Julio Allen, a 24-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was tied to a home invasion Saturday morning, along with Jody Medders and Edmon Welch, as details of the arrests emerged Monday, but only Welch was charged for the robbery. The two other men face different charges. The investigation continues.
Rape Crisis Failure:
How the Children’s Advocacy Center Betrayed a Victim at Her Most Vulnerable
After a Flagler Beach woman was allegedly raped on June 14, the Children’s Advocacy Center in Daytona Beach was responsible for providing a certified nurse to conduct an exam and gather evidence in a private setting. It failed on all counts. A FlaglerLive investigation reveals the extent of a failure that local police have been contending with since the center opted to cut its ties with the provider who’d ensured a functioning system for many years.
Supreme Court Denies Gregory’s Death-Penalty Appeal for 2007 Murders in Flagler Beach
William Gregory, now 30, was sentenced to death in 2011, for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Skyler Dawn Meekins, then 17, and her boyfriend Daniel Arthur Dyer, then 22, as they slept, and Skyler’s 1-year-old daughter was in a nearby room.
Second Home Invasion Involving an Older Victim in 2 Days Leads to Arrest of 2 Suspects
Two men are at the Flagler County jail this morning in connection with a home invasion that took place before 2 a.m. on North Anderson Street Saturday. It’s not clear if the suspects have a connection to the home invasion in Bunnell the previous night.
Assailants Beat Disabled Man and Rob Him of Four Firearms in Espanola Home Invasion
Richard Allen Pettit, a 60-year-old resident of 164 Espanola Road in Bunnell, says that as he was watching television Thursday night, four men entered his house, pulled him out of his wheelchair, threw him to the ground, beat him and robbed him of four firearms and cash.
Sheriff Says Conversation With Flagler Beach Manager on Key Police Changes “Never Happened”
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell told his city commission last week that Sheriff Manfre and Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez had no problems with Campbell’s proposal to eliminate the police and fire chiefs’ positions. Martinez and Manfre dispute that, with Manfre sternly saying that he never had a conversation about the changes with Campbell.
Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Geico Auto Insurer in Unusual Victory for Consumers
In a blow to the insurance industry, the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday ruled 5-2 that Geico could not require a woman to give a statement under oath as a condition of receiving injury benefits after an auto accident.
Wreck on Palm Harbor Parkway Sends 5 to Hospital, Including 3 Children and 83-Year-Old
Just as authorities were alerted to a wreck and chlorine spill at Old Kings Road and SR 100, a violent wreck involving two cars took place at the opposite end of town, along Palm Harbor Parkway, closing a segment of that road. The wreck sent five people to Florida Hospital Flagler, including three children and an 83-year-old man. None of the injuries were life-threatening.
Chlorine Spill From Pool Equipment Trailer Briefly Closes All Roads Around Old Kings Rd.
A spill involving up to 10 gallons of chlorine at Old Kings Road and State Road 100 in Palm Coast briefly closed all access to that intersection. The spill was the result of a crash involving a trailer pulling pool equipment, The crash occurred at around 4:45 p.m.
3 Wrecks That Left 2 Dead and 1 Severely Hurt Result in Light Fines, Stunning Survivors
Cyclist Frederick Martinez and driver Eduardo Luis Pacheco were both killed in separate wrecks on State Road 100 this year, and cyclist Terrance Conley was severely injured on palm Coast Parkway. The men responsible, including a Flagler sheriff’s deputy, were sentenced today to $500 fines in two cases, and a $1,000 fine in the deputy’s case, but they face no community service hours or suspension of driving privileges.
Palm Coast Sours on Traffic Cameras, Calling Fines “Outrageous,” “Overkill” and “Unfriendly”
In a surprising and radical shift, Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon used harsh words to describe the city’s red-light camera program, saying that while the system makes intersections safer, its harsh punishments are out of proportion with the crime, and Palm Coast’s drivers–and the city’s image–are suffering as a result. But he is less clear on how to improve the system, which he does not want dismantled.
Christopher Munson Accused of Strong-Arm Robbery at Flagler Beach 7-Eleven
The 7-11 store clerk rushed Christopher Munson when Munson pulled out a gun that turned out to be plastic. The two men fought and the clerk held Munson down in the parking lot until police arrived. The incident took place early Tuesday morning.
Covington Lane Homicide Victim Identified as Dennie Cayton, 60; He Was Stabbed
60-year-old Dennie Keith Cayton’s badly decomposed body was found on Jan. 11 in marshes behind the house at 16 Covington Lane in Palm Coast. He had been stabbed to death. While police suspected his identity early on, his body was not positively identified until after a bone examination at the University of Florida.
Armed Robber in Iron Man Mask Targets Palm Coast’s Wells Fargo Bank and Flees North (Video)
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office reports that a black male, about 5 feet, 4 inches tall, entered the Wells Fargo bank, brandished a handgun and demanded money. He was described as wearing a tan jump suit, an Ironman Mask, tan boots, gloves and a red and black backpack.
In Suspected Flagler Beach Rape, New Details Point to 2 Attacks and Disturbing Aftermath
The woman involved in the suspected rape case that’s shaken Flagler Beach since Friday alleges she was attacked twice by James McDevitt in the space of two blocks, the first time in front of a friend of McDevitt’s who urged him to stop. After the incident, the Flagler Beach police was denied a certified nurse for the incident analysis by the agency contracted to provide such nurses.
Flagler Beach Plans to Eliminate Fire and Police Chief Posts, But Both Departments Survive
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell wants to replace the fire and police chiefs with captains, and see them working the streets when necessary. The change, tentatively approved by the city commission, would eliminate high salaries but with proposed raises for the ranks, would only slightly lower payroll costs in the fire department, and raise them in the police department.
Flagler County’s Rescuers Take Flight in Tactical Operations Training Over Intracoastal
Ten members of Flagler County Fire Rescue and five Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies jumped out of Fire Flight up to five times each today in a rescue training operation at Bings Landing and over the Intracoastal that will vastly enhance water-rescue capabilities in offshore emergencies.
A Belatedly Apologetic Paul Miller, 66, Is Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole
Paul Miller was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the March 2012 murder of his neighbor Dana Mulhall, ending a 15-month saga that had stunned Flagler Beach and Flagler County for the brazenness of the murder and Miller’s demeanor since.
Grand Jury Charges Erick Niemi With 1st Degree Murder in Leonard Lynn Murder
Niemi was charged with second degree murder when the Flagler County Sheriff booked him on June 2 in the May 29 murder of Leonard Lynn, 76, on Ryken Lane in Palm Coast. The stronger charge makes Niemy, 42, eligible for the death penalty, if he is convicted.
James McDevitt, 21, Accused of Raping a Woman in Flagler Beach, 2 Blocs from a Cop
James McDevitt, 21, of Palm Coast, is at the Flagler County jail on $101,000 bond following the Friday morning allegation. A Flagler Beach police officer was addressing a situation involving McDevitt’s friend, and saw McDevitt and the alleged victim walk on shortly before the alleged incident. Because the cop was working the night shift alone, MccDevitt and the woman were not stopped, and walked on.
34-Year-Old Man Reports Being Robbed at Gunpoint and Ordered to Strip Off SR100
Shaun Williams, a resident of Holly Hill with a longish arrest record, claimed to Flagler County deputies on Friday that he was robbed at gunpoint in a cow pasture off State Road 100, and ordered to strip.
Flagler’s Firefighting and Helicopter Costs Expose County Tensions Over Wants and Needs
Looking at the near certainty of a tax increase, Flagler County Commissioners Monday continued to wrestle with a budget submitted by their administration that is adding to their costs rather than making it easier to fill a budget gap, or keep taxes from increasing. But the administration argues there’s no room for going cheap short of eliminating services.
For Second Time in 6 Weeks, Flagler Estates Area Is Site of Dead Person’s Dumping
The body of a victim was found incinerated in the trunk of a car discovered, still smoldering, early Friday in a remote area near Flagler Estates, on the St. Johns County side of the county line. Foul play is suspected.
Scott Signs Fast-Track Execution Bill, Making 13 Death Row Inmates Immediately Eligible
In signing the so-called “Timely Justice Act,” Scott went against the tide of calls, letters and emails urging him to veto it. As of Thursday, his office had received 447 phone calls, with 438 opposed to the bill; 14 letters, with 13 opposed; and 14,571 emails, with 14,565 opposed.
Lexus Driving Suspect Arrested in Burglary of 88-Year-Old Woman and Cash at the Nautilus
Steven E. Shurr, a 42-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was arrested Thursday in Bunnell and charged with robbing an 88-year-old woman of her jewelry in Flagler Beach, then robbing the office of the Nautilus condominiums at the south end of town.
Biker Evacuated by Air in Critical Condition After Wrecking on U.S. 1
A 42-year-old biker from Palatka was evacuated by air with severe injuries Thursday afternoon after he lost control of his motorcycle, sending it tumbling through the median on U.S. 1.
Palm Coast Pledges to Stick to $158 Red-Light Camera Fines and Tackle Vanished Payments
The Palm Coast City Council will forego adopting steeper fines, of up to $408, for red-light camera tickets, but it has yet to find a solution to a problem particular to the city: the large number of people who pay their tickets but whose payments appear never to register with ATS, the company managing–and profiting from–the system, causing drivers headaches and additional costs.
Troopergate: Florida Highway Patrol Was Wrong to Fire Charles Swindle Over Bogus Ticket
The Florida Highway Patrol shouldn’t have fired trooper Charles Swindle, who followed “the agency’s unwritten policy of professional courtesy” toward state legislators, a hearing officer ruled Monday. But that doesn’t mean the ex-trooper was right when issuing less expensive tickets last November to the lawmakers.
Florida Appeal Court Approves Weekly Check-Ins for Homeless Sex Offenders
In a case that may have ramifications beyond the Florida Panhandle, where it originated, a state appeals court Monday approved a Bay County Sheriff’s Office policy that requires homeless registered sex offenders to report by 10 a.m. each Monday about where, through a detailed log, they expect to spend the next seven nights.
Watch Live: George Zimmerman Trial
Live gavel-to-gavel coverage of the George Zimmerman on a charge of second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin. We have the NBC and WFTV news feeds.
40-Ton Tanker Truck Overturns on Palm Coast Parkway, Which Closes for Several Hours
After 11 or 11:30 a.m. Friday, the westbound lanes of Palm Coast Parkway will be closed to traffic for one to two hours, from Old Kings Road west, as crews right a tanker truck that overturned on the parkway. There were no injuries, and no environmental hazards.
Horse Killed, 2 People Injured, One Gravely, in Massive Wreck on SR100 and CR305
An older woman driving a pick-up truck was severely injured, the horse she was trailing was killed, and a man driving an armored truck that collided with the pick-up was hurt in a massive, rain-soaked collision at the intersection of State Road 100 and County Road 305 at 3:30 Thursday afternoon.
Argument and Death Threat Preceded Store Clerk’s Murder By a Week, Lawsuit Alleges
A lawsuit filed Wednesday on behalf of Zuheili Roman Rosado, the store clerk murdered at the Palm Coast Mobil convenience store in February, alleges that the gas station owner had witnessed an argument at the store between Rosado and a man who threatened to kill her, a week before the murder. The suit seeks compensatory damages from the gas station owner over claims of negligence and fraud.
A Pastor Reflects on Two Church Community Friends: Leonard Lynn and His Murderer
Rev. Beth Gardner, the pastor at Bunnell’s First United Methodist Church, heard the news of Leonard Lynn’s murder 10 minutes before services Sunday. He had been a member of her church community–as was his murderer, Erick Niemi.
FHP Director Julie Jones Is Shocked, Shocked to Hear of Troopers Issuing Fake Tickets
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Executive Director Julie Jones said she expects the agency will look into allegations of bogus tickets, described last week by a handful of former and current troopers during an administrative hearing on the firing of former FHP Trooper Charles Swindle.
Leonard Lynn Murdered In Savage Beating Three Days Before Authorities Found Him
According to his confession, Erick Niemi knocked Leonard Lynn’s head against the floor and choked him for 1 to 2 minutes Wednesday, killing him then–and, until his arrest Saturday night, remaining in the house for three days after Niemi had locked the lifeless body in a bedroom.
Man Is Killed at 26 Ryken Lane in Palm Coast, Suspect Charged With 2nd Degree Murder
Leonard Lynn, 76, was killed at 26 Ryken Lane in Palm Coast. Erick Niemi, a roommate, has been charged with second-degree murder. The murder was discovered Saturday evening. Niemi was picked up not far in the van he’d allegedly stolen from Lynn.
Gas Station Murder Victim’s Employer Is Jailed on Workers Compensation Fraud Charge
Zuheily Roman Rosado’s assassin remains at large. But on Friday, her employer, Mohammed Ansari, was arrested on a third-degree felony charge of workers compensation fraud. His lapsed policy may have cost Roman’s family up to $157,000 in lost death benefits.
Planning for Flagler’s Future, County Talks Library Repairs, New Fire Station and Jail
Expanding an overcrowded county jail, building a modern new sheriff’s operations center, upgrading an inadequate drainage system as urbanization changes the rural character of Flagler and improving fire and emergency medical response west of U.S. 1 were featured in the first of four strategic-planning sessions by the county commission Thursday.
11th Grader Admits to Bomb Threat at Flagler Palm Coast High School
An employee who’d been off Tuesday and Wednesday heard a phone message Thursday that referred to a bomb threat on the FPC campus, but the threat was for last Tuesday. The sheriff’s office recommended against evacuating the school and treated the matter as a “suspicious incident,” through the school was to be searched and a bomb squad called in.
FHP Troopers Speak of Unwritten Directive to Ticket Lawmakers Less Harshly Than Other Drivers
A sheriff who appeared at a hearing for a trooper fired over for being lenient toward a lawmaker said it’s a “common practice” that legislators have been given leniency on state highways, the same as law enforcement officers regularly waive rules for other law enforcement officers as a “professional courtesy.”
Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Scott’s Drug-Testing of State Workers as Too Broad
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals declared an executive order by Riock Scott to drug-test 85,000 state employees and all job applicants as mostly unconstitutional, but left room for a lower court decision to be rewritten to allow for certain employees in certain categories to be drug tested–essentially restoring Florida’s drug-testing standard to what it was before the governor’s executive order.
Elmer Carroll To Be Killed at 6 p.m. as Stay Is Denied; Exonerated Men Will Deliver Petition to Scott
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday denied the last appeal by Elmer Leon Carroll to stay his execution, On Thursday, Herman Lindsey and Seth Penalver – the 23rd and 24th men exonerated from Florida’s Death Row – will deliver a letter to Gov. Rick Scott, asking him to veto the Timely Justice Act, which will fast-track executions.
2 Children and 2 Teens Escape Injuries in 2-Car Wreck at Intersection of US1 and SR100
Kaenin Brinkley, 18, and Jasmine Lampley, 19, were driving their respective vehicles, Lampley with a 13-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy on board, when the two vehicles collided and one overturned, though no one was injured. Segments of U.S.1 and SR100 were briefly closed in mid-afternoon Tuesday.
81-Year-Old Stabs His Caretaker in a Clash Across the Street from Mayor’s House
August T. Lindquist, 81, was jailed on an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge Monday night after stabbing his caretaker outside his home on Flintstone Court, across the street from Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts’s home. Linsquist is in the early stages of dementia, when violent outbursts are not uncommon.
Palm Coast Mayor Netts Would “Violently Protest” Raising Red-Light Fines From $158
New legislation gives local governments like Palm Coast authority to raise red-light camera ticket fines to $408 if a drivers contests the ticket and loses. Netts’s opposition signals a slight but discernible shift in the mayor’s thinking about red-light cameras.
Feared Flagler Beach Bomb in Ammo Container Turns Out to Be Tackle Box; A1A Reopens
A military-style ammunition box left at the foot of the Barracuda Bay Motel sign in Flagler Beach triggered a bomb scare and closed A1A between South 10th and South 13th Streets Sunday afternoon. It turned out to be a fishing tackle box.
24-Year-Old Evacuated By Air After His Car Goes Airborne on I-95, Smashing Into Woods
Timothy Rudolph of Ormond Beach was evacuated by air late Friday night and I-95 northbound was closed for 20 minutes as a rescue helicopter made a landing on the highway three miles north of Palm Coast Parkway, where the single-car wreck took place.
Paul Miller Is Found Guilty of Murdering Dana Mulhall; He Faces Life in Prison
Paul Miller was found guilty of second degree murder in a quick verdict by a jury Friday afternoon. He faces a minimum of 25 years in prison, essentially meaning that the 66-year-old Miller will never walk free again.
Jury Deciding Whether Miller Killed Mulhall Out of Vengeance and Hate or Self-Defense
Jury deliberations began this morning after prosecution and defense made closing arguments in Paul Miller’s murder trial, portraying Miller either as a vengeful, angry and hateful man or an unsophisticated old man fearing for his life, and acting in self-defense.