The county’s proposal would mean the end of Enterprise Flagler and the creation of a 9-member council chaired by the county, with cities and private-sector membership overseeing a $410,000 budget. Palm Coast’s buy in is a question mark.
Flagler County Commission
Flagler County Tax Rates Will Go Up 12%, But Tax Bills Are More Likely to Go Down
Flagler County’s tax rate is going up for the fourth year in a row to make up for collapsing valuations, but the rise will still not translate into a tax increase for most. The contrary may be true.
To Save Tax Dollars, Consolidate Palm Coast and County Fire Departments Into One
In a year of cutbacks and falling revenue, the presidents of the Palm Coast and Flagler County firefighter unions are proposing to consolidate the two fire departments into one as a way to save taxpayer money and become more efficient.
Another Budget Grilling By Commission Puts Clerk of Court Gail Wadsworth on Defensive
County Commissioners Alan Peterson and Barbara Revels questioned travel expenses that have “mushroomed” and wondered why there was no windfall from reduced retirement-compensation contributions. Wadswroth wasn’t happy.
Carver Center Lands $10,000 Grant from Bank of America, Tripling Private Fund-Raising Goal
For Barbara Revels and the Carver Center, the grant—equal to the amount the school board or the Bunnell city government are contributing—is one more vindication of a concerted effort to bring the gym back from the brink of extinction.
Involuntary Tows: Flagler’s Wreckers Get 25% Rate Increase, Their First in 8 Years
The county’s three wrecking companies–John’s Towing, Roger’s Towing and Saxon’s Wrecker–are significantly regulated, in this case by the Flagler County Commission, which raised the base rate 25 percent for most tows.
From Wildfires to Ocean Breakers: Flagler Launches Sea Rescue Unit
The Flagler County Fire Department’s ocean rescue unit will be on the beaches during special events, adding a rapid-response capability that hadn’t been available north of the Flagler Beach pier.
They’re On: County Repeals Ban On Flagler Beach Fireworks in 4-1 Vote
Eleven days after cancelling the county’s Independence Day fireworks shows, the Flagler County Commission this afternoon voted to allow the Flagler Beach show to go on.
$460,000 And Counting: With Federal Aid Unlikely, Flagler Will Bear Fires’ Entire Costs
The still-rising costs don’t help the county’s budget, which is acing a $5.5 million revenue loss from dropping property values. Gov. Scott could have minimized the impact, but he refused to ask for a federal emergency declaration, though previous, lesser fires had gotten such a declaration.
“You Smirked, Mr. Chairman”: Tea Party Puts County Commission On Notice
A tea party throng of close to 100 people jammed a county commission budget workshop Monday, cheering a promise that any tax increase would result in commissioners being voted out. The math on display was less reliable.
A Dissent on Canceling July 4 Fireworks: When Palm Coast Dictates to Flagler Beach
Canceling the fireworks in Town Center was justified, canceling them in Flagler Beach was not, argues Jeremy Mahoney, who sees the decision as another way of making Flagler Beach subservient to Palm Coast.
Optimism Replacing Anxiety Over Flagler’s Wildfires, But Local Costs Keep Climbing
There’s been three successive days of gains on the Espanola fire and elsewhere, with rain in the weekend forecast. The Division of Forestry is not letting up, however, as it plans to maintain a deployment of more than 200 firefighters in Flagler County.
Risk-Avoidance: July 4 Fireworks Canceled in Flagler Beach and Palm Coast’s Town Center
The Flagler County Commission canceled both fireworks shows, saying it would be too risky in fire-prone, drought conditions despite projected rains. The $30,000 worth of fireworks may be staged around Labor Day.
Exceeding Goal, Carver Gym Auction Raises $5,370, With More On the Way
Total fund-raising is approaching $7,000 as the gym’s viability, as a community and youth center for South Bunnell, is ensured for at least several years.
“Saturate Us With Resources,” Fire Commanders Tell Rick Scott in Flagler County
Gov. Rick Scott’s drive-by visit through Flagler County Tuesday afternoon entailed a short briefing and a short press conference, but no visit to an actual fire, and no plans of one.
Supervisor of Elections Asks for 6.5% Budget Increase As Other County Budgets Fall
The sheriff’s budget is declining, the property appraiser’s is declining almost 9 percent, and county government has asked each department to cut 10 percent. The supervisor of elections’ exception led to new clashes with the county commission Monday.
How Flagler County Is Controlling The Public’s Right To Know The Latest On the Fires
On County Administrator Craig Coffey’s orders, the 9:30 a.m. daily “stakeholder’s meeting” on the fires, which includes all agencies and governments involved, politicians, and even members of the public, is closed to media.
In a Victory for Flagler Boaters, FWC Rejects Its Staff’s Proposed Manatee Speed Zones
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission asked its staff to draw up a new compromise favoring Flagler County’s position on manatee speed zones on the Intracoastal, a significant defeat for manatee advocates.
Facing $6 Million Hit, County Begins Long Budget Season as Tax Hike Appears Inevitable
County commissioners are unlikely to elicit sympathy from taxpayers—or from employees facing a 3 percent pay cut from new retirement-contribution requirements, and a third year without raises.
Flagler Ranks Low in Latest Florida Forever Priorities, But Money Is Elusive Anyway
Only one project–the 4,200-acre Flagler County Blueway–made the list of the state Florida Forever priorities for preservation this year, and at a low ranking–with little to no money in the state fund anyway.
Flagler Whacks Proposed Speed Zones on Intracoastal as Manatee Advocates Protest
Tuesday’s public hearing was the latest step in months of wrangles between Flagler County and the Fish and Wildlife Commission over manatee-protecting speed zones on about a third of Flagler’s 18 miles of Intracoastal.
Summit-Scaling: Enterprise Flagler, Rising Again, Wants $6.5 Million Over 3 Years
What you can expect at Friday’s economic-development summit: Demands for more tax dollars, speculative promises of thousands of jobs from executives, skepticism and disconnects. In short, a retread of old scenarios.
Flagler Commissioner Nate McLaughlin Settles Ethics Violation With $600 Fine
The Florida Ethics Commission had offered a $1,000 settlement, which McLaughlin negotiated down to $600, with no admission of intentionally failing to disclose financial information.
Carver Gym’s Journey from Legacy to Ashes And Back–and How To Sustain It
Barbara Revels, the Flagler County commissioner, was chiefly instrumental in reviving Carver Gym’s fortunes, and setting it on course toward a sustainable future as a youth and community center. She sums up what’s been achieved and where to go from here.
County Property Values Fall Another 14%; Palm Coast: -12%; Tax Rates Heading Up
The declines, for the fourth year in a row, will define to what extent local governments must either raise taxes or cut services as they prepare next year’s budgets. Governments have little room to cut anymore, short of vitals services.
Auction On: Carver Foundation Leads Gym’s Rebirth As Revels Steers Ideas and Dollars
Carver Gym is back, brighter and shinier. But its future depends on sustained public support. An auction, immediately and electronically accessible to the public, is one of the ways the newly formed George Washington Carver Foundation hopes to tap into that support.
Flagler Power: From Bunnell By-Pass to Weigh Station to A1A Seawall, FDOT Retreats
Three times in the past 12 months, Florida Department of Transportation projects in Flagler County have foundered on the well-organized shoals of local opposition across government boundaries and fiefdoms.
Flagler Beach Against DOT’s Seawall: County Joins City’s Opposition, With Conditions
Flagler County doesn’t want a seawall in Flagler Beach either, but the county doesn’t want to lose $6 million in highway funding–earmarked for SR A1A’s protection–that it hopes to shift either toward a study or toward an alternative to the seawall.
Campaign Crumbs: Flagler Commissioner Nate McLaughlin Facing “Probable” Ethics Violation
The ethics complaint relates to an incomplete financial disclosure form McLaughlin filed during his campaign for the county commission last August. The complaint was filed by then0-incumbent Bob Abbott’s campaign manager, Ed Caroe.
Flagler Commissioners Endorse SunRail As Gov. Scott Prepares to Derail Commuter Line
SunRail would have connected DeBary and Tampa as a commuter rail line, which the Legislature approved in December 2009. Gov. Rick Scott is likely to kill the project by summer, ending Central Florida’s brief flirtation with alternative transportation.
Timely Boost: Feed Flagler Nets 2 Pantries $7,680, Enough to Buy 40 Tons of Food
The money is what’s left, after expenses, of Feed Flagler’s fund-raising that provided 2,000 free meals at 10 locations the day before Thanksgiving. It’s timely help as pantries begin to run dry.
Mystery Scarring Unsolved, Malacompra Trail Policing Is Turned Over to Biking Group
The Malacompra mountain bike trail, for years a somewhat anarchic free-for-all recently torn up by bikers, will now, in an unusual arrangement, be policed by a mountain biking group and supervised by county authorities in cooperation with Hammock conservationists.
Economic Development Set Punts Again to More Meetings, Postponing Hard Questions
The same five “strategic goals” were hashed over again in the third day of an economic development summit, and a fourth was scheduled in May, for yet another $7,000 for “facilitator” Don Upton, bringing his tax-funded total to $30,000.
Youth Center II: Carver Gym Rises Again As School District Takes Over Management
South Bunnell’s Carver Gym, no longer on the endangered list, will be run like the Youth Center on FPC’s campus: with money from the county–and other sources–and staffing from the school district, along with new controls and programming.
St. Johns Raises Impact Fees on Residential Construction, Decreases Them on Commercial
St. John’s decision to raise impact fees on residential construction contrasts sharply with discussions in Flagler, where developers and some elected officials want a moratorium on fees. Flagler’s fees are considerably lower than St. John’s.
Familiar Slogans and More Familiar Questions as 2-Day Economic Development Summit Ends
It was left up to Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon to remind the assembled that slogans don’t make economic development policy, and unity of message is still far from a given in a county with diverse interests and constituencies.
Marriage Encounters: Can This Man Bring Flagler Together for $1,100 an Hour?
The consultant Flagler County hired to shepherd local governments through their political and financial obstacles related to economic development has a long record of bracing cheerleading. Dividends are less clear.
Economic Development Summit: Diagnostic Kumbayas Drown Out Harder Questions
Day one of the summit produced generous and optimistic self-evaluations from some 60 elected and had-picked representatives of local governments, but no breakthrough on fundamental differences on economic development financing or leadership.
As County Health Departments Brace For Cuts in Vital Services, Flagler’s Makes Its Case
The Flagler County Health Department sees an average of 136 people a day, providing clinical, dental and maternal services, among other things, that no other agency provides. That safety net is in jeopardy.
Saving Carver Gym: Breakthrough In Sight, Barbara Revels Battles One Last Obstacle
County Commissioner Revels is preparing to submit a plan to the commission that would blend financial responsibility and management of Carver Gym between various groups while diminishing two existing employees’ direct control.
Local Governments Agree To a Therapist To Cut Through Economic Dysfunction
After a meeting lasting two hours and 17 minutes Monday, local governments conceded they have no agreement on economic development, except to meet again and let a “facilitator” help them find some.
Live: Flagler County’s Economic Development Summit
The economic development summit at the Flagler County Emergency Operations Center began at 5:30 this evening. For background on the summit, go here. For a recap and analysis of the meeting, go here. Click below to follow the summit moment by moment. Flagler County Economic Development Summit
Economic Development Summit: Can Flagler’s 33 Elected Get It Up?
Many plans, little agreement, no concerted action: Monday evening’s economic development summit between Flagler County’s seven local governments is unlikely to yield substantive results beyond a meet-and-greet of powerpoints.
Bob Pickering, Flagler Voice of Climate Safety, Wins National Weather Association Award
Bob Pickering, for 17 years a technician in Flagler County’s Emergency Management, won the national award from the National Weather Association for bridging weather forecasting with public safety.
Palm Coast Largely Rejects County’s Economic Development Track, Including New Tax
Ahead of Jan. 31’s countywide summit on economic development, Palm Coast is saying no to a new sales tax, no to a common pot that limits Palm Coast’s influence, and no to a new economic development council.
Blank Check: City and County Bankrolling Enterprise Flagler Without a Contract
Since 2006, Enterprise Flagler, the public-private economic development partnership, has received more than $1 million in taxpayer dollars from Palm Coast and Flagler County. Elected officials are just discovering there was no contract.
Seeking “One Voice” At Countywide Economic Summit, Commissioners Can’t Agree On Theirs
County commissioners can’t agree on what the county’s economic development plan should be, or what should come first–a strategy, a funding mechanism or a structure to manage the whole thing. They’ll try again Tuesday.
Blair Kanbar, Flagler County Commissioner from 1998 to 2006, Dies of Cancer
Blair Kanbar was 66. He won election to the county commission just two years after moving to Flagler from Massachusetts. His eight-year tenure coincided with Flagler County’s fastest-growth years.
Palm Coast Appears to Retreat from Airport Annexation, But It’s No County Victory
A proposed agreement between the city and the county over the Flagler County Airport gives in to the county’s ownership rights, but with so many caveats that the airport zone would be a quasi city neighborhood.
County Commissioners Trip Into “Inadvertent” Sunshine Violations Through Emails
County administrator Craig Coffey solicited feedback from commissioners on an economic development document he was preparing. Two commissioners copied their replies to fellow-commissioners, a violation of the sunshine law.