52-year-old Lisa Simmons of Brandon was shot through the femur Saturday evening at the Cowart Hunting Camp off County Road 305 when her boyfriend mistook her for a hog.
American Soldiers Committing Atrocities: Placing the Blame Where It Belongs
From posing with corpses of insurgents to going on murderous rampages, American soldiers’ atrocities in Afghanistan are becoming routine. Without absolving the military of its responsibilities, the real isn’t the soldiers’ alone.
At Nature Scapes, Palm Coast Garden Club Grows Its Annual Show Into a Special Event
The Palm Coast Garden Club found a new home for its annual garden show at Nature Scapes, the stately nursery on Old Brick Road, where, on Saturday, some 50 vendors drew a few thousand visitors and plant lovers.
The Citizen Scientist:
Inside Marine Mammal Research Offshore
Frank Gromling describes his two days off the coast of St. Johns County as he assisted marine mammal scientists in various research projects about endangered whales.
Jacksonville Symphony in Palm Coast Sunday For Its Annual Pilgrimage to Rhythm of Pops
The Jacksonville Symphony’s pops concert at Town Center is the Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s annual gift–well, at $35 a pop–and fund-raiser for an eventual arts center. Some 52 musicians will play works by Copland, Mozart, and Broadway and movie tunes.
Flagler’s Medical Reserve Corps Marks National Volunteer Week
The Flagler County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit dedicated April 15 to 21 to mark National Volunteer Week as MRC units across the nation held volunteer recognition events while supporting activities that strengthen public health and emergency preparedness.
Pick-Up Truck Nearly Decapitated in Rig Collision on SR100; Driver, 21, Critical
Luke Weston Barraclough, 21, was driving west on State Road 100 when he failed to see a rig in time as the rig was making a turn onto a cabbage farm to pick up a load. Fire Flight took Weston to Halifax Hospital with serious injuries. SR100 was closed for 90 minutes this afternoon.
Flagler Youth Center’s Student Advisory Council Is United Way’s Group of the Year
The United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties named the Flagler County Youth Center’s Student Advisory Council its Youth Volunteer Group of the Year.
Flagler and Florida Unemployment Rates Drop Sharply, Confirming Uptick in Economic Activity
Flagler County’s and Florida’s unemployment rates dropped significantly in March, solidifying an economic recovery and confirming what many local business owners have been saying for the last several months: the last quarter’s economic activity is the best they’ve seen since the beginning of the Great Recession.
Tea Party’s Tom Lawrence, Back to His Roots, Endorses ½-Cent Sales Tax Before 135 Partiers
Tom Lawrence, the ardent anti-tax tea party chairman, was the champion of the sales tax Palm Coast lobbied for 10 years ago. He urged the Flagler tea party membership to support the tax again at the polls this year, boosting county government’s arguments for the tax, which Palm Coast so far has not embraced enthusiastically.
Bed Soars: At Flagler County Jail, a Daily “Shell Game” Balancing Risk With Overcrowding
A tour of the Flagler County jail reveals the sort of calculations jail staff must make every day to fit close to 150 inmates in a facility built for 132 as the sheriff and the county commission try to convince other governments–and voters–that money is needed to expand.
Computer Repair Trip Nets Flagler Truck Driver 40 Counts of Child Pornography
When Bunnell resident Merle Shamblin attempted to cross into Canada this morning, border patrol agents arrested him on a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office warrant charging him with 40 counts of child pornography.
DCF Goes Dr. Spock: A Free E-Book on Parenting at All Ages
From coping with a crying child to potty training techniques to keeping your teen drug-free and other parenting FAQs, the Department of Children and Families’ booklet, “Family Development: A Caregiver’s Guide,” is now available through a free download.
Bunnell’s Freddie Emanuel Airlifted to Halifax After Being Struck by a Car On East Booe
Freddie Emanuel, 57, was crossing Bunnell’s East Booe Street when he was struck by a car. Emanuel has spent many of his recent years in the Florida prison system.
Counties Challenge Juvenile Detention Costs
The challenge to Department of Juvenile Justice rules is part of a string of related legal disputes involving at least 10 counties over how much of the detention tab counties should pay. The case may have repercussions across the state.
A $300 Million Cut for Florida’s Higher Ed, a $350,000 State Grant for Flagler College
The Legislature cut $300 million from the state’s higher education budget this year, but found a $350,000 gift to help renovate a historic property at Flagler College, whose chancellor is retiring Republican legislator Bill proctor, who also represents Flagler County.
FCAT 2.0: Computer Snags in Flagler Schools Compound Students’ and Teachers’ Anxieties
FCAT testing began this week, and with a dozen tests administered by computer only, to save money, teachers in several Flagler schools are reporting students being arbitrarily logged off, losing work and time and worsening already stressful conditions.
Ron DeSantis’s Out-Of-State Donors Net Him Money Lead in Local Congressional Race
Of the $508,400 raised by three GOP candidates for the congressional district that includes Flagler County, just 0.4 percent of that came from Flagler, an indication of how marginal Flagler may be in this congressional race.
A Quarter of Gov. Scott’s Vetoes Slash Health Spending, Research and Education
A sampling of vetoes included money for such things as meningitis immunizations for children, the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Broward County, a fetal-alcohol clinic in Sarasota and a mobile-health unit in rural Gadsden County.
Judge David Monaco of Florida’s 5th District Court of Appeal Announces His Retirement on June 30
Jeb Bush appointed Judge David Monaco to the 5th District Court of Appeal in 2003. The 10 judges of the 5th District Court of Appeal oversee the decisions of 100 circuit judges in 13 counties, including Volusia and Flagler.
Publix Crash Video and 911 Calls Reveal Harrowing Impact and Brave Aftermath
As a surveillance video clearly shows the crash and its aftermath, within 58 seconds of impact, a large group of people had been organized around the car, deep inside the store, to lift it and free an 83-year-old man pinned underneath.
Comment Sections Are Evil
Website comments have been compared to the writing on (public) bathroom walls or worse. Moderating them is a dirty job. Eliminating them altogether as some squeamish newspapers have, is dirtier still.
Capt. Jeff Hoffman of Daytona Beach PD Wins the Job as Bunnell’s Next Police Chief
Jeffrey Hoffman, 41, been a captain in the Daytona Beach Police Department since January 2001, supervising 75 uniformed patrol cops, he’s been in that police department since 1991, and lives in Ormond Beach. He’ll be taking a $45,000 pay cut.
Scott, in St. Johns, Signs $70 Billion Budget, Vetoing Only One-Fifth Last Year’s Amount
The vetoes were a sharp decrease from the $615 million in spending Scott killed last year, though he struck dozens of transportation and cultural programs and asked state universities to limit tuition increases to 5 percent.
Raymond Delgado Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Serially Raping a 14-Year-Old Girl in His Trust
Raymond Anthony Delgado, a 57-year-old chiropractor from Bluffton, S.C., repeatedly raped a 14-year-old St. Augustine girl at his home and office after winning over her father’s trust.
Citing Health Concerns and Competition, Palm Coast Kills Home-Based Bakeries
Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts proved to be the swing vote against an initiative that would have allowed small bakeries to operate out of homes. The rejection adds to the city’s pattern of conflicted reactions to start-ups–supporting them with one hand while scuttling them with the other.
His Veto Pen Spilling No Hints, Gov. Rick Scott Readies to Sign Budget in St. Johns Tuesday
Only one thing is clear about what will happen Tuesday when Gov. Rick Scott signs the $70 billion budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1: An increase in state funding for education will stand.
Bunnell’s Insurer Offers Ex-Cop $100,000 to Settle Whistle-Blower Suit; He May Not Take It
Ex-Bunnell cop Frank Gamarra was reportedly seeking $250,000, but last week was willing to accept $100,000 as a result of what he considers his wrongful termination in 2010. Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez said the city was willing to fight it out in court.
FCAT Season From a Teacher’s Perspective: An Absurd and Demeaning Fraud
Florida’s FCAT autocrats have gamed the system into an exam only the dumbest can fail while hijacking teachers’ and students’ time for nine weeks of regimentation and secrecy worthy of classified military secrets, argues teacher Joann Nahirny in her latest dispatch from the trenches.
Flagler Playhouse Goes Shtetl With Trilling Production of “Fiddler on the Roof”
“Fiddler on the Roof,” a timeless classic rendered quite effectively by Stephen Pigman’s third production at the Flagler Playhouse, is the theater company’s final play of the 2012 season. A review.
Car Plows Through Publix Entrance at Belle Terre; 10 Injured, But Heroic Acts, Too
A car plowed at least 20 feet through the main entrance of Publix at the Belle Terre and Palm Coast Parkway at 1:30 this afternoon causing eight injuries and one trauma alert. Authorities are at the scene evaluating the injured. Will have more details at they become available.
Protecting the Oceans: Your Role
Individuals can have a big role in protecting oceans no matter here they live. The key in ocean protection is to get started today, right now, argues Frank Gromling, who provides a list of suggestions.
$250,000 for Flagler Jail Planning Lands On List of 84 Florida Tax Watch “Turkeys”
Lawmakers doled out the largest number of budget “turkeys” since 2007 in the spending plan for the coming fiscal year, Florida TaxWatch said, even as the amount of money dedicated to the pet projects declined slightly from the current budget.
In Defense of Ozzie Guillen: Cuban-Americans Have Held US Policy Hostage Long Enough
The Florida Marlins’ duplicitous suspension of Ozzie Guillen aside, the real scandal is the degree to which South Florida’s Castro-era Cuban community continues to hold American foreign policy hostage to seven decades of juvenile antagonism.
Panera Bread’s Covelli Secret: From Ohio to Palm Coast, By Way of a Social Conscience
Panera Bread’s odyssey from seed to giant, and its remarkable expansion during the country’s toughest years is a rarely told story of fortune and resilience, with that rare additive for American businesses: a social conscience.
Flagler Mulls Joining Lawsuit Against
Florida Over Reduction in Medicaid Payments
Flagler County commissioners will decide Monday whether to join a Florida Association of Counties lawsuit challenging the state’s decision to try to tap counties for tens of millions of dollars in disputed Medicaid money.
Bond Is Set at $300,000 for Paul Miller, Who Shot His Flagler Beach Neighbor Over a Dog
Paul Miller has been in jail without bond on a second degree murder charge for gunning down neighbor Dana Mulhall on March 14, when Mulhall complained about Miller’s barking dogs.
Cypress Point Fire Enters Mop-Up Phase as Emergency Passes, But Smoke Will Persist
The fire between Mother Seton Catholic church and Cypress Point Parkway started at 4 .m. and burned close to 10 acres. Division of Forestry crews were burning more ground this morning on purpose, to prevent flare-ups. A section of Cypress Point Parkway was closed.
Anti-Abortion Religious Groups Launch Campaign to Abolish Privacy Rights for Teens
The “Yes on 6” anti-abortion campaign by religious groups pushes for passage of proposed constitutional amendment 6 on this fall’s ballot, and would forbid Medicaid dollars paying for poorer people’s abortions.
Second Serious Wildfire of the Season Forces Evacuation of a Dozen Homes in the Mondex
A small fire that started in the backyard of a house on Holly Lane rapidly spotted and triggered another fast-moving fire that snaked its way across two blocks, forcing the evacuation of 10 to 15 houses in the area.
George Zimmerman Charged With Second Degree Murder in Killing of Trayvon Martin
Angela Corey, the special prosecutor appointed to investigate the killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder. Zimmerman, who had briefly vanished, is in police custody.
Flagler Fire Chief Declares Burn Ban as Drought Intensifies and Neighboring Blazes Multiply
Recalling memories of last year’s feverish fire season, Flagler County Fire Chief Don Petito just signed an order imposing a burn ban, while the county’s fire rescue department takes in 50 new radios that will vastly improve their communications abilities with other emergency responders.
What Is the Drought Index? Understanding the 0-800 Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI)
The Keetch-Byram drought index (KBDI) measures the amount of precipitation necessary to return the soil to full saturation. It is a closed system ranging from 0 to 800 units and represents a moisture regime from 0 to 8 inches of water through the soil layer.
Term Limits for County Commissioners? Florida Supreme Court Will Decide
The cases, brought by voters in Broward and Sarasota counties, presented the court with the question of how much power charter counties have to impose qualifications and disqualifications on candidates for county commission.
After Joint Meeting, Palm Coast and the County Remain Far Apart Over Sales Tax Renewal
Palm Coast and the county disagree over how to split $4 million in annual revenue from the a half-cent sales surtax. The county wants more than it’s been getting. A joint meeting Tuesday produced good will but no breakthrough.
Panera Bread Rises Crisply in Palm Coast, With Promise of Second Location Within a Year
Panera Bread in Palm Coast, long awaited, opened to a special reception for a few hundred people on Tuesday at the State Road 100 location, with a grand public opening on Wednesday. The company is planning a second location on Palm Coast Parkway by early 2013.
Palm Coast Data Revenue Now Half Its 2008 Level, When It Signed Job-Creation Deals
Palm Coast Data’s revenue was down to $15.6 million in the last quarter, less than half the $32.2 million it recorded in the quarter preceding its agreement to consolidate in Palm Coast. The company won’t say how many jobs are on its Palm Coast payroll.
Stare Decisis Their Ass: The GOP’s Activist Judges
Scorn for “activist judges” has been a staple of the Republican playbook ever since it was Earl Warren’s Supreme Court. Now that it’s John Roberts’s court–or should we say Antonin Scalia’s?–and a Democratic president is calling them out, the rhetorical roles have reversed overnight.
Bunnell’s Police Chief Candidates Narrowed To 2; Lt. Randy Burke Doesn’t Make the Cut
Lt. Randy Burke, at the Bunnell Police Department for two decades, was among the 19 candidates who made the first cut, from 31 applicants, but wasn’t chosen among the first six finalists, or the last three. City Manager Martinez will make a decision this week.
Flagler County Government Faces Potential $3.3 Million Gap as Stresses and Needs Endure
The Flagler County Commission got its first budget overview of the year Monday, ahead of six months of discussions, debates and battles over budget priorities in the midst of an election year with its own unpredictable variables.