Denise Calderwood is a Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 2, facing incumbent Greg Hansen and Janet McDonald in the Aug. 23 primary. It is an open primary: all Flagler County voters are eligible to vote regardless of party affiliation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 11, 2022
The NAACP Flagler Branch hosts a forum for candidates for the Palm Coast City Council and the Flagler County Commission, remembering the Iowa State Fair, Bill Burr, Orwell.
Social Media? No. Blame Cable News for Idiocy Politics.
Roughly 17% of Americans are politically polarized – 8.7% to the left and 8.4% to the right – based on their TV news consumption. That’s three to four times higher than the average percentage of Americans polarized by online or social media sources.
Appeals Court Will Decide Whether You Can Pass Water and Food to People in Line to Vote
Attorneys for the League of Women Voters of Florida, the Black Voters Matter Fund, the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and other plaintiffs filed a 67-page brief asking the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a district judge’s ruling that said increased “solicitation” restrictions near polling places violate speech rights.
Palm Coast Fire Department’s Jeremy Barton Gets American legion’s 1st Responder Award
Palm Coast Fire Driver Engineer Jeremy Barton has been awarded the 2022 Law & Order and First Responder Award by the Flagler American Legion Post #115 for his outstanding contribution to the fire service for his leadership of the Driver Engineer Field Training program for the Palm Coast Fire Department.
‘Disturbing’ Beach Erosion Near Pier Meets Split and Muddled Response from Flagler Beach Commission
A 90-minute emergency meeting of the Flagler Beach City Commission this morning resulted in more confusion, disagreement and speculation than direction on how to address what City Manager William Whitson described as “disturbing” and relatively sudden erosion of a massive portion of beach at the pier and just north of it. Others–including surfers and a city commissioner–said the sand has merely migrated, and will return of its own.
Sims Jones, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Sims Jones is a candidate for Palm Coast City Council, District 2, running against Theresa Carli Pontieri, Shauna Kanter and Alan Lowe. All registered voters in the city may cast a ballot in that non-partisan election regardless of party affiliation or location in Palm Coast.
Arming Teachers Is Not the Answer. Limiting Access to Guns and Addressing Mental Health Is.
Problems have escalated to such a point that it has helped drive good people out of the classroom and negatively influenced people willing to become teachers. This is especially true in schools with a reputation for having a culture of discipline issues or weak community support.
Goodwill’s New 16,000-SQ. Ft. Store Marks Opening with Ribbon-Cutting Aug. 17
Goodwill Industries of North Florida will celebrate the new store’s opening with a ribbon cutting on August 17 — National Thrift Shop Day — at 10 a.m. with Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin.
Flagler’s Vote-By-Mail Total Already Far Exceeds All of 2018’s, With Primary Election 13 Days Away
The Flagler County Supervisor of Elections had tabulated almost 9,000 ballots turned in by mail or at its lone, now ostensibly “monitored” drop-box in Bunnell, exceeding by 1,150 the total number of ballots mailed in during the 2018 primary election cycle, the last off-year election.
Shauna Kanter, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Shauna Kanter is a candidate for Palm Coast City Council, District 2, running against Sims Jones, Alan Lowe and Theresa Carli Pontieri. All registered voters in the city may cast a ballot in that non-partisan election regardless of party affiliation or location in Palm Coast.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
The Flagler Beach City Commission holds a special meeting on beach erosion, John McWhorter on texting, Magellan from 1519 to 1990, on trashy novels.
No Respect: Efforts to Combat Teacher Shortages Don’t Address the Real Problems
The reasons teachers are leaving primarily revolve around the disrespect they and the profession consistently face. For example, teachers earn about 20% less than similarly educated professionals. They also faced an escalating workload, even before the pandemic placed additional demands on their time, energy and mental health.
Stark Numbers on Palm Coast’s Unaffordable Housing Crisis Emerge Behind a Routine Presentation
A housing report Palm Coast government is required to submit to federal authorities every five years, presented to the City Council today, opens an alarming window into the city’s most dire housing needs and stresses for middle and lower-income residents.
Christian School Challenges Ban on Pre-Game Prayer, Citing Recent Supreme Court Ruling
A Tampa Christian school has asked a federal appeals court to find that the Florida High School Athletic Association unconstitutionally prevented a prayer over a stadium loudspeaker before a 2015 high-school football championship game.
Palm Coast IT Director Doug Akins Earns Certified Government Chief Information Officer Designation
The City of Palm Coast’s Information Technology Director Doug Akins recently completed the John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government’s Certified Government Chief Information Officer (CGCIO) program. Director Akins is one of only 245 certified professionals in the state.
Appointed in 3-1 Vote, Pete Young Is a Bunnell City Commissioner Again, 14 Years Later
The Bunnell City Commission Monday evening voted 3-1 to appoint Pete Young, who had served one term on the commission between 2006 and 2008, to the seat vacated by the resignation in July of Robert Barnes. It is the sixth time in four years that a seat has turned over on the commission, the third by appointment.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 9, 2022
The Palm Coast City Council is in workshop, The Community Traffic Safety Team meets, Remembering Nagasaki and wondering why there won’t be a moment of silence.
New Photos Suggest How Trump Flushed Official Documents Down the Toilet
Into the sewer. That appears to be the intended destination of what look like torn-up presidential documents in photographs released by reporter Maggie Haberman to the news publication Axios, which published them today.
Ballot Effort to Legalize Recreational Marijuana in Florida Launches
Trulieve, the state’s largest medical-marijuana operator, and country-music legends The Bellamy Brothers are backing a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow recreational use of marijuana by people 21 or older.
Massive Erosion Strikes North and South of Pier; Flagler Beach Commission Calls Emergency Meeting
Erosion north of the Flagler Beach pier and around 13th Street South has left portions of the shore without beach, with sheer cliffs of sand instead, as was the case along much of the Flagler shore following Hurricane Matthew. Yet there’s been no major storms. County and Flagler Beach officials are concerned, and examining options.
In Wake of Robert Barnes’s Resignation, Bunnell Commission Grapples With What To Do Next
For the second time in 13 months, the Bunnell City Commission is grappling with a resignation and how–or whether–to fill the vacated seat before the next election, scheduled for March. The charter leaves certain parameters undefined.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 8, 2022
The Bunnell City Commission discusses how to go about filling another vacancy, highs only around 90 (pack a sweater), FYO open enrollment, beer bellies, lepers and conspiracy theories.
Social Media and the Misuses of Images of Carnage from War
With social media in the mix and the never-ending competition to be first, editors are publishing and distributing images with less consideration for traditional editorial restraint and balance between gore and meaning – and with less context about the images themselves.
FPL’s Covert Campaign Against the Free Press
FPL got a consultant to hire a private investigator who spied on a Florida Times Union reporter, his girlfriend, and their dog. FPL CEO Eric Silagy swears he didn’t do it. And, if somebody did it, he didn’t know about it.
A School Supply Drive for Bunnell Elementary
In support of Bunnell Elementary School, the Bunnell Police Department is hosting a School Supply Drive now through August 10. Donations can be dropped off at the police station, 1769 E. Moody Blvd, Building 14, behind the Flagler Government Services building.
Volusia/Flagler YMCA Completes $100,000 Renovations at 3 Locations
The association-wide renovations started at the Ormond Beach branch this past February and have continued to include completion of the Holly Hill and Southeast Volusia Family YMCA locations. Planning is currently underway for renovations at the DeLand, Four Townes and Port Orange branches.
Andrew Gillum Fraud Trial Moved to April
A trial that could determine whether former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum is convicted of federal wire fraud and conspiracy charges has been delayed until April, according to an order issued by a federal judge on Thursday. Pushing the trial back to April 17 from its initially scheduled August 16 date is “reasonable and appropriate” in the case, U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor wrote in the order.
Gov.-Appointed Florida Board of Medicine Targets Treatments for Transgender Youths for Ban
Amid an outcry from the LGBTQ community and harsh criticism from a host of physicians and health-care professionals, the Florida Board of Medicine on Friday advanced a plan that would ban doctors from providing treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy to transgender people under age 18.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 7, 2022
A view of American from abroad, Remembering Philippe Petit’s walk between the World Trade Center towers, the Gulf of Tonkin REsolution’s relationship to the Hatfields and McCoys.
The UN Declares a Healthy Environment a Universal Human Right
The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on July 28, 2022, to declare the ability to live in “a clean, healthy and sustainable environment” a universal human right. It also called on countries, companies and international organizations to scale up efforts to turn that into reality.
An Open Letter to Flagler County Voters Against Extremism, Buffoonery and Their Disturbing Candidates
The abuse of position and process (particularly by school board members) is egregious. The wasted hours in all three elected boards’ meetings (school board, county commission, Palm Coast council) on ridiculous, petty–or worse: imagined–problems has been sickening to endure, Jake Scully argues in a plea for well-researched votes in the coming elections.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 6, 2022
It’s the annual Back to School Jam at Flagler palm Coast High School, Sunshine and Sandals Social at Cornerstone, The First Saturday Creative Bazaar Arts and Craft Market, discovering Arturo Marquez and the Autum Concerto for trumpet, Octavio Paz on the Mexican exception.
Developments Would Halt in Flagler, Devastating Economy, If County Voids School-Planning Accord
If the Flagler County Commission makes good on bailing from a crucial joint agreement with cities and the school board on school construction on Sept. 1, without a new agreement in place, it would be potentially devastating to the local economy: many local developments would stop. People would be out of work. The local economy would be needlessly jolted. The commission will decide later this month whether to agree to a later deadline enabling a new agreement to be in place by then.
Trump-Boosted Christian Nationalism Going Mainstream Despite History of Violence
The Christian nationalist movement is “as ethnic and political as it is religious,” and relies on the assumption of white supremacy. Christian nationalism combines belief in a particular form of Christianity with nativist and populist political platforms. American Christian nationalism is a worldview based on the belief that America is superior to other countries, and that that superiority is divinely established.
2 Years of Probation for Woman Whose Dangerous Pitbull Bit Off Part of Child’s Nose
Melissa Gilham, 45, had faced a third-degree felony after bringing her dangerous dog to a running event in Palm Coast, without muzzling or designating it as such. The dog bit an 8-year-old girl, unprovoked, who had to undergo at least two surgeries to repair her nose.
Rejected in 2020, DeSantis Appoints Renatha Francis Again to Supreme Court, Despite Ethical Issues
The governor named Francis for a high court vacancy in 2020 but the sitting justices refused to seat her because she hadn’t been a member of the Florida Bar for the constitutionally mandated 10 years at the time. A recent news report showed she has been the subject of as many as five ethics complaints alleging she’d been unfair to litigants.
Mid-Season Update Still Projects Above-Normal Atlantic Hurricane Activity
Atmospheric and oceanic conditions still favor an above-normal 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, according to NOAA’s annual mid-season update issued today by the Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 5, 2022
Pleas and docket sounding in circuit court, First Friday in Flagler Beach, a few thoughts on prohibition, the Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, Nothing’s the matter with Kansas.
Why Crossing the US-Mexico Border Is Deadlier Than Ever for Migrants
Fatalities result from two intersecting phenomena. One is the massive growth in the federal government’s policing system in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands since the mid-1990s. The other is the strong and profoundly unequal ties between the United States and the home countries of most unauthorized – or undocumented – migrants.
School Board’s Colleen Conklin Rips Into ‘Inappropriate’ Developers’ Involvement in Policy Negotiations
The long-simmering tension between the school district and home builders surfaced today as Conklin addressed it directly, challenging the way developers have sought to influence public policy in the county and on the school board.
DeSantis Suspends Twice-Elected Hillsborough State Attorney Over Abortion Stance
Saying that a twice-elected Hillsborough County prosecutor has put himself “above the law,” Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday suspended State Attorney Andrew Warren for pledging to not enforce Florida’s 15-week restriction on abortion.
Solution in Sight in Months-Long Conflict Over School Construction as Halt to Big Developments Looms
A compromise proposal suggested by School Board member Trevor Tucker may resolve a conflict that has divided Flagler County government and the School Board, along with some of the county’s cities, over how builders and developers are billed for school construction. Absent a resolution, more than a dozen large developments could be brought to a halt.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 4, 2022
The Oversight Committee discussing the inter-local agreement, or ILA, between the school board, the county and Flagler’s municipalities regarding school concurrency, meets, Louis Armstrong, America’s assassination of jazz.
Kansas Vote for Abortion Rights Highlights Supreme Court’s Disconnect
The Kansas referendum’s result, by which voters made their opinions directly known on abortion, highlights the disconnection between public opinion and restrictive state abortion laws passed by many conservative state legislatures after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Joe Mullins Declares Himself and His Companies ‘Insolvent,’ ‘Riddled with Debt’ and ‘Potentially Bankrupt’
County Commissioner Joe Mullins in court pleadings and testimony claims he has a net worth of negative $675,000, that his companies are juggling debt, his Ferrari and Mercedes vehicles are under water, and that he may be bankrupt. The self-portrait of relative indigence contrasts with his claims as a successful businessman and steward of the county’s finances, and appear to differ from his financial disclosure form filed filed ahead of this year’s election.
First Lady Announces launch of Resource Site to Navigate Dizzying Realities of Cancer Care
First Lady Casey DeSantis on Wednesday announced the launch of Florida Cancer Connect, an online resource site for cancer patients to hear from survivors and access information to help navigate the dizzying realities of battling cancer.
Greg Hansen, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Greg Hansen is a Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 2 primary on Aug. 23. He faces Janet McDonald and Denise Calderwood. All registered voters in the county, regardless of party affiliation, get to cast a vote in this race, which will decide the next commissioner.
Matanzas High School Addition Leads $165 Million in Planned School Construction Over Next 5 Years
The Flagler County school district is tentatively projecting to spend $18 million for an expansion of Matanzas High School, $70 million for a new middle school and $77 million for a new high school over the next five years, not including additional millions for ongoing maintenance.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 3, 2022
The Flagler Woman’s Club’s election forum for county commission and school board candidates, the Palm Coast Code Enforcement board, Happy Birthday, James Baldwin.