The Coquina Coast Seawater Desalination project unveiled 14 general sites where the plant might be located in Palm Coast, but it may be a moot discussion as the city’s financial partners are quitting, and Palm Coast can’t afford it on its own.
All Else
When Will That Walmart Open on Old Kings Road? “Nobody Knows”
Expanding Old Kings Road was to guarantee Walmart’s opening by 2011, with 400 to 500 jobs. Instead, the city is left holding a bag-full of empty promises–and a $6.3 million loan from its utility fund.
Latest FCAT: Gains in Early-Grade Reading, Losses in Math, Dismal Sciences
FCAT scores for Flagler County schools’ 4th through 11th grades show upper-grade reading scores faring poorly, and science scores faring worse as the district’s quality appears to approach the state average, rather than excel above it.
FCAT Scores: Indian Trails Middle School (ITMS)
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Indian Trails Middle School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Rymfire Elementary School
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Rymfire Elementary School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Old Kings Elementary School
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Old Kings Elementary School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Wadsworth Elementary School
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Wadsworth Elementary School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Buddy Taylor Middle School (BTMS)
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Buddy Taylor Middle School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Bunnell Elementary School
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Bunnell Elementary School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Flagler Palm Coast High School (FPC)
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Flagler Palm Coast School, including 2011.
FCAT Scores: Belle Terre Elementary School
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Belle Terre Elementary School, including 2011.
Photo Gallery: The Espanola and CR305 Fires on Monday
A sequential photo gallery showing where Flagler’s largest and its newest fires were on Monday, and what it’s taking to keep them under a measure of control.
Day Ends With a New Fire Near CR305 As Dangers Mount and Devastation Sprawls
The Espanola fire has grown to 1,500 acres, with little stopping it from doubling in size soon. By Monday evening, a new, 70-acre fire had exploded past Lake Disston on CR305, further straining limited firefighters’ resources. A complete roundup of Flagler’s forest fires and a photo gallery.
“P.S. Your Cat Is Dead”: Raunchy, Earnest, Serious Fun at the Flagler Playhouse
In “P.S. Your cat Is Dead,” the early 1970s play by James Kirkwood, the hilarity of losers competes with sexual ambushes through blazing dialogue to produce an endearing, if adult, comedy. A review.
Showtime for Synchro Belles: A Photo Gallery of the 5-Time State Champions
The 32-girls team of the Flagler County Synchro Belles goes into action tonight at the Belle Terre Swim and Raquet Club for its annual community show before going on the road to defend its state title in Gainesville, and battle for a national in Seattle. A photo gallery.
Florida Board Of Medicine Clears Dr. Mark Seldes, a Convicted Rapist, to Practice Again
Mark Seldes of Tampa was an Air Force major and flight surgeon in South Korea when he raped a civilian coworker after she’d taken a sleeping pill. The Florida Board of Medicine voted 7-3 to let him practice again.
Taking Stock of Flagler’s Fires: Taming White Eagle as Espanola Threatens Mondex
A ride-along with Flagler Fire Chief Don Petito and a photo gallery illustrate how firefighters took control of the US1-Seminole Woods fire, and what they’re doing to try to control the ever-growing Espanola fire, which may threaten Daytona North, i.e. the Mondex.
Flagler Sheriff’s Deputy Ensures Safe Birth Of a Hurried Baby at a Palm Coast Home
“I went to go get the cell phone, and then she said she felt the head pop out,” the baby’s father said, quoting the baby’s mother. Flagler Sheriff’s Deputy Erik Pedersen made sure the baby was breathing before paramedics transported the family to Ormond Memorial early Thursday morning.
Move Over, Men: Flagler Beach Rides Roiling Surge in Women’s Surfing
Since Frieda Zamba won her four world championship in the 1980s, women’s surfing has surged in popularity, with ripples down the shores of Flagler Beach. A video report from Charlotte Marten.
Job Creation in Big Stall, Unemployment Back Up to 9.1%, Recovery in Doubt
The economy added just 54,000 jobs in May and totals for the two previous months were revised downward by 39,000 in the latest sign that the economic outlook is worsening again.
Fires Update: 2 Big Blazes Are Doubling in Size–Intentionally–as Flagler Requests Help
Close to a dozen fires are burning or being monitored in Flagler County as the Division of Forestry prepares to “backburn” larger fires to tame them. Flagler is requesting more boots on the ground. Expect more smoke.
Palm Coast’s Redistricting McCarthyism: Rowdiness, But Same Disputed Outcome
The Palm Coast Redistricting Commission’s Louis McCarthy brooked no debate and little discussion in a testy meeting as the commission re-approved a recommendation that would eliminate a tea party favorite from this year’s municipal elections.
ACLU Sues Rick Scott As Drug Testing of Public Employees and Welfare Recipients Begins
The US Supreme Court makes drug-testing exceptions for public safety and similar jobs. Broader intrusions have been struck down. This suit is the first in what’s expected to be a series of suits triggered by Rick Scott initiatives.
Flagler Fires Update: White Eagle Flares, Espanola Persists, A Dozen Others Puff On
County, city and state crews are weary, five serious fires and several lesser ones continue to burn in Flagler County, but so far no structures have been damaged nor any firefighters or civilians injured. A complete run-down of the fires.
The Live Crime Blotter, May 16-30, 2011
A burglary at the Imagine School work site, a woman flees and eludes a cop all the way to her home, a dog licks a cop and trouble follows, a long list of larcenies from unlocked cars, and more.
Firefighters and 3 Helicopters Contain Fire Near White Eagle Saloon; US 1 Open
Firefighters are battling a large fire at just east of US1, trying to keep it from jumping the highway, as another fire near Espanola had grown to 320 acres.
Palm Coast Fence-Sitting Over Black and White Divide Around Ralph Carter Park
The mostly white neighbors complain of mostly black users of the park want a fence installed, at considerable cost to taxpayers. The city council is weighing its choices and delaying a decision.
An Empty $105 Million High School, Suicide Kits, Mahler, John Wayne and Scott-Heron: The Live Wire
Budget-cut follies as a $105 million high school sits empty, Niall Ferguson as an emblem of brain-dead conservatives, when Mahler took Manhattan, a Times Square flash mob, Sarah Palin’s weird hikes, creepy corporate mascots, and more.
As Palm Coast Talks Development, Housing Prices Hit New Low, Falling 4.2% in 1Q
Housing prices fell to levels not seen since 2002 as double-dipping prices hit new recession lows. Meanwhile, the Palm Coast City Council discussed approval of a plan that would add 12,000 housing units to the local hosing stock.
Firefighters Battling Large, Twin Blazes Merging Into One Just West of Espanola
Flagler County firefighters and other dire departments were deployed against a 200-acre fire west of Espanola and north of the Mondex Monday evening, where two brush fires had joined into one large one.
Eying Jobs and Tourism Dollars, Orlando Ready to Build $274 Million Arts Center
Arts columnist Josh Garrick appraises the value of Orlando’s Philips Center for the Performing Arts–stalled for four years, now scheduled to open in 37 months with two stages, and a third at a later date.
Good Riddance: How the Shuttle and the Space Station Crippled America’s Space Program
Between the space shuttle and the International Space Station, America’s space program’s addiction to manned flights has been held hostage to an unimaginative low-orbit. It’s long-past time to scrap both and push the limits of unmanned exploration.
Caution Urged as Lightning Triggers Fire in Palm Coast’s Central Park and 7 Other Places
The fire in Central Park was small and quickly out out, but other fires are burning across Flagler County. Fire chiefs are reminding residents of the burn ban in effect. That means no Memorial Day weekend bonfires.
Widespread Declines in 3rd Grade FCAT, With 2 Exceptions–Rymfire and Imagine
The declines in passing rates in the regular schools were slight but consistent, and more dramatic at two charter schools. Also, 107 of the 990 students tested failed, jeopardizing promotion to 4th grade pending summer school results.
Killing Bounce: Obama Back in Favor in Florida; Sen. Nelson Heading for Re-Election
Obama’s approval is at 51 percent, against 44 percent disapproval, a reversal from April 7, when he was disapproved by 52 percent of the electorate and approved by just 44 percent.
Lessons Against Drowning: Tom Gillin’s Water Tutorials Before Schools Let Out for Summer
Tom Gillen, Flagler Beach’s parks and recreation director and its life-guard-in-chief, has taken his junior-lifeguard lecture on the road to local schools to prepare children for summer break’s biggest attraction.
Poll Dumps Rick Scott Approval to 29%, Worst of Any Governor Quinnipiac Tracks
Gov. Rick Scott’s disapproval rating continues to rise, to 57 percent at last count, up almost 10 points in six weeks. Even Republicans have curbed their enthusiasm.
Palestinian Prof. Jamil Khader Earns Hand Award at Stetson, Second in 5 Years
American Studies and History professor Paul Croce and Associate Professor of Geography J. Anthony Abbott also won Hand awards; Harry Price, an associate professor of chemistry, got the John Hague Teaching Award.
Pride of a Principal, Pride of a Thousand Parents As FPC Class of 2011 Graduates
Flagler Palm Coast High School Class of 2011’s 509 graduates will, in their principal’s words, be “competing for jobs that haven’t been invented yet.” But not yet: Monday evening was for jubilation at the Ocean Center.
Carver Gym Auction Update, Banks’ Foreclosed Hostages, Sadness at Fox: The Live Wire
Not much time left for the Carver Gym auction, unconstitutional prison-jamming, Florida’s war on watchdogs, questioning cheerleading as a sport, Nate Silver’s advice to the next generation of journalists, and more.
Rapture On: God Is Great, Beer Is Good, People Are Crazy
Judgment Day came and went and we’re still here. Most of us, anyway. A few thoughts about the book of Revelation and the greatest country song since “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.”
Suspect in Thursday’s Leidel Drive Shooting Arrested by Marshal Service in Volusia
William Copeland, 20, was wanted in the shooting of Accursio Venezia at his two-level home in northwest Palm Coast around midnight last Thursday. He is recovering.
When Obama Bombs
Barack Obama’s speech on the Middle East on Thursday was no landmark. It was a retreading of old cliches, a window into an administration at a loss for principled coherence, and an offense to Palestinian and Arab self-determination.
Flagler Unemployment at 13.8%, Lowest Since 2008; Florida’s Improves to 10.8%
Flagler County’s labor force has shrunk by 2.5 over the past 12 months, a significant drop, while the number of employed residents has fallen by 1.5 percent, suggesting that job creation isn’t yet as evident as out-migration.
Reform Minister: David Ottati’s Healthy Risks at Florida Hospital Flagler
David Ottati, Florida Hospital Flagler’s CEO, is investing, building, innovating, and taking risks despite–and because of–a sputtering economy and health care’s jaggedly changing landscape. So far, it’s paying off.
Bunnell Manager’s “God’s City Day” Proposal Yields to Tamer Prayer Proclamation
City Manager Armando Martinez wanted to declare every first Thursday of May “God’s City Day” in Bunnell. A proclamation on next Monday’s city commission agenda ties Bunnell to the National Day of Prayer every first Thursday in May.
Flagler Ranks Low in Latest Florida Forever Priorities, But Money Is Elusive Anyway
Only one project–the 4,200-acre Flagler County Blueway–made the list of the state Florida Forever priorities for preservation this year, and at a low ranking–with little to no money in the state fund anyway.
Long Before the Potato Festival, Long Before Bunnell, Flagler Bred the Mighty Potato
Ahead of this weekend’s Potato Festival in Bunnell, Sisco Deen, the archive curator for the Flagler County Historical Society, traces the history of the potato’s evolution in Flagler County going back to the 19th century.
Donald Trump Joins Mike Huckabee On Obama’s Re-Election Sidelines
Donald Trump won’t run for president, though he still claims he could have won. Firing people on the Apprentice was a bigger priority: NBC forced him to make a choice.
Endeavour Arcs Beyond Flagler Beach and Into History As Throngs Squint Goodbye
Space Shuttle Endeavour lifted off for the last time Monday morning as the ritual throngs of launch enthusiasts lined Flagler Beach’s boardwalk, pier and beaches.