Ruben Cortes, 23, of Campbell Court in Palm Coast, was jailed for the 12th time in five years after an alleged attempted burglary on Carr Lane. A sheriff’s deputy took out his Taser (but didn’t fire it) to arrest Elliott Dixon, 19, after Dixon was seen taking bed sheets, clothing and Lego sets at Walmart, and evading a Walmart employee who tried to stop him.
Your Policy Is Cancelled: Insurers End Coverage That Falls Short of Affordable Care Act
The main reason insurers are cancelling policies offer is that they fall short of what the Affordable Care Act requires starting Jan. 1. By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost — especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify.
Favoring Defense Industry Over Human Rights, Obama Loosens Restrictions on Arms Exports
The United States is loosening controls over military exports, in a shift that former U.S. officials and human rights advocates say could increase the flow of American-made military parts to the world’s conflicts and make it harder to enforce arms sanctions. In 2011, the U.S. concluded $66 billion in arms sales agreements, nearly 80 percent of the global market.
Florida’s U.S. Rep. C.W. Bill Young, Immoderate Only in Longevity, Is Dead at 82
U.S. Rep. C.W. “Bill” Young of Pinellas County, the longest serving Republican in Congress, was a political icon in the Tampa Bay area and a moderate who had only announced earlier this month that he wouldn’t seek a 23rd term in Congress next year.
Taking Competition Seriously, FPC Focuses Its Own Promotional Video on Economic Impact
An eight-minute promotional and marketing video about Flagler Palm Coast High School, produced by students, reflects the intense competition even public schools now face to stay relevant, and is catching the eye of economic development officials, who see it as a means of broadening the county’s story and potential to prospective residents and businesses.
Embry-Riddle Training Plane’s Door Crashes to Pavement at 16 College Court in Palm Coast
A canopy door from a two-engine plane belonging to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University came undone during a training run over Palm Coast’s C-Section around 4:30 p.m. Thursday and fell to earth, slamming the pavement within yards of several houses around a cul-de-sac. No one was injured on the ground, and the pilot and trainee aboard the plane made it safely back to the Flagler County Airport.
When Domestic Violence Hits the Workplace: Businesses Contend With Collateral Damage
Gathered in a community where the city and county have approved workplace policies banning domestic and sexual violence, experts said Thursday that all employers should be aware that workplace violence affects not only victims but business profits.
Disabled But Employed, Or Employable: What Businesses Can Do To Break Down Barriers
Stewart Marchman Act’s Enrichment Program’s 150 participants in Palm Coast and Daytona Beach are a reminder that Americans with disabilities are an underutilized reservoir of ambition, talent and skill ready to make great contributions in the workplace, writes Chet Bell.
Easter Seals Becomes Latest Charter Applicant Rejected by Defensive Flagler School Board
Counting Easter Seals, which planned to open two small charter schools for disabled 3 and 4 year olds, no fewer than eight applications for charter schools have been filed in Flagler in the last two years. Six were withdrawn, and two were rejected by the school board, which also forced once charter to close and saw another fail in mid-year and close shop.
Harsh Outlier: Florida’s Sentencing Laws Still Lock Up More Juveniles Than Any Other State
As state legislators have tried and failed to craft a juvenile-sentencing law that conforms to landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings, a national advocacy group is calling Florida a “clear outlier” among states for its hard-line approach to trying juveniles as adults.
Bowing to Hammock, Thrasher and Hutson Will File Bills to Restore Vacation-Rental Regulations
Sen. John Thrasher and Rep. Travis Hutson made their pledge to repeal the vacation-rental law during the annual legislative delegation meeting in Flagler Wednesday, which drew more than a full house because of that controversial issue. But repeal is unlikely as the 2011 law, which makes it easier to operate a house as a mini-hotel, passed the Senate unanimously, and the House overwhelmingly.
Bunnell Mayor Robinson Refuses to Sign New Manager’s Contract as Divisions Persist
Bunnell’s new city manager, Lawrence Williams, will be paid $44,000 less than Armando Martinez, his predecessor, but Williams’s first meeting as manager Monday was heavy on rancor and sniping and light on olive branches as commissioners continued to parry over Williams’s contract and other matters, signaling no thaw in their cold war any time soon.
At Death’s Door 15 Months Ago, Firefighter Mike Pius Leads Life-Saving Water Rescue With Flagler’s Marine Unit
Flagler County Fire Rescue’s Marine Unit, led by Lt. Mike Pius and John-Edward Raffo, saved an Indiana visitor from the surf Monday in the Hammock. Pius 15 months ago was in critical condition after a truck ran into his scooter. His recovery lasted seven months, and Monday’s rescue showed him–and his crew–in full form.
First of Three Common Core Public Hearings Brings Out Raucous Partisanship
The hearings were part of Gov. Rick Scott’s plan for dealing with the politically volatile issue. Scott has already begun distancing the state from a consortium developing tests for Common Core, and has suggested the hearing could come up with ways to amend the academic benchmarks.
Rebecca Sedwick Suicide: Two Middle School Girls, 12 and 14, Arrested on Aggravated Stalking Charges
12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick’s suicide in Lakeland on Sept. 10 was the latest of a growing list of children taking their own life after being maligned, threatened and taunted online, mostly through a new collection of texting and photo-sharing cellphone applications.
Strife-Ridden Bunnell Cancels $75-a-Plate Centennial Gala to Hold a Barbecue Instead
Only 17 people had RSVP’s with payment for the Nob. 8 black-tie gala in a city more riven by conflict than buoyed by centennial celebration. The Bunnell City Commission voted to hold a barbecue at a later date, with cost and caterers yet to be determined, though two commissioners may volunteer for duty.
CSI Flagler: Sheriff Launches Crime Lab and Inks $75,000 Deal With Private DNA Lab
Anticipating the day when FDLE’s crime labs will not be as readily accessible, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is investing in a crime scene investigator of its own, a mobile CSI unit, and a $75,000 annual contract with DNA Labs International, a private company, to more aggressively use DNA testing in property crimes.
Florida’s Rep. Bill Young’s Exit Spurs Battle for Rare Centrist Republican Swing Seat
Bill Young, 82, announced he will not seek re-election to the Florida seat he’s held for more than 40 years. Independents make up nearly a quarter of the voters in the Pinellas County district, considered the only true toss-up, open seat thus far in next year’s congressional races.
Stolen Car Found Submerged, and Empty, at Palm Coast’s Hershel King Park
The vehicle, a late-model Kia Optima, was stolen in Broward County in the past 24-48 hours, and had been dumped at Hershel King Park’s boat ramp.
The Difference Between Name-Calling and Calling Out Yahoos Holding America Hostage
Steve Robinson angered some people with his last column when he compared tea party Republicans to Know-Nothings. But, he argues, likening the narrow-minded nativist sentiments of that short-lived 19th-century party to the ideals of this current group of ideological fringe-dwellers is really not that far off.
Pink Army’s Legions Take to Palm Coast for Breast Cancer Battles Past, Present and Future
Some 800 runners, walkers and cheerers gathered for Florida Hospital Flagler’s annual Pink Army Run through Palm Coast’s Town Center Sunday morning in the continuing battle against a disease that claims the lives of 40,000 women a year.
Florida GOP Rep. Dennis Baxley Compares Gay Parents to Drunks and Drug Abusers
Florida’s Dennis Baxley, a Republican member of the Florida House representing the Ocala region, made the startling comparison of lesbian moms to abusers and dysfunctional parents during a House subcommittee meeting on middle school reforms this week.
24-Ton Recycling Waste Pro Truck, Full to Capacity, Overturns in Palm Coast’s R-Section
A 24-ton Waste Pro recycling truck that was near the end of its run for the day overturned and crashed on its side on Palm Coast’s Reybury Lane at 3:15 this afternoon, slightly injury its driver, Bob Ackerman.
Ex-House Speaker Tom Feeney’s and Flagler Beach’s Firms Among 4 Vying for Bunnell Attorney Job
A law firm that includes Tom Feeney, the ex-Florida House speaker and congressman who landed on a watchdog’s list as one of the 20 most corrupt congressmen four years running, is among the candidates for Bunnell City Atttorney, as is the firm that has been representing Flagler Beach since 2008.
XBox Murders Ringleader Victorino Closer to Execution as He Loses Supreme Court Appeal
Troy Victorino lost his latest appear in a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court Thursday. He was convicted of six counts of first-degree murder and numerous other charges, including the abuse of a dead human body, and sentenced to death for the killings at a Deltona home in 2004.
Focus on Flagler Sets Golf Fund-Raiser at Pine Lakes, for New Youth-Resilience Program
Focus on Flagler won a $25,000 Juvenile Justice grant to run the Creating Lasting Family Connections program locally, helping youths and their parents become more resilient in the face of social and personal difficulties. The golf tournament fund-raiser will help establish the program.
Flagler’s Public Safety Council Endorses Court-Ordering Ex-Felons to Evangelical Recovery House
The council—a collection of local police, court and other government agencies—provided the endorsement sight unseen and legalities untested, and based exclusively on a brief presentation by Charles Silano, the local pastor. Open Door Re-Entry and Recovery Ministry will be run out of a former church on Booe Street in Bunnell.
Flagler’s Teachers Still Waiting on Their $1,900 Raise as District and Union Negotiate Contract
Flagler’s teachers are in the same situation as teachers in 53 other counties where negotiations with unions have delayed the raises. A sticking point in Flagler: the district wants the authority to renegotiate annual “step” raises, while the union wants those step increases to continue to be awarded automatically, as they have been to date.
Senate Proposal Would Bar “Aggressors” From Using Stand Your Ground; Approval Unlikely
Prompted by a national outcry over George Zimmerman’s acquittal this summer in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a Florida Senate committee gave approval to minor changes in the state’s “stand your ground” law. But whether a Legislature dominated by gun-loving lawmakers will ultimately sign off on a bipartisan compromise remains a long shot.
Town Hall Road Show: Residents Grill 4 Local Governments’ Heads in Freewheeling Forum
A 90-minute town hall forum brought some 50 people to the Palm Coast Community Center to grill and hear Flagler County Commission Chairman Nate McLaughlin, Flagler Sheriff Jim Manfre, School Board Chairman Andy Dance, and Palm Coast City Council member Jason DeLorenzo address a long list of public concerns in a rare and informal cross-agency discussion.
FPC Student Detained for Bringing Alcohol on a School Bus; 2 Arrested Over Stolen Gun
The 15-year-old student allegedly confessed to drinking alcohol at a bus stop, and bringing the drink on board the bus, which he then spilled when confronted. Kenneth James Kirsch Jr., 20, and Michael Shawn McRoberts Jr., 17, of Palm Coast, were arrested after a police raid on a Zoeller Court over a gun stolen in late September in the F Section.
Assisted Living Facilities Beware: State Looking to Shut Down Unlicensed Operations
A Florida Senate panel Tuesday instructed the Agency for Health Care Administration to draft legislation — fast — that would allow the state to shut down unlicensed assisted-living facilities as quickly as possible.
For Taxpayers, A Rain of Excuses From Deficit-Ridden Palm Harbor Golf Club Contractor
Since Palm Coast began running the Palm Harbor Gofl Club on taxpayers’ dime in 2009, the facility has cost close to $6 million in capital and start-up costs, and annual deficits since. Contractor Kemper Sports told the city council Tuesday that it aims to break even next year, but greater success may be elusive as golfing faces numerous challenges.
Arthur Jones, Former Bunnell Police Chief And Civic Activist, Is Dead at 61
Arthur Jones, Bunnell’s police chief for four years until 2012 and a founder of the Alliance of Involved Ministries who relished his role as a mentor to children and youth, has died. He was 61.
Sheriff Defends Not Filing Report After His Department Car Is Scraped in Out-of-State Personal Trip
When Flagler Sheriff Jim Manfre took his department-issued Dodge Charger to Virginia to see family in August, the car was scraped while parked, requiring $250 to $350 in repairs. No incident report was filed. A local shop did the repairs for free, outside the county’s bidding process, though Manfre had reported it to fleet management.
Should Cops Have Power to Track You in Real Time Through Cell Phones? Court Will Decide.
Grappling with privacy rights amid fast-changing technology, the Florida Supreme Court on Monday heard arguments in a challenge to police using “real-time” cell-phone information to track a suspect in a drug case.
Shawn Dyer, 38, Accused of Growing Pot for a Year in Seminole Woods House; 20 lb Seized
Shawn Dyer had allegedly bypassed the house on 2nd Path’s electric meter to keep an elaborate marijuana growing operation going. An estimated 6.5 pounds of packaged marijuana, worth $19,500, was found in the house, among other related items.
A Tiff, and Broader Implications, In County’s Hope of Eliminating Voter Voice in Economic Development
In a reflection of government-backed economic development’s dim luster, Flagler County want to eliminate voters’ role in giving local governments authority to extend tax breaks to companies. That proposal led to a clash Monday between government critic Dennis McDonald and Commissioner Barbara Revels.
Fast-Tracking Executions Proves Slower than Expected Under “Timely Justice Act”
The new law designed to fast-track executions in Florida, called the Timely Justice Act, will not spark a flurry of executions after all even as 132 convicts have been certified as being partially “warrant ready” to be killed, perhaps dashing some lawmakers’ expectations.
A Confederacy of Choices: Marketplace Plans Vary Widely In Costs, In Counties And Across U.S.
Consumers shopping in the new health insurance marketplaces will face a bewildering array of competing plans in some counties and sparse options in other places, with people in some areas of the country having to pay much more for the identical level of coverage than consumers elsewhere.
Shutdown Geezers: The Medicare
Generation’s Immoral War on Obamacare
Opponents of Obamacare think that by doubling down on hurting Americans through a shut-down, they might stun them into submission. They must be stupider than they let on. The Affordable Care Act has its issues. Lacking for moral high ground isn’t among them.
What The Live Grenade Looked Like On Palm Coast Parkway Crosswalk
FlaglerLive obtained an image of the grenade discovered on a Palm Coast Parkway crosswalk Tuesday evening, as the image was relayed to the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad through a robotic camera. The grenade was destroyed that evening.
Flagler County Buys 276 Minutes on Electronic Billboard Near Times Square, for $15,000
The 10-second spot will run once an hour, 18 times a day, through Jan. 2, on a billboard on 42nd Street, four and a half blocks south of Times Square, and is paid for half by the county’s tourism bed tax and half by the general fund, through the economic development department.
Runs, Flags and Shirts: Pink Armies Invading Flagler County for Breast Cancer Awareness
Highlights of this month’s Pink Army events in Palm Coast and Flagler include a 5K run or walk on Oct. 13, pink flag-raising ceremonies, and allowances, on Oct. 13, for school district students who participated in the run to wear their pink shirts instead of the required uniform.
Flagler Beach Police “Captain”: Last Three Candidates Make Their Pitch to the Community
Steve Clair, Matthew Doughney and Joe Sisti appeared in a semi-formal setting before some 35 people, including the whole membership of the Flagler Beach City Commission, who gathered at city hall to hear the candidates for police captain and mingle with them.
Matanzas High School’s Surging SAT Scores Brighten Otherwise Dimmer District Results
In a tribute to the school’s SAT prep classes, Matanzas’ reading average of 502 on the SAT test exceeded state and national averages, and the school exceeded state averages on math and writing, but district-wide 2013 SAT and ACT scores remain below state and national averages, dragged down especially by math scores.
For 3 Gallons of Gas: Suspect Chased and Arrested After Theft from Cline Construction
John Mancuso, 50, of Palm Coast faces a burglary and felony fleeing and eluding charges after allegedly stealing three gallons of gas in a 30-gallon fuel drum from Cline Construction’s fuel depot on Utility Drive, off of Old Kings Road, Wednesday evening.
FPL Customers in Flagler Will Again Pay Nuke Surcharge for Plants at Least 10 Years Off
A residential customer who uses 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a month will pay about $5.5 extra a year, but the cost is part of a broader controversy over a law that allows utility companies to charge customers for power-plant construction that hasn’t even begun yet, and may never be completed.
Shutdown Hits Home: Castillo de San Marcos and Ft. Matanzas Among Parks Off Limits
Starting Tuesday, the National Park Service closed all 401 national parks, including Castillo de San Marcos and Fort Matanzas National Monuments in St. Augustine, affecting the local tourism economy. Potential foreign visitors’ visas are facing processing delays.
Bomb Squad Removes Live Grenade Found at Belle Terre and Palm Coast Parkway Intersection
Authorities confirmed that the object found at the intersection of Palm Coast Parkway and Belle Terre around 6 p.m. Tuesday was a live grenade, an Mk 2 that the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office’s bomb squad secured and took to a different location to detonate. There were no injuries.