Legislation aimed at putting Florida in line with a U.S. Supreme Court ban on automatic life sentences for juvenile murderers cleared a House panel Tuesday, but with a 50 year minimum sentence that opponents say may keep the state’s law at odds with the court’s aim.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
Break Up the Banks: It’s Not a Fringe Idea Anymore
Moments of consensus between left and right don’t come frequently in Washington, and we should heed them when they occur. Right now, that means breaking up the banks, argues Amy Dean.
Revenge Porn: Florida Lawmakers Take National Lead in Battling Bullying’s New Virus
In a more lurid consequence of sexting, Florida women and girls have been targeted by revenge porn–the online posting of nude images without the victim’s consent–in several documented instances, leading the Legislature to seek to criminalize the practice as a second or third-degree felony.
Children and the Boston Marathon Bombing: How to Help Them Cope
With images of the Boston Marathon bombing and stories of the victims looping incessantly on television and in social media, the Florida Department of Children and Families has issued a caution to parents and educators about how to handle coming days with children, and about what signs to be on the alert. Children can start […]
Florida Voter Group Argues for a Free Speech Right to Secrecy and Unregulated PACs
The state says it is justified in requiring disclosures of information about political action committee contributions and expenditures. Plaintiffs, arguing their case before a federal appeals court Tuesday, say they should be free to express themselves on political issues without registering as a committee and filling out campaign documents.
Florida’s Foster Care System Loosening Up Restrictions While Extending Eligibility to 21
New laws reduce bureaucratic hoops for foster kids and their families who would no longer need approval for certain activities enjoyed by other kids and offer more protection to those nervous of stepping out of its protective wrap.
Death in the Afternoon
It was that the death rattle. You’ve heard it. We’ve all heard it if we live south of the Mason-Dixon Line. This one broke the silence of a perfect Palm Coast afternoon. But an investigation proved to be a succession of decapitated assumptions.
Online Sales Tax On Its Way, But Phone, Cable and Web Service Taxes Would Be Cut
The measure would offset the increased revenue brought in by the measure by lowering other taxes, including the communications services tax charged on phone service, cable, and satellite TV and internet connections.
“Illegal Immigrants” No More:
The Associated Press Ends the Slur
Calling them “illegal immigrants” offends immigrants and American values. “Illegal” is a loaded term that has polluted the immigration debate for too long. It isn’t a question of mere political correctness. It’s about accuracy, fairness, and respect, argues Raul Reyes.
“Mental Retardation” and “Retarded”
Will Be Excised from All Florida Laws
Florida lawmakers are moving toward erasing the terms “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” from myriad state laws, as the word “retarded” has become widely viewed as offensive to people with disabilities.
Invitation to an Execution
Larry Eugene Mann was executed at Starke state prison Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. by lethal injection. I traveled to Starke with a Catholic Church group to witness the vigils–pro and con–outside the prison grounds.
Feedback Failures: When Flashing a Grade Devalues Students and Teachers
JoAnn Nahirny views giving feedback to students as one of the most valuable and important things she does as a teacher. Too bad FCAT graders don’t do likewise. Nor does the teacher evaluation process.
Should Teachers Be Able to Spy on Students’ Study Habits?
An electronic-textbook company called CourseSmart lets teachers track whether and how their students are reading assigned textbooks, allowing them to tack on “engagement index” scores to the students’ performance. It’s the latest form of intrusion in private habits driven more by marketing and gimmickry than good intentions.
Children’s Week at the Florida Capitol Contrasts With a Dearth of Kids-Friendly Bills
Bottom line: 19.2 percent of adults and 28.4 percent of children are sometimes hungry in Florida, compared to national averages of 16.1 percent for adults and 21.6 percent for children. About 21 percent of Florida children were living below the federal poverty level in 2009.
Sports Welfare’s Engines: Lawmakers Prep $60-Million Tax Break to Daytona Speedway
A measure that could land more than $60 million in sales tax rebates for the Daytona International speedway was unanimously supported by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee on Monday, allegedly to keep the speedway “relevant.”
Facebook Effect: For Workers On or Off the Job, Individual Rights Are Dead
Employers’ presumptions on workers’ behavior on and off the job have more in common with the inquisition or police states than with the bill of rights. Transgressors are routinely humiliated, silenced, censured or fired over speech or behavior companies should have no right to police.
Listen Up Kids: Forget What Your Parents Say. You Should Be Playing Video Games
Alessandra Robinson, a first-place winner among Wadsworth Elementary fifth graders for this speech in this year’s Tropicana competition, argues that video games promote family time, exercise, creativity, problem solving, and better reflexes, and should therefore be encouraged for all.
Florida’s Early Learning, Once a Strength, Being Revamped to Look More Like Day Care
Specific benchmarks, along with language expressing the importance of readiness programs, are removed from a proposed committee bill that emerged Thursday in Tallahassee, removing an emphasis on learning and readiness for school.
In a Shift, Sen. Bill Nelson Now Endorses Gay Marriage as an “Unalienable Right”
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson is the 51st senator to come out in favor of gay marriage. Only two Republicans have joined 49 Democrats ahead of a pair of decisions later this spring by the U.S. Supreme Court on the legality of two related measures, including the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Charter-School Trigger Bill Passes House 68-51; Flagler’s Hutson Among Dissenters
Rep. Travis Hutson was among the Republicans crossing party lines to oppose the bill, favered by the charter-school movement, as it would let parents petition their school district to consider a turnaround option for a school that receives an “F” on the state report card for two consecutive years.
Economy Adds Just 88,000 Jobs as Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.6%
The March unemployment rate of 7.6 percent is the lowest in almost four and a half years, but despite adding half a million jobs in the last three months, the economy is showing worrisome signs of slowdown again from austerity at home and recessions abroad.
Les Jeux Sont Faits: Gov. Scott Will Sign Internet Cafe Ban
Gov. Rick Scott will sign legislation prohibiting the gaming at Internet cafés, his office said Thursday, following the Senate’s Senate’s 36-4 passage of a bill that flew through the Legislature spurred by an on-going racketeering investigation, and pushed by Sen. John Thrasher, who represents Flagler County.
Sen. Aaron Bean’s “Health Choice Plus” Plan for Florida’s Poor: Flimsier Than a Band-Aid
What kind of health coverage can you buy for $20 to $30 a month? None. That may sum up the real-world prospects for Health Choice Plus, the plan for low-income uninsured Florida adults that State Sen. Aaron Bean’s committee approved Tuesday along party lines.
Texting-While-Driving Ban Picking Up Likes As Legislature Prepares to Approve New Law
In a room full of people texting updates to and otherwise using electronic devices, a long sought measure to ban such behavior while driving was given a green light to the Florida House floor on Wednesday.
Florida’s Beer and Wine Regulations’ Outdated Boon to Booze Industry
Florida’s booze industry protects its territory with seemingly sensible-sounding arguments about keeping the flow regulated, taxed and as orderly as possible. In reality, they want laws to make that flow financially safe for themselves, not for the public at large.
Democratic Lawmakers Complain that Gun-Control Proposals Are Being Silenced
No one expects any major gun control legislation to pass in Florida’s GOP-controlled Legislature, but Rep. Cynthia Stafford said there should be at least a discussion of the issue. There hasn’t been much of one.
For Florida’s Poorest 600,000, a Stingy Health Care Proposal that Cuts to the Bone
The latest proposal to provide health care to Florida’s poorest snubs federal money while creating limited health accounts the poor may tap, but for limited services, and with burdensome conditions of employment–and premiums that most may not be able to afford.
Don’t Cram Your Heterosexuality Down My Throat
Several years ago around Christmas I was standing at a Walmart checkout counter with my son when a stranger behind me felt compelled to make me his homophobia’s bosom buddy. “What’s wrong with that?” I told him. “My son is gay.” My son was 2 at the time.
College-Acceptance Reckoning: Costs, Debt and Deception
Student fees have been something of a known irritant for years, often criticized as a kind of stealth, second tuition imposed on unsuspecting families. But such fees are still on the rise on many campuses. There’s nothing funny about how they can add up.
From “Girls” to Steubenville, It’s Time To Ditch America’s “Rape Culture” for Good
If we’re going to stop having more Steubenvilles, people have to start responding to the current tragedies with more than just passivity, victim-blaming, and claims like, “I’m tired of hearing about rape,” argues Alana Baum.
Registering Your Car Will Cost $12 Less as Lawmakers Plan End to Insurers’ Tax Credit
The Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved a bill Thursday lowering motor vehicle fees in exchange for repealing an insurance tax credit, turning aside protests from the insurance industry that the measure would hurt a thriving business.
1.7 Million Floridians Could Get Lower Premiums Under Obamacare, But Don’t Know It
The premium assistance, which begins Jan. 1, will come in the form of tax credits for low- and middle-income workers and their families. The money will flow directly to the patients’ health plans, which simplifies matters and means patients don’t have to come up with cash and wait for reimbursement.
FAU Stomps on Academic Freedom Over Jesus Controversy as Scott Fans Fanaticism
Florida Atlantic University Professor Deandre Poole’s assignment involving the word “Jesus” on the floor drew in a politically motivated protest from Gov. Rick Scott while the university gave in to his demand that the lesson not be taught anymore.
Former State GOP Leader Jim Greer Is Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Theft
Former state Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in prison for essentially stealing from the party, far less than prosecutors wanted but more than Greer’s lawyer argued he really deserved.
Citing “Mismanagement and Inaction,” Nelson Blames Scott for Ongoing Mortgage Mess
Nelson said during a stop in Tallahassee that he has written the inspector general of the federal Troubled Assets Relief Fund, or TARP, to look into what he called “mismanagement and inaction by Florida officials” in administering a program called “Hardest Hit,” which was supposed to take federal money and help struggling homeowners.
In Florida Case, U.S. Supremes Strike Down Drug-Sniffing Cop Dogs Outside of Home
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in Florida v. Jardines is the second out of the state dealing with how search and seizure limits under the U.S. Constitution affect the ability of police to use sniffer dogs to find drugs.
Florida Speaker Weatherford’s Homeschool Blinders to the Poor and Uninsured
Rather than worship his homeschooling past, what Will Weatherford needs to be wondering is what Florida will be like if its 4 million uninsured citizens continue to go without health coverage, argues Rhonda Swan.
Bill To Close a Gap in Children’s Health Insurance Stalls as Tallahassee Dawdles
With a third of the annual regular legislative session already gone, a bill that would close gaps in access to health care coverage for Florida children has passed just one committee and appears in danger of not passing.
Banning Internet Cafes While Gambling on Guns
Florida is quick on the trigger to ban Internet cafes, which have never killed anyone, but is doing nothing to rein in the state’s worship of guns, while 191 people have been killed by firearms in this state alone since the Newtown massacre.
When Harm in the Hospital Follows You Home, and Changes Your Life
A conversation between some of the 1,550 members of a Patient Harm Facebook community and Dr. Gerald Monk, who specializes in the aftermath of patient harm for both patients and providers. What emerges is a portrait of the long journey that begins after the unthinkable happens.
Florida House Votes to Boost Campaign Donation Ceiling in State and Local Elections
The proposal cleared the chamber on a 75-39 vote, as four Democrats broke with their party to support the GOP-backed measure. The bill would boost contribution limits, allowing each donor to give $5,000 per election to a statewide candidate and $3,000 per election to local and legislative candidates.
House Votes 108-7 to Ban Internet Cafes; Impact in Palm Coast Will be Limited
Palm Coast at one point had nearly a dozen such businesses. Last week it had seven. This week, according to Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts, the number was down to three, as several of them closed pre-emptively.
In the Trenches: Anger and Questions From Doctors Who Treat Gunshot Victims
In Colorado, where more people die from gunshots than car crashes, the victims have a profound effect on the physicians who treat them. For some of the doctors on the front lines, the experiences lead to a strong opposition to guns, questions about gun laws and even activism.
One Nation, Without a Clue
If our generations had been around in the 1930s, we’d still be in the Great Depression with prominent lawmakers telling each other we need a smaller government, argues Donald Kaul.
Latest Salvo in Tallahassee’s War on Local Governments: Higher Lawsuit Limits
Under current law, the highest lawsuit payout by a local government is between $200,000 or $300,000, depending on how many people are involved in an incident — totals that would go to $1 million and $1.5 million under the House bill.
Parent Trigger Bill: A Trojan Horse of Corporate Charter Schools
The so-called parent-trigger bill does not empower parents. Rather, it empowers out-of-state corporate interests and their lobbyists to siphon Florida tax dollars away from our already underfunded public school system, argues Paula Dockery.
Second Poll in 2 Days Shows Crist Routing Scott as Governor’s Low Approval Drags Down GOP
The latest Quinnipiac University poll shows Crist beating Scott by 16 points and other Republicans losing as well as Scott’s unpopularity appears to be dragging down the GOP brand.
Parent Trigger Bill That Would Boost Conversions to Charter Schools Nearing Law
The measure would allow parents to petition their school board to adopt a specific turnaround option for any school that draws an “F” on state report cards for two straight years.
Furloughs Hit Florida National Guard and Anti-Drug Programs as Sequester Spreads
The furloughs of 993 uniformed guardsmen, which will effectively cut their pay 20 percent, will carry through the wildfire season and into the heart of hurricane season and could affect the Guard’s ability to respond to disasters.
Bill Forbidding Local Governments from Passing Sick-Day Ordinances Advances
The proposed law, by Sen. David Simmons, is intended to thwart efforts to pass labor-friendly laws in local governments, since state-level labor reform is beyond reach with the anti-labor, GOP-led Florida Legislature.