The Flagler County Horseshoe Pitching Club will host a Florida-wide horseshoe tournament at the 18-pit Old Dixie Park the county built last year. The tournament is another addition to a growing list of specialty sports tournaments bringing visitors the county.
All Else
Milestone: Flagler’s Unemployment in Single-Digits, at 9.5%, for 1st Time in 5 Years
For the first time since June 2008–almost five years–Flagler County’s unemployment has fallen back to single digits, registering 9.5 percent in March as the local economy continued to mirror the state’s and the nation’s, improving slowly but steadily.
Road Rage Genesis: Law Banning Texting a Long-Overdue Correction
In Florida in 2012, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were 256,443 traffic crashes and of those 4,841 were caused by a driver using some form of electronic device.
As Teachers Sue, Supportive Superintendents Criticize Evaluations Tied to Pay and Tests
Superintendents expressed frustration with the state’s teacher evaluation law during a meeting with Gov. Rick Scott a day after teachers filed suit in federal court to overturn the law, Scott himself endorsed trying to fix the provision attacked by the lawsuit, but lawmakers must carry out the fix.
Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s 7th Annual Picnics & Pops Concert Opens Ticket Booth
The Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s seventh annual Picnic & Pops concert Sunday, May 5, 2013, in Palm Coast’s Central Park at Town Center will feature the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Morihiko Nakahara.
Flagler Spirits: Nothing Micro About This Palm Coast Distillery’s Whiskey Rebellion
Jimmy Day’s Flagler Spirits micro-distillery in Palm Coast is part of the nation’s boom in a niche industry that develops specialty regional products, like Day’s whiskeys, vodkas and rums. He’s producing and marketing 1,000 gallons a month from his Hargrove Grade plant.
Police Drones Are Banned from Florida Skies Absent a Warrant or Other Exceptions
The bill (SB 92) prevents law enforcement use of drones unless a judge has issued a warrant, or in cases where there is a “high risk of terrorist attack,” or a case of imminent danger, such as in a missing person case where the person is thought to be in immediate danger.
76-Year-Old Cyclist Critically Injured By SUV at Cypress Pt. and Belle Terre
A 76-year-old cyclist riding up Belle Terre was struck by an SUV and pinned under the car until paramedics were able to lift the car, tend to him and evacuate him by air. The cyclist had traumatic injuries, but was alive when he was taken away from the scene.
Duping Court Ruling, Florida Replacing Life Juvenile Sentencing With 50-Year Minimum
Legislation aimed at putting Florida in line with a U.S. Supreme Court ban on automatic life sentences for juvenile murderers cleared a House panel Tuesday, but with a 50 year minimum sentence that opponents say may keep the state’s law at odds with the court’s aim.
Break Up the Banks: It’s Not a Fringe Idea Anymore
Moments of consensus between left and right don’t come frequently in Washington, and we should heed them when they occur. Right now, that means breaking up the banks, argues Amy Dean.
Sue McVeigh Is a State Finalist for Employee Of the Year, a First for Flagler School District
For the first time ever, the Flagler County school district has a finalist for the state-wide Employee of the Year award. Sue McVeigh, an exceptional education specialist, will travel to Legoland on May 17 to the final award banquet.
Revenge Porn: Florida Lawmakers Take National Lead in Battling Bullying’s New Virus
In a more lurid consequence of sexting, Florida women and girls have been targeted by revenge porn–the online posting of nude images without the victim’s consent–in several documented instances, leading the Legislature to seek to criminalize the practice as a second or third-degree felony.
Flagler 911: Pot-Dumping on Colbert Lane; Commissioner’s Son Presses Charges Against Inmate
Two teens arrested after eluding a cop on Colbert Lane and allegedly dumping pot on the road; Bunnell City Commissioner John Roger’s son, in jail on a minor charge, is allegedly attacked by another inmate, who is charged with battery; the bomb squad is called out on Princess Geraldine Place; and more, including jail bookings.
Children and the Boston Marathon Bombing: How to Help Them Cope
With images of the Boston Marathon bombing and stories of the victims looping incessantly on television and in social media, the Florida Department of Children and Families has issued a caution to parents and educators about how to handle coming days with children, and about what signs to be on the alert. Children can start […]
The Peabody is Happy Together with Hippiefest
The Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach presents the 5th annual Hippiefest Festival and Concert Sunday, June 9 with the always-popular live music and street festival at 3 p.m. followed by the Happy Together Concert Tour at 7 p.m. with five of the biggest original headline artists and bands of the 1960’s.
Many of Flagler’s Arts Groups Begin to Look Beyond Egos to a Cooperative Alliance
An emerging arts alliance for Palm Coast and Flagler County would capitalize on the economic benefits of an arts scene with more coordinated projects and strategy, led by the tourism council’s conciliating voice of Georgia Turner. Obstacles remain, however.
Assailed One Week, Celebrated the Next: Rev. Beth Gardner Honored by County Commission
A week after being “called on the carpet” before the Bunnell City Commission for providing an occasional shelter for the homeless at Bunnell’s First United Methodist Church, Rev. Beth Gardner this evening was honored by the Flagler County Commission for that same mission.
Florida Voter Group Argues for a Free Speech Right to Secrecy and Unregulated PACs
The state says it is justified in requiring disclosures of information about political action committee contributions and expenditures. Plaintiffs, arguing their case before a federal appeals court Tuesday, say they should be free to express themselves on political issues without registering as a committee and filling out campaign documents.
Man Faces Attempted Murder Charge After Sunday Stabbing on Mud Muckers’ ATV Trails
Todd Lee Richmond of Orlando was on Mud Muckers’ trails early Sunday morning with a group of people when he allegedly argued then stabbed Brad Taylor, who was airlifted to Halifax hospital. Richmond posted $100,000 bond and was released.
When Deputies Shoot Animals: An Explanation from the Flagler Sheriff’s Office
Responding to a citizen’s concerns, Commander Paul Bovino of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office explains why deputies sometimes shoot animals that are reported sick or injured, and why they don’t take them away in their patrol cruisers.
Florida’s Foster Care System Loosening Up Restrictions While Extending Eligibility to 21
New laws reduce bureaucratic hoops for foster kids and their families who would no longer need approval for certain activities enjoyed by other kids and offer more protection to those nervous of stepping out of its protective wrap.
Death in the Afternoon
It was that the death rattle. You’ve heard it. We’ve all heard it if we live south of the Mason-Dixon Line. This one broke the silence of a perfect Palm Coast afternoon. But an investigation proved to be a succession of decapitated assumptions.
At Hollingsworth Gallery, “A Novel Idea” Weds Art and Books; Art League Springs Up
Hollingsworth Gallery’s new show, opening Saturday with a free reception, features artists’ renditions of their favorite literary works. The Flagler County Art League opens its annual Spring Show. Both free receptions begin at 6 p.m.
Jerry Full, Palm Coast Founder and Exuberant Environmentalist, Is Dead at 86
Jerry Full, one of the founding members of the Palm Coast City Council, thought, spoke and lived at speeds defying limits, and lived lives as if he would never run out of them. Full died on March 28 in Ossining, N.Y. He was 86.
Palm Coast Meth Lab Busted on Cooper Lane as Sheriff’s Deputies Call in Hazmat Unit
The meth lab at 1 Cooper Lane in one of Palm Coast’s oldest and least eventful neighborhoods was busted Friday afternoon, with the arrests of Brent Chambers, 35; Heather Hastey, 42, and Will Hodge, 30. Four children lived at the address.
Online Sales Tax On Its Way, But Phone, Cable and Web Service Taxes Would Be Cut
The measure would offset the increased revenue brought in by the measure by lowering other taxes, including the communications services tax charged on phone service, cable, and satellite TV and internet connections.
Palm Coast’s Rock n’ Rib Fest Takes Town Center This Weekend
Rock N’ Rib will take place from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 12, and from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at Palm Coast’s Central Park in Town Center. Admission is $3 per day (down from $20 per person per day last year). Children 12 and under get in free.
Dear Sheriff Manfre: Why Are Deputies So Quick to Shoot Animals–and Leave Them?
A sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a raccoon found to be sickly in Palm Coast’s R-Section this morning, leaving it in a lot, triggering a letter of concern from a resident to Sheriff Manfre about a routine practice among local law enforcement in the disposition of ailing animals.
“Illegal Immigrants” No More:
The Associated Press Ends the Slur
Calling them “illegal immigrants” offends immigrants and American values. “Illegal” is a loaded term that has polluted the immigration debate for too long. It isn’t a question of mere political correctness. It’s about accuracy, fairness, and respect, argues Raul Reyes.
Accused of Thefts in December, He Isn’t Arrested For Them Until Wednesday
Daniel Hunter was arrested for stealing from an 83-year-old woman in March, but he was arrested again only Wednesday for a separate alleged theft spree the sheriff’s office had investigated–and interviewed him about–back in December.
Steve Solomon’s Jewish-Italian Neuroses Back At Flagler Auditorium: The Live Interview
Comedian Steve Solomon grew up in Brooklyn, taught physics and lived through the nightmare of being a school administrator in Long Island before finding fortune on the stand-up comedy circuit. He sat down for an interview with FlaglerLive before his show at the Auditorium on Friday, April 12.
Invitation to an Execution
Larry Eugene Mann was executed at Starke state prison Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. by lethal injection. I traveled to Starke with a Catholic Church group to witness the vigils–pro and con–outside the prison grounds.
Jamesine Fischer Is Sentenced to 25 Months in Prison for Hit-and-Run Death of Pecqueur
Jamesine Fischer, the 56-year-old wife of Flagler School Board member John Fischer, will serve at least 21 months in a Florida state prison following her sentencing Wednesday for the hit-and-run death of Francoise Pecqueur, 76, in Palm Coast in November 2011.
2 Children Hurt in Bus-Stop Hit-and-Run; SUV Flips on US1, Injuring a Woman
A first-grader and a kindergardener were hurt when an SUV pulling a trailer struck them at their F-Section bus stop at 8:16 a.m. Almost at the same time, Danielle Bazard of Palm Coast was ejected when her SUV flipped on US1 at CR304.
Feedback Failures: When Flashing a Grade Devalues Students and Teachers
JoAnn Nahirny views giving feedback to students as one of the most valuable and important things she does as a teacher. Too bad FCAT graders don’t do likewise. Nor does the teacher evaluation process.
Bunnell Wants County, Palm Coast and Flagler Beach to Help Solve Its Homeless Problem
Bunnell’s First United Methodist Church is the closest thing Flagler County has to a homeless shelter, but a few residents are critical even of that limited help, claiming it’s blighting the city, while the City Commission wants county government, Palm Coast and Flagler Beach to pitch in for a solution.
Should Teachers Be Able to Spy on Students’ Study Habits?
An electronic-textbook company called CourseSmart lets teachers track whether and how their students are reading assigned textbooks, allowing them to tack on “engagement index” scores to the students’ performance. It’s the latest form of intrusion in private habits driven more by marketing and gimmickry than good intentions.
Children’s Week at the Florida Capitol Contrasts With a Dearth of Kids-Friendly Bills
Bottom line: 19.2 percent of adults and 28.4 percent of children are sometimes hungry in Florida, compared to national averages of 16.1 percent for adults and 21.6 percent for children. About 21 percent of Florida children were living below the federal poverty level in 2009.
Sports Welfare’s Engines: Lawmakers Prep $60-Million Tax Break to Daytona Speedway
A measure that could land more than $60 million in sales tax rebates for the Daytona International speedway was unanimously supported by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee on Monday, allegedly to keep the speedway “relevant.”
Two Women, Caught on Video, Sought in Palm Coast Robbery; More Guns Drawn
Sheriff’s investigators are looking for two women caught on a home surveillance video where a burglary was reported; a hit-and-run at Grand Haven; a family quarrel ends in a gun being fired; death threats from a drunk man on Columbia Lane; and more. Includes jail bookings.
For Abuse Victims, Navigating Government Help Can Be Another Defeating Challenge
Using stories drawn from real-life cases, participants a Domestic Violence Summit for police agencies in Flagler, Volusia, St. Johns and Putrnam counties tried to understand what it would be like to walk in the shoes of victims coping with the criminal justice system–and discovered the numerous obstacles victims face.
Facebook Effect: For Workers On or Off the Job, Individual Rights Are Dead
Employers’ presumptions on workers’ behavior on and off the job have more in common with the inquisition or police states than with the bill of rights. Transgressors are routinely humiliated, silenced, censured or fired over speech or behavior companies should have no right to police.
As Florida Bans Internet Cafés, Palm Coast’s Lingering Joints Place Last Bets on Eulogies
A FlaglerLive reporter, $50 in hand, made a tour of Palm Coast’s Internet cafes, only to find most of them closed already, and a mournful atmosphere at two that were open, not long before a bill banning the small gambling halls was sent to Gov. Rick Scott Thursday.
In a Shift, Sen. Bill Nelson Now Endorses Gay Marriage as an “Unalienable Right”
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson is the 51st senator to come out in favor of gay marriage. Only two Republicans have joined 49 Democrats ahead of a pair of decisions later this spring by the U.S. Supreme Court on the legality of two related measures, including the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Economy Adds Just 88,000 Jobs as Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.6%
The March unemployment rate of 7.6 percent is the lowest in almost four and a half years, but despite adding half a million jobs in the last three months, the economy is showing worrisome signs of slowdown again from austerity at home and recessions abroad.
Bobby Pace, Acting Flagler Beach Fire Chief, Faces Felony Charge Over Falsified Records
Bobby Pace, installed as interim fire chief just seven weeks ago to replace Martin Roberts, who was fired, faces a felony charge of tampering with evidence and a misdemeanor charge for obstruction of justice. It is only the latest shock to a fire department riven by conflict that reaches into City Manager Bruce Campbell’s office.
Les Jeux Sont Faits: Gov. Scott Will Sign Internet Cafe Ban
Gov. Rick Scott will sign legislation prohibiting the gaming at Internet cafés, his office said Thursday, following the Senate’s Senate’s 36-4 passage of a bill that flew through the Legislature spurred by an on-going racketeering investigation, and pushed by Sen. John Thrasher, who represents Flagler County.
FPC’s Culinary Students Audition, Through Dishes of Brash, For Their Day on TV
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s team finished ninth out of 50 schools at the Pro Start Culinary Team Competition last month in Orlando, a testament to a program that numbers 133 students and almost as many ambitions to make it to the big time.
Stetson University’s Concert Choir Belts Out Year’s Last Performance April 26
The final performance of the Stetson University Concert Choir in this academic year will be on Friday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m. in Lee Chapel inside Elizabeth Hall, 421 N. Woodland Blvd., on the DeLand campus.
Daytona State Hires Point Man for Federal Jobs-Training Program Combatting Outsourcing
Randall White is the new project manager of Daytona State College’s federally funded Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training initiative, designed to help retrain those losing work to outsourcing.