Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre hasn’t closed out his first 100 days on the job. In appearances before local groups, he’s explained his department’s new direction, spoken of the murders on his watch, and taken a candid stance on gun control.
Registering Your Car Will Cost $12 Less as Lawmakers Plan End to Insurers’ Tax Credit
The Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved a bill Thursday lowering motor vehicle fees in exchange for repealing an insurance tax credit, turning aside protests from the insurance industry that the measure would hurt a thriving business.
Flagler’s 10.3% Unemployment Is Lowest Since August 2008, Florida’s Matches 7.7% U.S. Rate
Flagler County’s unemployment rate fell sharply in February, to 10.3 percent–from 11 percent the previous month–and matched its lowest level since August 2008. Florida’s unemployment rate also continued to fall, matching the national rate, at 7.7 percent, in February while adding 7,800 jobs. Flagler continues to rank among the counties with the highest unemployment rate, […]
Jury in 12 Minutes Convicts Angela Wray of Embezzling Celico Auto; She Faces 30 Years
Wray faces up to 30 years in prison for embezzling $58,964 from Celico Auto Body, where she worked as a bookkeeper from June 2007 to February 2010. Wray before the trial had turned down a plea deal that would have had her serve five years in prison, with probation afterward.
Wildfires Damage 2 Beverly Beach Homes and Jump A1A Before They Are Fiercely Put Down
A fire broke out at 2:25 this afternoon in the 3800 block of North Ocean Shore Boulevard in Beverly Beach, consuming parts of a beach-front house.
Former State GOP Leader Jim Greer Is Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Theft
Former state Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in prison for essentially stealing from the party, far less than prosecutors wanted but more than Greer’s lawyer argued he really deserved.
Flagler Sheriff’s Corrections Deputy Deemed At Fault in T-Bone Crash on US1 and SR100
Sandy Gay, a corrections deputy with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, was on her way to work Thursday morning when, according to police and a witness at the scene, she blew a red light at the intersection of State Road 100 and U.S. 1 and slammed into a two-door Ford driven by Paul Salvador, a local wrecker company’s employee. Gay and Salvador were taken to Florida Hospital Flagler.
On Trial for Embezzling Celico Auto, Angela Wray’s Defense Tries Shifting Blame
Angela Wray, who is married to a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy, is accused of embezzling almost $60,000 from 2007 to 2010 from Celico Auto in Bunnell, much the same way she did in New Jersey, where she was convicted of a felony.
P-Section Brushfire Near Homes on Pacific Drive a Reminder of Brittle Conditions
The fire in an empty lot at the corner of Parish Place and Pacific Drive in Palm Coast Wednesday afternoon had homes on either side, but they were never threatened as a Palm Coast Fire Department engine was at the scene within moments of a 911 call.
Citing “Mismanagement and Inaction,” Nelson Blames Scott for Ongoing Mortgage Mess
Nelson said during a stop in Tallahassee that he has written the inspector general of the federal Troubled Assets Relief Fund, or TARP, to look into what he called “mismanagement and inaction by Florida officials” in administering a program called “Hardest Hit,” which was supposed to take federal money and help struggling homeowners.
In a Decision With Local Sway, Federal Court Upholds Prayers Before Government Meetings
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over all of Florida, ruled that the Lakeland City Commission’s custom of opening meetings with a prayer was constitutional, though the court sidestepped the city’s focus on Christian prayers, and its closed door to atheists, agnostics, humanists or other non-clergy representatives.
In Florida Case, U.S. Supremes Strike Down Drug-Sniffing Cop Dogs Outside of Home
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in Florida v. Jardines is the second out of the state dealing with how search and seizure limits under the U.S. Constitution affect the ability of police to use sniffer dogs to find drugs.
No Drones Over Flagler, Sheriff Pledges, as He Details 16 Arrests from Latest Drug Sweep
Sheriff Jim Manfre said he won’t seek to arm the Flagler Sheriff’s Office with surveillance drones, remarks he made in the context of a sweep of drug-dealing suspects arrested Tuesday following a two-month investigation based on surveillance and residents’ tips.
Between Flagler Beach and the County, a Clash of Visions Over Protecting an Eroding Shore
Flagler Beach and Flagler County may be heading toward a showdown over the fate of the eroding beach they have in common. Between now and then, the Flagler Beach City Commission itself may fracture on either side of an unresolved conflict between those opposed to protecting the beach by way of dredging up and dumping sand on it, and those willing to give that approach a shot despite its costs and uncertainties.
Florida Speaker Weatherford’s Homeschool Blinders to the Poor and Uninsured
Rather than worship his homeschooling past, what Will Weatherford needs to be wondering is what Florida will be like if its 4 million uninsured citizens continue to go without health coverage, argues Rhonda Swan.
Bill To Close a Gap in Children’s Health Insurance Stalls as Tallahassee Dawdles
With a third of the annual regular legislative session already gone, a bill that would close gaps in access to health care coverage for Florida children has passed just one committee and appears in danger of not passing.
Banning Internet Cafes While Gambling on Guns
Florida is quick on the trigger to ban Internet cafes, which have never killed anyone, but is doing nothing to rein in the state’s worship of guns, while 191 people have been killed by firearms in this state alone since the Newtown massacre.
When Harm in the Hospital Follows You Home, and Changes Your Life
A conversation between some of the 1,550 members of a Patient Harm Facebook community and Dr. Gerald Monk, who specializes in the aftermath of patient harm for both patients and providers. What emerges is a portrait of the long journey that begins after the unthinkable happens.
Exonerated Death Row Inmates Tell Flagler Beach Group of an Enduring Florida Injustice
In turns moving, startling and informative, a day-long workshop on the death penalty in Flagler Beach, featuring two exonerated men, urged an assembly of 60 to more actively get involved in a movement to abolish capital punishment in Florida.
Florida House Votes to Boost Campaign Donation Ceiling in State and Local Elections
The proposal cleared the chamber on a 75-39 vote, as four Democrats broke with their party to support the GOP-backed measure. The bill would boost contribution limits, allowing each donor to give $5,000 per election to a statewide candidate and $3,000 per election to local and legislative candidates.
Murder Victim’s Family Denied Up to $150,000 Over Station Owner’s Workers’ Comp Lapse
Following Zuheily Roman Rosado’s murder at the Mobil station in Palm Coast on Feb. 21, the state Division of Insurance Fraud filed a third-degree felony charge against the station owner when an investigation revealed no workers’ compensation coverage, which would have provided Rosado’s family funeral and other death benefits.
House Votes 108-7 to Ban Internet Cafes; Impact in Palm Coast Will be Limited
Palm Coast at one point had nearly a dozen such businesses. Last week it had seven. This week, according to Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts, the number was down to three, as several of them closed pre-emptively.
“So Happy You Guys Have Come Along,” Plantation Bay Residents Tell County and Bunnell
If questions lingered over Flagler County’s and Bunnell’s expensive and controversial acquisition of the Plantation bay utility, Plantation Bay residents dispelled them Thursday by enthusiastically giving their endorsement to the deal, though county and city commissioners are still facing questions from constituents beyond the development.
In the Trenches: Anger and Questions From Doctors Who Treat Gunshot Victims
In Colorado, where more people die from gunshots than car crashes, the victims have a profound effect on the physicians who treat them. For some of the doctors on the front lines, the experiences lead to a strong opposition to guns, questions about gun laws and even activism.
One Nation, Without a Clue
If our generations had been around in the 1930s, we’d still be in the Great Depression with prominent lawmakers telling each other we need a smaller government, argues Donald Kaul.
Bunnell Manager Armando Martinez’s Bid for Satellite Beach Job Falls Short
Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez was one of four finalists for the city manager’s job, but Satellite Beach hired Courtney Harris, a local resident, Thursday evening. Martinez said he was happy either way.
Latest Salvo in Tallahassee’s War on Local Governments: Higher Lawsuit Limits
Under current law, the highest lawsuit payout by a local government is between $200,000 or $300,000, depending on how many people are involved in an incident — totals that would go to $1 million and $1.5 million under the House bill.
Veteran Flagler Fireman’s Home Burns in Rima Ridge, at County’s South End
Ron Walker spent his life fighting fires and protecting other people’s homes and properties. He retired from the Volusia County Fire Department, and has been a Flagler County volunteer fireman. On Thursday afternoon, the house he built burned for unknown reasons.
Bunnell’s Armando Martinez a Finalist For City Manager’s Job in Satellite Beach
Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez had tried in 2011 to move closer to home in Brevard County, and now is more compelled to do so as his political backing has severely weakened on the Bunnell City Commission.
Second Poll in 2 Days Shows Crist Routing Scott as Governor’s Low Approval Drags Down GOP
The latest Quinnipiac University poll shows Crist beating Scott by 16 points and other Republicans losing as well as Scott’s unpopularity appears to be dragging down the GOP brand.
“Rising Star” Paul Bovino Is Appointed Commander of Flagler Sheriff’s Patrol Division
Paul Bovino was appointed permanent commander of the Neighborhood Services Division, formerly known as the patrol division, in place of David O’Brien, who was given the choice of either being fired or retiring in the messy culmination of a re-organization that had initially cast O’Brien among the management team.
Parent Trigger Bill That Would Boost Conversions to Charter Schools Nearing Law
The measure would allow parents to petition their school board to adopt a specific turnaround option for any school that draws an “F” on state report cards for two straight years.
Mystery Man Flown to Halifax After Suicide Attempt Off Flagler Beach Bridge Fails
A man in his early 50s who would only say that his name is “Jim” jumped from the Flagler Beach bridge after 9 p.m. Tuesday evening, but was rescued by a fisherman who jumped after him. The man had been riding an unmarked motorcycle with a shaved off VIN number.
Flagler Beach Cyclist Frederick J. Martinez Is Killed in Collision With a Work Van on SR100
Frederick J. Martinez, a 51-year-old Flagler Beach resident, was violently struck and killed by a work van as he rode his bike east on State Road 100 Tuesday afternoon, a little less than a mile from Old Kings Road.
The Death Penalty Comes to Flagler Beach: Saturday Workshop Takes On “Broken System”
The workshop between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at Santa Maria Del Mar’s Community Hall, will feature former death row inmates Herman Lindsey (exonerated in 2006) and Seth Penalver (2012), along with several other death penalty experts and advocates for the repeal of Florida’s capital punishment.
Bill Forbidding Local Governments from Passing Sick-Day Ordinances Advances
The proposed law, by Sen. David Simmons, is intended to thwart efforts to pass labor-friendly laws in local governments, since state-level labor reform is beyond reach with the anti-labor, GOP-led Florida Legislature.
Sarah Palin in Lakeland: Locking and Loading Assault Weapons With Jesus
Sarah Palin urged her faithfuls to “cling to your god, your guns, your Constitution,” a seamless ideology that would have Jesus waving the American flag with one hand and clicking off the safety of his assault rifle with the other, writes Cary McMullen.
As County Ratifies School Levy Referendum, Elections Supervisor Lines Up Concerns
Weeks, who expects a very low turn-out, is not planning on having an early-voting site for the June 7 special election, which falls on a Friday. The election may cost upwards of $100,000. The commission voted 5-0 to place the initiative on the ballot.
Tightening Vise on Internet Cafes, Senate Panel Follows House to Ban Them in Florida
The vote moves the Senate closer to outlawing the cafes and arcades, a proposal that was approved by the House last year but never reached the Senate floor. The proposal drew concerns about the potential impact on other amusement games used by charities and amusement arcades.
As Obamanomics Trickles Down, Florida’s Unemployment Rate Drops But Flagler’s Lags
Though improving, Florida’s unemployment rate is still 33rd out of the 50 states, while Flagler’s, at 11 percent, remains the second-worst in the state, after Hendry’s 11.4 percent.
Ronn Rauber, 20-Year Flagler Sheriff’s Veteran, Arrested on Domestic Battery Charge
Ron Rauber, 42, was arrested by a fellow-deputy Sunday evening after his ex-wife Amanda Kaznocha said he’d pinned her to the wall during an argument in front of the couple’s three young children.
Florida’s Two-Faced Feedback to Teachers: Do as We Say, Not As We Fail to Do
The Florida Department of Education expects its teachers to give immediate and detailed feedback to students on all work, yet the state will take three months to produce FCAT results, and it will do so without one iota of feedback other than a grade. Jo Ann Nahirny explores the hypocrisy.
Missing Memorials to Two Lost Wars
This week marks the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war, but as Iraq and Afghanistan have been lost, the focus of memorials has shifted from wars to the cult of the soldiers, while victims of war are as always passed over in silence.
Five Missing Aboard Drifting Boat Are Rescued After 1 a.m. on Intracoastal Near Marineland
The Palm Coast boat owner, Danilo Gomez, 43, explained that he, three family members and a teen-age friend were heading home from St. Augustine when they experienced engine problems.
Florida Legislators Have $3.5 Billion More To Play With This Year Than Last
Forecasters added $153 million in tax revenues in the budget year that ends June 30, and $106.5 million for the year that begins July 1. Even taking into account likely policy decisions and budget increases, the state could have a surplus of $1.1 billion.
Drawing the Line on Big Beer
AB InBev is truly a beverage behemoth, owning 200 beer brands, including Budweiser, Becks, Stella, Michelob, and St. Pauli Girl. It wants to take over Mexico’s Grupo Modelo, which owns the Corona brands and others. Consolidation is raising prices and narrowing consumer choice.
For Helen Reddy, No More “Stupid Pop Songs” as She Takes Over the Auditorium Sunday
Helen Reddy, the woman responsible for the mega 1971 hit “I Am Woman,” that second-wave feminist anthem, doesn’t dance to anyone’s drum. At 71, she takes on stages and audiences as if it were still Seneca Falls.
Small Businesses Self-Insure, Evading Obamacare Requirements, and Threatening It
As more small employers avoid the health act’s requirements through self-coverage, small-business marketplaces intended to cover millions of Americans could break down and become unaffordable.
18-Year-Old Faces First-Degree Felony Battery Charge Over Grandmother’s Accusations
Mary Lee, 80, claims her 18-year-old granddaughter, Jestina, pushed her over a chair, a claim Jestina denies, though the 18-year-old is in jail on $1,000 bond.
Steve Settle Is Named Chairman of the Flagler Beach City Commission on 5-0 Vote
Steve Settle is the new chairman of the Flagler Beach City Commission. He was elected unanimously Thursday evening by his fellow-commissioners (and himself). He replaces Jane Mealy, who’d served one year in the post.