Saturday morning, with the temperature in the upper fifties and the skies clear, scores of people took part in the 1st Annual “Going the Extra Mile” walk in support of battling breast cancer and bringing awareness to the disease, raising $2,500.
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The town also went pink all over, with businesses and homes showing support by pinking up whatever they could on their properties. The extra mile refers to the fourth mile walkers in Bunnell were willing to make as part of the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walks that take place elsewhere.
In Daytona Beach, the event is a 3.2-mile walk. Mayor Catherine Robinson, who took part in the event, said several survivors were also among the walkers, as were participants of all ages. As Judi Stetson, the city’s special projects director, described it, there were children in strollers and people with canes and all ages in between.
One of the participants, Angela Hamilton, described the scene:

“Over 160 walkers adorned in pink attire gathered together along with several children and some dogs to walk four miles in an effort to raise awareness and support breast cancer research. There were teams and individuals walking along with several breast cancer survivors.
“There was even a band (Tarnished Halo), whose lead singer is a breast cancer survivor providing entertainment. Walkers filled out pink slips of paper in memory of those who have passed on or in honor of those who are survivors and attached them to a fence. By the end of the walk the fence was covered in pink papers blowing in the wind, which shows just how many people are affected constantly by cancer.
“Also at the conclusion of the walk, breast cancer survivors were announced and a group picture was taken as a testament that breast cancer isn’t always a death sentence. The group managed to raise over $2,500 to be donated to the American Cancer Society. If you missed it this year, don’t worry because this event is surely going to be an annual event that happens for many years to come.”
A few more pictures, courtesy of Judi Stetson:
Veronica Scott says
I would like to personally thank Angela Hamilton and all the folks with the City of Bunnell who made this event come to fruition in Flagler County! City of Bunnell made great strides in raising awareness in the fight against breast cancer. I would like to personally thank everyone who made this day special, from the truckers who blew their horns in support of the walkers, to the store owners who pinked up their stores and came out and offered bananas, cookies, water, and discounts on pizza (yeah, lots of us took them up on that too). This was a first-rate event and one I’ll never forget! To know that this event was so well received in our own county was nothing short of a dream come true. Tim, Mike, and I (Tarnished Halo) were proud to provide the entertainment for this event. Special thanks to my husband, our transportation director, Justus, and the rest of our team “It’s No Joke” (Sondra, Rose, Amanda and George) who came out and walked with us and helped in every way possible. It was wonderful to see so many people, including some teams, out there walking in Bunnell. If you have not yet scheduled your annual mammogram, please do so today. What you don’t know can kill you. Waiting only lessens your options and your chances for a cure. Breast cancer can strike young and old alike, and men can also be affected. For more information on breast cancer or MSABC, go to the American Cancer Society’s website: http://www.cancer.org
My name is Veronica Scott and I’m a 2.5 year breast cancer survivor and lead singer for Tarnished Halo.
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