Red-light camera epidemic, citrus in Florida, Florida’s top environmental stories of the year, profiling’s return, and more.
Bunnell Bank of America Robbery: Image Gallery
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Best of the Rest: January 1-3, 2010
Where it started going wrong for Crist, how Blackwater gets away with murder again, and the federal judiciary’s reefer madness.
New Fees at Belle Terre Swim Club
The school-board owned and managed club in Palm Coast is lowering some fees and offering a new, six-month deal to appeal to snowbirds.
Why It’s Taking So Long to Close Guantanamo
By Dafna Linzer As we have reported throughout the year, the Obama administration has been serially hampered in its efforts to shutter the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It underestimated [2] the time needed to close the facility and was unprepared for Congressional opposition. Finding countries to adopt detainees has proven difficult, and only this […]
Disney’s Monorail System: A Primer
A quick ride through the facts and history of the monorail system at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
Disney’s Monorail System Goes Off Course
An accident, a death, 300 stranded passengers: Disney’s monorail system is in disarray. 911 calls included.
Teddy Roosevelt on Socialism
Many of the men who call themselves Socialists to-day are in reality merely radical social reformers, with whom on many points good citizens can and ought to work in hearty general agreement.
One Arrest, One Get-Away in Palm Coast Armed Robbery
A 19-year-old Palm Coast teenager was arrested and charged with armed robbery on Dec. 15 shortly after allegedly pulling a gun on two individuals walking along Boulder Rock Dr. in Palm Coast around 11:18 a.m. that morning. A second suspect allegedly involved in the robbery is still at large. The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office reports […]
Hot Air Over Climategate
Oklahoma Senator and chronic denier James Inhoffe claims the Climatic Research Unit e-mails show that the science behind climate change “has been pretty well debunked.” He’s wrong.
A Weigh Station Runs Through It
A state proposal to move and supersize a weigh station closer to Palm Coast on U.S. 1 is drawing concerted opposition from Palm Coast, Bunnell and the School Board. The transportation Department may not be listening.
Nimby, Nimbyism and Nimbyists
Nimbyism is a particularly American reflection of the material value ascribed to real estate. The materialism is expressed through the more high-minded lens of property rights or the idealistic, if often opportunistic, lens of environmental stewardship.
Limbaugh’s Oxycontin Math
Rush Limbaugh claims the November drop in the unemployment rate is questionable because it was calculated “over two days of the Thanksgiving week.” He’s wrong.
The 10 Most Ridiculous Commandments
In order for any Republican candidate to receive support from the Republican National Committee, they have to sign off on eight out of 10 newly-mandated, government-approved, “conservative” principles.
Obama’s Nobel Lecture: “Bend History”
In his Nobel peace prize lecture, Barack Obama evoked the notions of just wars to counter the irony of being “the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars.”
Best of the Rest: December 9, 2009
Copenhagen’s A-to-Z guide, how to know when you’re being an absolute bore, mucking up Alaska (again) and more.
A Chopin Polonaise
“Simplicity is the final achievement,” Chopin said. “After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.” [media id=4]
Gerrymandering’s origins had plenty to do with the wily efforts of Elbridge Gerry, governor of Massachusetts in 1812, whose redistricting scheme ensured that Democrats would clobber Federalists in elections.
What Health Care Reform Means for the Underinsured
Besides the nearly 50 million uninsured, some 40 to 50 million Americans are underinsured. Reform would vastly improve their lot.
Milton Berle’s “Anaconda”
Alan Zweibel was among the original writers on Saturday Night Live, back when Gerald Ford was still president. Here’s his story of coming face to face with Milton Berle’s legendary penis.
Protected: The Price of Biodiversity
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.