President Obama this morning released his long-form birth certificate, hoping to end conspiracy theories about his place of birth. The release is unlikely to put an end to birthers midwifing new theories.
All Else
Birther Myths, Imagine’s Cheerleaders, In Defense of Flogging and Typewriters: The Live Wire
Anderson Cooper takes on birthers, Imagine School’s cheerleaders take on Sarasota, Unions take on the Florida Chamber, a prison scholar takes up flogging, the typewriter is still clicking, and more.
De•lec•ta•ble (di lek’tә b’l), Adj., Very Pleasing, Delightful, Luscious; as in: Taste of Flagler
The Flagler County Chamber of Commerce and Affiliates’ annual Taste of Flagler, at the Conservatory Golf Club, was a serial seduction of the senses: a video and the list of winners.
John F. Kennedy’s Speech on the Arts and Robert Frost, Amherst College (1963)
Full text and audio of John F. Kennedy’s Amherst College speech on the arts in 1963, one of the most eloquent defenses of the artist and art’s role in American civilization by an American president.
Dull and Duller GOP Candidates, Pink Toenails, Bright Futures Dim, The Beatles at Shea: The Live Wire
Why homebuilders have the blues, why real estate agents also do, a Palm Coast molestation case reopens, The Legislature’s latest cleavers, vegetarian oral sex, Sheriff Fleming’s videos, and more.
Beanery Endeavour: Georgia’s Famed Tallulah Students Stop By For 46 Brown-Bag Breakfasts
Georgia’s Tallulah School is one of the nation’s most celebrated schools. Its 7th graders have been making spring trips to Florida for years. They stopped by the Beachhouse Beanery for breakfast and a chat with Mayor Alice Baker.
NTSB Preliminary Investigation Report: Flagler County Airport Crash on March 26, 2011
Full text of the National Transportation Safety Board’s preliminary investigation report, released on April 19, 2011, of the fatal plane crash at the Flagler County Airport on March 26, 2011, involving an Aerostar S A YAK-52, piloted by Bill Walker.
Varieties of Religious Experience: Watching an Eagles’ Nest, Live
The Raptor Resource Project’s live, 24-hour streaming video of a family of eagles, from their nest in Idaho. With hatchlings and river sounds nearby. Warning: watching can be addictive.
Bunnell Police Miscues Helping To Lessen Case Against Ex-Cops John and Lisa Murray
Lisa Murray faces one less count of official misconduct, but while a grand theft charge against John Murray was dropped, a charge of official misconduct was added. The cases, for now, are proceeding to trial.
It’s Not Enough to Say No to a Seawall in Flagler Beach: An Action Plan Past Opposition
Sherry Epley, a resident of Flagler Beach, lays out a six-point action plan on how to build and sustain opposition to a seawall while developing a viable alternative that saves the beach and State Road A1A.
Textual Titillations, Chamber Scott, Perot Trump, Buying Legislators and Poetry in Jazz: The Live Wire
Buy one legislator, get one free, what’s far worse than sexting, a free speech leap in Vancouver, the Rude Pundit on Obama, when Donald Trump insults “the blacks,” and more.
Stereotype This: “Lazy Mexicans” And Other Insolvent Myths of American Superiority
As it turns out Mexicans are not only harder workers than Americans. They are the hardest workers in the industrialized world, while smugness, selfishness and the pursuit of inequality are becoming American brands.
Water Wars, Side B: Why a Subdivision With 10% of Bunnell’s Residents Is Suing the City
Bunnell has been reading Palm Terrace Mobile Home park’s water meters and servicing its sewer station for 27 years. The city wants to stop doing so to save money, billing the park in one lump sum. The park owner says the city is breaching a 27-year-old annexation agreement.
BP Oil Spill Aftermath: “Spillionaire” Profiteers of Mismanagement’s Gulf Spoils
How the BP oil spill has made profiteers rich from BP’s $16 billion in clean-up spending while hiding the results of the cleanup, because BP, not the federal government, is in charge.
Conklin Is Fired From State-Backed Job After Talk of Suing the State Over Education Funding
Colleen Conklin has been an outspoken advocate for education as a Flagler County School Board member for 10 years–and as the COO of a largely state-funded education foundation for the last four. One job cost her the other.
From Robert Penn Warren to Stanley Drescher: Flagler Beach Names Its First Poet Laureate
Stanley Drescher, a son of New York’s Lower East Side, has lived in Flagler Beach less than two years. He’s already left his mark on the city’s water tower, wielding his poetry like a crusader’s mightiest weapon.
Driver Takes Truck on Bunnell’s Dirt-Bike Course, Flips Into a Pond, Triggers Rescue
The 60ish driver was riding his truck illegally on the Bunnell’s Pax Trax Motocross course. Two men–Jeff Armstrong, a former fireman, and Jake Flumerfelt–rescued him as water filled his truck and he sat there, awake but not moving.
Palm Coast Maps Out Gentler, Kinder Impact Fees on Developers, But Questions Arise
The one-time impact fees developers pay when they build something would be lower for residential construction. Builders would get discounts for paying up front, or get to pay them on an installment plan.
Dust Up Those Squeals, Venus: Frankie Avalon At the Flagler Auditorium Tonight
Frankie Avalon, now 70, is making the Flagler Auditorium one of just 12 stops on his 2011 tour. He’ll be singing the hits that made him famous in pre-Beatles days, along with songs from his 30 movies that kept him famous.
Flagler County School District Employee Health Insurance Benefits, 2011-2012
Flagler County school district employee health insurance benefits, dental and vision plans as provided by United Health Care for 2011-2012: chart and comparison with previous year’s premium costs.
Barack Obama and Rick Scott In Florida Voters’ Eyes: From Lousy to Dismal
The latest poll has Obama’s approval at just 44 percent, and Scott’s at 35 percent, with Scott’s disapproval rating doubling in two months, and 60 percent of Floridians saying Florida is on the wrong path. The poll reveals widespread dissatisfaction.
Flagler Beach’s Turtle Savior Honored by Daughters of the American Revolution
Lori Ottlein has been involved in land turtle rescue, sea turtle protection and rehabilitation for almost 15 years. She received a national conservation award for her work with the turtles from Daughters of the American Revolution.
Palm Coast’s SoHo: Secca Tree Studios Double Hollingsworth Gallery’s Arts Empire
With its Secca Tree Studios expansion at City Market Place, Hollingsworth Gallery is increasing local contemporary art’s and artists’ exposure while anchoring the arts’ role in Palm Coast’s identity.
FPC Posts Video of Teacher’s Public Apology Over Gay Student Bullying
Shop teacher Floyd Binkley’s apology for telling an offensive gay joke appears in the last fifth of the nearly six-minute video as part of a public service announcement about bullying and harassment. The video skirts the details of the matter.
Bogus Government Shutdown, Real Anti-Government Senility
The nation could use a government shut down, but a real one–including “essential services”–to give those who think they can do without government a taste of what they claim to want.
At Public Forum on Sex Education, Passionate Opinions and Reprimands, But No Consensus
Some 40 people spoke out of the 100 who showed up at the school district’s forum on what direction sex education should take. The disappointing turnout underscored the board’s point–that parents are uninvolved, making the district’s role more vital.
Far Apart, School Unions and Flagler District Negotiators Still Looking for a Common Page
After two sessions on Wednesday, negotiators only agreed to meet again in mid-April to discuss clearer, fresher budget numbers before negotiating proposed cuts of $3.5 million that would affect most employees and students in the district.
School Employees Facing Steep Increases in Health Insurance Costs, Further Eroding Pay
Premiums are rising by up to 37 percent for many of the 1,337 school district employees who seek health coverage, particularly for those with family coverage. Employees also face another pay cut next year if retirement contributions are expected of them.
Shakespeare, Carmen and Burlesque: Culture Worth the Miles
A sizzlingly luscious interpretation of Bizet’s ‘Carmen’ at the Orlando Ballet, the Harriet Lake Festival of New Plays at the Orlando Shakespeare Theater, ‘Sugar Babies’ at the Winter Park Playhouse, and more.
Flagler Schools’ Problem Solvers Clean Up Again: The Winners’ Complete List
Following the Problem Solvers state competition in Cape Canaveral late last month, FPC’s Ryan McDermott filed a complete list of winners from nearly every school in the district. Many qualify for the international competition in Wisconsin in June.
42-Foot Sailboat Nearly Sinks Between Marineland and St. Augustine, 4 Are Rescued
The four people and a dog on the boat were on their way to a four- to six-month cruise to the Caribbean. A St. Augustine boat police patrolman responded to the distress call and rescued the sailors Wednesday.
Fire At Eagles Nest Storage in Flagler Beach Claims or Damages 8 Units
The fire broke out between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. in a storage unit where tenants had been working on an older Volkswagen all day. Something ignited and they were unable to control the flames.
Video: A Walk Back in Time at the Florida Agriculture Museum
The festival featured re-enactors representing people from various periods of Florida’s history, from Timucuans to moonshiners to union troops. Charlotte Marten reports.
Sex Education In Flagler County Schools: Students’ Comments, Part 1
Complete set of (anonymous) comments by students from grades 6 to 12 in response to a sex education survey by the Flagler County school district. Comments are provided here unedited and uncensored.
Sex Education In Flagler County Schools: Students’ Comments, Part 2
Complete set of (anonymous) comments by students from grades 6 to 12 in response to a sex education survey by the Flagler County school district. Comments are provided here unedited and uncensored.
In Their Words: What Flagler’s Students and Adults Think of Sex, Abstinence and Condoms
More than 2,600 student surveys on sex education and behavior and 34 pages of students’ comments–and fewer by adults–were tallied ahead of Thursday’s public forum on sex education.
Sex Education In Flagler County Schools: Parents’ Comments
Complete set of (anonymous) comments by parents of Flagler County school students in school in response to a sex education survey by the Flagler County school district. Comments are provided here unedited and uncensored.
Sex Education In Flagler County Schools: Community Members’ Comments
Complete set of (anonymous) comments by residents who have no children in school in response to a sex education survey by the Flagler County school district. Comments are provided here unedited and uncensored.
But Should They Be Paid? Flagler School Board Members Defend Their Salaries
A Florida Senate proposal would replace school board members’ salaries with a $100 per-meeting stipend. Retirement and health benefits would be eliminated, too. Savings would exceed $10 million a year.
They Bring Good Schemes to Life:
How GE Pays Little Or No Corporate Taxes
GE’s tax department is a company in itself: some 1,000 people working to minimize GE’s corporate tax liabilities, with huge success. In 2010, GE paid no taxes on $14.2 billion in profits. GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
The Legislature’s Phonies and Pimps, Booing Rick Scott, Soldier Rape, Tips from Kurt Vonnegut: The Live Wire
Carl Hiaasen on the Florida Legislature’s phonies and pimps, writing tips from Kurt Vonnegut, Israel’s crabwalk toward apartheid, the Civil War at 150, a short film on father and daughter, and more.
49th Day Shay-Gu Ceremony for Jigme Norbu, Dalai Lama’s Nephew Killed in the Hammock
Jigme Norbu was killed on Valentine’s Day at the start of his walk for Florida. A ceremony at the crash site Sunday marked the 49th, and last, day of mourning, which releases the soul–and those left behind.
Gainesville’s Rogue Pastor And the Limits of Free Speech: A Dissent
First Amendment rights have their limits, argues Thomas Brown: Gainesville’s Pastor Jones should have been stopped from burning the Koran, which can be viewed as an act of terrorism expressly and imminently inciting violence.
Southeast Museum of Photography’s Summer Photo Camp
Campers will learn the mechanics of digital manipulation, lighting, shooting and editing techniques. No previous photography experience is necessary.
Lobbying for Corruption: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Attacking Anti-Bribery Law
Even as anger over governmental corruption has exploded into protests across the Middle East, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been working to weaken the law that bans companies from bribing foreign officials.
Gainesville’s Terry Jones Did Not Murder 11 UN Workers and Afghans. Muslims Did.
There is no comparison between Terry Jones of Gainesville’s Dove World Outreach burning the Koran and Muslim fanatics murdering 11 people in retaliation. Jones is a fanatic. He’s no murderer. And he deserves First Amendment protection.
Flagler’s Quality of Health Ranks It 17th in the State; Smoking and Obesity a Problems
Department of Health Administrator Patrick Johnson cautions that Flagler’s health rankings should not be overdramatized–for good or ill–but that they still point to trends that should clarify where the county’s health priorities should be.
Florida Legislators’ Creepy Uterus Obsession
Florida lawmakers want to force women seeking an abortion in the second trimester to watch an ultrasound of their fetus first. It’s a back-alley assault on women’s privacy and abortion rights.
March Unemployment Falls to 8.8% as Improving Economy Adds 216,000 Jobs
March unemployment: Almost 1 million net new jobs have been created since October 2010, most of them powered by the private sector, as the economy continues to improve.
Flagler Reads Together: Huckleberry Finn, Chapter 32
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Flagler Reads Together, FlaglerLive is serializing Huckleberry Finn, this year’s book. Here’s Chapter 32: Still and Sunday-like; Mistaken Identity; Up a Stump; In a Dilemma; With E.W. Kemble’s original illustrations.