Unseen and unheard opponents of the cold-weather shelter in Bunnell have complained to that city’s mayor. Shelter advocates made their case at a city commission meeting this week.
From Biggest Flirt (E. Bartley) to Most Likely to Succeed (Kaci Ellis): FPC’s Oscar Night
FCAT results and teacher of the year awards give way to the real student Oscars at FPC: a complete list of the winners and nominees, and an image gallery of the show.
Pill Mill Regulation Price Tag in Florida: $65 Million; Medicine Board Approves New Rules
The $65 million cost of the proposed pill mill rules would be due to urine test requirements on patients and other minor costs that would be spread out among 1,300 pain management clinics and tens of thousands of patients.
Spotted Seatrout Fishing Prohibited in February North of Flagler-Volusia Line
The harvest and possession of spotted seatrout is prohibited from Feb. 1 to March 1, 2011 in all waters north of the Flagler/Volusia counties line to the Florida-Georgia border.
Leak at the Flagler Auditorium Pushes
Ten Tenors’ Gigs to Wednesday and Thursday
A leak in the middle of the Flagler Auditorium caused by the heaviest rains of the winter caused the Ten Tenors’ performance Tuesday, Jan. 25, to be rescheduled to Thursday, Jan. 27. Wednesday’s performance will go on as planned.
Palm Coast Largely Rejects County’s Economic Development Track, Including New Tax
Ahead of Jan. 31’s countywide summit on economic development, Palm Coast is saying no to a new sales tax, no to a common pot that limits Palm Coast’s influence, and no to a new economic development council.
Child Neglect, Drug Charges, Rotting Food in Palm Coast’s R Section Land 4 in Jail
A 10-year-old child was removed from the home at 20 Rockne Lane in Palm Coast and turned over to child services. Thomas Ksiezopolski, Nina Holley and three others face a variety of charges.
Bunnell Manager Armando Martinez Forced To Give Up Cop Shield, But Not Extra $7,500 Pay
The Florida Constitution forbids public employees from holding two public officer jobs simultaneously. Martinez had argued that he was a cop but not a “public officer” as such. The city attorney disagreed.
Who’s Afraid of Musical Menopause–Or Virginia Woolf? Culture Worth The Miles
“Menopause, the Musical,” at Orlando’s Plaza Theatre, Edward Albee’s “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf,” “West Side Story” at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, a benefit for the Ronald McDonald House, and more.
Blank Check: City and County Bankrolling Enterprise Flagler Without a Contract
Since 2006, Enterprise Flagler, the public-private economic development partnership, has received more than $1 million in taxpayer dollars from Palm Coast and Flagler County. Elected officials are just discovering there was no contract.
Seeking “One Voice” At Countywide Economic Summit, Commissioners Can’t Agree On Theirs
County commissioners can’t agree on what the county’s economic development plan should be, or what should come first–a strategy, a funding mechanism or a structure to manage the whole thing. They’ll try again Tuesday.
Zora Neale Hurston Festival in Eatonville, Jan. 22-30
The Zora Neale Hurston Festival in nearby Eatonville (just north of Orlando), Jan. 22-30, celebrates the life of one of Florida’s and black and American literature’s greatest 20th century voices.
Ten Tenors, Two Nights, One Flagler Auditorium
The Ten Tenors made the Flagler Auditorium part of their inaugural US itinerary in 2002. They’ve performed here every year since, and will be there Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 25-26.
Blair Kanbar, Flagler County Commissioner from 1998 to 2006, Dies of Cancer
Blair Kanbar was 66. He won election to the county commission just two years after moving to Flagler from Massachusetts. His eight-year tenure coincided with Flagler County’s fastest-growth years.
’03 FPC Grads Brandon Anderson and Jonathan Alter Win Half-Marathon and 5K
Some 346 runners finished the two races, Palm Coast’s first half-marathon, with temperatures around 37 degrees at the start: just right for runners.
Palm Coast Half-Marathon Results By Division, Jan. 23, 2011
Palm Coast Half-Marathon Results By Division and overall winners (183 finishers, including 102 women and 81 men. Average time: 2:05:22).
Palm Coast 5K Results By Division, Jan. 23, 2011
Palm Coast 5K Results By division and overall winners, Jan. 23, 2011. (165 finishers, including 104 women and 61 men. Average time: 39:43).
Olbermann’s End, Markowitz’s .406, Stokes’s Chamber: Live Wire Weekend, Jan. 21-23
What Harpo Marx wrote JFK in 1960, what far-away planets look like, why lovers really fight, a 13 year old tries to set a masturbation record, but not at the chamber of commerce, and more.
Sock Hops, Narcotic Nostalgia and Interracial Kisses: “Hairspray” Rocks the Flagler Playhouse
In “Hairspray,” gaudiness and 1962 have never been so much fun. The Flagler Playhouse is reviving the 2002 Broadway musical with a cast of 45 and a parade of showstopping kitsch.
Arbor Day Memorial: A Redcedar Rises in Town Center, a Gift from Palm Coast’s Garden Club
Palm Coast’s Garden Club memorialized seven of its late members in an Arbor Day ceremony at Town Center Friday, featuring its southern redcedar gift to the city. The tree will become a focal point of Christmas-tree lighting ceremonies.
Reality Check: The GOP’s Straw-Stuffing Health Care Repeal
If repealing health care without presenting an alternative is the best thing the new GOP majority can do in an economic crisis, pack up your worries about 2012 right now and congratulate Obama for his second term.
Flagler Unemployment Seesaws to 15.7%, Florida’s Rate Unchanged at 12%
Both Flagler’s and Florida’s unemployment rates have been stuck within the same range for more than a year, with no signs of breaking the trend. Flagler’s numbers again show a decline in the labor force.
RV Smash-Up Closes I-95 Just North of Flagler and Triggers Another Chain Wreck
Two related crashes several miles apart in the southbound lanes of I-95 closed the interstate for several hours Thursday afternoon and early evening. There were no major injuries.
Bunnell’s Central Commerce Park Finally Breaks Ground, With an Order of Wendy’s
A new Wendy’s restaurant in April will be the first business at Flagler Central Commerce Park in Bunnell, a 1 million square foot commercial development seven years in the works. So far, no other business has signed up.
Hold Those Tax Cuts, a Cedar for Town Center, Swiss Guns and AT&T Nonsense: The Live Wire, Jan. 20
Republicans aren’t buying into Rick Scott’s tax-cut deceptions anymore, the Swiss may be rethinking their lust for guns, relationships in the age of the cougar, horoscope nonsense, a Tylenol forum, and more.
Top Cops, Public Defender, Commissioners Pick Bulic as the Next Medical Examiner
Flagler, St. Johns and Putnam have been without a medical examiner–one of government’s least visible, most important positions–since Jan. 1. A high-powered committee is making its recommendation for a new examiner today following interviews of five candidates.
St. Johns County Extends Burn Ban Through Mid-April
The St. Johns County Commission extended the burn ban through April 18 as little persistent rain is expected in the region. Flagler County’s burn ban is in effect, but doesn’t yet stretch that long.
City Council in Dog House Over Holland Park
Though it has $10 million to build a city hall, Palm Coast claims poverty when it comes to improving Holland Park, the city’s busiest. Residents aren’t happy.
Oh Hell! To Choose Love By Another’s Eyes: Culture Worth the Miles
Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” at the Orlando Shakespeare Theater, “Five Course Love,” a manatee festival in Orange City, the Best of Broadway, and more.
Call 911: Flagler’s Emergency Dispatch Center Briefly Disabled When Extinguishers Misfire
No one was hurt, and 911 dispatching was interrupted at most for two minutes, but the 911 call center had to be evacuated Tuesday morning, and for at least 24 hours.
Doctors Are Coming, Loads of Them, But Should Public Dollars Defray Conference Costs?
The 5th Annual Primary Care Spring Conference will bring some 300 physicians to Hammock Beach Resort in April. Flagler County’s Tourist Development Council is ready to approve a $10,000 public-dollar subsidy.
Right Whale Alert: Mother and Calf
Off Flagler Coast Today
A mother right whale and her calf are gliding south along Flagler’s coastline today. They were seen of Jungle Hut Road in the Hammock this morning.
A Night at the Homeless Shelter: From the Eyes of a Volunteer
Charlie Ericksen Jr., a volunteer at Flagler County’s homeless shelter–The Sheltering Tree–describes the refuge on a recent cold night.
Cops Swarm on Alleged Car Robber Near John’s Towing in Bunnell (Updated)
A man and a young woman of about 18 were pulled out of a white pick-up truck and handcuffed, and some eight Sheriff’s Office cars were at the scene for more than an hour Monday afternoon.
Martin Luther King Wings It, Florida’s Tolerance Ranking, Wikileaks vs. Tax Cheats: The Live Wire, Jan. 17
Martin Luther King’s speechwriter recalls the improvisation of “I Have a Dream,” Florida’s tolerance ranking is so-so, the Onion News Network arrives, so does “We Are Palm Coast,” and more.
John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689)
John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689), religious and otherwise.
WNZF’s David Ayres Hanging Up on “Open Lines” to Make Room for Rush and Beck Live
After hosting “Open Lines” for two years, and with Rush Limbaugh coming on, WNZF General manager David Ayres is shuffling the station’s lineup. He’ll host a weekly Saturday show.
Palm Coast Data Lays Off 31 More As Another Major Customer Plans to End Its Contract
A principal shareholder of Palm Coast Data parent Amrep Corp. and customer of Palm Coast Data is ending its association with both. The company is nowhere near its 2008 pledge to hire 700 more employees locally.
FPC Briefly Locked Down After Feared Robbery in Target Shopping Center Lot
Flagler Palm Coast High School was locked down for a few minutes in early afternoon today following false reports of a robbery in the Target shopping center nearby.
These Dorks’ Fun Begins After They Get Hit By a Bus: “Forever Plaid” At Flagler Auditorium
“Forever Plaid” is a musical tribute to the 1950s, to innocence, to lovable dorkiness and to four-part harmonies. The show has been pleasing audiences for more than 20 years across most continents.
Belle Terre’s Agatha Lee and Maggie Carcagente Are the Year’s Top Teacher and Employee
It’s Belle Terre Elementary’s year: Agatha Lee is a second grade teacher there, and Maggie Carcagente is a special education paraprofessional. Their district victory gave Belle Terre a sweep this year.
Legislators Bash Pill Mill Crackdown Delays They — and Gov. Rick Scott — Provoked
Florida senators are complaining about the state department of health’s slow implementation of pill mill crackdowns. But the Legislature and Gov. Rick Scott are to blame for the delays.
One Nation, As Good As It Gets, A Barbaric Cop, More Gainesville Follies: The Live Wire, Jan. 13
Obama’s speech and Wednesday’s memorial for the Tucson massacre victims, Sarah Palin’s “blood libel,” a barbaric cop in Florida, Terry Jones puts the Koran on trial, product placement fanaticism, and more.
The Sheltering Tree, Flagler’s Cold-Weather Homeless Shelter, Calls for Your Help
The Sheltering Tree in Bunnell has already had to open 22 nights this cold season, with many more to come, taxing volunteers and their resources. Here’s how you can help.
Elderly Driver Loses Control in South Bunnell, Knocks Motorbike, Smashes Into a House
The 68-year-old Palm Coast resident was driving north on US1 when he lost control over several blocks, driving against traffic, onto a shopping center’s lot and, finally, smashing against an occupied house. He survived.
Fake Marijuana, Fake Glock, Alleged Kidnapping, Real Charges and Jail for 3 “Losers”
Michael Vieira wanted to buy Marijuana from Jordan Marrero. Marrero sold him and Vieira’s friend grass clippings for $100. There was a chase. An alleged beating and alleged kidnapping. All three ended up in jail.
Flagler Sheriff’s Deputy With Past Blemish Is Jailed on Cash Evidence Theft and Misconduct
Matthew Koenig, with the Sheriff’s Office since 1998, was accused of burglary in 2008. That charge was dropped. He was jailed Wednesday on a charge of stealing almost $5,000 from evidence envelopes.
Postcard-Size Economic Development: Palm Coast’s Plea to Absentee Property Owners
The city administration is planning to send postcards to owners of some 18,000 empty lots and 5,400 empty homes as a step to reviving the real estate market, though the city’s development policy is at cross-purposes with filling those empty lots.
News-Journal Pounds 71-Year-Old Palm Coast Man’s Door Over $3.97 Bill; Gun and Cop Follow
Robert Leard of Palm Coast’s R section dropped his subscription last year. A salesman showed up and pounded on his door Saturday night. Frightened, Leard told him to “get the hell away from my door.” All over $3.97.
Animal Kingdom Hippos, the Parthenon, and a Candlelight Vigil: Culture Worth the Miles
Wild Africa Trek, a unique 3-hour new African-wildlife inspired experience at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Josh Garrick’s photographic Parthenon retrospective, honoring MLK and swimming in watercolors at Maitland’s Watercolor Society.