvement.
DEP Forbids Deck on Flagler Pier Restaurant–Unless It’s Called a “Pier Extension”
The regulatory word game unsettled several members of the Flagler Beach City Commission, which nevertheless went for it in a 4-1 vote, clearing the way for a permit application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Economic Development Summit Cancelled Again as “Coalition of Cities” Revs Up
Cancelled once on June, the county-wide economic development summit set for July 27 was cancelled again as Bunnell and Flagler Beach’s break-away “coalition of cities” meets for the first time Friday.
City Marketplace in Receivership; Public Sale of the Palm Coast Development Set for August
City Market Place, where Palm Coast has its municipal offices, has been mired in foreclosure proceedings since 2009. The changes aren’t expected to affect tenants except, perhaps, for the better.
Liquor Store in Town Center, Near Publix, Is Robbed
Suggesting he had a gun, the young robber took $200 in cash from the owner of Star Liquor Wednesday evening, after the owner wouldn’t let him buy liquor without an ID.
“Colors of the Sea,” A New Cannizzaro Show, Opening at Ocean Publishing July 14
Rick Cannizzaro, Ocean Publishing’s commissioned artist, exhibits paintings of loggerhead turtles while the publishing house showcases a new book on the Southeast National Marine Sanctuaries and Jean-Michel Cousteau.
Involuntary Tows: Flagler’s Wreckers Get 25% Rate Increase, Their First in 8 Years
The county’s three wrecking companies–John’s Towing, Roger’s Towing and Saxon’s Wrecker–are significantly regulated, in this case by the Flagler County Commission, which raised the base rate 25 percent for most tows.
Parades of Radiance From Heroes Park To Flagler Beach on America’s 235th
Solemnity and celebration at Heroes Park was followed by Flagler Beach’s July 4th parade at the start of a day and evening of revelry. A full image gallery of the celebrations.
Unveiling “Flagler Beach First!”: A Common Market for an Uncommon Island City
The idea of Flagler Beach First!, its founders say, is to enable Flagler Beach businesses to promote each other and educate residents and visitors about the importance of buying products and services from Flagler Beach businesses.
County Likely to Reverse Fireworks Ban in Flagler Beach In Special Meeting Friday
A majority of county commissioners are now in favor of overturning the ban on Flagler Beach’s Independence Day fireworks. They’ll decide at a special meeting 4 p.m. Friday.
Finally, Flagler Beach Agrees to Long-Term Pier Restaurant Deal With River Grille Owner
Paying the city $3,000 a month in base rent, Ray Barshay, owner of River Grille in Ormond and Crabby Joe’s in Daytona, plans to revamp the Pier Restaurant into an American, Southern, New Orleans cuisine destination.
Flagler’s Economic Development Plans In the Air as County-Wide Summit Is Cancelled
Between the unfinished work of some committees and the divisive fallout from a proposed restructuring of Enterprise Flagler, what was to be the sixth summit since January is delayed to an uncertain date.
Bunnell and Flagler Beach Angrily Denounce Enterprise Flagler’s Secretive “Done Deal”
A closed meeting restructuring Enterprise Flagler last week is unraveling into angry reactions by those left out, putting at risk half a year of economic development discussions and further miring the public-private partnership in controversy.
In a Victory for Flagler Boaters, FWC Rejects Its Staff’s Proposed Manatee Speed Zones
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission asked its staff to draw up a new compromise favoring Flagler County’s position on manatee speed zones on the Intracoastal, a significant defeat for manatee advocates.
When Will That Walmart Open on Old Kings Road? “Nobody Knows”
Expanding Old Kings Road was to guarantee Walmart’s opening by 2011, with 400 to 500 jobs. Instead, the city is left holding a bag-full of empty promises–and a $6.3 million loan from its utility fund.
Palm Coast Data Lays Off Dozens and Loses Large NRA Membership Services Account
The NRA account represented 5 million members and a lucrative source of income. The loss compounds other losses in magazine titles that are either closing or migrating to other fulfillment companies.
Palm Coast Looking to Other Cities for Guidance on Storefront Gambling Regulations
The Palm Coast City Council is all for stopping new storefront casino-type “internet cafes” for six months, but is less clear on whether, and how, to regulate them beyond that.
Reform Minister: David Ottati’s Healthy Risks at Florida Hospital Flagler
David Ottati, Florida Hospital Flagler’s CEO, is investing, building, innovating, and taking risks despite–and because of–a sputtering economy and health care’s jaggedly changing landscape. So far, it’s paying off.
Florida Hospital Flagler Expanding Again With Clinic and Offices Near Walmart by June 2012
Saying the hospital was looking for a presence on Palm Coast Parkway, FHF CEO David Ottati said the 34,000-square-foot building will add up to 25 jobs and an urgent-care clinic, among other services.
Summit-Scaling: Enterprise Flagler, Rising Again, Wants $6.5 Million Over 3 Years
What you can expect at Friday’s economic-development summit: Demands for more tax dollars, speculative promises of thousands of jobs from executives, skepticism and disconnects. In short, a retread of old scenarios.
Foreclosures Down 59 Percent in April, But Don’t Celebrate Yet, Florida
Longer processing times and the backlash against banks’ speed-dialed foreclosures have more to do with the brighter number than an actual recovery in the housing market.
Property Tax Overhaul Passes House: Breaks For New Home Buyers, Business, Snowbirds
First-time home buyers would get a 50 percent property tax break on the value of their home. Voters would decide whether to cap property tax assessment increases for commercial properties at 5 percent.
Flagler Power: From Bunnell By-Pass to Weigh Station to A1A Seawall, FDOT Retreats
Three times in the past 12 months, Florida Department of Transportation projects in Flagler County have foundered on the well-organized shoals of local opposition across government boundaries and fiefdoms.
At 14.5%, Flagler Unemployment Drops to Lowest Level in 2 Years, Florida’s at 11.1%
The unemployment rate locally and statewide appears to be trending downward consistently and finally following the national trend, which has been improving for most of the past year.
Tour de Goodwill: 460 Cyclists Set Off in Flagler Beach Rotary’s 8th Annual Ride
The Flagler Beach Rotary’s Cycle Flagler drew the largest number of cyclists and raised upward of $14,000 for the Rotary’s Christmas and scholarship funds. Riders cycled from 24 to 100 miles.
Pier Restaurant Lease Hobbling Again As DEP Rejects Permitting a New Deck
Flagler Beach was going to pay for and build the $50,000 deck as a concession to potential restaurant owner Ray Barshay. Until DEP’s decision, Barshay and the city were very close to a long-term, deal.
Economic Development Set Punts Again to More Meetings, Postponing Hard Questions
The same five “strategic goals” were hashed over again in the third day of an economic development summit, and a fourth was scheduled in May, for yet another $7,000 for “facilitator” Don Upton, bringing his tax-funded total to $30,000.
Cancel This Subscription: Palm Coast Data Revenue Plummets Another 21% in 3Q
Palm Coast Data revenue fell $15.7 million in the last nine months, compared with the same period a year earlier as trouble for the company and its parent, Amrep, continue.
New Flagler Beach Commission Is Seated–and Pier Restaurant Deal Almost Unravels
Unexpected discussion about breaking the bait and tackle shop at the pier out of the restaurant lease, and inviting others to bid for running it, almost demolished months of negotiations over the restaurant lease.
Flagler and US Diverge as Unemployment Here Climbs Again to 16%
Flagler County’s January unemployment rate in January rose again to 16% percent, remaining in the same high range it’s been stuck in for a year and a half and bucking the national trend. Florida’s rate is 11.9%.
Familiar Slogans and More Familiar Questions as 2-Day Economic Development Summit Ends
It was left up to Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon to remind the assembled that slogans don’t make economic development policy, and unity of message is still far from a given in a county with diverse interests and constituencies.
Marriage Encounters: Can This Man Bring Flagler Together for $1,100 an Hour?
The consultant Flagler County hired to shepherd local governments through their political and financial obstacles related to economic development has a long record of bracing cheerleading. Dividends are less clear.
Economic Development Summit: Diagnostic Kumbayas Drown Out Harder Questions
Day one of the summit produced generous and optimistic self-evaluations from some 60 elected and had-picked representatives of local governments, but no breakthrough on fundamental differences on economic development financing or leadership.
Obstacles Cleared: Flagler Beach’s Iconic Pier Restaurant Will Have a New Owner
Every previous deal-breaker dissolved as prospective owner Raymond Barshay and city commissioners relented in turn on various issues. Neither side was an outright victor. But the city’s iconic restaurant will have new life.
Flagler Beach Commission To Noisy Restaurants and Irritable Residents: Cooperate
Flagler Beach city commissioners turned up the volume on the status quo Wednesday as they analyzed noise levels first-hand and agreed to document and analyze noise complaints for a while before changing the noise ordinance.
Lifeguard Tower Rises Again in Flagler Beach, Pier Restaurant Lease Falters
The commission reversed itself and voted to build the tower. The decision displeased the prospective owner of the Pier Restaurant. Several other deal-breakers hardened in those negotiations, leaving the restaurant deal in doubt.
Florida to Jobless: Tough Luck.
Benefits To be Cut. Businesses To Get a Bye.
Driven by Florida businesses, the Legislature is preparing to cut eligibility for the jobless and making it harder to claim benefits. Flagler’s unemployment rate is hovering around 16%, Florida’s around 12%.
Fearful of Obstructing Pier Restaurant Deal, Flagler Beach Kills Lifeguard Tower
After eight years of trying, winning an $80,000 federal grant, and spending $51,600 on construction, commissioners reversed course on a lifeguard tower to satisfy the Pier Restaurant’s potential new owner, who worried about blocked view.
Unemployment Lines: Throngs Turn Up for 220 Jobs at Red Lobster and Olive Garden
More than 1,000 applicants–about a fifth of the county’s total unemployed–were expected on Wednesday alone, the first day of hiring at the two new restaurants, in an sign of enduring economic hardship.
Flagler Beach and Willing Investor Still Not Moored to New Pier Restaurant Lease
Raymond Barshay and Flagler Beach Commissioners are at odds over the fate of the bait and tackle shop, which has been attached to the Pier Restaurant. They’re at odds over several other issues. But they’re still talking.
Local Governments Agree To a Therapist To Cut Through Economic Dysfunction
After a meeting lasting two hours and 17 minutes Monday, local governments conceded they have no agreement on economic development, except to meet again and let a “facilitator” help them find some.
Challenging Jon Netts, Charlie Ericksen Runs for Palm Coast Mayor on a Pro-Business Agenda
Charlie Ericksen is critical of a city council that rubber-stamps too many decisions without debating or explaining them, and a city that he says hasn’t given local business a fair shake. Netts has been on the council since 2001.
Economic Development Summit: Can Flagler’s 33 Elected Get It Up?
Many plans, little agreement, no concerted action: Monday evening’s economic development summit between Flagler County’s seven local governments is unlikely to yield substantive results beyond a meet-and-greet of powerpoints.