As Flagler County schools continues to grapple with bullying through various forums, middle school student Bayli Silberstein in Leesburg sees a Gay-Straight-Alliance club at her school as one measure against bullying–but school officials have so far resisted, in sharp contrast with their admission of other clubs, such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Tax on Guns and Ammo Would Pay for Florida’s “Safe Schools Trust Fund”
Tax collected on the sale of ammunition and guns would go into a “Safe Schools Trust Fund,” to pay for additional guidance services and school safety measures under legislation filed in the House.
Lowe Family Brings Rain of Children and All-But-Kitchen-Sink Music to Flagler Auditorium
The Lowe Family’s six children and accompanists, at the Flagler Auditorium Thursday evening, make it a point to dare every musical genre, every instrument, every move, all wrapped in feel-good flags.
With Stern Words on Process, Flagler School Board Ratifies Private Hire of Cop at Old Kings
Board members Sue Dickinson and Colleen Conklin raised issues with the preferential message the private-pay guard at Old Kings Elementary may send to other schools, and the way the decision was made without the board’s knowledge. Three board members had no issue with the process. All five welcomed the check.
Red-Light Cameras on Palm Coast Parkway Used to Arrest Hit-and-Run Suspect
The arrest is the latest indication of the sheriff’s office stepped-up use of Palm Coast’s traffic cameras, which are increasing from 10 to more than 50, and blanketing all the city’s major and medium intersections.
Palm Coast Cited Among Florida Cities Most Vulnerable to Climate Change in Latest Review
The federal National Climate Assessment just released names Palm Coast among four Florida cities vulnerable to sea level rises and other vulnerabilities to climate change. Flagler County has no comprehensive initiative locally to frame long-term climate-change policy collectively.
Obama II
Far from a dud, as these second inaugurals tend to be, Obama’s today was bracing in its realism, and hopeful, ironically, for having finally shed the imagery of hope for hope’s sake, replacing it with an agenda for equality, little heard of since the days of the New Deal and the Great Society.
Parent at Old Kings Elementary Hires Full-Time Armed Guard at Her $12,000 Expense
Laura Lauria put up $12,000 just for the first two months’ cost of a full-time sheriff’s deputy at Old Kings, an arrangement carried out without the school board’s knowledge and outside normal policy and legal oversight, though school and sheriff’s officials welcome it–with caveats.
The Thanks and Reverence We Owe Undocumented Immigrants
We’ve admitted that these immigrants aren’t going away. Let’s admit our co-dependence, let’s restore their dignity, and America’s, and admit that illegal immigration is as American as apple pie, if not as American as empanadas.
Car and Semi Tangle on I-95 and Dive Down 30-Foot Ravine in Sunday Morning Wreck
I-95 just north of the Old Dixie Highway exit was the scene of a spectacular crash at dawn Sunday, as a semi truck and a Lincoln Town Car collided, then jointly swerved off the highway and down a 30-foot ravine, into a retention pond, seriously injuring the truck driver.
57 Republicans Who Voted for Bush’s Katrina Aid Voted Against Obama’s Sandy Aid
When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Congress passed two relief bills almost unanimously. But when it comes to Hurricane Sandy,179 Republicans and one Democrat opposed aid. Signal differences are the occupant in the White House and the states getting help.
Stephen Sondheim Sidles Up to Palm Coast in “Side by Side” at City Repertory Theatre
“Side By Side By Sondheim,” a revue opening at Palm Coast’s City Repertory Theatre Friday, is a clever reinvention of Stephen Sondheim’s lyrical genius by way of his classics, from “West Side Story” to “Sweeney Todd.”
After Abuse at Girls’ Lock-Up, Promises of More Oversight from Florida’s Juvenile Justice
In the wake of allegations of abuse by staffers at a girls’ lockup in Milton, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice is tightening its oversight of private residential facilities – adding interviews with youths and a partnership with the non-profit Annie E. Casey Foundation to its monitoring procedures.
Preliminary Report on Plane Crash Adds Little New as Homeowner’s Trauma Endures
The federal investigation into the plane crash that killed 3 and demolished a house in Seminole Woods revealed that the plane’s oil pressure was zero just before the crash. Susan Crockett, the home owner, said Friday that she had no plans to return to that neighborhood, and described her traumas since the crash.
Oceanside Co-Owner Lulgjuraj Joins Mealy And Settle in Flagler Beach Commission Race
Flagler Beach City Commission incumbents Jane Mealy and Steve Settle are being challenged by John Lulgjuraj, owner of Flagler Beach’s Oceanside Grill, in the March 5 election. Two of the three candidates will win.
In a Calculated Shift, Gov. Scott Wants Early Voting Days Decided by Local Supervisors
Gov. Rick Scott two years ago signed a law restricting early voting days to eight. His shift back to allow up to 14 days would give local supervisors more choice, but could also be an unfunded mandate: if supervisors don’t have the money to expand voting days, they’ll take the political blame for not doing so.
Unemployment Rates in Flagler and Florida Improve Even as 15,300 Fewer Have Jobs
Unemployment in December fell to 8 percent in Florida and 11.2 percent in Flagler County, lowest in four years, yet Florida lost more than 15,000 jobs, and Flagler lost 76, as the weak recovery combines with harsher rules discouraging workers from seeking unemployment benefits or staying in the labor force.
Colleen Newman of Belle Terre Elementary And Sue McVeigh Are School District Champs
First-grade teacher Colleen Newman of Belle Terre Elementary is the Teacher of the Year, Sue McVeigh, a parent specialist in the district’s Exceptional Student Education administration, is the employee of the year.
Public Employees Lose as Florida Supreme Court Upholds 3% Pension Dip
Last Updated: 12:55 p.m. The Florida Supreme Court, in a much-anticipated but very divided 4-3 ruling, today sided with the Legislature, and against public employees, by upholding a 2011 law that requires all public employees to contribute 3 percent of their pay to the Florida Retirement System, a pension fund. In a majority opinion by […]
Trayvon Martin’s Mother Calls for Repeal Of Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law
Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, said the Stand Your Ground law protected her son’s killer, George Zimmerman, who pursued Martin before a violent confrontation when Zimmerman shot the 17-year-old boy.
Bunnell Mayor Robinson Coasting to Re-Election Unopposed; 3 Vie for 2 Other Seats
As in 2010, Mayor Catherine Robinson is facing no opposition, with Friday’s qualifying deadline fast approaching. Commission incumbents Elbert Tucker and Daisy Henry have qualified, with just one additional candidate, Bill Baxley, in the mix.
Bill Filed to Repeal Florida Prohibition On Doctors Asking Patients About Guns
Sen. Oscar Braynon, D-Miami Gardens, filed the measure (SB 314) to repeal the 2011 “Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act,” which isn’t currently being enforced because a federal judge threw it out in July. The state, however, is appealing that ruling.
How the Word ‘Retarded’ Hurts The Developmentally Disabled
Americans with developmental disabilities still remain second-class citizens in the eyes of the law and our fellow human beings. There is no greater symbolic gesture of the ridicule they endure than the accepted use of the word “retarded” in day-to-day speech.
Only Mild Opposition as Palm Coast Council Prepares to Raise Utility Rates 22% in 3 Years
To avert a crisis with its creditors, Palm Coast will raise water and sewer rates 22 percent over the next three years, beginning with an 8 percent increase this March. Residents’ rates are increasing to ensure that the city’s debts can be paid.
Senate Committee Approves Drone Ban in Florida Skies, With Some Police Exceptions
The ban on unmanned drones used by police in Florida would include exceptions for use with a search warrant or in certain cases, as when a child in danger. The measure (SB 92) was approved unanimously Tuesday by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.
16-Year-Old Matanzas High Student Accused Of Raping 14-Year-Old in School Stairwell
D’Shawn Hosang, who was on probation for burglaries in July, was accused of raping a 14-year-old girl Monday morning after both students had secured hall passes while the rest of the school was in second period.
Man Found Dead at 16 Covington Lane Was Murdered; Sheriff Seeking Leads
The Medical Examiner determined that the middle-aged white man found in a shallow marsh behind 16 Covington Lane in Palm Coast was murdered, but the body is so decomposed that identifying it has been impossible so far.
Citing “Sorry State of Affairs,” Sullen Flagler Library Board Asking for a New Tax to Survive
The Flagler County Library Board of Trustees chairman’s report to the county commission this evening is sullen and frustrated in tone, and at times directly critical of the commission for too stingily supporting the library over the past few years. It will also ask for the creation of a new taxing district to support the library.
State Health Agency Corrects Inflated Costs of Obamacare Scott Had Used to Oppose Reform
Florida’s costs could be as low as $3 billion over 10 years — a huge drop from the nearly $26 billion figure that AHCA produced in a report last month. Even with the changes, it appears that the Scott administration believes that the state’s final tab over 10 years would be higher.
Arming Teachers Isn’t Enough: A Proposal of Modest Caliber
The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre is proposing having an armed guard in every school. That’s insane, because it’s not enough: teachers, principals, librarians, counselors, bus drivers should all be armed, and of course children, too, should be armed.
Obama’s Inauguration Sells Out
President Barack Obama, reversing his own honorable precedent for his first inaugural, has chosen this time to have corporations pay for his second round of big shindigs. This multimillion-dollar infusion of corporate cash is a crass intrusion by favor-seeking private interests into what ought to be a purely public occasion.
Richard Resnicoff, 68, of Grand Haven, Is Killed in a Puzzling Incident With His Wife
Richard Resnicoff, 68, was killed two houses down from his own in Grand Haven when he apparently jumped on the trunk of the car driven by his wife, Lucille Horton, and fell to the pavement, dying of severe injuries shortly after, on Saturday afternoon.
Bunnell’s Leroy Gadson Sentenced to Life in Prison On Murder and Robbery Conviction
Leroy Rashad Gadson is–was–a resident of 106 East Short Street in Bunnell. He will be a ward of the Florida prison system for the rest of his life following his conviction Friday on a second-degree murder charge and an armed robbery charge, and his sentencing to life in prison, plus 30 years.
Proposing a Constitutional Amendment To Limit Proposed Constitutional Amendments
In the wake of an election in which voters had to wade through 11 constitutional amendment proposals put forth by legislators and complained of long voting lines, a Democratic state senator wants to limit how many ballot questions lawmakers can pose to three.
Body Found in Marsh in Back of House Where Man Was Reported Missing in December
The body was discovered in the marsh behind 16 Covington Lane in Palm Coast Friday afternoon, when neighbors noticed vultures and had cited a smell emanating from where the body lay.
For Onan’s Sake Gentlemen, Please Keep Your Penises Holstered at Graham Swamp
For the third time in four months, men were arrested at Graham Swamp for acts involving the public display, and public handling, of a penis, this time involving 70-year-old Leslie Colombo and 68-year-old Charles Bitzer, who had separate encounters with men who turned out to be undercover cops.
Great American Songbook Tunes Into Palm Coast’s Older Ears at the Auditorium
The Great American Songbook, taking the Flagler Auditorium stage tonight, is the sort of period show ideally tuned to local demographics: older ears waxing nostalgic for the days when Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Judy Garland—as opposed to Rihana, Taylor Swift and Flo Rida—ruled the charts.
Bill to Repeal “Stand Your Ground” Is Filed In Florida, But May Be Dead on Arrival
Rep. Alan Williams, D-Tallahassee, filed the measure on Wednesday, but it would have to get past Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, who co-sponsored the self-defense law in 2005, though Baxley has often said that the law was never intended to protect those who pursue their victims.
Hit-and-Run Fischer Case Set for March 25 Trial in Flagler, With Upwards of 60 Witnesses
The more than 60 witnesses on the trial list suggest the defense will undermine claims of a first-degree felony hit-and-run charge against Jamesine Fischer by focusing on her character and inconsistencies in witness statements, contrasted with the statements of expert witnesses.
Spying on Grandma: Health Companies Sell Surveillance as a Benefit and a Saving
Health care is joining a national trend toward greater surveillance of everyday life. Whether this costly technology will ultimately prove clinically or economically effective remains uncertain. So, too, is whether a benign health care purpose can help overcome the unsettling “Big Brother” overtones.
The Funky Pelican Finally, Quietly Opens In Place of the Pier Restaurant in Flagler Beach
The Funky Pelican in Flagler Beach, a sister-restaurant of the River Grille in Ormond Beach, replaced–after protracted negotiations with the Flagler Beach City Commission–what had for years been the Pier Restaurant, which had long been in decline.
Florida’s Election System Disgrace: Too Few Precincts or Too Long Ballots?
The ballot was long in part because the Legislature exempted itself from a 75-word limit on ballot summaries that applies to interest groups that put forth proposed amendments. And in some cases, the entire text of the amendment was listed.
Cinderella With a Russian Twist and a Manly Stepmother Before Midnight at Auditorium
There are thousands of variants of Cinderella around the world. The State Theater of Russia brings its own to the Flagler Auditorium Thursday evening at 7:30, with color and surprises to spare.
Quoting—and Misquoting—Jefferson, Sheriff Vows Agency Will Breathe Air of Integrity
Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre’s swearing-in featured a large-tent invitation and sharp contrasts of style and intentions with the eight years of Don Fleming, but also a reminder from Manfre that imperfection is universal.
In Latest Obstacle to Jobless Benefits, Florida Moves to Computer-Only System
Between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31, nearly 140,000 Floridians were denied benefits, more than double the rate of the same period a year earlier as eligibility requirements have been tightened and obstacles to get unemployment have multiplied.
New Sheriff In Town: Jim Manfre Wastes No Time Firing, Demoting and Reorganizing
Even before he was to be sworn in at noon Tuesday, Sheriff Jim Manfre had radically reorganized the sheriff’s office in a manner bound to stir a mixture of resentment and approval, signaling an aggressively ambitious agenda.
Flagler Beach Fire Chief and 3 Others On Leave as Drinking Allegations Trigger Investigation
Fire Chief Martin Roberts, Assistant fire Chief Shane Wood, firefighter Jacob Bissonette and Fire Police Captain Steve Wood have been placed on leave following now-acting fire chief Robert Pace’s allegations that they had drank at the station or answered a fire call under the influence.
One-Fifth of Florida’s Nursing Homes Are On the State’s Watch List for Violations
Twelve of the homes have been on the the state Agency for Health Care Administration’s watch list for more than 100 days. The best way to pick a home for a loved one is to simply visit it, or to check a nursing home inspection database (link included).
Showing Cops the Middle Finger
When John Swartz was arrested for flipping off a cop, he sued, and appears headed for a win–as he should: rude expression is not a crime, and the obscenity is far surpassed by that of cops exercising arbitrary authority over bruised egos.
Tony Hugueley, 64, Dies of Injuries After Driving Antique Chevy Into the Woods on A1A
Tony Hugueley, 64, of Palm Coast and Poolesville, Md., was driving alone in his 1956 Chevy Bel-Air on A1A in the Hammock when, for unknown reasons, he suddenly veered into the woods. He suffered severe head injuries.