Detailed, charted table of the Census Bureau’s employment, income and labor data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 American Community Survey.
All Else
Population and Demographics Data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 Census Bureau Community Survey
Detailed, charted table of the Census Bureau’s population and demographics data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 American Community Survey.
Social Profile for for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 Census Bureau’s Community Survey
Detailed, charted table of the Census Bureau’s social profile (marriages, divorces, origins) data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 American Community Survey.
Housing and Real Estate Data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 Census Bureau’s Community Survey
Detailed, charted table of the Census Bureau’s housing, development and real estate data for Flagler County and Palm Coast, 2009 American Community Survey.
The Live Wire, Sept. 29: Apologias from Kent Sharples, Alan Grayson and Socrates
Bush and Cardinal Newman has nothing on Kent Sharples, Alan Grayson and Marco Rubio slither, consumer confidence tanks, the Florida tea party is attacking judges, and more.
Palm Coast Consistently Beating Florida As Taxable Sales Indicators Continue to Improve
Tourism and retail sales, and fewer people traveling elsewhere to buy goods, are keeping Palm Coast’s taxable sales among the most-improved in the state, compared with 2009.
The Live Wire, Sept. 28: War Crimes, Pill Mills, Confederates and God
US soldiers as murderers, Florida pill mills poisoning the South, Bertrand Russell on God, tales from Fatland, folding up the Confederacy, and more.
The Live Wire, Sept. 27: Liquoring Up on Genesis, Mark Rothko and Jimmy Carter
It’s Banned Books Week; before ABC liquor, there was green; the Jimmy Carter diaries; let’s not forget Mark Rothko’s birthday, nor a limerick from Dallas the day.
Backgrounder: Why the U.S. Postal Service Is In Trouble
All the facts, figures and projections about the US Postal Services financial troubles and means of escaping them as the USPS prepares to consolidate its Daytona Beach processing facility with Lake Mary’s.
Creationism Creeping Back Into a Florida Science Textbook Is Necessarily Excised
Florida Citizens for Science detect inaccuracies and flat-out misrepresentations of evolutionary science in a marine science textbook; state officials appear ready to delete the creationism-inspired passages.
Fine Arts Auction at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Oct. 16
Admission is $20 a person, auction prices begin at $65. The auction is a fund-raiser for the private Catholic K-8 school on Belle Terre Blvd.
The Live Wire Weekend: Kent Sharples’ Latest Folly, Scott Sinking and Panthers Rising
Kent Sharples raids Daytona College fund to pay rock stars, Alex Sink is beating Scott, Obama is not as anti-business as he appears, Dali on “What’s My Line,” and much more.
The Live Wire, September 23: Taj Mahals, Obama Shake-Ups and Gay Santas
Marco Rubio as Taj Mahal pasha, Mainland Coach Maronto resigns, police brutality on the elderly in Orlando, Harvey Firestein as gay Santa, septic tank emanations, Philip Roth on suicide, and more.
Ending 33-Year Disgrace, Appeals Court Rules Florida’s Gay Adoption Ban Unconstitutional (Updated)
Updated at 2:55 p.m. The unanimous decision found no rational basis in the state’s prohibition on gay adoptions, and Gov. Crist, who’d once supported the ban, termed the decision “great.”
The Other Tax Referendum: School District Battles Misperceptions to Preserve Levy
What looks like a new school tax on the Nov. 2 ballot is, in fact, the continuation of a tax property owners have been paying all along. The school district still has a battle on its hand to convince voters.
The Live Wire, Sept. 22: Senate Does in Gays (Again), Crist Does Disney
The Senate sticks it to gays in the military and to potential citizens, Charlie Crist’s Disney finances are murky, poverty as a conspiracy of fees, a firing at UF, and more.
The Live Wire, September 21: You Call This a Recovery?
False economic recovery, changing the rules of comp plan amendments, dead voters still active in Florida, how Florida wasted taxdollars in the stock-market, and more.
Town Center CRA: How Palm Coast Invented “Blightness” to Capture and Hoard Tax Revenue
In 2004, Palm Coast declared 3,000 acres of scrub and pine forest “blighted” and in need of “redevelopment.” The Town Center “Community Redevelopment Agency” was born.
Mica Challenger Heather Beaven’s First TV Ad Soldiers On, Without a Fight
Heather Beaven is running for Congress against nine-term incumbent John Mica, though her first TV ad, less than two months from the election, is more of an early-summer and gentle meet-and-greet.
The Live Wire, Sept. 20: The Chamber of Commerce’s Ricky Scotty Hypocrisy
The Chamber of Commerce’s Scotty hypocrisy, Rick Scott’s fraudulent math, over 50 and facing permanent unemployment, madness at the Orlando Magic’s new arena, India’s prostitutes of god, and more.
The Live Wire Weekend Edition: Chief Chitwood’s Moron Moment
The Daytona police chief calls the Volusia sheriff a “moron,” Ginn defaults on another property, John Tanner enters the Daytona State College board follies, FedEx lays off in Lakeland and elsewhere–and raises its earnings outlook, and more.
The Live Wire: September 16, 2010
8 p.m. Update Live coverage of the Flagler Beach City Commission’s discussion on its next manager. Also: Competing congregations in Flagler Beach, but no demonstrations. Attention fired Bunnell cops: the Border Patrol is hiring. Florida is redistricting. NASA is going nowhere fast. Florida’s Energy Star program is hostage to GOP games. And more.
The Live Wire: September 15, 2010
1,000 Friends of Florida reverses course on the Hometown Democracy amendment, going “neutral”; Koran 101 at UF, why Palm Coast Data should worry, and more.
The Live Wire, Sept. 14: Cops Chase Drug Suspect Around Pine Lakes Parkway
Why you saw all those cop cars and flack-jacketed deputies around Pine Lakes Parkway this afternoon, Civil War reenactments coming to the Ag Museum, tripping seniors, scoping out bin Laden, and much more.
Culture Worth the Miles: Nature Walks and Art Along the Highway
Have a hand in a community masterpiece at an “Eat, Paint and Party” arts district benefit at Orlando’s Sonesta Hotel Downtown, the art of the Florida Highwaymen (26 black artists of the 1950s and 60s), and more.
The Live Wire: September 13, 2010
Hurricane Igor update, UF’s drop to #10, an ad agency managing a state-funded pregnancy care system, the UF Alligator defends Koran-hating Terry Jones’s right to free speech, Florida is number 1 in corruption, and more.
Net Neutrality: The First Amendment Issue of Our Time
“Protecting an open Internet,” Sen. Al Franken argues, “isn’t just about developing new and enforceable net neutrality standards. It is also about making sure that the Internet isn’t effectively owned by a handful of companies.”
Obama Condemns Gainesville Koran-Burning as FBI Warns of Possible Retaliation in Florida
As protesters burn Gainesville Pastor Terry Jones in effigy and the FBI warns of possible retaliations in Florida, Obama joins condemnations of the planned Koran-burning.
Longer Hours at the Indian Trails Middle School Media Center–and the Kitchen Sisters Club Kicks Off
ITMS Media Center library hours are extended to 3:30p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays for any student with a parent-signed pass. ITMS is also starting a girls-only club called Kitchen Sisters.
Gen. Patraeus Warns: If Gainesville “Church” Burns Korans, U.S. Troops Will Be Targeted
A Gainesville “church”‘s plan to burn Korans on to commemorate 9/11 “could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort,” Petraeus said. The Koran-burning preacher is unmoved.
Enterprise Flagler’s Tax and Build Plan, Part 4: Wins and Losses
Part 4 of Enterprise Flagler’s “economic development” tax plan, word for word.
Enterprise Flagler’s Tax and Build Plan, Part 3: Details and Talking Points
Part 3 of Enterprise Flagler’s “economic development” tax plan, word for word: Details and Talking Points of the what and where. (Flagler’s New Game Plan)
Enterprise Flagler’s Tax and Build Plan, Part 2: The FAQ
Part 2 of Enterprise Flagler’s “economic development” tax plan, word for word: FAQ (Flagler’s New Game Plan)
Enterprise Flagler’s Tax and Build Plan Revealed: How They’ll Seek Your Vote
The 4,200-word plan is presented here uncut, providing readers with a first, comprehensive look at how Enterprise Flagler will sell its tax plan to subsidize private industrial incentives at public expense.
Neo-Supremacy Chic: Glenn Beck
And Sarah Palin’s Tea-Scalding of MLK
Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s biggest “tea party” rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s most famous speech signals the arrival of a neo-supremacist political movement in god’s clothing.
Work Crews–and Businesses–Idle Around Flagler Beach Farmers’ Market Land Dispute
Flagler Beach’s reconstruction of streets and sidewalks may have encroached on segments of the property belonging to the owners of the city’s weekly farmer’s market.
Tucker Wins, Fischer and Sword in Runoff; McLaughlin Beats Abbott; Dwyer and Nowell Out
FlaglerLive will provide updated election results in the 2010 primary in all races relevant to Flagler County voters, including olegislative and statewide races.
Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis May Be On the Rise in Flagler, Health Department Cautions
The disease is rare but has severe consequences, and the department’s “sentinel” chickens have shown an increase in symptoms of the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus.
When Not Voting Is The Loudest Vote
Voting is neither a virtue nor a responsibility. It is a neutral civil right. Not voting is a right of equal weight, a choice as defensible as the choice to vote. Both are exercises in freedom.
Is Fox News a Terrorist Command Center? Stewart Asks, and Answers
A couple of clips attempt to set Rupert Murdoch and other American mullahs straight on their opposition to the so-called Ground Zero mosque.
Aerial View of Florida Hospital Flagler Campus, 2010
Large aerial view of Florida Hospital Flagler campus and property line, 2010.
Palm Coast Administrative Report on Florida Hospital Flagler’s Rezoning Application
Palm Coast Community Development Department’s staff report for Florida Hospital Flagler’s rezoning application, August 2010.
Experts: Argue All You Want, Mosque Project Is on Firm Legal Ground
Whatever its detractors say, the project to build a 15-story Islamic center, including a mosque, near Ground Zero has the law, including a particular GOP law, unquestionably on its side.
State Attorney’s Investigative Report on Bunnell Police Department and City Commissioner Jimmy Flynt:
Part 6 of 6
State Attorney’s 2010 Investigative Report on Bunnell Police Department and City Commissioner James “Jimmy” Flynt and Saxon’s Wreckers: Part 6 of 6
Krauthammer’s Sacrilege: When Reactionaries Fire Up their Sunday Missals–and Miss
A comparison of Ground Zero’s neighborhood to Auschwitz or Gettysburg is ridiculous, given the ritzy and lurid neighborhood of Ground Zero. Walk the walk.
Breaking His Silence, Obama Defends Mosque Near Ground Zero
The president’s Ramadan speech at the White House was not as soaring as Mayor Bloomberg’s defense of the Islamic center in Lower Manhattan, but it was forceful and left no doubts about the president’s stance.
Pierre on WNZF’s Open Lines with David Ayers This Morning
Chatting it up about local politics, local media, the primary election, the good referendum on the ballot and the very bad one, and more.
Flagler County Early Voting Locations and Times
Early voting in the Flagler primary election runs from August 9 through August 21, Monday – Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Here’s a list of locations.
Supervisor of Elections Scans Boards Through Emergency Meeting and 11th Hour Theatrics
An emergency meeting of the Flagler County Commission and some silly jockeying prefaced the certification of the county’s voting equipment.
Word on the Street: Palm Coast Data Adding 100+ Jobs
The Flagler Chamber of Commerce is hoping that the job announcement will buttress arguments for an “economic development” tax, though the connection is tenuous.