The Flagler County Commission has a busy meeting, Vidya Herbs USA and Metronet launch their local operations in separate events, Loreen of Sweden’s win, Turkey’s election, suburban homes.
Luddites Then and Now
It’s not clear whether Ned Ludd was a real person, or simply a figment of folklore invented during a period of upheaval. But his name became synonymous with rejecting disruptive new technologies – an association that lasts to this day.
The Student Protesters Were Arrested. The Man Who Got Violent in the Parking Lot Wasn’t.
College students arrested. A parking lot altercation. A retired teacher waking up to a broken window. Events at a school district in Conway, Arkansas, illustrate the alarming trend of unrest at school board meetings across the country.
Jeannette Simmons on Mental Health Month
The City recently collaborated with Jeannette Simmons, a Licensed Mental Health counselor and Chief Innovation Officer of local non-profit organization Flagler Cares, to highlight some of the most important mental health issues in our area.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, May 14, 2023
It’s Mother’s Day, Maya Angelou’s love or her mother, Toni Morrison on motherhood, Shine Mindfulness Group, Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village.
Deconstructing Tupac’s ‘Dear Mama’ and Hip-Hop’s Relationship with Motherhood
Of the long list of lyrical tributes to mothers that rap artists have recorded over the past 50 years, perhaps none has had as an enduring impact as Tupac Shakur’s “Dear Mama.”
Sky’s The Limit Touch-a-Truck Event Set for May 27 in Palm Coast
The third annual ‘Sky’s the Limit’ Touch-a-Truck event will be on May 27 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. along Park Street in Central Park featuring more than 75 vehicles from multiple agencies.
Ban the AR-15, ‘America’s Rifle’
A bipartisan bill was introduced in Texas to raise the minimum age to buy assault weapons. It shouldn’t have taken nearly this long for gun-loving Texas to take an action that is supported by a majority of Americans. The slaughter at a suburban shopping mall was the tipping point.
Jeffrey Giancaspro, 60, Dies in Single-Vehicle Crash on Landing Boulevard in Town Center
A 60-year-old Palm Coast man was found unresponsive at the wheel of his car in Town Center, after it crashed into brush on Landing Boulevard Friday evening. Jeffrey Giancaspro was pronounced deceased shortly afterward at AdventHealth Palm Coast.
Andrew Mintz Turns Himself In to Jail and Is Released on $100,000 Bond in Flagler Beach Pier Crash
Andrew Craven Mintz, the 34-year-old Palm Coast man at the center of a three vehicle crash that narrowly missed several local officials and a child near the pier in April, turned himself in at the Flagler County jail Friday evening, six weeks after he was charged.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, May 13, 2023
The American Association of University Women scholarship awards and installation banquet, Palm Coast Spring Makers Market, discussing artificial intelligence with ChatGPT, and HAL.
Comstock Laws Make a Comeback
Anti-abortion groups are looking for new ways to wage their battle against abortion rights, eyeing the potential implications of a 150-year-old law, the Comstock Act, that could effectively lead to a nationwide abortion ban.
An Artist’s Tribute: Diana Gilson’s ‘Intuitive Sensibility for Color, Shape and Line’
“We shared a common interest in art history and many of the same influences,” writes JJ Graham of Diana Gilson, who died in April. “The time that I spent with her and the studio artists at Hollingsworth will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most enriching and rewarding periods of my life as a painter.”
Sheriff’s SWAT Team Members Place in Top 10 at National Sniper Competition
This is the second year in a row FCSO’s SWAT Snipers have placed in the top 10 during the annual national sniper competition. This year’s competition and training was held in St. Petersburg/Clearwater
Taylor Manjarres Pleads Out in R-Section Home Invasion Murder, and Faces Up to 20 Years Instead of Life
Taylor Manjarres, 19 at the time, had teamed up with Kwentel Moultrie and Zaire Roberts for a drug deal with Danial Marashi at Marashi’s parent’s home on Regent Lane in Palm Coast in December 2021. Marashi shot and killed Roberts. Manjarres and Moultrie were charged for murder. Manjarres will now testify against Moultrie, who faces life in prison.
At Sheriff’s Ceremony: ‘Behind Every Fallen Officer, a Family Who Bears the Burden of Loss’
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office held the annual Fallen Heroes Memorial Candlelight Vigil Thursday evening, the first time the ceremony was held at the new Sheriff’s Operations Center in Bunnell.
In Flagler Beach, Jane Mealy Warns Eric Cooley of ‘Consequences’ Over Conduct. He Doubles Down.
Flagler Beach City Commissioner Jane Mealy warned Commission Chairman Eric Cooley of unspecified “consequences” if he were to ever treat her the way he did at a special meeting last week. Cooley conceded that he had been “spitting fire,” doubled down, dismissing Mealy’s criticism as “armchair quarterbacking” and accusing her of not behaving like an adult.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, May 12, 2023
LGBTQ+ Night at Flagler Beach’s Coquina Coast Brewing Company, the Blue 22 Forum, Yogi Berra sayings on his birthday, the green light Gatsby sees on the distant dock.
Behind Record Low History Scores for 8th Graders
While one top U.S. education official described the scores as “alarming,” the decline actually began nearly a decade ago. From the perspective of education reform and policy, the latest history and civics test scores were a predictable outcome.
Indian Trails Teacher JaWanda Dove Loses Her Attorney Over Refusal to Settle Discrimination Suit Against District
Almost three years after filing an employment discrimination suit against Flagler County schools, and a few settlement offers that even her attorney implored her to accept, Indian Trails Middle School teacher JaWanda Dove may now head for trial representing herself, as her own attorney asked the court to be relieved of representing her.
FPC Removes 2 Books Under Challenge Without Review, Abruptly Cancelling 2 Committee Meetings
Flagler County’s three book-banners are getting their way the easier way: the books they’re challenging are now getting removed without committee review, even though such a process is set out in district policy. Twice in the last three weeks, Flagler Palm Coast High School abruptly cancelled scheduled challenge-review committee meetings at the last minute, “weeding” the books instead.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, May 11, 2023
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets, and will consider paying $83,000 for another year of insurance on the condemned pier, the Palm Coast Democratic Club meets, Neil King’s American Ramble.
Sexual Abuser: The Verdict Against Trump
The Trump attorneys’ line of questioning reinforced common myths about sexual assault that have been perpetuated in other high-profile sexual assault cases, such as those of comedian Bill Cosby and Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.
Wadsworth Principal Paul Peacock Ordered on Leave Over Employee Complaints as District Hires Investigator
Wadsworth Elementary School Principal Paul Peacock has been placed on administrative leave with pay and barred from all district campuses or from contact with any employees pending the resolution of an independent investigation stemming from several employee complaints about Peacock, internal documents show and school officials say.
DeSantis Signs Most Restrictive Bill Against Undocumented Migrants in the Country
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed what both he and his critics agree is the strongest anti-illegal immigration bill passed by any state legislature in the country on Wednesday. Speaking in Jacksonville behind a podium with a sign reading, “Biden’s Border Crisis,” the governor blasted the president for the large influx of undocumented immigrants that has occurred across the U.S.-Mexican border over the past couple of years.
Court Disputes Behind It, Community Cats of Palm Coast Set for Grand Re-Opening at City Marketplace
Community Cats of Palm Coast, which operates the City Marketplace adoption shelter at 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite B-110, and a thrift store there at Suite C-101 (upstairs and downstairs), has been in business for 10 years, helping rescue, trap and deal with feline problems in the area.
T-Bone Crash at County Road 302 and CR305 Results in ‘Incapacitating Injuries’ for Both Drivers
A two-vehicle collision at the crash-prone intersection of County road 302 and County Road 305 in western Flagler County Tuesday evening resulted in two injuries, one critical, one serious, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
The Atlantic Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State’s Separation Chat at Pine Lakes Golf Club, Elana K. Arnold on the misuses of girls.
How Your Dog’s Behaviors Can Impact Your Quality of Life
Dog ownership has several benefits for people’s psychological and physical health. However, relationships with dogs are complex and can involve some conflicts. Undesired dog behaviors such as aggression and barking are the leading reason people give up their dogs.
Haircuts and 10,000 Pounds of Food: Flagler Spring Fling Outreach Delivers to 90 Families
Flagler County Health and Human Services Department delivered up social services agencies and associated vendors at its May ‘Flagler Spring Fling Outreach’ that, in turn, provided haircuts, meaningful information, and 10,000 pounds of food.
At Charter School, DeSantis Signs Bills Against Teacher Unions and For School Board Term Limits
The bill (SB 256) bars public sector unions, including those for teachers but not for police or firefighters that tend to support the governor, from deducting dues from members’ paychecks, requiring employees to write checks instead. Furthermore, unions’ membership would have to constitute 60% of a bargaining unit, an increase from the old threshold of 50%.
DeSantis, On a Death Run, Signs 4th Execution Warrant in Less Than 4 Months
Duane Owen, 62, is scheduled to die by lethal injection June 15 in the murder of Georgianna Worden, who was bludgeoned with a hammer and sexually assaulted in her Boca Raton home in May 1984, according to the death warrant and court records.
On Flagler’s Ban List: Elana K. Arnold’s What Girls Are Made Of, a Review and a Recommendation
“What Girls Are Made Of,” Elana K. Arnold’s deconstruction of a 16-year-old girl’s being and nothingness, is one of 22 titles three Flagler County residents want banned from high school libraries. A Flagler Palm Coast High School committee takes up the challenge on Thursday.
Hang 8 Dog Surfing Contest Returns to Flagler Beach in All Its Ridiculous and Timely Exuberance
This time the Hang 8 Surfing Contest’s organizers are better prepared than they were last year, when they expected 50 people, maybe 100 at most, and got overrun with about 500. Hang 8 since its first edition last year has caught waves of attention, and gives Flagler Beach a break from seriousness, polarization and mountains of challenges.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Lag Ba’omer Community Bbq at Bing’s Landing, Community Traffic Safety Team, The Flagler County Planning Board, origins of the word paradise.
Israel Is a Powder Keg Waiting to Blow
Even as Israeli society tears itself apart and investors pull their money from the country in response to the proposed overhaul of the justice system, many members of the government remain ideologically committed to neutering the courts – no matter the cost.
Rick Scott Wants Full-Time Armed Security in Every School in the Country
Sen. Rick Scott has filed federal legislation that would create a block grant program to be run through the Department of Justice to support hiring law enforcement officers to provide full-time security at every K-12 school in the country.
From REACT to Flagler County Assist: Crucial Volunteers Rebrand
For the past four decades, Flagler County Assist REACT volunteers have supported and responded to events and emergencies in Flagler County. The organization recently discontinued its affiliation with REACT International to develop a partnership with Flagler Volunteer Services.
9 Arrested on Federal Indictments in Phoenix-to-Palm Coast Drug Pipeline
A more-than-yearlong federal and local investigation into a drug pipeline from Mexico, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Palm Coast led to the indictment on federal trafficking and conspiracy charges of nine individuals, including two from Palm Coast and three from Bunnell.
Later Start Time for Middle and High School Students in Flagler Means Earlier Start for Younger Ones
A bill awaiting the governor’s signature would ban school start times before 8:30 a.m. for high schools and 8 a.m. for middle schools, starting in the 2026-27 school year. The Flagler County School Board had been reconsidering its own start times–but in the other direction. Now, it may be faced with making tough choices regarding elementary-school start times, which would go from latest to earliest starting times in the county.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, May 8, 2023
The Bunnell City Commission meets, a mother who abused her 12-year-old daughter pleads out, Louise McNeill’s Gauley Mountain, Louis Moreau Gottschalk’s birthday and last hope.
Banning Disliked Speech: America’s One Bipartisan Plague
Much of the rising intolerance to speech has a common thread: Instead of using speech or protest to counter the speech or expression that critics dislike, people on the right and the left appear to want to prevent ideas they don’t like from entering the conversation.
Diana Gloria Gilson, 1941-2023
Diana Gloria Gilson (née Rowe) died peacefully at home on April 19, 2023 in Palm Coast, Florida. Like her Mother, Diana was an accomplished, well-known artist, who worked in numerous media and preferred abstract expressionism as her style.
4-Day School Week Is Gaining Popularity, But Not Among State Lawmakers
Nationwide, the number of four-day schools has increased by 600% over the past two decades, now numbering more than 1,600 in 24 states. Many four-day schools report higher test scores, fewer discipline problems and strong support from parents.
Wayne Evensen, 1951-2023
Wayne Evensen, born on May 1, 1951, passed away on May 6,2023 in Palm Coast after a long battle with cancer caused by Agent Orange.
End Language that Dehumanizes Immigrants
Sensationalizing, stigmatizing, and misleading imagery and rhetoric surrounding immigration leads to near-constant use of the term “illegal” or “unlawful” to describe unauthorized crossings. An advocate for immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and trafficking is alarmed by the use of this language to describe a migrant’s attempt to survive.
Palm Coast Attempts to Control Canal Weed With Grass Carp
The City of Palm Coast Stormwater & Engineering department is implementing an eco-friendly alternative method to aquatic weed biological control in the canals in Palm Coast by rehoming triploid grass carp to several locations throughout the community.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, May 7, 2023
Last of Arthur Miller’s ‘All My Sons’ at City Repertory Theatre and the songwriters’ festival, record oil profits at your expense, Couperin’s mysterious barricades again, Eric Newby down the Ganges.
Exploitation of Hollywood’s Writers Is Digital Feudalism
Serfs lost stability in their everyday lives as they were thrust into a new economic system. Precarity, debt and a lack of stability are again the dominant themes in today’s digital economy. The gig economy, in which people can juggle two or three part-time roles to make ends meet, is largely to blame.
Christine S. Deal, 1925-2023
Christine S. Deal passed away Sunday, April 30, 2023.