In Flagler Beach as elsewhere, big increases in property tax rates will be offset by big decreases in property values, resulting in a wash for most taxpayers.
Flagler Beach
3 Connected to a String of ATM Burglaries Arrested on July 4
Two Palm Coast men and one from Massachusetts, now in jail, are tied to burglaries in Flagler Beach, the Hammock and Palm Coast.
Soaked, Whipped, Rushed, Magnificent, Flagler Beach Fireworks Go Off After All
After a day of rain and uncertainty, the fireworks went off before one of the smallest crowds in memory.
Fireworks Set For 9 p.m. in Flagler Beach, Not 9:30; Latest Video from the Pier’s Arsenal
The decision to move up the fireworks to 9 p.m. instead of 9:30 was dictated by a brief window of opportunity.
The Gods Must Be Crazy: Rain Slams But Doesn’t Stop Flagler Beach Parade
Clouds thicker than menace mobilized offshore, then struck, but the Flagler Beach Independence Day parade held on anyway.
Flagler Beach’s Independence Day Fireworks No Longer a Solo Act
Flagler Beach’s traditional Independence Day fireworks display will be held on July 3rd, and will be followed by another celebration in Palm Coast’s Town Center on July 4.
Miss Flagler County 2010
It’s Amanda Dack
Amada Dack has achieved more in her 21 years than many people do in an average lifetime.
Hit the Beaches: Solidarity Against Oil As Hands Across the Sands Gets Set for Noon
Colleen Conklin, the school board member, is organizing the event–handing out slips and whistles, synchronizing the human link–along with Carmen Arasknick.
Flagler Beach Again on Collision Course With Boating and RV Parking Regulations
It’s one of three issues–dogs on the beach and surfing near the pier are the others–that get Flagler Beach residents really, really ticked at whatever the commission decides.
Ex-Sheriff Jim Manfre, Flagler Schools Exec Mike Judd, Among 72 FB Manager Applicants
The MBAs and MPAs are piling up alongside substitute teachers and other surprises in the applicants’ pool, open for five more weeks.
34 Apply So Far for Flagler Beach Manager, 13 of Them Unemployed
A list and brief description of the of the 34 people — 27 men, seven women — who have applied so far for the county manager’s position in Flagler Beach.
Flagler Beach Hired Police Officer
Despite Violent Record
Flagler Beach’s Lt. Robert Milstead, arrested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Monday, has had issues in previous law enforcement agencies.
Fire Guts 4-Unit Condo Block in Flagler Beach
A fire broke out in the attic of a four-unit, two-story block of condominiums at Ocean Park Villas North in Flagler Beach just before 2 p.m. today. The fire rapidly spread across the block in northerly and westerly directions, demolishing the block by 3 p.m. as Flagler Beach firefighters, assisted by several units from other […]
Amanda Rachel Dack
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Amanda Rachel Dack is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23year old category of the 2010 Flagler County Pageant.
Allegations of Racist Slurs and Excessive Force Land Flagler Beach Police Officer in Jail
Robert Milstead is accused of using excessive force on an elderly man and pepper-spraying him and another individual when both were handcuffed.
Flagler Beach Police Get 3-Year Contract, No Raises
The 10 percent-a-year raises of the police rank and file’s previous contract give way to realities of shrinking government budgets and stingy taxpayers.
Attention Flagler Beach: The County Isn’t Looking to Devour Your Fire Department
Sometime over the weekend a rumor started spreading like fog around Flagler Beach that the county was going to take over the Flagler Beach Fire Department. It was false.
How Flagler County Is Preparing for the BP Oil Slick–If It Hits (And What You Need to Know)
Flagler County’s emergency response to the oil slick hitting Flagler Beaches is similar to hurricane preparation. It’s happening now.
Weigh Station Loads Up Realtors’ Forum with Mayors
Questions were gentle, answers more so, revealing little new in a public forum with Flagler’s mayors on Wednesday morning.
Flagler Beach Manager Search:
Carpetbaggers Need Not Apply
Art Woosley, a Flagler Beach activist, argues that the next city manager should be a local resident with heart and interests in line with the city’s.
Flagler Beach Dumps Desalination Group
The Flagler Beach City Commission cited costs and its own ready water supply as reasons to drop out of the Coquina desalination consortium.
Flagler Beach City Manager Search Launches Over Fault Lines
A fractured city commission decided against head-hunters or consultants in the search for a new city manager. Commissioners will do all the work.
Our Local (Lady) Sully: It Landed on SR 100 in Palm Coast
Leslie and John Nixon of Ormond Beach were on their way to dinner in Georgia when their Cessna 172 blew a cylinder over Flagler County, forcing them to make a hard landing on the westbound lane of State Road 100.
Flagler Beach Man Arrested in Two Burglaries
Gary Haney is accused of stealing beer and cigarettes from two Flagler County convenience stores in April.
Union Bid Fails Among Flagler Beach City Employees
Thirty of 39 eligible employees cast ballots. The unionization bid failed by two votes.
Liability Flops Color-Coded Safety Flags on Flagler Beaches
Adding warning flags to county beaches wouldn’t be costly, but exposing taxpayers to liability risks might be, so county commissioners are cool to the idea.
10 Named to Flagler’s Manatee Rules Panel
A county-appointed rules committee has 60 days to recommend whether manatee speed zones are needed in Flagler’s waterways.
Bunnell and Flagler Whistle-Stop Amtrak
Bunnell and Flagler County put on a show for Amtrak’s 60-second slice through Bunnell as it considers resuming passenger service on the old Florida East Coast Railway tracks.
Photo Gallery:
Flagler’s Hopes Shimmer to the Glint of a Train
A photo gallery of Saturday’s turnout of some 150 people at Bunnell’s and Flagler’s plea to Amtrak to reestablish a stop in Bunnell.
In Forceful Terms, Flagler Beach Knocks KKK
In contrast with county and Palm coast statements, Flagler Beach explicitly slams KKK drive as “a hate message.”
Bunnell Bails from Billion-$ Desalination Band
Bunnell joins Flagler County, and possibly Flagler Beach soon, in dropping out of the $1 billion project.
Great Ocean View, Fun Pier, 5,000 Landlords. $3,329/mo. (Big Chains Need Not Apply)
Flagler Beach’s government is advertising for anyone interested in taking over the 20-year lease of the Pier Restaurant on the city’s landmark waterfront.
Flagler Beach City Manager Announces Resignation
City commissioners convinced Murphy, an “interim” manager since 2006, to extend his tenure until October 1.
Flagler Mayors: You Call That a Transportation System?
A day after a county-wide meeting of government leaders on transportation, Flagler County’s mayors blistered the county’s public transportation system but showed little vision themselves.