Julie Murphy has successfully completed the process that awards the professional designation of “Public Information Officer” (PIO). The Commission on Professional Credentialing met on December 5, 2022, to confer the designation. Julie Murphy becomes one of only 17 PIOs worldwide.
18 Arrested Out of 35 Sought in Sheriff’s Latest Round-Up of Suspected ‘Poison Peddlers’
The 11-month undercover operation started in January, culminating today with 24 search warrants and the seizure of drugs with a street value of $5.7 million. The round-up netted 18 arrests at the time of the sheriff’s announcement, out of 35 people sought. Heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, morphine, methamphetamines, marijuana and other drugs were among those seized, along with 13 firearms–seven of them rifles.
Wawa Will Rise in Place of Paul Katz Building on Palm Coast Parkway and Florida Park Drive
A second Wawa is coming to Palm Coast. It’ll be built in place of the Paul Katz Professional Building at 1 Florida Park Drive South, on Palm Coast Parkway, next year. The three-level, 35,000-square-foot Katz office building, one of the oldest and more architecturally eye-catching structures in the city will be demolished.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, December 8, 2022
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets, Steve Solomon’s Home for the Holidays at the Auditorium, Evenings at Whitney Lecture Series, philosophy in one lecture.
The Joys of Hegel?
There has been much excitement at the discovery of a treasure trove of notes from the lectures of the great German idealist philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. Before rejoicing we should ask: why does Hegel have this tricky reputation? And is it reasonable to expect that this new set of lecture notes will finally shed light on what can seem so obscure about his thinking?
Supreme Court Seems Unwilling to Embrace Broad Version of ‘Independent State Legislature’ Theory
The Supreme Court on Wednesday signaled that it may not be ready to adopt a sweeping interpretation of the Constitution, known as the “independent state legislature” theory, that would give state legislatures broad power to regulate federal elections without interference from state courts.
Surging Private and Home School Enrollment Shelves One of Flagler District’s 2 Planned New Schools for Now
The Flagler County school district will start planning for a third high school during the 2024-25 school year. But plans for a new middle school, originally projected for the end of the decade, have been pushed out beyond that horizon for now as enrollment is not meeting expectations.
Flagler School Board’s Colleen Conklin and Cheryl Massaro Will Not Run for Re-Election in 2024
Colleen Conklin’s and Cheryl Massaro’s decision will have far-reaching consequences, ensuring that the new board in 2024 will have the shortest combined experience on the board in at least two decades and a half and giving the culture-war hard-right another opening to win a majority.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: December 7, 2022
Code enforcement, Flagler County Republican Club’s Christmas Dance Party, The Atlantic Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State’s discussion group, adding more faces to Rushmore.
‘Independent State Legislature Doctrine’ Could Reverse 200 Years of Democratic Progress
In a case to be heard Wednesday, Moore v. Harper, the U.S. Supreme Court could decide that state legislatures have control over congressional elections, including the ability to draw voting districts for partisan political advantage, unconstrained by state law or state constitutions.
FPL Rates Will Go Up $10 a Month by February
FPL residential customers in areas traditionally served by the utility will see 1,000-kilowatt-hour bills go from the current $120.67 to $125.39 in January. They will go up again to $129.59 in February.
Pontieri and Heighter Are Sworn In at Palm Coast City Council
Palm Coast City Council Members Theresa Carli Pontieri (District 2) and Cathy Heighter (District 4) were sworn in Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at the City Council business meeting inside the Community Wing council chambers at City Hall.
Billing Herself as ‘Fiercely Independent,’ Dr. Wendolyn Sneed Will Be District’s Next Medical Examiner
A panel of powerful law enforcement, judicial and medical officials today unanimously chose Dr. Wendolyn Sneed, the chief medical examiner in Palm Beach county, as the next chief medical examiner for Flagler, St. Johns and Putnam counties, one of the most powerful, least visible jobs in the judicial system. The job pays $320,000 a year.
18 Years in the Works, Commerce Parkway Connection from SR100 to US1 Is Finally a Go
The $15 million two-lane road (utilities included) will connect State Road 100 to U.S. 1 around Bunnell’s east side, with construction expected to start next summer. The County Commission cleared the project on Monday.
Flagler County Gets $5 Million for Emergency Sand, But It’ll Rebuild Barely 2 Miles of Skinny Dunes
Flagler County government secured $5 million in state dollars for emergency sand to rebuild shoreline eviscerated by recent storms. The money will only allow for about 2 miles of thin, not very durable dune reconstruction, but an additional $5 million is expected in federal funds for thicker dunes, but on a much shorter stretch of shore.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Medical examiner interviews in St. Augustine, the Palm Coast City Council and the School Board meet, the death of Kirstie Alley, John Wayne rails against everything.
A Judge Is Relying on a New Supreme Court Decision to Keep Guns in Abusers’ Hands
A judge in Texas struck down the federal law that prohibits access to guns for people subject to domestic violence protection orders, based on a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. He argued that disarming domestic abusers violates the Second Amendment because those types of laws didn’t exist at the founding of the country.
Flagler’s Kindergarteners Have Florida’s Highest Rate of Religious Exemptions from Immunization
Flagler County’s kindergarteners enrolled in public schools have the highest rate of exemption from immunization on religious grounds in Florida–5.5 percent, according to a new report by the Florida Department of Health. It now appears that disinformation about Covid vaccines, which played a large role in keeping the Covid-immunization rate below 70 percent, is infecting trust in other vaccines. That trust is being undermined even by the Florida Department of Health.
In Stunning Revelation, Dune Hold-Out Had Filed for Bankruptcy–and Not Disclosed Parcels’ Value; County Now Has Leverage
Cynthia d’Angiolini, the only property owner holding out from signing an easement to allow a dune rebuilding project in Flagler Beach, had failed to disclose the value of the two parcels in question in a federal bankruptcy proceeding. That now gives the county great leverage to win her signature, since she now may have to pay creditors a five-figure sum, which she does not have, enabling the county to bail her out–and get her signature.
Sheriff and FBI Warn of Holiday Scams, Now Targeting Three Quarters of Adults
Three-quarters of U.S. consumers have experienced or been targeted by at least one form of fraud that can be tied to the holidays, including requests from (often fake) charities, online shopping scams and fraudulent communications about shipping problems.
Matanzas High Teacher Calls Bathrooms a ‘Privilege’ and Threatens to Close Them. District Disavows the Sign.
School officials disavowed a sign calling toilet access a “privilege” and threatening to shut down bathrooms at Matanzas High School. The sign was the work of a teacher frustrated by vandalism and students spending too much time in bathrooms, not school or district policy, officials said, but it’s also a reflection of an ongoing problem with vandalism in school bathrooms, largely attributed to a TikTok “challenge.”
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, December 5, 2022
The Flagler County Commission holds a pair of meetings, at 9 and 1, the Beverly Beach Town Commission meets in the evening, felony court is off, Brazil tries to rival France for World Cup entertainment as we do not dream of Jeannie and Tony Hurwitz pays Stone Mountain a visit.
Drawing 90 Boats, Palm Coast Holiday Boat Parade Turns Intracoastal Into River of Cheer
Perhaps a million lights garlanded over boats of all sizes created shooting stars, swooping airplanes, giant Santas, soaring Christmas trees, Grinches, and even dinosaurs, turning the Intracoastal and other parts of the route into rivers of holiday cheer for thousands of spectators lining the parade route.
GOP’s Election Afterparty: Owning the Libs, No Matter the Cost
True, the U.S. Senate is still in the hands of the godless Democrats who want to destroy America, but the House of Representatives now belongs to Republicans, the party of God, AK-47s, F-150s (and not the electric kind, either), manliness, Merry Christmas, and our lord and savior Donald Trump.
Pit Bull Attacks: A South African Case Study
Pit bulls have been in the news in South Africa after a series of deadly attacks on humans by the dogs. There have been revenge attacks on the dogs and politicians have called for their ban – tapping into a history of dogs being used by their white owners to intimidate and attack black South Africans. A racist incident then made the news when a dog lover responded with fury to the call for a ban.
Nicholas Ceraldi, 50, Is Killed After His Motorcycle Strikes Two Deer in Palm Coast’s F-Section
Nicholas A. Ceraldi, a 50-year-old resident of Firethorn Lane in Palm Coast, was killed shortly after midnight this morning when the motorcycle he was driving struck two deer on his street.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Community Chorus of Palm Coast, Handel’s Messiah Performed by the Festival Chorus and the Chamber Players of Palm Coast, City Repertory Theatre’s “Holiday Treat,” Terry Anderson, Kalinka.
Experimental Alzheimer’s Drug’s Promise and Problems
The results of an experimental drug paint a mixed picture for those with Alzheimer’s. On one hand, this is the first drug that has been shown to have any effect on slowing the progression of the disease. On the other hand, the apparent effects are slight and the risks are not inconsiderable.
Federal Lawsuit Charges DeSantis Migrant Relocation Program Is ‘State-Sponsored Harassment’
Accusing Gov. Ron DeSantis of an “attempt to legalize state-sponsored harassment,” immigrant-advocacy groups filed a federal lawsuit challenging an “unauthorized alien” relocation program approved by state lawmakers earlier this year.
DeSantis Continues Attacks on Disney on Word of Lawmakers’ 2nd Thoughts
A spokeswoman for Gov. Ron DeSantis called “fake news” on reports that Republican lawmakers are working on legislation to scale back a law rushed through earlier this year stripping Walt Disney of its unique self-governing power in Central Florida.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, December 3, 2022
USA v. Netherlands, the Christmas parade in Flagler Beach, the boat parade in Palm Coast, Flagler Schools’ Winter Job Fair, Friends of the Library Holiday Book Sale, Amos Oz on the ecstasy of 1967.
Jobs and Wages Are Up. So Why Is This Economist So Gloomy?
The rosy employment figures come despite repeated efforts by the Federal Reserve to tame the job market and the wider economy in general in its fight against the worst inflation in decades. Meanwhile, there aren’t enough people to fill the jobs being advertised.
America Wins World Cup of Orientalism
It’s been a perplexing World Cup. Should we be watching this thing? Should we be enjoying it? Shouldn’t we be getting outraged about human rights, LGBTQ rights, the death of migrants, environmental impacts? The questions reflect back on our own prejudices and stereotypes as much as they raise legitimate questions about Qatar’s right to host the biggest sports tournament in the world.
In Local Interview, Paul Renner Repeats Baseless Claims About Drag Queens and ‘Sexualization’ Of Children
Rep. Paul Renner, the Palm Coast-based Republican just elected Speaker of the House, returned to his criticism of “drag queen storytime” today in an interview on WNZF, repeating controversial–and baseless–claims that some parents are more interested in defending drag queens than ensuring that children learn to read.
Setting Off From New North Pole, Shop With a Cop Returns Tonight, Lights Ablaze and Sirens Blaring
Tonight’s the night when the Walmart parking lot will be ablaze with the emergency lights of dozens of cop cars as they converge on the store with 119 children aboard for the annual Shop With a Cop event.
DeSantis’s New Target: Restricting Demonstrations at State Capitol in Name of Protecting Children
The state Department of Management Service’s proposal, in part, seeks to prohibit actions or displays that are “harmful” to children from taking place in the Capitol. The DeSantis Administration proposal is the latest in a series of measures restricting protest and speech.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, December 2, 2022
First Friday in Flagler Beach, Community Chorus of Palm Coast’s holiday concert, City Repertory Theatre’s Holiday Treat, John McPhee’s geology, when the Senate could find a pair.
Black Twitter’s Expected Demise Would Make It Harder to Publicize Police Brutality and Discuss Racism
Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter has thrown the future of Black Twitter into question. Social media users argue that the takeover has already had an impact on the Black social media community. Multiple sources report an almost immediate spike in the use of the N-word, and Musk has also allegedly mocked Black Lives Matter in general and the group’s apparel found at Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco, California.
Ex-Palm Coast Doctor Doesn’t Contest Civil Suit Alleging Grave Claims; Judge Sets Trial for Damages
An unusual trial for civil damages that may feature only the plaintiff is scheduled in Flagler County Circuit Court for January against former Palm Coast physician Gerard Abate in a lawsuit he did not contest, alleging he drugged and raped a woman he had met on a dating site.
In Flagler Schools, New Regime of Book Challenges Is Laborious, Subjective and Fraught With Uncertainties
Gray areas of uncertainty, anxiety, subjectivity and a gaping lack of state direction are shading the new regime of serial book challenges and book bans in the Flagler school district as the state Department of Education has yet to issue directions on library holdings.
State Wildlife Crews Will Again Feed Lettuce to Manatees as Pollution and Algae Blooms Deplete Seagrass
During the 2021-2022 winter, 202,000 pounds of lettuce were fed to manatees, with nearly $117,000 spent on the project. Wildlife officials say the public should not feed manatees.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: December 1, 2022
City Repertory Theatre’s “A Holiday Treat: A Special Night of Story and Song,” the doomsday glacier the size of Florida, Jay London returns, Bill Bryson on the horror of RVs.
Oath Keepers Convictions: The Limits of Free Speech and the Threat Posed by Militias
Far-right extremists or other hate groups can claim they are just venting or even fantasizing – both of which would be protected under the First Amendment. In the absence of any specific plan, threat or incitement, group members may never suffer legal consequences for oral or written expressions that nonetheless create fear in those who draw these groups’ ire.
At Waterfront Park, a Favorite Trailhead Will Soon Become Accessible By Boat, Or Launch Them
Palm Coast officials and others today ceremonially broke ground on a two-phase, $1.8 million expansion of Waterfront Park, starting with a $1.3 million boat and kayak launch that will provide direct water access from the park for the first time when it opens next summer.
Shirley Chisholm Trail, Marking Giant National Legacy, Is Dedicated Along Palm Coast’s Pine Lakes Parkway
The Shirley Chisholm Trail, the work of the Democratic Women’s Club of Flagler County, connects Chisholm’s retirement years in Palm Coast to her historic achievements as the first Black member of Congress and the first woman to run for president from a major party, among many firsts. She died in 2005.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
A banned books talk at the public library, One Night of Queen at the Auditorium, more elimination rounds at the World Cup, Mark Twain on Power, H.L. Mencken on Mark Twain.
Capital Crime: The Long, Grim History of Botched Lethal Injections
Since 1900, in states across the country, lethal injections have been more frequently botched than any of the other type of execution methods used throughout that period. This includes hanging, electrocution, the gas chamber and the firing squad – even though these approaches are not without their problems.
Critical Medical Examiner Choice for Flagler’s District Down to Chief of Palm Beach Office and One of Her Assistants
Dr. Wendolyn Sneed is the Chief medical Examiner for District 15 in Florida, which covers all of Palm Beach County. She is also Dr. Catherine Miller’s boss. Miller is an associate medical examiner. On December 6, Sneed and Miller will be vying for the same job: Chief medical Examiner for District 23, which covers Flagler, St. Johns and Putnam counties, and is one of the least visible, most consequential jobs in the criminal justice system.
Flagler County’s Scott Simon Achieves Highest Code Enforcement Certification Level in Florida
Flagler County Code Enforcement Officer Scott Simon achieved the highest certification level in the State of Florida. The certification is provided through the Florida Association of Code Enforcement (FACE).
Matanzas High School Is the Target of a Bomb Threat, Deemed a Hoax
Matanzas High School was the target of a phoned-in bomb threat early this afternoon. The threat was deemed not credible by the school administration and little police response was necessary.