From his window onto the boardwalk at the Flagler Beach pier, the author has been witnessing the intimate ritual of an ancient couple’s love for years, and understands exactly why they come to their their oceanfront table.
Guest Columns
Flagler’s Teachers Union President on FCAT, The GOP, and High-Stakes Misconceptions
Katie Hansen, president of Flagler County’s teachers union, forcefully argues against FCAT’s culture of high-stakes testing and false but pervasive notions that unions protect bad teachers and contribute only to Democrats.
Get to Work, Governor Scott, and Implement Health Care Reform Now
Now that the most conservative Supreme Court in the history of our nation has ruled that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional, perhaps it is time to redirect a little of that negative energy used to obstruct reform toward implementing the law and solving Florida’s health care crisis, writes former Florida House Democratic Leader Dan Gelber.
The Vagina Monologues Ungagged
Vagina. Uterus. “There,” writes Marry Jo Melone in a look at the Lisa Brown-GOP flap over the words. “I’ve said those dirty words, and boy, did it feel good. It’s curious what a little free speech will do. It clears the mind.”
Oceans on Acid: How a Greenhouse Gas May Be Taxing the Seas
The surge in worldwide emissions of carbon dioxide–a greenhouse gas–may be overtaxing oceans, which can absorb only so much of it before altering their acidification, and affecting marine life.
Charlie Crist’s Sexuality, and Ours
Rome burns. But the greatest issue before us is whether Charlie is gay. The rumors naturally reveal far more about those who spread them than Crist, argues Maty Jo Melone.
Michael Klubock, Ocean-Size Hero
Michael Klubock and his Malibu Foundation spent almost 20 years helping middle school kids understand the importance of protecting the oceans, especially against plastics. Frank Gromling showcases him.
Calling Their Tactic “Legal but Immoral,” Jim O’Connell Asks Flagler’s Write-Ins to Withdraw
In an open letter to write-in candidates in coming elections, Jim O’Connell, the former Flagler County Commissioner tells the write-ins their presence on the ballot will deny 40,000 voters their right to vote.
Facebook, First Amendment Rights and Employers’ Censors: The New Rules
Facebook’s big brothers: As employers develop policies to restrict what employees post on their personal Facebook pages, the federal labor board (NLRB) has found that employees fired or disciplined had engaged in “protected concerted activity” and were punished illegally.
Understated Slivers: The Unique Fragility and Vitality of Barrier Islands
Barrier islands such as the one that hosts Flagler Beach are fragile, diverse and play a vital, understated but often unappreciated role in coastal ecology and protection. Frank Gromling provides a tour.
Florida’s Voter Purge: There Is a Better Way to Ensure Accurate Rolls
Voter rolls to be as accurate as possible, but shouldn’t this be initiated through the 67 locally elected supervisors of election, who are constitutional officers? And shouldn’t this be done in a non-election year and in a non-redistricting year?
Best Way to Keep Florida’s Manatees Wild: Do Not Disturb
Manatees are experts at finding food and fresh water – they don’t need our assistance. Quite the contrary, they will do far better if we can give them a wide berth and keep our distance, writes Katie Tripp.
Dolphin Deaths and Seismic Shockwaves: A Theory
Dolphins have been washing ashore, dead, by the hundreds, in Peru. Scientists theorize that oil and gas exploration’s blasting underwater, which breaks dolphins’ bones around the ear, may be the cause.
Hero Whiplash: Abusing Soldiers, Misusing Honor
When it comes to talking about the troops who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, hero is the most overused word, while those who have sent them to Iraq and Afghanistan let themselves off the hook, argues Mary Jo Melone.
70 Homes and Counting as Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Project in New Orleans Builds On
Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation, which builds affordable homes in new Orleans’s deva In many cases, the private sector can move faster and better than government agencies. In my opinion, that is the record of Brad Pitt’s vision and action in New Orleans.
A Florida Senator’s Facebook Addiction
Florida Sen. Paula Dockery has had her adventures–and misadventures–on Facebook and Twitter. “For those of you who haven’t joined the world of social media,” she writes, “you are missing out on being connected in this less personal but oddly more personal world.”
Hi Governor Scott, It’s Me, an Early Tea Party Supporter. Not That Much Anymore.
Henry Kelley, a tea party activist, ran Rick Scott’s Okaloosa County campaign and was pretty much the only “No Party Affiliated” person, given his deep-seated mistrust of Florida Republicans. He now tells Scott of his disappointment with his tenure.
Invasion of the Giant African Snail: Florida’s Latest Slimy Bane
The giant African snail is again invading South Florida and possibly spreading north, devouring numerous crops such as banana, potato, onion and cabbage, and also eating stucco plaster and concrete. Frank Gromling reports.
Dear Gov. Scott: “We Are Going To Start Losing Teachers.” An Ex-School Board Member’s Plea
Evie Shellenberger, the former Flagler County School Board member, writes Gov. Rick Scott to warn him of despairing teachers and a generation of students left behind by Florida’s neglect of vocational education, and invites him to a one-on-one sit down discussion.
From Pathways Academy and Matanzas High To Beverly Beach: A Sea Oats Odyssey
Students from Pathways Academy and Matanzas High School planted 750 sea oats along Beverly Beach’s dunes through a University of Florida project and the initiative of Beverly Beach Commissioner–and FlaglerLive columnist–Frank Gromling, who relates the story.
The Flip-Side of Voter Suppression: Not Everyone Needs to Vote
It is a staple in the newspaper business – especially left-wing newspapers – to exhort people to vote at every election. Conservatives, however, are more interested in quality than quantity, argues Lloyd Brown.
There’s Only So Much Palm Coast Government Can Do About Eyesores and Vacant Lands
From the Palm Coast Players Club to the Sheraton/Palm Coast Resort or Sesame Island, the city has very limited legal or financial means, absent much higher taxes, to take over such properties and convert them to something residents would prefer, argues city council member Frank Meeker.
The Threats Are Out There: Asian Tiger Shrimp Invade Gulf’s Ecosystem
The Asian tiger shrimp, predatory and cannibalistic, is one of many invasive species being discovered in the Gulf of Mexico and possibly along Florida’s East Coast, that threaten local habitats and fisheries. Frank Gromling reports from New Orleans.
Fake Gun. Real Fear. Small Consequence: A Mother’s Outrage at Flagler Schools’ Response
On March 2, Gloria Kollosch’s son and a friend left Matanzas High School on their bikes, and had a confrontation with other Matanzas boys, who brandished a gun–a fake gun, which they thought was real. The school district responded with a slap on the wrist, calling the incident a “prank,” and blatantly contradicting its own Code of Conduct, Kollosch argues.
Return of the Sea Turtles: Flagler’s First Sighting Renews a Million-Year Ritual
The first sea turtle to scout for a nest on a Flagler beach did so Tuesday, renewing a ritual going back 200 million years. She scouted Columnist Frank Gromling’s beach backyard for her nursery. A report from the sands.
The Citizen Scientist:
Inside Marine Mammal Research Offshore
Frank Gromling describes his two days off the coast of St. Johns County as he assisted marine mammal scientists in various research projects about endangered whales.
Protecting the Oceans: Your Role
Individuals can have a big role in protecting oceans no matter here they live. The key in ocean protection is to get started today, right now, argues Frank Gromling, who provides a list of suggestions.
Stare Decisis Their Ass: The GOP’s Activist Judges
Scorn for “activist judges” has been a staple of the Republican playbook ever since it was Earl Warren’s Supreme Court. Now that it’s John Roberts’s court–or should we say Antonin Scalia’s?–and a Democratic president is calling them out, the rhetorical roles have reversed overnight.
Protecting the Oceans to Protect Life
The oceans are not an inexhaustible source of good things, argues Frank Gromling. It is past time for every earth-dweller to make a pivotal change in direction to allow the oceans to recover to their former health and productivity.
Bob Graham, the First Lady and Umbarger: Honoring Florida’s Book Award Winners
Caren Umbarger, artistic director of the Flagler Youth Orchestra, was among the authors honored by First Lady Ann Scott at a Governor’s mansion luncheon recognizing the winners of the Florida Book Awards. Umbarger recounts the experience.
Your Password, Please: When a Job Interview Includes Demands for Facebook Pages
In a society where privacy is constantly eroding, recent efforts by some employers to pry into Facebook pages to investigate job applicants should be resisted as an unwarranted intrusion on personal freedom and dignity.
Between a Tortoise and a Turtle
Living on the Atlantic Coast, we often hear about sea turtles while gopher tortoises get second billing, though they’ve inhabited Florida and a few other southern states for millions of years. A primer.
What Does a Black Father Say to His Son?
In the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin, everyone has been talking about mothers having the talk with their sons. But I haven’t heard enough about us — fathers, black men — having that conversation with our sons, writes Andrew Skerritt.
Before You Next Feast on Seafood
Does it really matter what fish we eat? Yes, says Frank Gromling, if health and overfishing are concerns. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch programs helps consumers and restaurants figure out how to do their part in preserving fishing stocks.
Gov. Scott, Veto the School Prayer Bill
Today, several Florida and national leaders of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, including Palm Coast’s Merrill Shapiro, sent the following letter to Gov. Rick Scott, urging him to veto a school-prayer bill that cleared the Legislature.
Going Green on St. Patrick’s Day
Adding “Going Green” to our St. Patrick’s Day activities makes perfect sense, while lending a little fun to the festivities. Frank Gromling provides a list of suggestions in his Coastal View column.
When Rick Santorum’s Official Language Blares Idiocy
Rick Santorum telling Puerto Rico’s people this week that they must all speak English before the island can become a state is the latest of many idiotic, exclusionary statements during his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, argues Angel Castillo Jr.
Piety’s Double Edge: When Deeds Speak Louder Than Public Prayers
As Gov. Rick Scott readies to sign into law Florida’s school prayer bill, how can legislators push for “inspirational messages” in classrooms while they work to destroy access to affordable healthcare, a woman’s right to choose and the rights of service workers to earn a decent wage?
Seeking Thaw, Flagler School Board Pleads Its Case Against Teachers’ Charge of “Bad Faith”
School Board member Colleen Conklin and Superintendent Janet Valentine explain why the controversy over a controversial provision in teachers’ contract doesn’t tell the whole story.
The North Atlantic Garbage Patch: A Plastic Soup Ladled from Consumption
A floating garbage dump consists of billions of small plastic man-made items stretches in the Atlantic from Cuba to Maryland by way of Florida. Here’s what you can do to keep plastics and other litter out of the oceans.
Palm Coast At Its Worst: Felled on Old Kings Road, and for 20 Minutes, Nobody Stops
Inna Hardison’s 20-year-old son was traveling on his motorcycle on Old Kings Road the evening of March 3rd when he struck a boar and was thrown from the bike and injured. It was 20 minutes before anyone bothered to stop and help.
What It’s Like to Be The Whale Guy: The True Story of Getting A Life
In his debut column for FlaglerLive, Frank Gromling relates his long association with the Marineland Right Whale Project and the Atlantic right whales’ 1,400-mile annual migrations along Flagler and Florida shores.
Bio: Frank Gromling
Frank Gromling, owner of Ocean Publishing in Flagler Beach, is an author, publisher, adventurer, conservationist, and entrepreneur, and now a regular contributing columnist to FlaglerLive.
In a Response, Jim Manfre Recasts Sheriff Fleming’s 8 Years in Harsh Terms
Responding to Sheriff Don Fleming’s earlier criticism, Jim Manfre, a candidate for sheriff, calls Fleming a liar while assailing him over employment lawsuits, issues at the jail and other matters.
Florida’s Misguided Lunge for Internet Sales Taxes
Nancy Nally, a Flagler County-based web publisher, argues that Florida’s proposed law to compel internet merchants to pay sales taxes won’t level the playing field or increase revenue, but hurt local businesses like her own.
When 125 Students, Infinite Expectations and Untold Critics Encircle Teachers’ 36-Hour Day
Down time after dismissal? Summers off? Think again. Matanzas High School teacher Jo Ann Nahirny, in her latest installment from the trenches, describes permanent on-call nature of a teacher’s days and evenings.
Responding to Criticism, Sheriff Fleming Calls ex-Sheriff Manfre a “Legend In His Own Mind”
The two sheriffs have a long history of rivalry and mutual criticism dating back to 2004, when Don Fleming replaced Jim Manfre. In 2008, Fleming defeated Manfre by less than a 2 percent margin.
It’s Not About Religious Liberty. It’s About The Church’s Opposition to Contraception.
Religious liberty is window dressing for the bishops’ real objection, birth control. Republicans who used the bishops’ complaints for their own partisan purposes may continue to rail about Obama’s “war on religious liberty,” but it’s unlikely we will see them standing beside the bishops as they complain about contraception.
Pit-Bull Blood Money:
Why Breed-Specific Bans Don’t Work
Florida in 1990 made it illegal to discriminate against dogs because of their breed, but gave Miami-Dade an exemption. Bills are moving through the Legislature to remove this exemption, but Miami-Date is resisting. It’s about money.
“He Looks Like He Just Came Out of Auschwitz,” But DCF Blames the Child Anyway
Florida’s Department of Children and Families rewards workers who stage photo-ops and punishes workers more interested in “getting it right” than “getting it done.” Corners will continue to be cut and children will continue to pay the price, argues Florence Snyder.