The settlement now goes before Gov. Rick Scott, who’ll issue an executive order requiring McLaughlin to pay the fine. McLaughlin’s attorney still contends that the Supervisor of Elections could have prevented the problem.
With or Without Palm Coast, County Would Lead New Economic Development Council
The county’s proposal would mean the end of Enterprise Flagler and the creation of a 9-member council chaired by the county, with cities and private-sector membership overseeing a $410,000 budget. Palm Coast’s buy in is a question mark.
Students as Customers, Universities as Businesses: Scott’s Plan To Texify Higher Ed
Gov. Rick Scott is following Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s lead in higher ed: merit pay for professors, tenure reform, and generally a greater emphasis on business-like measurement of whether professors are turning out students that meet certain goals.
Soaring Corporate Tax Credit Voucher Program Costing Flagler Schools Half a Million Dollars
A new law passed by the Legislature last year increased the amount of taxpayer dollars available for private-school vouchers, from $118 million to $140 million-money denied the public school system. Some 33,000 students, including 86 in Flagler, are enrolled.
Bunnell PD Seizes Ex-Cop’s Lost Flash Drive, Deleting Files Against His Consent
Roosevelt James, formerly of the Bunnell Police Department, lost his drive on June 21. The police department held it for 26 days “under review,” deleting files along the way, according to James, who’s calling for an investigation.
Health Reform Won’t Slow Costs as Spending on U.S. Care Nearly Doubles by 2020
U.S. Health spending will grow by an average of 5.8 percent a year through 2020, compared to 5.7 percent without the health overhaul. With that growth, the nation is expected to spend $4.6 trillion on health care in 2020, nearly double the $2.6 trillion spent last year.
Attorney General Bondi’s Motive Questioned in Firing of Mortgage Fraud Investigators
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi fired two assistant attorneys general who were heavily involved in investigating alleged mortgage fraud, including focusing on one firm that had contributed to Bondi’s campaign. Bondi says they had “shortcomings.”
Fire at Bunnell’s Palm Terrace Claims A Home and Burns One Victim
The mobile-home fire started just after 5 p.m. The owner, a man in his mid-20s, said he’d fallen asleep. His 5-year-old son was not in the house at the time.
Gov. Rick Scott on Impending Federal Government Shutdown: What, Me, Worry?
Rick Scott is unconcerned about the federal shut-down, saying its impact on Florida will be “minimal.” Much of the evidence says otherwise as millions of Floridians’ including Social Security and food stamps recipients, may be affected.
Mystery Midnight “Fireball” Serves Up Barroom Speculation, and Vain Search, In Flagler Beach
Patrons at an oceanfront Flagler Beach bar reported seeing a fireball over the ocean around midnight Tuesday, triggering speculation about a plane crash. It turned out to be no more than speculation.
School Board Rejects Administrators’ 2% Raise, Awards It to Lesser-Paid Professionals
The proposed raise for the 50-some administrators in the county, who make between $50,000 and $100,000, had triggered a political wildfire. Board members were more willing to give the raise to supervisors paid, for the most part, less than teachers.
Lightning Sets Off 10 New Wildfires, Not Counting a Half Dozen Quickly Put Out
The fires signal the danger of somewhat dry conditions as lightning-rich storms keep rolling through. There are no plans to re-institute a burn ban in Flagler for now.
Palm Coast Sets Intial Tax Rate 14% Higher With Goal of Whittling It Down By September
Palm Coast City Council members are trying desperately to hold the line on property tax increases, but will likely not succeed entirely. The final tax rate will still not translate into a tax increase for most.
Resuming Eastward March, Palm Coast Will Annex Graham Swamp’s 3,300 Acres
Palm Coast will annex the Graham Swamp area to better control its assets, which include the new Graham Swamp trail, but the annexation is also a beachhead on attractive property along Colbert Lane.
Boehner-Obama Debt-Ceiling Follies: Your Hair-Pulling Guide on Stats and What Ifs
How dire could the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling be? What are the possible solutions? Here’s a reading list to help you keep up as the clock ticks to next week’s deadline.
Flagler County Tax Rates Will Go Up 12%, But Tax Bills Are More Likely to Go Down
Flagler County’s tax rate is going up for the fourth year in a row to make up for collapsing valuations, but the rise will still not translate into a tax increase for most. The contrary may be true.
Paging All Parents: Flagler Schools Launch “Graduate One” Campaign on Aug. 4
Flagler schools want parents better informed and more involved as graduation requirements increase. The district is hosting a countywide orientation session at nine locations on Aug. 4 under the banner of its “Graduate One Everyone” campaign.
The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik
Those two men—two right-wing reactionaries, terrorists, anti-government white supremacists, Christians—have plenty in common with the fundamentalist politicians and ideologues among us who pretend to have nothing to do with the demons they inspire.
Florida Supreme Court Stubs Out Big Tobacco Appeals of Multi-Million Dollar Verdicts
The Florida Supreme Court this week rejected four appeals by tobacco companies fighting verdicts ranging from $3.35 million in Escambia t $1575 million in Alachua, each including R.J. Reynolds. The companies plan to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Sbordone’s Next Act: Ex-Playhouse Director Opens New Theater With Poetry Clash
Palm Coast’s theater scene is about to get much richer as John Sbordone launches his City Repertory Theatre with a “poetry clash” at Hollingsworth Gallery, where the theater will have its home for the coming season.
Murdoch’s US Hacking Scandals: 9/11 Victims, Bribes and “Anti-Competitive Behavior”
It’s not just in England: federal investigators are probing claims that Ruper Murdoch’s News Corp hacked into a competitor’s computers, that Murdoch papers attempted to hack into the phones of 9/11 victims and allegedly paid bribes to British police.
Why Attending Local Government Meetings Has Nothing To Do With Being Involved
No one was in the audience when school administrators making $97,000 a year made their pitch for raises. Don’t blame the public for not being there. It’s not the public’s fault, and there are far better ways to be involved.
Paying Tribute to Tea Party Faithfuls, City Council Candidates Hear Tax-Me-Not Earfuls
Opposition to tax increases in whatever form topped the list of concerns of several hundred people at a tea party-hosted encounter Palm Coast mayor and city council candidates.
Possible Suicide Victim Washes Up on Gamble Rogers Recreation Sands in Flagler Beach
The body of the victim, a man believed to be in his 40s, washed up before 11 Friday morning, with lacerations on the wrist. Portions of the beach were closed.
Unemployment Again Rises in Flagler, To 14.6%, and Stalls in Florida at 10.6%
The number of unemployed people in Flagler County jumped from 4,526 in May to 4,779 in June, a 5.3 percent increase, while the county workforce has decline by 2.3 percent over the year.
Palm Coast Data Revenue Drops 20% in 2011; Parent Company Posts $7.6 Million Loss
Revenue at Palm Coast’s largest private-sector employer declined to $73.6 million, from $92 million the previous year. The company’s revenue has dropped 40 percent in four years.
End of “Medicaid Tax Gimmick,” a Deficit Drag, Would Cost Florida Nursing Homes Millions
Medicaid payments to nursing homes were cut by $187.5 million this year. The end of the Medicaid “gimmick” would reduce nursing home budgets further, but help balance the federal budget deficit.
Bunnell Commission Says Nyet To Reducing $1 Million Police Force, Whatever the Savings
Bunnell City Commissioner Elbert Tucker proposed reducing the police department’s ranks to cut back its $1 million burden on a $4 million general fund budget. The rest of the commission smacked him down.
To Save Tax Dollars, Consolidate Palm Coast and County Fire Departments Into One
In a year of cutbacks and falling revenue, the presidents of the Palm Coast and Flagler County firefighter unions are proposing to consolidate the two fire departments into one as a way to save taxpayer money and become more efficient.
“Unsustainable” Florida Retirement System (Says Gov. Scott) Has Best Gains in 25 Years
The Florida Retirement System pension plan gained $19 billion in the fiscal year that ended on June 30. The 22 percent gain is the biggest in 25 years. The total value of the pension plan has soared to $128.4 billion, among the best in the nation.
Palm Coast’s Rabbi Shapiro and Education Trio Sue Over “Religious Freedom” Amendment
Florida’s so-called “Religious Freedom” amendment is misleading, the lawsuit argues, as it would reopen the way for religious, private school vouchers at public expense and turn the state into an arbiter of public dollars for religious organizations.
Citing Deception, Council Rejects Reinke’s $10,000 Request for Palm Coast Half-Marathon
Adding to the Reinke Sports Group’s troubled history, it is the third time in two years that the Flagler Tourist Development Council rejects a request for subsidies for the Palm half-marathon. The Flagler Auditorium had an easier time with its $10,000 request.
Do Flagler School Administrators Making $97,000 a Year Need A Raise? They Say Yes.
Some 25 Flagler school administrators make between $80,000 and $105,000 a year. They’re saying they were disrespected when denied a 2 percent raise. The school board is reconsidering.
Flagler Property Tax Bills Set to Drop Markedly As School Board Keeps 2012 Levy Flat
Contrasting with public perceptions that taxes are going up, a typical house may see a $150 drop from school taxes alone next year, giving Palm Coast and the county more room to maneuver for higher tax rates.
Is Flagler County’s Real Estate Industry Finally Brightening? Depends Whom You Ask.
Sales are increasing somewhat by volume but more than half the transactions are for cash, prices keep falling, foreclosures are increasing, and the overall economy shows little sign of improvement.
Dixie Check: Judge Orders Commandments Removed from County Courthouse Steps
A businessman had paid for the 6-ton monument, but a judge said its message was a clear government endorsement of religion, violating the establishment clause of the First Amendment.
In Flagler Beach, Anger and Hyperbole Over an Acting Manager’s Half-Year Limbo
Bruce Campbell has been in the job as acting manager since Jan. 2, a seven-month job interview unlikely to end until September, if then, as a deadlocked city commission battles messy politics and personalities.
Debt Ceiling Fallacies: How to Pay Down The Deficit Without Really Trying
The debt limit debate could have some catastrophic consequences for the economy, writes Kyle Russell, but politicians aren’t telling the whole story, and the fix isn’t nearly as bad as it may sound.
President Concession: Obama’s Conviction Deficit
If Barack Obama fears alienating potential voters, argues Donald Kaul, he should consider this: People like leaders who aren’t walking around with whipped cream on their faces all the time.
Pass-Through Crock: How Progress Energy May Once Again Nuke Its Customers
Progress Energy is already charging Florida customers $5.53 per month for non-existent nuclear-power plants slated for construction at unknown dates in the future. The Public Service Commission and the Legislature allow the scheme.
Coalition of Cities Meets, Its Mission As Fuzzy as Its Place in Flagler’s Economic Bog
The Coalition of Cities is Flagler’s smaller cities’ answer to being snubbed at a larger economic-development table. But the snub is over. The coalition remains. It’s not exactly clear why, and it underscores the frayed political landscape behind facades of unity.
Palm Coast Candidates Ask: When’s the Election? City: We’ll Get Back To You
Palm Coast’s city administration, responsible for running the city council and mayor elections scheduled for Sept. 13 and Nov. 8, hasn’t yet figured out whether to hold all elections in September or just the mayor’s race.
Flagler Rep. Bill Proctor: Public University Tuition Should Go Up by More than 15% A Year
Bill proctor, the St. Augustine Republican and private-college president, says tuition increases at public universities should be greater than 15% so Florida’s tuition costs can reach the national average faster.
DEP Forbids Deck on Flagler Pier Restaurant–Unless It’s Called a “Pier Extension”
The regulatory word game unsettled several members of the Flagler Beach City Commission, which nevertheless went for it in a 4-1 vote, clearing the way for a permit application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Economic Development Summit Cancelled Again as “Coalition of Cities” Revs Up
Cancelled once on June, the county-wide economic development summit set for July 27 was cancelled again as Bunnell and Flagler Beach’s break-away “coalition of cities” meets for the first time Friday.
They Feel Your Pain: Florida Legislature Home to 51 Millionaires
Millionaires make up almost half of the 40-member Florida Senate and nearly one-third of the 120-member Florida House. Legislators are paid $29,697 a year, with presiding officers making $41,181 a year.
Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal: Bancroft Family Members Now Regret Sale
Several key members of the Bankroft family which controlled The Wall Street Journal say they would not have agreed to sell the prestigious daily to Rupert Murdoch if they’d been aware of News International’s conduct in the phone-hacking scandal at the time of the deal.
Despite Shelving Desalination, Palm Coast Clings to “Low Pulse” Plans–for $213,000
The $213,000, left over from $1.7 million budgeted for desalination project’s latest phase, would keep a consultant working through quarterly meetings, and Palm Coast hoping to draft new partners for the now-defunct, $200 million project.
Jim Landon On Children’s Memorial Garden: “This Is Very, Very Personal For Some of Us”
Palm Coast’s year-old Children’s Memorial Garden provoked rare emotions from the city manager Monday as the council wrestled with conflict over competing visions for the pastoral garden near Waterfront park.
Tax Fears and $2 Million Gap Have Palm Coast Talking Firehouse Layoffs or End to EMS
The Palm Coast City Council clearly favored more cuts in services than tax increases during its first serious budget discussion of the year Monday, with the city’s fire department appearing to be the likeliest target.