Two weeks after firing City Manager William Whitson, the Flagler Beach City Commission this evening hired Mike Abels, the city manager of DeLand for a decade until 2008, as its interim manager for the next few months. The commission had no choice. But based on his broad experience, it also could scarcely have secured a better interim manager.
Daytona Beach Home Sales Hit an 11-Year Low
Daytona Beach area home sales plummeted in January to low levels not seen since the last major recession. The last time Daytona Beach home sales started the year below 215 homes sold was 2012.
School Board’s Chong Demands ‘Safe Space’ Sign Be Removed Seconds After Decrying Violence at Matanzas
Flagler County School Board member Christy Chong had just decried a Matanzas High School student’s attack on a teacher aide there when, not a minute later, she demanded that a “safe space” poster associated with LGBTQ groups and anti-bullying be removed from a Matanzas classroom.
Daytona Solisti Chamber Orchestra’s ‘Romancing the Strings’ Concert Sunday
The Daytona Solisti Chamber Orchestra’s annual “Romancing the Strings” concert will feature a work that one music scholar called an “Everest” – Johann Sebastian Bach’s Chaconne in D minor.
Latest Attack on Home Rule Would Enable Suspension of Local Ordinances Subject of Suits
A bill in the Florida Senate would require local governments to suspend enforcement of ordinances while lawsuits play out. Also, plaintiffs who successfully challenge ordinances in court could receive up to $50,000 for attorney fees and costs.
Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Migrant Flights After Legislative Fix
A circuit judge dismissed a lawsuit filed after Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration sparked a controversy in September by flying about 50 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. The lawsuit became moot when the Legislature this month passed a law addressing the issue.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, February 23, 2023
The Flagler Beach City Commission decides on an interim manager, drug court, Anne Applebaum on the war in Ukraine, a poem by Taras Shevchenko.
The Ethics of Home Ownership in an Age of Inequality
Despite the current state of the housing market, property is still considered a sound investment – at least for the limited group who can afford it. However, property ownership can have serious consequences on others’ lives.
State Agency Holds Office Hours in Bunnell to Help Residents with Post-Hurricane Permitting
The office hours will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 2 (Thursday) in the Engineering Conference Room (located on the third floor) at the Flagler County Government Building, 1769 E. Moody Boulevard, Bunnell.
John C. Hitt, Who’d Presided Over UCF for 28 Years, Dies at 82
President Emeritus John C. Hitt believed education transformed lives. The first in his family to attend college, he greatly expanded opportunities for students to earn UCF degrees while also leading the university through exceptional growth in academic quality and forming partnerships that remain critical to the region’s economic vitality.
School Board Chair Wants To Hear From Employees: Do You Want Armed Staffers on Campus?
As the Flagler County School Board nears a decision on arming some staffers on campus, School Board member Cheryl Massaro isn’t convinced that’s what employees want. She wants to hear from them before making a decision, and invited employees to use a district app or link to share their thoughts.
In Mayor’s Absence, Ed Danko Chairs Palm Coast Council Meeting, and the World Doesn’t End
With Palm Coast Mayor out for surgery, Vice Mayor Ed Danko chaired a City Council meeting for the first time on Tuesday. A former lightning rod of controversy, Danko’s handling of the brief meeting was entirely civil but for one interruption.
Matanzas High School Special Education Student Arrested in Attack of Teacher Aide
A 17-year-old Matanzas High School student was arrested on a charge of aggravated battery after allegedly violently assaulting a paraprofessional employee he accused of taking away a game he was playing. The employee was hospitalized.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, February 22, 2023
The school board meets today (not yesterday), the Atlantic Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has its weekly chat group, a little Astor Piazzolla, a little Didion.
3 in 5 Long Covid Patients Have Organ Damage a Year Out from Infection
A new study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine looked at organ damage in long Covid patients, most of whom were not severely affected when they had Covid initially. Organ damage was identified in 59% of participants a year after their initial symptoms.
‘How’s This Working Out for You?’ Judge Had Warned Duane Weeks Jr., Who’s Again Arrested
A judge had warned Duane Weeks Jr., the son of former Elections Supervisor Kim Weeks, to steer clear of trouble when he lasts sentenced him to prison. Weeks was out a matter of weeks before he was re-arrested, and now faces the prospect of a much steeper sentence.
City Approves Two Developments Totaling 382 Homes, in Town Center and Off U.S. 1
As home sales in Flagler hit a four-year low in January, Spring Lake at Palm Coast, now Reverie, got the go-ahead for 272 homes off U.S. 1 north of Palm Coast Parkway, and Palm Coast Seascape in Town Center was cleared for 110 luxury homes.
Commissioners Blame ‘Bad Planning’ as Cost to Replace Jail Security System Triples in Months
The Flagler County jail’s surveillance system, including 149 cameras, is not yet seven years old. It’s failing. The Flagler County Commission–the jail’s landlord–is having to replace it for $1.6 million, just months after the county administration told commissioners that it would cost only $500,000.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, February 21, 2023
The Palm Coast City Council meets, the Flagler County School Board yet again talks about arming staffers, a few words from Malcolm X.
Poland Is Policing History, and Distorting the Holocaust
In 2018 Poland passed a law punishing anyone who claimed Poles had any responsibility in the Holocaust. The law is intended to silence historians, even beyond Poland’s borders.
Plan to Expand Taxpayer Funded Private Education Advances as Democrats Sound Alarm
Florida House and Senate GOP lawmakers are fine with families of millionaires and billionaires utilizing public dollars to attend private schools, even if those families could afford private school costs and tuition.
Florida House Bill Targets Socially Responsible Corporations
The Florida House bill seeks to block government investment decisions involving “environmental, social and governance” standards, known as ESG.
Stony Silence as Commission Proclaims Flagler Reads Together and Book-Banning Title
A rather joyless Flagler County Commission designated March as “Flagler Reads Together” month as the Friends of the Library chose Celeste Ng’s “Our Missing Hearts,” a novel of a dystopian America that bans books and represses minorities, as its chosen title.
‘Historic’ Fire Station 22 Will Move to Colbert Lane and Make Room for Community Center Parking
The Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday is expected to approve ending the life of its oldest fire house, Station 22, on Palm Coast Parkway and building a new station on Colbert Lane. The plan is part of a larger design both to improve firefighters’ response times and to improve the dismal parking situation at the Palm Coast Community center.
Felon with Long Prison History Faces Stabbing and Home Invasion Armed Robbery Charges
Richard Westervelt, 31, of Ryland Drive in Palm Coast, got out of his last prison stint in August. He now faces up to life in prison if convicted of the latest alleged offenses, including a stabbing, armed home invasion robbery and burglary.
GOP Bills Disrupting Trans Youth Care Are Sweeping the Nation Beyond Florida
Republican lawmakers in more than half the states are continuing a party-line push to restrict doctors and other medical providers from offering some gender-affirming health care to minors, even with parents’ consent.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, February 20, 2023
To include your event in the Briefing and Live Calendar, please fill out this form. Weather: Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Monday Night: Mostly clear in the evening, then becoming mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 50s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Today at the Editor’s […]
How Jimmy Carter’s Human Rights Focus Helped Dismantle the Soviet Union
Critics have described Carter’s foreign policies as “ineffectual” and “hopelessly muddled,” and their formulation demonstrated “weakness and indecision.” But his overseas policies were far more effective than critics have claimed.
Flagler County Cultural Council Drives Local Survey Collection for a Study
Administered by Americans for the Arts approximately every five years, the culture survey will examine the economic impact of the arts and culture in Flagler County and 400 additional communities representing all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.
Do You Love Your Public Library? Consider Volunteering.
Those who love books, have a little extra time on their hands, and are interested in meeting some like-minded people should consider volunteering at the Flagler County Public Library. Volunteers provide support services or work on special projects with staff.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, February 19, 2023
Final day for the Near Disaster of Jasper and Casper at CRT, Thibault Cauvin and Bach’s great prelude in C major, Joan Didion’s multiple sclerosis.
Think You Know What High Blood Pressure Is? Think Again.
Most Americans don’t know the normal or healthy range for blood pressure – yet strikingly, they think they do. And that is cause for serious concern in a nation where nearly half of Americans ages 20 years and up, and three-quarters of those 65 and up, have high blood pressure.
Why Is DeSantis Protecting Our Kids from ‘Literature’?
Books are filthy. Yet liberals want your children to read them. Why? So your children will become drag queens, tree huggers, NPR listeners, Lizzo fans, soccer watchers, trans activists, vaccine takers, election denier deniers, AP class takers, and America haters.
Group Seeks to Legalize Homegrown Medical Pot with 2024 Ballot Proposal
A political committee has started moving forward with a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow medical-marijuana patients and patients’ caregivers to grow cannabis at home.
48-Year-Old Man Is Killed in 2-Vehicle Collision on I-95 Near Palm Coast Parkway
A 48-year-old man driving a box truck was killed Friday evening (Feb. 17) when his truck collided with an SUV and rolled into the woods along I-95 about a mile north of the Palm Coast Parkway interchange.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, February 18, 2023
Farmer’s market in Flagler Beach, Jasper and Casper at City Repertory Theatre, Nat Hentoff and Judge Stephen Reinhardt on a seminal court decision against book-banning.
How Much ‘Religious Accommodation’ Are Employers Responsible For?
The U.S. Supreme Court will soon address the extent to which employers must accommodate employees, if at all, when they want to pray, not work on Sundays, observe the Sabbath or invoke litanies of other sectarian requirements.
FPC Fire Academy’s Kyle Gardner Finds a Career with the Palm Coast Fire Department
By joining the Flagler Palm Coast High School Fire Academy Leadership program as a freshman in 2017, Kyle Gardner was able to get a jumpstart on his fire school studies during the week while spending his weekends at Palm Coast Fire Stations 21 and 24.
Florida Justices Refuse to Block Killing of Donald Dillbeck, Convicted of Carjacking Murder
Justices refused to issue a stay of Dillbeck’s execution, whose death warrant was signed last month by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The killing, scheduled for Feb. 23, would be the first time a prisoner has been put to death in Florida since 2019. Dillbeck’s attorney say he is mentally disabled.
Palm Coast Residents’ Doubled Stormwater Fee Could Reach $542 a Year by 2027
Palm Coast resident’s $22.27 monthly stormwater fee would increase to $45.16 over the next four years if the city follows its consultant’s recommendation. Some residents would pay more in stormwater fees than in city taxes. Even lesser options would result in sharp increases, and no increases are not an option.
The Black Flamingo Thwarts Book Ban as Matanzas and FPC Vote 10-0 to Keep It on Shelves
A joint review committee from Matanzas and Flagler Palm Coast high schools voted unanimously Thursday to keep Dean Atta’s “The Black Flaming” on the two schools’ library shelves. It is the second time in a little over two weeks that the committees rejected a challenge by one of the three individuals targeting 22 books for bans so far this year.
Judge Almost Doubles Bond on Gabriella Alo, Defendant in Brazen Flagler Beach Attack
Circuit Judge Terence Perkins this morning nearly doubled the bond on on 18-year-old Gabriella Alo, from $18,500 to $33,500, based on new information from the prosecution. Alo and her brother face charges in an attack on two people at Wickline Park in Flagler Beach in January. The judge also imposed a set of conditions should Alo manage to bond out.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, February 17, 2023
Gabriella Alo is again before a judge this morning, this time on a state motion to have her bond revoked, The Near Disaster of Jasper and Casper, at City Repertory Theatre, John McWhorter gives DeSantis some credit.
White Noise: How Dangerous Was the Ohio Train Derailment?
Headaches and lingering chemical smells from a fiery train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, have left residents worried about their air and water – and misinformation on social media hasn’t helped.
Judge Tosses Challenge to Law Restricting Gender and Sex Orientation Discussions in Class
U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor dismissed a revised lawsuit filed by students, parents and teachers, ruling that the plaintiffs had not “alleged sufficient facts” to show they had legal standing to challenge the law.
Palm Coast Council Embraces Idea of $73 Million Events Venue in Town Center’s Arts District
The consultant Palm Coast government hired to map out how best to develop the city’s Arts District in Town Center is recommending building a $73 million (not including debt interest), 76,000 square foot multipurpose entertainment and conference center not focused exclusively on arts and culture. The venue would by far be the most expensive city facility ever built.
Book Challenge in Flagler Schools: Dean Atta’s ‘The Black Flamingo,’ a Review and a Recommendation
Dean Atta’s “The Black Flamingo” is among the 22 books a trio of individuals have sought to ban from high school library shelves. A joint committee of Flagler Palm Coast and Matanzas high school meets today to decide whether to retain it or ban it. The following review is presented as a guide.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, February 16, 2023
The Flagler Youth Orchestra Winter Concert celebrates Black composers, at the Auditorium, high school committee review “The Black Flamingo,” Jeff Terrell at Tiger Bay, The Near Disaster of Jasper and Casper, at CRT.
What Does ‘Equal Protection’ Mean on the Most Diverse Supreme Court in History?
Though the court is the most diverse in American history – with three justices of color and four women – the conservatives who have historically opposed affirmative action programs hold a 6-3 majority. That majority may ban the use of race when the court issues a decision in a Harvard case expected in June.
Lawmakers Pushing to Increase Homestead Tax Break at Local Governments’ Expense
A proposal to change the state’s Save Our Homes property-tax cap from 3 to 2 percent, significantly diminishing local governments’ revenue, cleared its first legislative committee on Wednesday, despite concerns that it might force counties to cut services or shift the tax burden.