Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical South Pacific at the Bob Carr, Michael Kevin Baldwin and Mark Lainer take on the 24 characters of Tuna, Texas, a trio of affordable art events, and more.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
God Nuts vs. Obama, Gluttons and the Real Shakespeare: The Live Wire
When Obama doesn’t mention god, why Carlsberg is the greatest beer in the world, Newt as the latest flavor of the month, teachers cheating to the test, Updike’s “November,” and more.
Florida Universities Respond to Rick Scott’s Inquisition With a Massive Document Dump
Public university leaders, through thousands of pages of answers that include backup academic studies and appendixes, have replied to Gov. Rick Scott’s request to outline what the schools are doing to ensure graduates meet the need of Florida employers.
In Praise of Tom Wicker, Antidote to the Age of Reagan
Tom Wicker, the Times columnist for 25 years, wrote as if he’d seen the country’s best days. He probably had even then, having witnessed the eight years of Reagan taking out a second, third and fourth mortgage on the nation’s prosperity while making Americans feel like a million bucks.
The Rich Are Different From You and Me
Donald Kaul responds to questions raised by his recent “class-war-is-over-the-rich-guys-won” column, demystifying wealth, taxes and other dogmas.
Workers’ Black Fridays: Florida Second in Mass Layoffs in October; Chill Winds Ahead
While mass media’s attention has deflected attention to the annual post-Thanksgiving shopping craze known as black Friday, indicators point to conflicting and worrisome trends ahead for Florida’s and America’s pocketbooks.
Handel and Tchaikovsky Duels: Nutcrackers and Messiahs Worth the Miles
All sorts of performances of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker, the Orlando Philharmonic’s holiday special on Nov. 27, a free Handel’s Messiah at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center on Nov. 27, and more.
Appeals Court Lets Lawsuit Over School Funding Proceed, Florida Supreme Court Next
An 8-7 ruling by the First District Court of Appeals overturned the state’s effort to stop the lawsuit and may lead to a momentous decision by the Florida Supreme Court interpreting the state’s responsibility to adequately pay for education under the Florida Constitution.
Sunshine Lessons Clouded By Possibly Dimmer Visibility as Jobs Council Meets for 1st Time
Flagler’s nine-member Economic Development Council conducted the equivalent of a meet-and-greet for itself on Tuesday and promptly reversed a promise that all meetings would be televised live, opting instead for audio broadcasts.
Driven By Lower Fuel Costs, FPL Projects Lowering Power Bills By $2 a Month in 2012
FPL, the state’s largest utility, said 2012 fuel costs are now projected to be $460 million less than it had anticipated earlier as natural gas costs keep dropping. That won’t affect surcharges for future nuclear power plant construction.
How Progress Energy Wants to Pass On A $2.5 Billion Nuclear Blunder to Customers
One of the most expensive nuclear accidents in United States history happened right here in Florida a little over two years ago, and now Progress Energy wants customers to pay for its mistake at the Crystal River nuclear plant.
Our School District’s Uniform Follies
The Flagler County School Board’s push for uniforms is out of touch with the county’s struggling families and plundered budgets and revealing of a board too prone to selling out to charter-school gimmickry.
Florida’s Prescription Express: Doctors Shoving Drugs at Poor Patients, for Millions
Florida regulators are finally getting around to stopping doctors from over-prescribing drugs, some of them risky, to Medicaid patients, and at times to the wrong patients, after enabling the practice despite signs of misconduct.
Florida’s Unemployment Falls to 10.3%, Lowest in 28 Months; Flagler’s at 14%
While the jobless figures are improving and trends are better than they’ve been, Florida is also paring people off its jobless rolls through artificial means that create a slightly deceptive result.
What Global Warming? Science-Doubting Florida Lawmakers Move to Kill Cap-and-Trade
The 2008 law that would be repealed was pushed through in 2008 by former Gov. Charlie Crist, but has never been used to pursue cap and trade — an approach that would provide incentives for businesses, such as electric utilities, to reduce emissions.
Court Hearing Arguments in a Case That May Determine Legality of Sweepstakes Gambling
Allied Veterans is asking the 1st District Court of Appeal to let the lawsuit move forward, as the non-profit organization seeks a declaration that it offers legal sweepstakes games at the cafes — and not illegal gambling, as critics allege.
Henry Flagler Dies, Vegas on Pot, Will Ferrell’s Lies, Regulation Myths: The Live Wire
An update on Henry Flagler’s death, FCAT’s coming F schools, Peter Gabriel gives a full concert, Jim Romenesko leaves Poynter under an undeserved cloud, Dubai goes flash mob, and more.
Rick Scott Opposes Electronic Health Databases Designed to Speed Up Patient Care
Florida’s Health Information Exchange, a national pioneer, replaces paper with electronic records, speeding up patient care and information exchanges between health providers. Rick Scott opposes it, claiming it doesn’t save money and breaches privacy.
Lazy, Cheap, Irresponsible Palm Coast
This week’s dismal voter turn-out for the Palm Coast election is a reflection of a city and a council that mirror each other in laziness, misplaced penny-pinching and indifference to civic engagement where it actually matters.
Sisco Deen on the Meaning of Veterans Day, Frank W. Buckles and Mackenzie’s Card
In a moving tribute to veterans and Frank Buckles, the late, last World War I veteran, Sisco Deen, Flagler County’s archivist, reminds us why we must “always remember and honor those who have served and dedicated their lives to our country.”
The Boys of Pointe du Hoc: Ronald Reagan in Normandy
Reagan’s speech at Normandy’s Pointe du Hoc on June 6, 1984, commemorating the 40th anniversary of D-Day, is one of his noblest, especially in retrospect, for what he said about the cold war, the Soviet Union and nuclear weapons.
Florida’s Latest Immigrants: Undocumented Workers Fleeing Alabama’s Harsh Vise
Reversing Florida’s recent population loss, there’s been an influx of undocumented workers moving to Florida from Alabama as a result of a newly passed state law, the harshest immigration enforcement measure in the country.
Kid Rock, Bob Seger and Festival Overload: Culture Worth the Miles
Kid Rock, Bob Seger, The Doobie Brothers and The Killers: an all-start lineup for Orlando Calling Music Festival. Winter Park, Maitland and Deland all have art events on schedule this weekend.
Expedia v. Florida: Claims of Harassment And Privilege in Online Booking Tax Brawl
Rep. Rick Kriseman, the St. Petersburg Republican, distributed Expedia documents that showed the company knew as early as 2003 that it should pay Florida’s bed taxes. The company wants him to explain his role in court. The Legislature is claiming that lawmakers cannot be forced to testify about issues in the legislative process.
Walmart Wants To Be Your Health Care Provider
Walmart wants to become by “the largest provider of primary healthcare services in the nation,” according to a request for information from potential partners sent the same week Walmart–the nation’s largest private employer–scaled back its health coverage for employees.
McGuire Ahead of Moorman by 54 Votes, DeLorenzo Ahead of Cross by 37
Our earlier report that Holsey Moorman had won the election may have been premature. An additional tally by the Supervisor of Elections, this one including absentee ballots, shows McGuire beating Moorman by 54 votes, and Jason DeLorenzo beating Dennis Cross just under 40 votes.
Turnout for Palm Coast Election Poor To Dismal Again as Polls Close; Results Soon
By 4 p.m., tallies–including early voting and absentee–had still not totaled the 5,248 voters who turned out for the mayoral election in September, the worst in the city’s history by turnout.
Secret Donors, Unlimited Contributions, Super-PAC Elections as FEC Stalemates
Nearly two years after a U.S. Supreme Court decision struck down key restrictions in campaign finance law, the Fderal Elections Commission still hasn’t begun the process of changing its regulations to comply with the ruling.
Rick Scott’s Liability to Taxpayers: As Lawsuits Against His Policies Mount, So Do Costs
A slew of Gov. Rick Scott-backed laws, from drug-testing welfare recipients to privatizing prisons and restricting voter registration and access have triggered costly lawsuits with potentially costlier hits to the treasury, reflecting the law’s extremism.
Veterans Day Ceremonies in Flagler and Palm Coast’s Heroes Park
This Friday’s Veterans Day ceremonies will be held at 8:30 a.m. at Palm Coast’s Heroes Park and at 10 a.m. in front of the county administration building in Bunnell.
Sheriff’s In for $5,000, Tax Collector for $6,000; Let’s Do Our Part for Feed Flagler
The third annual Team Feed Flagler challenge kicks off, raising money and food for 4,000 free meals the day before Thanksgiving. Help us rival Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston, last year’s fund-raising winner.
NFL Teams Blacked Out in Local Florida Markets Would Be Fined $125,000 Per Game
Last season, eight home games were blacked out because of poor ticket sales even as professional sports franchises reap millions in taxpayer subsidies every year.
Holsey Moorman: The Live Interview
Holsey Moorman is running for Palm Coast City Council against Bill McGuire. He answers 14 questions and a few follow-ups on a broad range of issues.
Dennis Cross: The Live Interview
Dennis Cross is running for Palm Coast City Council against Jason DeLorenzo. He answers 14 questions and a few follow-ups on a broad range of issues.
Backyard Beirut: Florida’s NRA-Loaded Gun Rules Drill Bullets In Local Ordinances
Guns in child care centers. Guns in county parks. Guns at city hall. All allowed now in Florida. So is your neighbor’s right to shoot off guns in the backyard, even if bullets stray over to yours as Florida’s NRA-inspired gun laws pre-empt local reason.
Unemployment Dips to 9%, Job Creation at 80,000, Private Sector Getting Stronger
The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to 9 percent, the first drop in three months, as 80,000 jobs were created in October and figures for August and September were revised upward, adding 102,000 jobs to previous totals.
Disses and Disclosures As DeLorenzo Agrees to Give Back Waste Pro’s $500
There’s nothing “fair and balanced” about local media’s failure to have reported on the $500 Waste Pro donation to DeLorenzo before it was pointed out to them–or continuing attempts to paper over the ethics and judgment breach with partial rationales.
CAIR-Off: Tea Party’s Daytona Beach Convention Mired in Islamophobic Controversy
Pam Geller, an anti-Muslim blogger, is a speaker at this weekend’s tea party convention in Daytona Beach. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was invited to respond, then dis-invited.
Art Icons, American Voices and Cocktails: Culture Worth the Miles
A Fall Fiesta in the Park, Florida Icons of Art in Lake Eustis, the Orlando Philharmonic’s epic concert of music, poetry and song, and much more.
With Pomp and Yakety Yak, Flagler Auditorium Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary Tonight
The free concert by the Cornell Gunter’s Coasters of “Charlie Brown” and “YaketyYak” fame at 7 p.m. will follow an hour’s celebration and remembrances by local officials who lit the way of the Flagler Auditorium’s growth.
School Prayer Cloaked as Student-Led Making Another Contested Run at Legalization
The latest school-prayer proposal proposal before the Florida Legislature would let local school boards adopt prayer-enabling resolutions, letting students lead audiences in prayer at games or graduations or other non-compulsory events.
Those Airport X-Ray Machines? Cancer Risk. Yet Government Dismisses Cautions
Airport X-ray scanners could give cancer to six to 100 U.S. airline passengers each year, research suggests, yet the TSA still calls scanners safe, glossing over evidence that even low-dose radiation increases cancer risks. European airports ban their use.
With $16 Million in Incentives, Florida Lands Boeing’s Manned Space Flight Venture
Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation-100 or CST-100, might employ 500 by 2015, when the space shuttle replacement vehicle would begin commercial launches as part of the private-public Space Florida venture at the Kennedy Space Center.
Heist in Print: How Newspapers Sold Their Soul to Business Brigands
Ethics in newspaper media, such as the once-inviolable church-state wall between newsrooms and the business department, are for the most part history as newspapers seek profits at the expense of public trust, Donald Kaul argues.
Marco Rubio’s Lies, Shoe-Thrower’s Index, Coal Thugs: The Live Wire
Marco Rubio’s lies about his parents’ “exile” and Cuban journeys unravel, the Arab Spring’s shoe-thrower’s index, GOP presidential hopefuls are delirious with flat tax fever, and more.
Proposed Amendment to End Ban on Government Funding of Religion is Challenged
Proposed Amendment 7 on the 2012 ballot deletes a provision in the Florida constitution that bars government funding of religious institutions, replacing it with a prohibition against denying funds to anyone based on religious identity or belief.
My Fairest Tax Proposal: A Tax on Nonsense
Watching Republican candidates debate taxes and creationism on TV reminds me of original Star Trek episodes featuring those low-tech aliens that nevertheless managed to speak English every time.
Red-Light Cameras Draw Class-Action Lawsuit Citing Constitutional Violations
If successful, the lawsuit would have far-reaching consequences as it seeks reimbursements for all ticket fines, which in Palm Coast exceed $1.35 million since 2008.
Swell of Surfers Beats Back Flagler Beach Bid to Broaden Pier’s No-Go Zone, For Now
Flagler Beach’s proposal to double the no-surf zone to 300 feet around the Flagler Beach pier petered out before it was considered, with a caveat: commissioners want more self-policing from surfers, or else.
Judge Casts Serious Doubt on 3% Pension Contribution by Public Employees
The 3 percent contribution and the end of cost of living adjustments to public employees’ pensions may not be legal; if reversed, the state would see an almost $1 billion hole open up. Local governments would also be affected.