Palm Coast’s business park partnership program would entail spending significant taxpayer resources to develop construction-ready sites in partnership with private property owners, as bait for future commercial activity.
Business & Economy
At 14.5%, Flagler Unemployment Drops to Lowest Level in 2 Years, Florida’s at 11.1%
The unemployment rate locally and statewide appears to be trending downward consistently and finally following the national trend, which has been improving for most of the past year.
Palm Coast Maps Out Gentler, Kinder Impact Fees on Developers, But Questions Arise
The one-time impact fees developers pay when they build something would be lower for residential construction. Builders would get discounts for paying up front, or get to pay them on an installment plan.
Flagler Unemployment Drops to 14.9%, Lowest Since May 2009; Florida Improves to 11.5%
While Flagler County is still at the top of the unemployment chart in the state, improvements suggest that job creation is finally reaching Florida, which added 22,000 net jobs. Flagler’s employed grew by 360.
Economic Development Set Punts Again to More Meetings, Postponing Hard Questions
The same five “strategic goals” were hashed over again in the third day of an economic development summit, and a fourth was scheduled in May, for yet another $7,000 for “facilitator” Don Upton, bringing his tax-funded total to $30,000.
Cancel This Subscription: Palm Coast Data Revenue Plummets Another 21% in 3Q
Palm Coast Data revenue fell $15.7 million in the last nine months, compared with the same period a year earlier as trouble for the company and its parent, Amrep, continue.
How Palm Coast Lost Out on 400 Potential Jobs (Caution: Don’t Jump to Conclusions)
Australian company Rapid Nutrition is looking for a home for its US headquarters. It chose Fort Myers over Palm Coast. Fort Myers was willing to write the company a blank check at taxpayers’ expense. Palm Coast was not.
Familiar Slogans and More Familiar Questions as 2-Day Economic Development Summit Ends
It was left up to Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon to remind the assembled that slogans don’t make economic development policy, and unity of message is still far from a given in a county with diverse interests and constituencies.
Economic Development Summit: Diagnostic Kumbayas Drown Out Harder Questions
Day one of the summit produced generous and optimistic self-evaluations from some 60 elected and had-picked representatives of local governments, but no breakthrough on fundamental differences on economic development financing or leadership.
Meeker on Economic Development: Mountains Of Questions Before the Next Summit
Frank Meeker, the Palm Coast city councilman, frames the next countywide economic development summit in a set of questions–and a few answers of his own.
Chamber Survey: 21% of Floridians Would Leave; Business, Government Equally Blamed
The annual Sunshine State Survey finds 65 percent of Floridians saying the state is worse or the same as five years ago, and 69 percent saying business leaders do the right thing only some of the time or never, about as much as government leaders. The full results.
Unemployment Lines: Throngs Turn Up for 220 Jobs at Red Lobster and Olive Garden
More than 1,000 applicants–about a fifth of the county’s total unemployed–were expected on Wednesday alone, the first day of hiring at the two new restaurants, in an sign of enduring economic hardship.
Local Governments Agree To a Therapist To Cut Through Economic Dysfunction
After a meeting lasting two hours and 17 minutes Monday, local governments conceded they have no agreement on economic development, except to meet again and let a “facilitator” help them find some.
Live: Flagler County’s Economic Development Summit
The economic development summit at the Flagler County Emergency Operations Center began at 5:30 this evening. For background on the summit, go here. For a recap and analysis of the meeting, go here. Click below to follow the summit moment by moment. Flagler County Economic Development Summit
Challenging Jon Netts, Charlie Ericksen Runs for Palm Coast Mayor on a Pro-Business Agenda
Charlie Ericksen is critical of a city council that rubber-stamps too many decisions without debating or explaining them, and a city that he says hasn’t given local business a fair shake. Netts has been on the council since 2001.
Economic Development Summit: Can Flagler’s 33 Elected Get It Up?
Many plans, little agreement, no concerted action: Monday evening’s economic development summit between Flagler County’s seven local governments is unlikely to yield substantive results beyond a meet-and-greet of powerpoints.
Seeking “One Voice” At Countywide Economic Summit, Commissioners Can’t Agree On Theirs
County commissioners can’t agree on what the county’s economic development plan should be, or what should come first–a strategy, a funding mechanism or a structure to manage the whole thing. They’ll try again Tuesday.
Palm Coast Data Lays Off 31 More As Another Major Customer Plans to End Its Contract
A principal shareholder of Palm Coast Data parent Amrep Corp. and customer of Palm Coast Data is ending its association with both. The company is nowhere near its 2008 pledge to hire 700 more employees locally.
Postcard-Size Economic Development: Palm Coast’s Plea to Absentee Property Owners
The city administration is planning to send postcards to owners of some 18,000 empty lots and 5,400 empty homes as a step to reviving the real estate market, though the city’s development policy is at cross-purposes with filling those empty lots.
Palm Coast “Joy Ride” Draws Far Fewer Participants Than Anticipated
Palm Coast’s “joy ride,” rescheduled to Saturday after its December cancellation, drew about 80 biking enthusiasts, and interviews for a potential BMX reality show drew a dozen or two prospective local actors.
For Jobless Flagler, 3 Economic Development Plans But Little Direction or Unity
As joblessness persists in Flagler County, local governments want to increase their role in economic development, but there’s no agreement about who would lead, and how.
More Trouble for Palm Coast Marathon Promoter Dean Reinke: Sued in Federal Court
A Missouri city last week filed a motion for an injunction against Dean Reinke of Reinke Sports Group, who faces a copyright-infringement suit in Indiana and a string of setbacks in other cities where he staged half-marathons.
Palm Coast Data Parent’s Headaches: Diving Revenue and $22.5 Million Loan Due
At Palm Coast Data, revenue declined $10.9 million in the six months ending Oct. 31, a 22 percent decline from the same period last year. Palm Coast Data parent AMREP Corp.’s Southwest subsidiary owes a $22.5 million loan to be repaid on Dec. 16.
Former School Board Candidate Raven Sword Joins Livingston & Wolverton Law Firm
In her first political campaign, Sword lost to John Fischer. By joining Jay Livingston and Jim Wolverton, the trio is now one of the larger law firms on Flagler County.
Palm Coast’s Secret Deal With Solar Company: Long Tax Holiday and Other Perks for 180 Jobs
Dubbed “Project Iceman,” the deal calls for at least a $49 million investment and average wages of $34,500, though the fine print reveals exclusive perks and secrecy provisions that prevent public scrutiny of the deal’s implementation.
Palm Coast’s BMX Gamble, Racism and Obama, Small Business Saturday Recap: The Live Wire, Nov. 29
BMX’s Renny Roker didn’t tell Palm Coast how checkered his financial past is, plus the best Congress money can buy, legacies of bullying, a naked tribute to Leslie Nielsen, Obama’s national security sham, and more.
Don’t Call Them Pill Mills: Palm Coast’s Pain Management Practices Recoil at Bad Rap
When Flagler Sheriff Don Fleming described three local pain management practices as “pill mills,” their doctors and practitioners were stunned and explained: Pill mills are a problem. Pain management clinics are not.
Former School Board Member and Realtor Eddie Herrera Jailed On a Battery Charge
Eddie Herrera served eight years on the school board, two as chairman. The Realtor’s fight with acupuncturist Scott Beat, with Herrera’s daughter in the car nearby, was over an accusation of infidelity.
Festival Filibuster: How Palm Coast Plays Hardball With Flagler Beach
If Palm Coast is serious about playing nice with its neighboring cities and not competing for “special event” visitors, why is it doing exactly that with signs greeting visitors exiting the Interstate?
Dog-and-Pony Powerpoints: Landon’s Stage-Managed Shows for a New Palm Coast City Hall
City Manager Jim Landon says the $10 million city hall project is different than the plan 82 percent of voters rejected in 2005. He’s right: residents won’t be allowed to vote this time, even though economic conditions are far worse.
John Mica’s Politbureau: How the Chamber Endorses While Pretending Not to Endorse
Flagler County’s Whigs and wigged coupled and clapped at the Palm Coast Yacht Club as John Mica accepted tributes and dispensed charismatic prepositions on his way to a 10th term in Congress.
Leery of Landowners and Litigation, Palm Coast Council Kills Latest Stormwater Proposal
Property owners of large and vacant lands objected to paying a stormwater drainage fee in exchange for no discernible benefit. The two-year old attempt to rewrite the ordinance continues.
Palm Coast Data’s Invitation-Only Picnic: Hot Dogs, Flattery and Suspended Disbelief
Half Palm Coast and the county’s elected officials and top administrators were invited to Palm Coast Data’s picnic. The public wasn’t. That’s not the main problem.
Census: Flagler’s Population Stalls at 91,600; 28% of Housing Units Vacant; Poverty Rising
The 2009 population figures mean that Flagler will almost certainly not cross into six-figure territory when decennial census figures are announced. Figures on housing, income, poverty and insurance were also released.
Income, Employment and Labor Data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 Census Bureau Community Survey
Detailed, charted table of the Census Bureau’s employment, income and labor data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 American Community Survey.
From Beirut to Bulldog Drive: Palm Coast’s Uncivil War Over Gus Ajram’s Property Rights
From escaping Lebanon’s civil war to building automotive businesses in New York and Edgewater, Gus Ajram never expected his biggest battle to be over his property rights in Palm Coast.