Sue Dickinson is one of four candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 14 primary election, which will decide the winners: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Flagler Palm Coast High School
Colleen Conklin, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Colleen Conklin is one of four candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 14 primary election, which will decide the winners: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Deborah Laury, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Deborah Laury is one of four candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 14 primary election, which will decide the winners: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
A Vigil of 300 Flickers with Solidarity and Sorrow For Meredith Smith and Lane Burnsed
Some 300 people turned out Sunday evening on the sands of Flagler Beach, including the parents of Meredith Smith and Lane Burnsed, the teens killed in a wreck on I-95 Thursday. The crowd was mostly young, emotional and subdued.
FPC’s Jacob Oliva Is Named Assistant Superintendent, Lynette Shott Is New Principal
Superintendent Janet Valentine told the school board this evening a deputy superintendent was critical to ensure a proper succession–and to fill in at a critical time, as she tends to her daughter, who was involved in a violent car wreck.
Kerry Norberg
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2012)
Kerry Norberg is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23 year old category of the 2012 Flagler County Pageant.
Shanique Tiana Roomes
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2012)
Shanique Tiana Roomes is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23 year old category of the 2012 Flagler County Pageant.
Kate Strickland
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2012)
Kate Strickland is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2012 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Tara Norberg
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2012)
Tara Norberg is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2012 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Flagler School District Won’t Lift Facebook Ban, But Cracks Are Beginning to Appear
Facebook is blocked on Flagler County school district networks, though students and faculty access it anyway by bypassing the network on phones, and the district, which prides itself on technology uses, is considering lifting the ban during after-school activities.
With Few Flagler Exceptions, Reading, Math and Science FCAT Scores Drop for Most Schools
As reading and math scores improved statewide in most grades, despite tougher standards, Flagler County students lost ground over last year’s results, and struggled to keep up with state averages.
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Senior DVD Now Available
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s senior DVD is the annual feature-length send-off, including highlights of sports, plays, homecoming, teacher goodbyes and senior moments.
Advanced Placement Gambit: Challenging Students at the Risk of Penalizing Teachers
Flagler County high schools are encouraging more students to take Advanced Placement tests, which beef up a school’s profile. But when students fail the testm their teachers are penalized, now that their pay is tied to student performance.
Flagler’s FCAT Writing Scores Collapse, a Reflection of Florida’s Tougher Standards
As expected, Flagler County’s writing scores for 4th, 8th and 10th graders, released today, fell precipitously as the state imposed a new writing standard and a new passing grade, but itself failed to convey those standards clearly to teachers and principals ahead of time.
For Sen. Thrasher, FPC Visit Turns Into 3-Hour Education on “Unintended Consequences”
Sen. John Thrasher, at Flagler Palm Coast High School Tuesday morning, heard how legislation on testing and teacher evaluations is at odds with reality, vowed to study alternatives, and welcomed Flagler officials’ request to make public schools part of the reform game.
Dear Mrs. Nahirny: Tales From the “Don’t Quit” File on Teacher Appreciation Week
Every year during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11), Matanzas’s Jo Ann Nahirny has her English students write thank you cards to teachers, and receives a few herself, which she’s always kept in what she calls her “don’t quit” file. She opens it up.
Added Security at FPC as District Contends With Rumors of a Friday Face-Off on Campus
The school district and the Sheriff’s Office are beefing up security at Flagler Palm Coast High School in response to a rumored confrontation on campus Friday, spilling over from a confrontation at Ralph Carter Park last Sunday. The superintendent stressed that there was no hard evidence of such a confrontation.
Wes Adams, Student School Board Member, Is Recognized for “Swiss Army Knife” Dexterity
Wesley Adams, who represented students on the Flagler County School Board this year, was named All-American by U.S. Lacrosse, the national governing board of the sport, after becoming one of FPC’s leading scorers in the last four years.
FCAT 2.0: Computer Snags in Flagler Schools Compound Students’ and Teachers’ Anxieties
FCAT testing began this week, and with a dozen tests administered by computer only, to save money, teachers in several Flagler schools are reporting students being arbitrarily logged off, losing work and time and worsening already stressful conditions.
Flagler NAACP’s 2012 Olympics of the Mind April 14 at the Auditorium
Come out and support Flagler County’s talented young scientists, poets, filmmakers, painters, musicians, writers and lots more, and see Flagler’s high school students reaching for the gold in the 2012 NAACP Olympics of the Mind on April 14.
FPC’s Preston Hagens Is Seriously Injured in SR100 Crash; FHP Seeking Witnesses
A T-bone crash closed SR100’s west lanes for two hours Saturday and sent three people to hospitals when a Ford Mustang lost control and crossed into the westbound lanes. FHP is looking for witnesses.
“If I had a Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon”: Obama Speaks Out, FPC Students Protest
President Obama called the killing of Trayvon Miller a tragedy and addressed it in personal terms Friday as Gov. Rick Scott appointed an outside prosecutor Thursday night to investigate the shooting.
Buddy Taylor Middle’s Winnie Oden Moving To Pathways in June, Carla Taylor To FPC
Neither administrator volunteered for the new assignments, but administrators work at the will of the district. No one has been named to the principal’s post at Buddy Taylor Middle School yet.
Women’s Wrestling as Inspiration: “Miracle Worker” at FPC’s Black Box Theatre Tonight
The story of Hellen Keller and Annie Sullivan, with FPC junior Agata Sokolska and senior Leana Gardella in the title roles, is director Kelly Nelson’s valentine to inspiration. The play will be staged Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Lady Liberty at Flagler Palm Coast High School: When Veterans Get Patriotism All Wrong
Veterans complained to the Flagler County School Board that student portrayals of Lady Liberty they say at FPC “desecrated” her and the flag and should be removed. The veterans were wrong, and were themselves desecrating American values.
The Late Bernie Axelrod Leaves Flagler Education Foundation $200,000 Endowment
Bernie Axelrod never finished high school, but rose through the ranks of union print shops in new York City, founded a travel agency, and was a pioneer in donating technology to schools. He joined the Flagler Education Foundation in the 1990s.
Flagler Schools Will Start Earlier, On Aug. 16, End June 8, As District Sets 2012-13 Calendar
Thanksgiving will still be a full week off, but Christmas break will entail two broken weeks at either ends, so students can come back on Jan. 2 and have more time to prepare for the new FCAT: end-of-course exams. Printable calendar included.
In Quiet Coda to Controversy, School Board Unanimously Approves Uniform Policy Details
The new uniform policy makes broad allowances for color, types of clothing and shoes, but makes the wearing of IDs compulsory in all middle and high schools. The policy goes in effect next fall.
Mediocre Results for Flagler Schools, Worse for Its Charters, in Controversial State Rankings
School-by-school rankings follow last week’s district rankings. Belle Terre Elementary and Indian Trails Middle ranked best, but still barely in the top quartile, while Flagler’s three charter schools scraped the bottom, in contrast with several top-performing charters elsewhere in the state.
Deaf District as Flagler Students Are Cheated Out of Dozens of Hours of Test Preparation
As high schools prepare students for the FCAT writing test in a few weeks and end-of course exams in May, Matanzas High School’s Jo Ann Nahirny explains how the district’s abbreviated schedule is hurting student preparation and will likely hurt results. Yet administrators seem deaf to alternatives.
Flip-Flops OK, Tuck-In Not Required: District’s Uniform Policy Will Be Relatively Permissive
The Flagler school board met this morning to iron out the wording of its new “uniform dress code” policy, which merely tightens existing standards rather than imposes a rigid uniform standard.
Full Text of Proposed Uniform Policy for Flagler County Schools
The full text of the proposed “uniform dress code” policy the Flagler County School board agreed to on Jan. 25, and is scheduled to vote on adopting, at its Jan. 31 meeting.
Flagler School Board Adopts Uniforms on 3-2 Vote But Only Vaguely Defines What It Means
The Flagler County School Board’s 3-2 decision to institute uniforms in all schools Tuesday evening was only vaguely defined beyond what may be only a somewhat more stringent dress code than the one in effect now.
Bunnell’s Barbara Korn and FPC’s Sarah Poppe Win School District’s Top Honors for 2012
The 2012 Teachers and Employees of the Year at the Flagler Auditorium Thursday evening featured every school’s nominees and a cheer-leading crowd with shrieking lung capacities.
Crediting FPC, 2 Manfres Develop Energy-Saving Product With Broad Applications
FPC graduate Alec Manfre is the COO of Bractlet, a start-up company that received $40,000 from the Chilean government to develop an energy-saving device he and colleagues invented at Georgia Tech. Manfre’s sister Catherine, also an FPC graduate, heads the company’s marketing.
FPC and Matanzas, Penalized By Lower At-Risk Graduation Numbers, Maintain B Rating
FPC and Matanzas had the numbers for an A, but were docked a letter grade because they graduated fewer at-risk students than the state requires.
Matanzas Graduation Rate at 90%, FPC at 83% As Charter School Drags Flagler’s Down
When the numbers from heritage Academy, a charter school, are excluded, the Flagler school district’s graduation rate improves to 84.4 percent. The district’s single-year drop-out rate was 1.7 percent.
Uniform Fashion Show Punctuates School District’s Last Forum Before Final Policy Vote
The show, during a forum meant to be more even-handed than shilling, was designed to give an audience of about 45 some idea of what the uniforms might look like, if the school board–currently favoring the policy 3-2–finally ratifies the initiative on Jan. 17.
Dinner with Santa at FPC
Have dinner with Santa at Flagler-Palm Coast High School on Thursday, December 15 from 6-8 pm in the campus cafeteria. Photos, crafts, and a $3 meal, with proceeds to benefit Flagler families.
FPC’s Frankie Garcia Picked to Join U.S. Army’s All-American Marching Band
Frankie Garcia’s honor is reserved for just 125 high school senior band musicians once a year, chosen from 1,234 nominations across the nation. He’ll perform at the the annual U.S. Army All-American Bowl’s half-time show before a national television audience.
Pink Armies Invade Flagler In Varieties Of Breast Cancer Awareness Campaigns
The Flagler County fire department, Palm Coast government, Florida Hospital Flagler, schools and organizations are all in on raising awareness to battle breast cancer in October.
Superintendent Will Recommend Tasers In Schools; Majority of Board Signals Agreement
Three school board members favor allowing school deputies to carry Tasers, some of them with reservations, as the board prepares for a decision as early as next Tuesday. The initiative is part of the fallout from a student’s fight with a deputy at Matanzas High School.
Town Simmer: City Retreats From Four-Laning Bulldog Drive or Condemning Ajram Property
Lack of money and traffic and the threat of a lawsuit forced Palm Coast to keep Bulldog Drive a two-lane road for now, beautifying it, but also dropping its long-running condemnation threat against property owner Gus Ajram.
SAT Scores Fall Across the Board; Flagler Below U.S. But Above State Averages
Average SAT scores nationally fell to the lowest level recorded since 1995 on the combined reading and math tests. In Flagler County, Matanzas High School students fared better than Flagler Palm Coast’s, and both did better than Florida’s averages.
Jets Cut Mardy Gilyard Five Days After Picking Him Up, Leaving His Future Uncertain
The St. Louis Rams cut Mardy Gilyard on Sept. 3, the New York Jets picked him up on the 4th, then cut him five days later. The former Flagler Palm Coast High School and University of Cincinnati star has had a checkered few years.
15-Year-Old Kirt Smith Dies as a Result of Injuries from Seminole Woods Blvd. Collision
Kirt Smith, 15, was riding south with a friend on Seminole Woods Blvd. at 9 p.m. Friday when he was struck by a pick-up truck driven by Gary White Jr. Smith died at 5:37 p.m. Aug. 29.
From Bad to Worse: Flagler and Florida Students Near Bottom in National ACT Scores
There’s plenty of back-patting when Flagler students are compared to their Florida peers. When Flagler and Florida students are compared to students across the nation, the story is much bleaker.
IB Extended Essay Guide for Students
IB Extended Essay Guide: how to write the International Baccalaureate extended essay. A complete student guide with subject-specific examples.
Paging All Parents: Flagler Schools Launch “Graduate One” Campaign on Aug. 4
Flagler schools want parents better informed and more involved as graduation requirements increase. The district is hosting a countywide orientation session at nine locations on Aug. 4 under the banner of its “Graduate One Everyone” campaign.
Florida Graduation Requirements for Students Entering 9th Grade, 2011-2017
Florida high school graduation requirements for entering 9th graders from 2011-12 to 2016-17: a year-by-year guide including FCAT, end-of-year-course assessments and science requirements.